- Ο Εδουάρδος Ιωάννης Τρελώνυ (Αγγλικά: Edward John Trelawny, 1792 - 1881) ήταν Άγγλος τυχοδιώκτης και συγγραφέας. (el)
- Edward John Trelawny (* 13. November 1792 in Cornwall; † 13. August 1881 in ), aus einer alten walisischen Familie des Landadels stammend, war ein englischer Seemann, Abenteurer, Biograph und Schriftsteller. Mit den romantischen Dichtern Percy Bysshe Shelley und Lord Byron verband ihn eine Freundschaft. (de)
- Edward John TRELAWNEY (13a de Novembro 1792 – 13a de Aŭgusto 1881) estis biografiisto, novelisto kaj aventuristo kiu estas plej bone konata pro sia amikeco kun la romantismaj poetoj Percy Bysshe Shelley kaj Lord Byron. (eo)
- Edward John Trelawny (13 November 1792 – 13 August 1881) was a British biographer, novelist and adventurer who is best known for his friendship with the Romantic poets Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Trelawny was born in England to a family of modest income but extensive ancestral history. Though his father became wealthy while he was a child, Edward had an antagonistic relationship with him. After an unhappy childhood, he was sent away to a school. He was assigned as a volunteer in the Royal Navy shortly before he turned thirteen. Trelawny served on multiple ships as a naval volunteer while in his teen years. He traveled to India and saw combat during engagements with the French Navy. He did not care for the naval lifestyle, however, and left at nineteen years of age without becoming a commissioned officer. After retiring from the navy, he had a brief and unhappy marriage in England. He then moved to Switzerland and later Italy where he met Shelley and Byron. He became friends with the two poets, and helped teach them about sailing. He enjoyed inventing elaborate stories about his time in the navy, and in one he claimed to have deserted and become a pirate in India. After Shelley's death, Trelawny identified his body and arranged the funeral and burial. Trelawny then travelled to Greece with Lord Byron in order to fight in the Greek War of Independence. Byron and Trelawny split up near Greece and Trelawny travelled into Greece to act as the agent of Lord Byron. After Byron died, Trelawny oversaw the preparations for the funeral and the return of his body to England. He also wrote his obituaries. Trelawny joined the cause of the Greek Revolutionary Odysseas Androutsos and helped to provide him with additional arms. He also married Odysseas' sister Tarsitsa. After Odysseas fell out of favour with the Greek government and was arrested, Trelawny took control of his mountain fortress. During this time, Trelawny survived an assassination attempt. After leaving Greece, he divorced Tarsitsa and returned to England. In England he was well received by members of London society. He then wrote a memoir titled Adventures of a Younger Son. After the book was published he travelled to America for two years before returning to England. He then became politically active but soon remarried and moved to the English countryside. He then lived the life of a country squire for 12 years and raised a family with his third wife. They eventually separated and he moved back to London with a mistress. He then wrote a well received book about Shelley and Byron. He soon became friends with several prominent artists and writers in London. He was able to share his firsthand experience with Romantic-era writers with the leading Victorian writers of the day. He later retired to Sompting, where he led an ascetic lifestyle. He died in Sompting at the age of 88, having outlived almost all of his friends from the Romantic era. (en)
- Edward John Trelawny (13 de noviembre de 1792–13 de agosto de 1881) fue un biógrafo, novelista y aventurero, amigo de Percy Bysshe Shelley y de Lord Byron. (es)
- Edward John Trelawny, né le 13 novembre 1792, probablement en Cornouailles et mort le 13 août 1881 à Sompting (Sussex de l'Ouest) est un biographe, romancier et aventurier anglais connu pour son amitié avec les poètes romantiques anglais Lord Byron et Shelley. Il s'engage très jeune dans la marine anglaise comme c'était la coutume d'alors et raconte avoir déserté son navire de la Royal Navy qui se trouvait dans l'Océan Indien. Il serait ensuite devenu corsaire au service de la France. Aventurier dans les mers du Sud, il déclare avoir commandé un bâtiment et participé à divers coups de main. En fait il avait banalement démissionné. Après 1815 il rencontre en Italie Lord Byron et Shelley et devient leur ami. Il accompagne Byron dans son expédition en Grèce insurgée ; il devient un partisan du chef militaire Odysséas Androútsos, qu'il rejoint en Phocide en mai 1824 et dont il épouse la demi-sœur âgée de 13 ans. Après la reddition d'Androutsos aux autorités grecques, il reste dans la grotte fortifiée qui lui servait de repaire. Il fait l'objet d'une tentative d'assassinat en juin 1825 par un autre Anglais, recevant deux balles. Il quitte la grotte en août et se réfugie à Céphalonie, où il reste jusqu'en 1828. Au cours de son séjour sur l'île, il divorce de sa femme après la naissance de leur fille. Il publie en 1831 ses Mémoires de jeunesse qui ont un succès européen et en France elles sont adaptées par Alexandre Dumas. Après un épisode mondain et politique comme libéral radical, il se retire à la campagne. Il meurt paisiblement en 1881 à 88 ans. Il est enterré au cimetière du Testaccio. Sur sa tombe sont inscrits les vers du poème de Shelley Épitaphe. Ses aventures (imaginaires ?) et son livre ont inspiré plusieurs auteurs de bande dessinée : Dieter et Éric Hérenguel pour la série Edward John Trelawnay, Richard Marazano et Alfonso Font pour Les Mémoires d'un gentilhomme corsaire. (fr)
- Эдвард Джон Трелони (англ. Edward John Trelawny; 13 ноября 1792 — 13 августа 1881) — английский мемуарист, известный прежде всего своей дружбой с английскими поэтами Байроном и Шелли. (ru)
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- 60627 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cape_of_Good_Hope
- dbr:Privateer
- dbr:Pseudonym
- dbr:Robert_Surcouf
- dbr:Rome
- dbr:Royal_Navy
- dbr:Behead
- dbr:Mutiny
- dbr:Benjamin_Disraeli
- dbr:Bombay
- dbc:Sailors_from_Cornwall
- dbr:Jonathan_Bate
- dbr:Percy_Bysshe_Shelley
- dbr:Richard_Edgcumbe,_2nd_Earl_of_Mount_Edgcumbe
- dbr:Desertion
- dbr:Down_and_Out_in_Purgatory:_The_Collected_Stories_of_Tim_Powers
- dbr:Inflation
- dbr:Adventurer
- dbr:Sir_Jonathan_Trelawny,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Novelist
- dbr:Messolonghi
- dbr:Corinth
- dbr:Cornwall
- dbr:Covent_Garden
- dbr:Marylebone
- dbr:Mauritius
- dbr:Salamis_Island
- dbr:Childe_Harold's_Pilgrimage
- dbr:Gentry
- dbr:Claire_Clairmont
- dbr:Edward_Lear
- dbr:Edward_Seymour,_1st_Duke_of_Somerset
- dbr:Edward_the_Confessor
- dbr:England
- dbr:French_Language
- dbr:French_Navy
- dbr:French_Revolution
- dbr:Geneva
- dbr:Genoa
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Giuseppe_Garibaldi
- dbr:Greek_War_of_Independence
- dbr:Corvette
- dbr:Theodoros_Kolokotronis
- dbr:Thomas_Gordon_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:Thomas_Jefferson_Hogg
- dbr:Thomas_Medwin
- dbr:Liverpool
- dbr:London
- dbr:Lord_Byron
- dbr:Simón_Bolívar
- dbr:Zakynthos
- dbr:House_of_Commons_of_Great_Britain
- dbc:British_biographers
- dbc:Writers_from_Cornwall
- dbr:Bristol
- dbr:British_Army
- dbr:Buenos_Aires
- dbc:19th-century_English_novelists
- dbc:Burials_in_the_Protestant_Cemetery,_Rome
- dbr:Tim_Powers
- dbr:Trachis
- dbr:Tripoli,_Greece
- dbr:Greek_Orthodox
- dbr:Albania
- dbr:Albaro
- dbr:Alexandros_Mavrokordatos
- dbr:Algernon_Charles_Swinburne
- dbr:Dyslexia
- dbr:Euboea
- dbr:Northwest_Passage
- dbr:Ottoman_Empire
- dbr:Daniel_Roberts_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbc:Personal_timelines
- dbr:Edward_Ellerker_Williams
- dbr:File:The_Fighting_Temeraire,_JMW_Turner,_National_Gallery.jpg
- dbr:Left-wing_politics
- dbr:Sir_Christopher_Hawkins,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Edward_Seymour,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Queen_Mab_(poem)
- dbr:Guinea_(coin)
- dbr:Harem
- dbr:Henry_Morgan
- dbr:Ionian_Islands
- dbr:J._M._W._Turner
- dbr:Jane_Williams
- dbr:Java
- dbr:Jean-Léon_Gérôme
- dbr:Asceticism
- dbr:Athens
- dbc:1792_births
- dbc:1881_deaths
- dbc:18th-century_English_people
- dbr:Charleston,_South_Carolina
- dbr:Cheshire
- dbc:People_from_Sompting
- dbr:John_Brown_(abolitionist)
- dbr:John_Everett_Millais
- dbr:John_Leech_(caricaturist)
- dbr:Kefalonia
- dbr:Lausanne
- dbr:Sussex
- dbr:Switzerland
- dbr:Donald_Prell
- dbr:Byron's_letters
- dbr:Piano
- dbr:Pisa
- dbr:Port_Authority
- dbr:Portsmouth
- dbr:Sompting
- dbr:Souliotes
- dbr:Grog
- dbr:Odysseas_Androutsos
- dbr:Joseph_Boehm
- dbr:Mast_(sailing)
- dbr:Romantic_poetry
- dbr:Schooner
- dbr:Charles_Trelawny-Brereton
- dbr:The_Satirist
- dbr:Philosophical_Radicals
- dbr:Revolutionary
- dbr:Shakespeare's_plays
- dbr:West_Country_dialects
- dbr:The_Life_of_Percy_Bysshe_Shelley
- dbr:Rights_of_women
- dbr:Biographer
- dbr:St._Helena
- dbr:File:Louis_Edouard_Fournier_-_The_Funeral_of_Shelley_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg
- dbr:File:Captain_Trelawny.jpg
- dbr:File:EJTbySevern1838.jpg
- dbr:File:Edward_John_Trelawny_ca_1860_restored.jpg
- dbr:File:Millais_-_Überfahrt_nach_Nordwest.jpg
- dbr:File:Trelawny.Grave.jpg
- dbr:File:Trelawny.by.Severn.jpg
- dbr:File:Trelawny_Family_Tree.jpg
- dbr:Seyer_school
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- London or Cornwall, England (en)
- Edward John Trelawney by W. E. West (en)
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- Trelawney,+Edward+John (en)
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- Edward John Trelawney (en)
- Adventures of a Younger Son (en)
- Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author (en)
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- Ο Εδουάρδος Ιωάννης Τρελώνυ (Αγγλικά: Edward John Trelawny, 1792 - 1881) ήταν Άγγλος τυχοδιώκτης και συγγραφέας. (el)
- Edward John Trelawny (* 13. November 1792 in Cornwall; † 13. August 1881 in ), aus einer alten walisischen Familie des Landadels stammend, war ein englischer Seemann, Abenteurer, Biograph und Schriftsteller. Mit den romantischen Dichtern Percy Bysshe Shelley und Lord Byron verband ihn eine Freundschaft. (de)
- Edward John TRELAWNEY (13a de Novembro 1792 – 13a de Aŭgusto 1881) estis biografiisto, novelisto kaj aventuristo kiu estas plej bone konata pro sia amikeco kun la romantismaj poetoj Percy Bysshe Shelley kaj Lord Byron. (eo)
- Edward John Trelawny (13 de noviembre de 1792–13 de agosto de 1881) fue un biógrafo, novelista y aventurero, amigo de Percy Bysshe Shelley y de Lord Byron. (es)
- Эдвард Джон Трелони (англ. Edward John Trelawny; 13 ноября 1792 — 13 августа 1881) — английский мемуарист, известный прежде всего своей дружбой с английскими поэтами Байроном и Шелли. (ru)
- Edward John Trelawny (13 November 1792 – 13 August 1881) was a British biographer, novelist and adventurer who is best known for his friendship with the Romantic poets Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Trelawny was born in England to a family of modest income but extensive ancestral history. Though his father became wealthy while he was a child, Edward had an antagonistic relationship with him. After an unhappy childhood, he was sent away to a school. He was assigned as a volunteer in the Royal Navy shortly before he turned thirteen. (en)
- Edward John Trelawny, né le 13 novembre 1792, probablement en Cornouailles et mort le 13 août 1881 à Sompting (Sussex de l'Ouest) est un biographe, romancier et aventurier anglais connu pour son amitié avec les poètes romantiques anglais Lord Byron et Shelley. Ses aventures (imaginaires ?) et son livre ont inspiré plusieurs auteurs de bande dessinée : Dieter et Éric Hérenguel pour la série Edward John Trelawnay, Richard Marazano et Alfonso Font pour Les Mémoires d'un gentilhomme corsaire. (fr)
- Edward John Trelawny (de)
- Εδουάρδος Ιωάννης Τρελώνυ (el)
- Edward John Trelawny (eo)
- Edward Trelawny (es)
- Edward John Trelawny (en)
- Edward John Trelawny (fr)
- Трелони, Эдвард Джон (ru)
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