About: Denis Healey

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Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC, FRSL (30 August 1917 – 3 October 2015) was a British Labour politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 and as Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970; he remains the longest-serving Defence Secretary to date. He was a Member of Parliament from 1952 to 1992, and was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party from 1980 to 1983. To the public at large, Healey became well known for his bushy eyebrows, his avuncular manner and his creative turns of phrase.

Property Value
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC, FRSL (30 August 1917 – 3 October 2015) was a British Labour politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 and as Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970; he remains the longest-serving Defence Secretary to date. He was a Member of Parliament from 1952 to 1992, and was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party from 1980 to 1983. To the public at large, Healey became well known for his bushy eyebrows, his avuncular manner and his creative turns of phrase. Healey attended the University of Oxford and served as a Major in the Second World War. He was later an agent for the Information Research Department, a secret branch of the Foreign Office dedicated to spreading anti-communist propaganda during the early Cold War. Healey was first elected to Parliament in a by-election in 1952 for the seat of Leeds South East. He moved to the seat of Leeds East at the 1955 election, which he represented until his retirement at the 1992 election. After Labour's victory at the 1964 election, he was appointed to the Cabinet by Prime Minister Harold Wilson as Defence Secretary; he held this role until Labour's defeat at the 1970 election, making him the longest-serving Secretary of State for Defence to date. When Labour returned to power after the 1974 election, Wilson appointed Healey Chancellor of the Exchequer. He stood for the leadership of the Labour Party in the election to replace Wilson in March 1976, but lost to James Callaghan; Callaghan retained Healey as Chancellor in his new government. During his time as Chancellor, Healey notably sought out an international loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the British economy, which imposed external conditions on public spending. Healey stood a second time for the leadership of the Labour Party in November 1980, but narrowly lost to Michael Foot. Foot immediately chose Healey as his Deputy Leader, but after the Labour Party agreed a series of changes to the rules governing leadership elections, Tony Benn launched a challenge to Healey for the role; the election was bitterly contested throughout most of 1981, and Healey was able to beat the challenge by less than 1%. Standing down as Deputy Leader after Labour's landslide defeat at the 1983 election, Healey remained in the Shadow Cabinet until 1987, and entered the House of Lords soon after his retirement from Parliament in 1992. Healey died in 2015 at the age of 98, having become the oldest sitting member of the House of Lords, and the last surviving member of Harold Wilson's first government formed in 1964. (en)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC (* 30. August 1917 in , Kent; † 3. Oktober 2015 in Alfriston, Sussex) war ein britischer Labour-Politiker. (de)
  • Denis Winston Healey, né à (sud-est de Londres) le 30 août 1917 et mort à Alfriston (Sussex de l'Est) le 3 octobre 2015, est un homme politique britannique, membre du Parti travailliste. Après des études brillantes et une carrière militaire remarquable, il s'engage en politique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et accède à de nombreuses responsabilités, notamment dans le domaine de la Défense comme Secrétaire d'État à la Défense de 1964 à 1970, mais surtout dans celui de l'économie. En tant que Chancelier de l'Échiquier entre 1974 et 1979, il doit faire face aux graves crises économiques de cette période. Il prend alors des décisions radicales, parfois critiquées dans son propre camp malgré leur efficacité. Bien que très présent sur la scène politique nationale pendant toute sa carrière, il n'accède jamais à la fonction la plus élevée, manquant plusieurs fois de peu une possible nomination comme Premier ministre. Remarquable par sa grande culture, son franc-parler et son insolence, Denis Healey marque l'histoire du Parti travailliste au XXe siècle par son courage politique comme par ses saillies insolentes et ses discours tonitruants. (fr)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC, FRSL (30 Agustus 1917 – 3 Oktober 2015) adalah seorang politikus Partai Buruh Britania Raya yang menjabat sebagai Menteri Pertahanan dari 1964 sampai 1970, Menteri Keuangan dari 1974 sampai 1979 dan Deputi Pemimpin Partai Buruh dari 1980 sampai 1983. Ia menjadi Anggota Parlemen selama 40 tahun (dari 1952 sampai ia pensiun pada 1992) dan merupakan anggota terakhir yang bertahan hidup dari kabinet yang dibentuk oleh Harold Wilson setelah kemenangan Partai Buruh dalam . (in)
  • Denis Winston Healey (Baron Healey), CH MBE, (Mottingham (toen in Kent, nu in Londen), 30 augustus 1917 – Alfriston, 3 oktober 2015) was een Brits politicus van de Labour-partij. (nl)
  • 데니스 윈스턴 힐리(Denis Winston Healey, 1917년 8월 30일 ~ 2015년 10월 3일)는 영국의 정치인이다. 예비역 영국 육군 소령이다. 1964년 10월부터 1970년 6월까지 국방부 장관을 역임했다. (ko)
  • ヒーリー男爵デニス・ウィンストン・ヒーリー(英語: Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey、1917年8月30日 - 2015年10月3日)は、イギリスの政治家。労働党に所属し、イギリス議会で62年間政治に携わった。 (ja)
  • Denis Winston Healey, baron Healey (ur. 30 sierpnia 1917 w , zm. 3 października 2015 w Alfriston) – brytyjski polityk, członek Partii Pracy. Minister w rządach Harolda Wilsona i Jamesa Callaghana. Odznaczony Orderem Towarzyszy Honoru i Kawalerią Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego (MBE). W 1976 r. ubiegał się o przywództwo Partii Pracy, po Haroldzie Wilsonie, ale został pokonany przez Jamesa Callaghana. W 1980 r. ponownie ubiegał się o przywództwo Partii Pracy, ale został pokonany przez Michaela Foota, którego został zastępcą (do 1983). (pl)
  • Denis Healey, barone Healey , è stato un politico inglese. Ricoprì il ruolo di Ministro della Difesa dal 1964 al 1970 e, successivamente, quello di Cancelliere dello Scacchiere dal 1974 al 1979. Nel 1992 divenne Pari del Regno Unito con il titolo di Barone Healey di Riddlesdene; da allora fu membro della Camera dei Lords. Fu due volte (1976, 1980) nel voto per la leadership del Partito Laburista. (it)
  • Де́нис Уи́нстон Хи́ли, барон Хили (англ. Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey; 30 августа 1917, Лондон, Великобритания — 3 октября 2015, , графство Восточный Суссекс, Великобритания) — британский государственный деятель, министр обороны Великобритании (1964—1970), канцлер казначейства (1974—1979). (ru)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, född 30 augusti 1917 i i Kent, död 3 oktober 2015 i Alfriston i East Sussex, var en brittisk politiker. Han var vice partiledare för Labour mellan 4 november 1980 och 2 oktober 1983. Mellan 1964 och 1970 var han Storbritanniens försvarsminister och mellan 1974 och 1979 landets finansminister. Healey deltog i andra världskriget i Royal Engineers i Nordafrika. (sv)
  • 丹尼士·溫斯頓·希利,希利男爵,CH,MBE,PC(Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey,1917年8月30日-2015年10月3日),英國工黨政治家,曾先後在1960年代和1970年代出任國防大臣及財政大臣等職。 (zh)
  • 1917-08-30 (xsd:date)
  • Denis Winston Healey (en)
  • 2015-10-03 (xsd:date)
  • 163076 (xsd:integer)
  • 57058 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118940682 (xsd:integer)
  • Saul Rose (en)
  • * Second World War **North African campaign **Italian campaign **Battle of Anzio (en)
  • William Gillies (en)
  • 1917-08-30 (xsd:date)
  • Denis Winston Healey (en)
  • Mottingham, Kent, England (en)
  • Healey in 1974 (en)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 2015-10-03 (xsd:date)
  • Alfriston, Sussex, England (en)
  • The Lord Healey (en)
  • Harold Wilson (en)
  • 1940 (xsd:integer)
  • 1945-12-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-07-21 (xsd:date)
  • dbr:Edna_Healey
  • (en)
  • her death (en)
  • 1970-06-19 (xsd:date)
  • 1979-05-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1983-10-02 (xsd:date)
  • 1964-10-16 (xsd:date)
  • 1974-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1980-11-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1945 (xsd:integer)
  • 1952 (xsd:integer)
  • 1955 (xsd:integer)
  • 1964 (xsd:integer)
  • 1974 (xsd:integer)
  • 1980 (xsd:integer)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC (* 30. August 1917 in , Kent; † 3. Oktober 2015 in Alfriston, Sussex) war ein britischer Labour-Politiker. (de)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC, FRSL (30 Agustus 1917 – 3 Oktober 2015) adalah seorang politikus Partai Buruh Britania Raya yang menjabat sebagai Menteri Pertahanan dari 1964 sampai 1970, Menteri Keuangan dari 1974 sampai 1979 dan Deputi Pemimpin Partai Buruh dari 1980 sampai 1983. Ia menjadi Anggota Parlemen selama 40 tahun (dari 1952 sampai ia pensiun pada 1992) dan merupakan anggota terakhir yang bertahan hidup dari kabinet yang dibentuk oleh Harold Wilson setelah kemenangan Partai Buruh dalam . (in)
  • Denis Winston Healey (Baron Healey), CH MBE, (Mottingham (toen in Kent, nu in Londen), 30 augustus 1917 – Alfriston, 3 oktober 2015) was een Brits politicus van de Labour-partij. (nl)
  • 데니스 윈스턴 힐리(Denis Winston Healey, 1917년 8월 30일 ~ 2015년 10월 3일)는 영국의 정치인이다. 예비역 영국 육군 소령이다. 1964년 10월부터 1970년 6월까지 국방부 장관을 역임했다. (ko)
  • ヒーリー男爵デニス・ウィンストン・ヒーリー(英語: Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey、1917年8月30日 - 2015年10月3日)は、イギリスの政治家。労働党に所属し、イギリス議会で62年間政治に携わった。 (ja)
  • Denis Winston Healey, baron Healey (ur. 30 sierpnia 1917 w , zm. 3 października 2015 w Alfriston) – brytyjski polityk, członek Partii Pracy. Minister w rządach Harolda Wilsona i Jamesa Callaghana. Odznaczony Orderem Towarzyszy Honoru i Kawalerią Orderu Imperium Brytyjskiego (MBE). W 1976 r. ubiegał się o przywództwo Partii Pracy, po Haroldzie Wilsonie, ale został pokonany przez Jamesa Callaghana. W 1980 r. ponownie ubiegał się o przywództwo Partii Pracy, ale został pokonany przez Michaela Foota, którego został zastępcą (do 1983). (pl)
  • Denis Healey, barone Healey , è stato un politico inglese. Ricoprì il ruolo di Ministro della Difesa dal 1964 al 1970 e, successivamente, quello di Cancelliere dello Scacchiere dal 1974 al 1979. Nel 1992 divenne Pari del Regno Unito con il titolo di Barone Healey di Riddlesdene; da allora fu membro della Camera dei Lords. Fu due volte (1976, 1980) nel voto per la leadership del Partito Laburista. (it)
  • Де́нис Уи́нстон Хи́ли, барон Хили (англ. Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey; 30 августа 1917, Лондон, Великобритания — 3 октября 2015, , графство Восточный Суссекс, Великобритания) — британский государственный деятель, министр обороны Великобритании (1964—1970), канцлер казначейства (1974—1979). (ru)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, född 30 augusti 1917 i i Kent, död 3 oktober 2015 i Alfriston i East Sussex, var en brittisk politiker. Han var vice partiledare för Labour mellan 4 november 1980 och 2 oktober 1983. Mellan 1964 och 1970 var han Storbritanniens försvarsminister och mellan 1974 och 1979 landets finansminister. Healey deltog i andra världskriget i Royal Engineers i Nordafrika. (sv)
  • 丹尼士·溫斯頓·希利,希利男爵,CH,MBE,PC(Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey,1917年8月30日-2015年10月3日),英國工黨政治家,曾先後在1960年代和1970年代出任國防大臣及財政大臣等職。 (zh)
  • Denis Winston Healey, Baron Healey, CH, MBE, PC, FRSL (30 August 1917 – 3 October 2015) was a British Labour politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 and as Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970; he remains the longest-serving Defence Secretary to date. He was a Member of Parliament from 1952 to 1992, and was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party from 1980 to 1983. To the public at large, Healey became well known for his bushy eyebrows, his avuncular manner and his creative turns of phrase. (en)
  • Denis Winston Healey, né à (sud-est de Londres) le 30 août 1917 et mort à Alfriston (Sussex de l'Est) le 3 octobre 2015, est un homme politique britannique, membre du Parti travailliste. Après des études brillantes et une carrière militaire remarquable, il s'engage en politique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et accède à de nombreuses responsabilités, notamment dans le domaine de la Défense comme Secrétaire d'État à la Défense de 1964 à 1970, mais surtout dans celui de l'économie. En tant que Chancelier de l'Échiquier entre 1974 et 1979, il doit faire face aux graves crises économiques de cette période. Il prend alors des décisions radicales, parfois critiquées dans son propre camp malgré leur efficacité. Bien que très présent sur la scène politique nationale pendant toute sa carrière, i (fr)
  • Denis Healey (en)
  • Denis Healey (de)
  • Denis Healey (fr)
  • Denis Healey (in)
  • Denis Healey (it)
  • デニス・ヒーリー (ja)
  • 데니스 힐리 (ko)
  • Denis Healey (nl)
  • Denis Healey (pl)
  • Хили, Денис Уинстон (ru)
  • Denis Healey (sv)
  • 丹尼士·希利 (zh)
  • The Lord Healey (en)
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