About: Clymenus

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In Greek mythology, Clymenus (/ˈklɪmɪnəs/; Ancient Greek: Κλύμενος, romanized: Klúmenos means "notorious" or "renowned") may refer to multiple individuals: * Clymenus, a son of Phoroneus by either Cerdo or Teledice or Cinna. He and his sister Chthonia founded a sanctuary of Demeter. * Clymenus was the son of Helios and king of Boeotia. In a variant genealogy, he is the father of the children of the Oceanid Merope (usually said to be the offspring of Helios and Clymene). These include Phaëton and the Heliades: Merope, Helie, Aegle, Lampetia, Phoebe, Aetherie, and Dioxippe. Sometimes Phaethousa is included in this number. The names "Clymenus" and "Merope" in Hyginus' version, which is not followed otherwise, may have resulted from incidental gender swap of the names of the Oceanid Clymene

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  • Segons la mitologia grega, Climen (en grec antic Κλύμενος Clímenos), fill de Presbó, va ser un rei d'Orcomen, que regnà després del rei d'aquest nom. Va morir lapidat per uns tebans al bosc sagrat de Posidó. Per venjar aquesta mort, el seu fill Ergí imposà un tribut a Tebes, del qual la deslliurà Hèracles. Va tenir uns quants fills: Ergí, Estraci, Arró, Pileu i Azeu, i una filla, Eurídice, que es casà amb Nèstor. Un altre Climen era arcadi, fill d'Esqueneu o potser de Teleu, rei d'Arcàdia, que va enamorar-se de la seva filla Harpàlice, i amb ajut de la seva dida va aconseguir posseir-la. Després va donar-la en matrimoni a Alàstor, però després, penedit, la va prendre al seu marit i la va retenir amb ell. La jove, per venjar-se de l'abús, va matar els seus germans menors, o els que havia tingut amb el seu pare, i els hi va donar per menjar. Climen, en saber-ho, va matar-la i després se suïcidà. Un altre Climen originari de la ciutat de Cidònia, a Creta, era fill de Cardis i descendent d'Hèracles. Va arribar a Olímpia uns cinquanta anys després del diluvi de Deucalió i va fundar els Jocs Olímpics. Va consagrar un altar als Curets i al seu avantpassat Hèracles. Va ser rei del país fins que Endimió el va destronar. Endimió va afegir una nova prova als Jocs, una cursa a peu, i va proposar als seus fills la successió al tron com a premi al guanyador. (ca)
  • Klymenos (řecky Κλύμενος, latinsky Clymenus) je v řecké mytologii jméno dvou postav. (cs)
  • Στην ελληνική μυθολογία με το όνομα Κλύμενος (που σημαίνει «περίφημος») είναι γνωστά τα παρακάτω 4 πρόσωπα: 1. * Βασιλιάς του Ορχομενού της Βοιωτίας, γιος του και απόγονος του Ηρακλή, δηλαδή Ηρακλείδης. Μετά τον Κατακλυσμό του Δευκαλίωνα, ο Κλύμενος εγκαταστάθηκε στην Ολυμπία, όπου ίδρυσε τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες και έκτισε βωμούς στους Κουρήτες. Τελικώς τον έδιωξε από τον θρόνο του ο Ενδυμίωνας. 2. * Βασιλιάς της Αρκαδίας, γιος του . Ο Κλύμενος ερωτεύθηκε την ίδια του την κόρη, την Αρπαλύκη. Την απήγαγε από τον σύζυγό της και απέκτησε μαζί της ένα γιο. Για να τον εκδικηθεί η Αρπαλύκη σκότωσε το παιδί τους και έδωσε το κρέας του ως γεύμα στον πατέρα της. Ο Κλύμενος τότε σκότωσε την κόρη του και μετά αυτοκτόνησε. 3. * Βοιωτός ήρωας τον οποίο σκότωσαν οι Θηβαίοι με λιθοβολισμό μέσα στο ιερό άλσος. Ο γιος του για να εκδικηθεί τους Θηβαίους όταν κατέλαβε την εξουσία, τους όρισε πολύ βαριά φορολογία, που καταργήθηκε από τον Ηρακλή. 4. * Με το όνομα «Κλύμενος» αναφέρεται και ένας από τους Αργοναύτες. (el)
  • Klimeno (helene Κλύμενος, latine Clymenus) estis en la helena mitologio nomo de du staturoj. (eo)
  • In Greek mythology, Clymenus (/ˈklɪmɪnəs/; Ancient Greek: Κλύμενος, romanized: Klúmenos means "notorious" or "renowned") may refer to multiple individuals: * Clymenus, a son of Phoroneus by either Cerdo or Teledice or Cinna. He and his sister Chthonia founded a sanctuary of Demeter. * Clymenus was the son of Helios and king of Boeotia. In a variant genealogy, he is the father of the children of the Oceanid Merope (usually said to be the offspring of Helios and Clymene). These include Phaëton and the Heliades: Merope, Helie, Aegle, Lampetia, Phoebe, Aetherie, and Dioxippe. Sometimes Phaethousa is included in this number. The names "Clymenus" and "Merope" in Hyginus' version, which is not followed otherwise, may have resulted from incidental gender swap of the names of the Oceanid Clymene and her mortal husband Merops. * Clymenus, who killed Hodites during the fight between Phineus and Perseus. * Clymenus, son of and a descendant of Heracles of Ida. He became king of Olympia but was deposed by Endymion. He was credited with founding the temple of Athena Cydonia in Phrixa, Elis. * Clymenus, a Calydonian prince as the son of King Oeneus and Althaea, daughter of King Thestius of Pleuron. He was the brother of Meleager, Periphas, Agelaus (or ), Thyreus (or Phereus or Pheres), Deianeira, Gorge, Eurymede and Melanippe. When the war between the Curetes and the Calydonians broke out, Clymenus along with his brothers, including Meleager, all fell during the battle. * Clymenus or Periclymenus, son of either Presbon or Orchomenus (in the latter case, brother of Aspledon and ) and a King of Orchomenus in Boeotia, which he inherited from its eponym Orchomenus - either as his son, or (in the version that makes him a son of Presbon) because Orchomenus left the kingdom to him, having no children of his own. By Boudeia or Bouzyge, daughter of Lycus, Clymenus was father of five sons: Erginus, Stratius, Arrhon, , Azeus, and two daughters: Eurydice and Axia. At a festival of Poseidon at Onchestus, Clymenus quarreled with a group of Thebans over a minor cause and was mortally wounded as a result of a stone thrown at him by Perieres, the charioteer of Menoeceus. Being brought home half dead, Clymenus told Erginus, his successor-to-be, to avenge his death, and died; Erginus then led a war against Thebes. * Clymenus, king of Arcadia, was the son of either Schoeneus or . He committed incest with his daughter Harpalyce which prompted him to commit suicide afterwards. Clymenus' sons were Idas and . He was also said to have eaten in a banquet the flesh of his sons by his own daughter Harpalyce. * Clymenus, one of the Argonauts, and the brother of Iphiclus. He was probably son of Phylacus and Clymene and thus brother of Alcimede, mother of Jason. * Clymenus, one of the sons of King Aeolus of Lipara, the keeper of the winds. He had five brothers namely: Periphas, Agenor, Euchenor, Xouthos and Macareus, and six sisters: Klymene, Kallithyia, Eurygone, Lysidike, Kanake and an unnamed one. According to various accounts, Aeolus yoked in marriage his sons, including Clymenus, and daughters in order to preserve concord and affection among them. * Clymenus, one of the Suitors of Penelope who came from Dulichium along with other 56 wooers. He, with the other suitors, was shot dead by Odysseus with the help of Eumaeus, Philoetius, and Telemachus. * Clymenus, a surname of Hades. (en)
  • 81689 (xsd:integer)
  • 13869 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117204538 (xsd:integer)
  • Klymenos (řecky Κλύμενος, latinsky Clymenus) je v řecké mytologii jméno dvou postav. (cs)
  • Klimeno (helene Κλύμενος, latine Clymenus) estis en la helena mitologio nomo de du staturoj. (eo)
  • Segons la mitologia grega, Climen (en grec antic Κλύμενος Clímenos), fill de Presbó, va ser un rei d'Orcomen, que regnà després del rei d'aquest nom. Va morir lapidat per uns tebans al bosc sagrat de Posidó. Per venjar aquesta mort, el seu fill Ergí imposà un tribut a Tebes, del qual la deslliurà Hèracles. Va tenir uns quants fills: Ergí, Estraci, Arró, Pileu i Azeu, i una filla, Eurídice, que es casà amb Nèstor. (ca)
  • Στην ελληνική μυθολογία με το όνομα Κλύμενος (που σημαίνει «περίφημος») είναι γνωστά τα παρακάτω 4 πρόσωπα: 1. * Βασιλιάς του Ορχομενού της Βοιωτίας, γιος του και απόγονος του Ηρακλή, δηλαδή Ηρακλείδης. Μετά τον Κατακλυσμό του Δευκαλίωνα, ο Κλύμενος εγκαταστάθηκε στην Ολυμπία, όπου ίδρυσε τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες και έκτισε βωμούς στους Κουρήτες. Τελικώς τον έδιωξε από τον θρόνο του ο Ενδυμίωνας. 2. * Βασιλιάς της Αρκαδίας, γιος του . Ο Κλύμενος ερωτεύθηκε την ίδια του την κόρη, την Αρπαλύκη. Την απήγαγε από τον σύζυγό της και απέκτησε μαζί της ένα γιο. Για να τον εκδικηθεί η Αρπαλύκη σκότωσε το παιδί τους και έδωσε το κρέας του ως γεύμα στον πατέρα της. Ο Κλύμενος τότε σκότωσε την κόρη του και μετά αυτοκτόνησε. 3. * Βοιωτός ήρωας τον οποίο σκότωσαν οι Θηβαίοι με λιθοβολισμό μέσα στο (el)
  • In Greek mythology, Clymenus (/ˈklɪmɪnəs/; Ancient Greek: Κλύμενος, romanized: Klúmenos means "notorious" or "renowned") may refer to multiple individuals: * Clymenus, a son of Phoroneus by either Cerdo or Teledice or Cinna. He and his sister Chthonia founded a sanctuary of Demeter. * Clymenus was the son of Helios and king of Boeotia. In a variant genealogy, he is the father of the children of the Oceanid Merope (usually said to be the offspring of Helios and Clymene). These include Phaëton and the Heliades: Merope, Helie, Aegle, Lampetia, Phoebe, Aetherie, and Dioxippe. Sometimes Phaethousa is included in this number. The names "Clymenus" and "Merope" in Hyginus' version, which is not followed otherwise, may have resulted from incidental gender swap of the names of the Oceanid Clymene (en)
  • Climen (ca)
  • Klymenos (cs)
  • Κλύμενος (el)
  • Klimeno (eo)
  • Clymenus (en)
  • Clímeno (es)
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