- Chaos Crags is the youngest group of lava domes in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. They formed as six dacite domes 1,100-1,000 years ago, one dome collapsing during an explosive eruption about 70 years later. The eruptions at the Chaos Crags mark one of just three instances of Holocene activity within the Lassen volcanic center. The cluster of domes is located north of Lassen Peak and form part of the southernmost segment of the Cascade Range in Northern California. Each year, a lake forms at the base of the Crags, and typically dries by the end of the summer season. From the base of the crags and extending toward the northwest corner of the park is Chaos Jumbles, a rock avalanche that undermined Chaos Crags' northwest slope 300 years ago. Riding on a cushion of compressed air (see sturzstrom), the rock debris traveled at about 100 miles per hour (160 km/h), flattened the forest before it, and dammed Manzanita Creek, forming Manzanita Lake. In addition to the possibility of forming additional lava domes, future activity at the Chaos Crags could pose hazards from pumice, pyroclastic flows, or rockfalls. Geological study of the Chaos Crags, which continues today, began in the late 1920s, when Howel Williams wrote about its pyroclastic rock deposits, rockfall avalanches, and eruptions. The area is monitored for rockslide threats, which could threaten the local area. The Crags and the surrounding area's lakes and forests support numerous plant and animal species. The area is not a popular destination for visitors, despite its accessibility. The Chaos Crags and Crags Lake Trail, which lasts about three hours round-trip, offers views of volcanic phenomena nearby, as well as the Hat Creek valley and the Thousand Lakes Wilderness. (en)
- Le Chaos Crags est un volcan situé au nord de la Californie à l'ouest des États-Unis dans la partie méridionale de la chaîne des Cascades. Formé vers 800 à 1000 apr. J.-C., il est le plus jeune dôme de lave du parc national de Lassen Volcanic. À la base nord-ouest du dôme se trouve le Chaos Jumbles, une zone recouverte de débris volcaniques propulsés par le volcan durant le XVIIe siècle. Les débris ont balayé les arbres de la zone et ont obstrué le ruisseau ce qui a causé la formation du lac Manzanita. En 1974, le National Park Service et l'United States Geological Survey décident de fermer le centre pour visiteurs du parc national et les infrastructures à proximité du volcan pour éviter tout danger en cas de tremblement de terre ou de nouvelle éruption. (fr)
- De Chaos Crags zijn een groep lavakoepels in Lassen Volcanic National Park in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. Ze werden 1100 à 1000 jaar geleden gevormd en zijn daarmee de jongste lavakoepels in het park. De Chaos Crags liggen ten noorden van Lassen Peak. Vanaf de basis van de rotsen en uitgespreid in noordwestelijke richting liggen de Chaos Jumbles, de restanten van een rotslawine die de noordwestelijke helling van de Chaos Crags 300 jaar geleden onderuit haalde. De rotslawine verplaatste zich aan ongeveer 160 km per uur. Ze maaide het bos weg en zette de Manzanita Creek af, waardoor Manzanita Lake gevormd werd. In 1974 sloot de National Park Service op advies van de United States Geological Survey (USGS) het bezoekerscentrum nabij Manzanita Lake omdat dat het risico liep onder een rotslawine bedolven te geraken wanneer de regio opnieuw geteisterd zou worden door een aardbeving of vulkaanuitbarsting. (nl)
- Con Chaos Crags (letteralmente: "Dirupi del caos") si fa riferimento al gruppo più giovane di duomi di lava presente nel parco nazionale vulcanico di Lassen, nella California settentrionale (USA), essendosi formati in cinque strutture laviche di dacite 1100-1000 anni fa. Il raggruppamento di duomi è localizzato a nord del Lassen Peak. Dalla base dei dirupi ed estendendosi verso l'angolo nord-ovest del parco si trovano i Chaos Jumbles ("Guazzabugli del caos"), ovvero una fredda valanga di roccia che erose alla base il versante nord-ovest di Chaos Crags 300 anni fa. "Galleggiando" su una frana di grande movimento (vedi Sturzstrom), i detriti di roccia viaggiarono a circa 160 km/h, spazzando via la foresta situata dinanzi ad essi e generando una diga sul torrente Manzanita, la quale originò il lago oggi visibile. Nel 1974, il National Park Service accolse il consiglio della United States Geological Survey (USGS) e chiuse il centro visitatori e gli alloggi presso il lago Manzanita. L'ente affermava che questi edifici si sarebbero trovati sulla strada di una frana proveniente dai Chaos Crags in caso di terremoto o eruzione vulcanica verificatasi nell'area. Nel 2011, venti capanne prefabbricate furono reinstallate nel campeggio del lago Manzanita. Si concluse infatti negli anni 1980 che il pericolo della frana era stato sopravvalutato dall'USGS, e perciò le capanne furono reintrodotte nel parco per essere affittate di notte. (it)
- Chaos Crags is the youngest group of lava domes in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. They formed as six dacite domes 1,100-1,000 years ago, one dome collapsing during an explosive eruption about 70 years later. The eruptions at the Chaos Crags mark one of just three instances of Holocene activity within the Lassen volcanic center. The cluster of domes is located north of Lassen Peak and form part of the southernmost segment of the Cascade Range in Northern California. Each year, a lake forms at the base of the Crags, and typically dries by the end of the summer season. (en)
- Le Chaos Crags est un volcan situé au nord de la Californie à l'ouest des États-Unis dans la partie méridionale de la chaîne des Cascades. Formé vers 800 à 1000 apr. J.-C., il est le plus jeune dôme de lave du parc national de Lassen Volcanic. À la base nord-ouest du dôme se trouve le Chaos Jumbles, une zone recouverte de débris volcaniques propulsés par le volcan durant le XVIIe siècle. Les débris ont balayé les arbres de la zone et ont obstrué le ruisseau ce qui a causé la formation du lac Manzanita. (fr)
- Con Chaos Crags (letteralmente: "Dirupi del caos") si fa riferimento al gruppo più giovane di duomi di lava presente nel parco nazionale vulcanico di Lassen, nella California settentrionale (USA), essendosi formati in cinque strutture laviche di dacite 1100-1000 anni fa. Il raggruppamento di duomi è localizzato a nord del Lassen Peak. (it)
- De Chaos Crags zijn een groep lavakoepels in Lassen Volcanic National Park in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. Ze werden 1100 à 1000 jaar geleden gevormd en zijn daarmee de jongste lavakoepels in het park. De Chaos Crags liggen ten noorden van Lassen Peak. (nl)