- Der Sommersprossen-Anglerfisch (Antennatus coccineus) lebt in Küstengewässern mit tropischem Klima im Roten Meer und im Indopazifik von der Küste Ostafrikas bis an die Küste Panamas, Costa Ricas und zu den Galapagosinseln. (de)
- Antennatus coccineus, the scarlet or freckled frogfish, is a species of frogfish originally classified as Chironectes coccineus and Antennarius coccineus. It lives within tropical waters and has a central distribution being around Indo-East-Pacific areas- excluding Hawaii. The habitat of the scarlet frogfish is in the shallow zones of the ocean. It is found within reef areas, in rocky mounds or sponges where there are places for it to hide amongst from predators. The scarlet frogfish comes in a variety of colours, from tan and brown colours to bright reds and yellows and will grow to a maximum length of 13 centimetres (5.1 in). It can be identified taxonomically through its pectoral rays, the presence of dark patches that appear on its fins and body, along with its lack of distinctive tail base. The scarlet frogfish is not harmful to humans and is not caught by fisheries for consumption purposes, however it has been caught previously for studies relating to the abundance of reef-dwelling fish and as bycatch of shrimp trawling. Similar to other frogfish species, the scarlet frogfish is a predatory carnivore and exhibits a low degree of sociality, only interacting with other scarlet frogfish during their mating period. (en)
- Antennatus coccineus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Antennariidae familian. (eu)
- El ranisapo escarlata es la especie Antennatus coccineus, un pez marino de la familia de los antenáridos distribuido por los océanos Índico y Pacífico, así como en el mar Rojo. (es)
- Antennatus coccineus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de voelsprietvissen (Antennariidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1831 door Lesson. (nl)
- 細斑手躄魚(学名:Antennatus coccineus),又名五腳虎,为輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目躄魚亞目躄魚科手躄魚屬下的一个种,為熱帶海水魚,分布於印度太平洋區,從東非、紅海至Desventuradas群島海域,棲息深度1-75公尺,本魚體色多變,包括黃色、紅色或黃褐色,背鰭基部後有一模糊黑色斑點,誘餌大約等於第二背鰭棘的長度,餌球一個圓球狀的微白色一滴或是絲狀的,腹鰭的最後鰭條分叉,尾柄不存在,背鰭硬棘3、背鰭軟條12-13枚、臀鰭軟條7枚,體長可達13公分,棲息在潮池、潟湖、臨海礁石區,平時躲藏於礁石或海綿中,屬肉食性,卵生的,卵是黏在絲帶狀的鞘或者凝膠黏液團被稱為卵筏或卵罩,可作為觀賞魚。 (zh)
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- Antennatus coccineus and accompanied by its X-ray image, revealing a large prey in its stomach (en)
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- Antennarius coccineus SI3f.jpg (en)
- Antennarius coccineus X-ray.jpg (en)
- Antennarius-coccineus2.jpg (en)
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- *Chironectes coccineus (Lesson, 1831)
*Antennarius coccineus (en)
- Antennatus coccineus (en)
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- Der Sommersprossen-Anglerfisch (Antennatus coccineus) lebt in Küstengewässern mit tropischem Klima im Roten Meer und im Indopazifik von der Küste Ostafrikas bis an die Küste Panamas, Costa Ricas und zu den Galapagosinseln. (de)
- Antennatus coccineus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Antennariidae familian. (eu)
- El ranisapo escarlata es la especie Antennatus coccineus, un pez marino de la familia de los antenáridos distribuido por los océanos Índico y Pacífico, así como en el mar Rojo. (es)
- Antennatus coccineus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de voelsprietvissen (Antennariidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1831 door Lesson. (nl)
- 細斑手躄魚(学名:Antennatus coccineus),又名五腳虎,为輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目躄魚亞目躄魚科手躄魚屬下的一个种,為熱帶海水魚,分布於印度太平洋區,從東非、紅海至Desventuradas群島海域,棲息深度1-75公尺,本魚體色多變,包括黃色、紅色或黃褐色,背鰭基部後有一模糊黑色斑點,誘餌大約等於第二背鰭棘的長度,餌球一個圓球狀的微白色一滴或是絲狀的,腹鰭的最後鰭條分叉,尾柄不存在,背鰭硬棘3、背鰭軟條12-13枚、臀鰭軟條7枚,體長可達13公分,棲息在潮池、潟湖、臨海礁石區,平時躲藏於礁石或海綿中,屬肉食性,卵生的,卵是黏在絲帶狀的鞘或者凝膠黏液團被稱為卵筏或卵罩,可作為觀賞魚。 (zh)
- Antennatus coccineus, the scarlet or freckled frogfish, is a species of frogfish originally classified as Chironectes coccineus and Antennarius coccineus. It lives within tropical waters and has a central distribution being around Indo-East-Pacific areas- excluding Hawaii. The habitat of the scarlet frogfish is in the shallow zones of the ocean. It is found within reef areas, in rocky mounds or sponges where there are places for it to hide amongst from predators. The scarlet frogfish comes in a variety of colours, from tan and brown colours to bright reds and yellows and will grow to a maximum length of 13 centimetres (5.1 in). It can be identified taxonomically through its pectoral rays, the presence of dark patches that appear on its fins and body, along with its lack of distinctive tail (en)
- Antennatus coccineus (en)
- Sommersprossen-Anglerfisch (de)
- Antennatus coccineus (es)
- Antennatus coccineus (eu)
- Antennatus coccineus (nl)
- 細斑手躄魚 (zh)
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