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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 99
Volume 99, Number 1, 2011
- Thilo Krause, Göran Andersson, Klaus Fröhlich, Alfredo Vaccaro
Multiple-Energy Carriers: Modeling of Production, Delivery, and Consumption. 15-27 - Edward J. Coster, Johanna M. A. Myrzik
, Bas Kruimer, Wil L. Kling:
Integration Issues of Distributed Generation in Distribution Grids. 28-39 - Pravin Varaiya, Felix F. Wu, Janusz W. Bialek:
Smart Operation of Smart Grid: Risk-Limiting Dispatch. 40-57 - Marija D. Ilic:
Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems for Enabling Sustainable Energy Services. 58-79 - Vladimir V. Terzija
, Gustavo Valverde
, Deyu Cai, Pawel Regulski, Vahid Madani, John Fitch, Srdjan Skok, Miroslav Begovic, Arun G. Phadke:
Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection, and Control of Future Electric Power Networks. 80-93 - Yi Zhang, Marija D. Ilic, Ozan K. Tonguz:
Mitigating Blackouts via Smart Relays: A Machine Learning Approach. 94-118 - Alfredo Vaccaro
, Marjan Popov
, Domenico Villacci
, Vladimir V. Terzija
An Integrated Framework for Smart Microgrids Modeling, Monitoring, Control, Communication, and Verification. 119-132 - Alex Q. Huang
, Mariesa L. Crow
, Gerald Thomas Heydt, Jim P. Zheng, Steiner J. Dale:
The Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) System: The Energy Internet. 133-148 - Jayant Baliga, Robert Ayre, Kerry Hinton, Rodney S. Tucker:
Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing, Storage, and Transport. 149-167 - João A. Peças Lopes
, Filipe Joel Soares
, Pedro Miguel Rocha Almeida:
Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Electric Power System. 168-183 - Duncan S. Callaway, Ian A. Hiskens:
Achieving Controllability of Electric Loads. 184-199 - Michiel Houwing, Rudy R. Negenborn, Bart De Schutter
Demand Response With Micro-CHP Systems. 200-213 - Le Xie
, Pedro M. S. Carvalho
, Luis A. F. M. Ferreira, Juhua Liu, Bruce H. Krogh, Nipun Popli, Marija D. Ilic:
Wind Integration in Power Systems: Operational Challenges and Possible Solutions. 214-232
Volume 99, Number 2, 2011
- Mark D. McDonnell
Is electrical noise useful? [Point of View]. 242-246 - Jim Esch:
Prolog to "Growing Cells Atop Microelectronic Chips: Interfacing Electrogenic Cells In Vitro With CMOS-Based Microelectrode Arrays". 249-251 - Andreas Hierlemann
, Urs Frey
, Sadik Hafizovic, Flavio Heer:
Growing Cells Atop Microelectronic Chips: Interfacing Electrogenic Cells In Vitro With CMOS-Based Microelectrode Arrays. 252-284 - Richard O'Donnell:
Prolog to "Fifty Years of Acoustic Feedback Control: State of the Art and Future Challenges". 285-287 - Toon van Waterschoot
, Marc Moonen:
Fifty Years of Acoustic Feedback Control: State of the Art and Future Challenges. 288-327 - Richard O'Donnell:
Prolog to "Privacy-Aware Design Principles for Information Networks". 328-329 - Stephen B. Wicker, Dawn E. Schrader:
Privacy-Aware Design Principles for Information Networks. 330-350
Volume 99, Number 3, 2011
- Raymond W. Yeung:
Network Coding: A Historical Perspective. 366-371 - Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Qifu Tyler Sun, Ziyu Shao:
Linear Network Coding: Theory and Algorithms. 372-387 - Randall Dougherty, Christopher F. Freiling, Kenneth Zeger:
Network Coding and Matroid Theory. 388-405 - Zhen Zhang:
Theory and Applications of Network Error Correction Coding. 406-420 - Ning Cai, Terence Chan
Theory of Secure Network Coding. 421-437 - Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
Reliable Physical Layer Network Coding. 438-460 - Christina Fragouli:
Network Coding: Beyond Throughput Benefits. 461-475 - Alexandros G. Dimakis, Kannan Ramchandran, Yunnan Wu, Changho Suh
A Survey on Network Codes for Distributed Storage. 476-489 - Jay Kumar Sundararajan, Devavrat Shah, Muriel Médard, Szymon Jakubczak, Michael Mitzenmacher, João Barros
Network Coding Meets TCP: Theory and Implementation. 490-512 - Baochun Li, Di Niu:
Random Network Coding in Peer-to-Peer Networks: From Theory to Practice. 513-523
Volume 99, Number 4, 2011
- Hakan Urey, Kishore V. Chellappan, Erdem Erden, Philip Surman
State of the Art in Stereoscopic and Autostereoscopic Displays. 540-555 - Myungjin Cho, Mohammad Mehdi DaneshPanah, Inkyu Moon, Bahram Javidi:
Three-Dimensional Optical Sensing and Visualization Using Integral Imaging. 556-575 - Levent Onural
, Fahri Yaras, Hoonjong Kang:
Digital Holographic Three-Dimensional Video Displays. 576-589 - Frederik Zilly, Josef Kluger, Peter Kauff:
Production Rules for Stereo Acquisition. 590-606 - Aljoscha Smolic
, Peter Kauff, Sebastian Knorr
, Alexander Hornung, Matthias Kunter, Marcus Müller, Manuel Lang:
Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing. 607-625 - Anthony Vetro, Thomas Wiegand, Gary J. Sullivan
Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Standard. 626-642 - Karsten Müller, Philipp Merkle, Thomas Wiegand:
3-D Video Representation Using Depth Maps. 643-656 - Ikhwana Elfitri
, Banu Gunel
, Ahmet M. Kondoz:
Multichannel Audio Coding Based on Analysis by Synthesis. 657-670 - Thomas Schierl, Sam Narasimhan:
Transport and Storage Systems for 3-D Video Using MPEG-2 Systems, RTP, and ISO File Format. 671-683 - David Broberg:
Infrastructures for Home Delivery, Interfacing, Captioning, and Viewing of 3-D Content. 684-693 - Cihat Göktug Gürler, Burak Görkemli, Gorkem Saygili
, A. Murat Tekalp
Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks. 694-707 - Atanas P. Gotchev, Gözde B. Akar, Tolga K. Çapin, Dominik Strohmeier, Atanas Boev:
Three-Dimensional Media for Mobile Devices. 708-741
Volume 99, Number 5, 2011
- Martin A. Slade, Lance A. M. Benner, Arnold Silva:
Goldstone Solar System Radar Observatory: Earth-Based Planetary Mission Support and Unique Science Results. 757-769 - Lynn M. Carter
, Donald B. Campbell, Bruce A. Campbell:
Geologic Studies of Planetary Surfaces Using Radar Polarimetric Imaging. 770-782 - Faramaz Davarian:
Uplink Arraying for Solar System Radar and Radio Science. 783-793 - Renato Croci, Roberto Seu, Enrico Flamini, Enrico Russo:
The SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Onboard the NASA MRO Mission. 794-807 - Russell Keith Raney, Paul D. Spudis, D. Benjamin J. Bussey, Jason Crusan, J. Robert Jensen, William Marinelli, Priscilla McKerracher, Catherine Neish
, Marzban R. Palsetia, Ron Schulze, H. Brian Sequeira, Helene Winters:
The Lunar Mini-RF Radars: Hybrid Polarimetric Architecture and Initial Results. 808-823 - Valérie Ciarletti, Charlotte Corbel, Dirk Plettemeier, Philippe Caïs, Stephen M. Clifford, Svein-Erik Hamran:
WISDOM GPR Designed for Shallow and High-Resolution Sounding of the Martian Subsurface. 824-836 - Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Giovanni Alberti, Clau Catallo, Adamo Ferro
, Wlodek Kofman
, Roberto Orosei:
Subsurface Radar Sounding of the Jovian Moon Ganymede. 837-857 - Richard A. Simpson, G. Leonard Tyler, Martin Pätzold, Bernd Häusler, Sami W. Asmar, Ahmed K. Sultan-Salem:
Polarization in Bistatic Radar Probing of Planetary Surfaces: Application to Mars Express Data. 858-874 - Roberto Ambrosini, Sami W. Asmar, Pietro Bolli
, Enrico Flamini:
The Planned Space Science Utilizations of the New Sardinia 64-m Radio Telescope. 875-880 - Meegyeong Paik, Sami W. Asmar:
Detecting High Dynamics Signals From Open-Loop Radio Science Investigations. 881-888 - Chau M. Buu, Fredrick A. Jenet, John W. Armstrong, Sami W. Asmar, Martin Beroiz, Tsan-Huei Cheng, J. Andrew O'Dea:
A Prototype Radio Transient Survey Instrument for Piggyback Deep Space Network Tracking. 889-894 - Hrefna Marín Gunnarsdóttir, Ivan R. Linscott, Howard A. Zebker
Smoothing Criteria for Regularized Matrix Inversion of Bistatic Radar Echoes. 895-905
Volume 99, Number 6, 2011
- George W. Arnold:
Challenges and Opportunities in Smart Grid: A Position Article. 922-927 - David E. Bakken, Anjan Bose, Carl H. Hauser, David E. Whitehead, Gregary C. Zweigle:
Smart Generation and Transmission With Coherent, Real-Time Data. 928-951 - Antonio Gómez Expósito
, Ali Abur, Antonio de la Villa Jaen
, Catalina Gomez-Quiles
A Multilevel State Estimation Paradigm for Smart Grids. 952-976 - Mladen Kezunovic:
Translational Knowledge: From Collecting Data to Making Decisions in a Smart Grid. 977-997 - Stefano Galli
, Anna Scaglione
, Zhifang Wang:
For the Grid and Through the Grid: The Role of Power Line Communications in the Smart Grid. 998-1027 - Hamid Gharavi, Bin Hu:
Multigate Communication Network for Smart Grid. 1028-1045 - Thomas M. Overman, Ronald W. Sackman, Terry Davis, Brad Cohen:
High-Assurance Smart Grid: A Three-Part Model for Smart Grid Control Systems. 1046-1062 - Konstantin S. Turitsyn, Petr Sulc
, Scott Backhaus
, Michael Chertkov
Options for Control of Reactive Power by Distributed Photovoltaic Generators. 1063-1073 - Robert Lasseter:
Smart Distribution: Coupled Microgrids. 1074-1082 - Mietek Glinkowski, Jonathan Hou, Gary Rackliffe:
Advances in Wind Energy Technologies in the Context of Smart Grid. 1083-1097 - Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger
, Warren B. Powell, Warren R. Scott:
Adaptive Stochastic Control for the Smart Grid. 1098-1115 - Albert Boulanger
, Andrew Chu, Suzanne Maxx, David L. Waltz:
Vehicle Electrification: Status and Issues. 1116-1138 - Bradford P. Roberts, Chet Sandberg:
The Role of Energy Storage in Development of Smart Grids. 1139-1144
Volume 99, Number 7, 2011
- John B. Kenney:
Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) Standards in the United States. 1162-1182 - Erik G. Ström
On Medium Access and Physical Layer Standards for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe. 1183-1188 - Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker
, Andreas F. Molisch, Johan Karedal, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Alexander Paier, Laura Bernadó, Thomas Zemen
, Oliver Klemp, Nicolai Czink:
Vehicular Channel Characterization and Its Implications for Wireless System Design and Performance. 1189-1212 - Paul D. Alexander, David Haley, Alex J. Grant
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: 5.9-GHz Field Trials. 1213-1235 - Christian Sturm, Werner Wiesbeck:
Waveform Design and Signal Processing Aspects for Fusion of Wireless Communications and Radar Sensing. 1236-1259 - Miguel Sepulcre
, Jens Mittag, Paolo Santi, Hannes Hartenstein, Javier Gozálvez
Congestion and Awareness Control in Cooperative Vehicular Systems. 1260-1279 - Eugenio Giordano, Raphaël Frank, Giovanni Pau
, Mario Gerla:
CORNER: A Radio Propagation Model for VANETs in Urban Scenarios. 1280-1294 - Lars Reichardt, Jürgen Maurer, Thomas Fügen, Thomas Zwick
Virtual Drive: A Complete V2X Communication and Radar System Simulator for Optimization of Multiple Antenna Systems. 1295-1310 - Jens Mittag, Stylianos Papanastasiou, Hannes Hartenstein, Erik G. Ström
Enabling Accurate Cross-Layer PHY/MAC/NET Simulation Studies of Vehicular Communication Networks. 1311-1326
Volume 99, Number 8, 2011
- Richard O'Donnell:
Prolog to "Near-Capacity Wireless Transceivers and Cooperative Communications in the MIMO Era: Evolution of Standards, Waveform Design, and Future Perspectives". 1340-1342 - Lajos Hanzo
, Mohammed El-Hajjar
, Osamah Alamri:
Near-Capacity Wireless Transceivers and Cooperative Communications in the MIMO Era: Evolution of Standards, Waveform Design, and Future Perspectives. 1343-1385 - James Esch:
Prolog to "State of the Art in 60-GHz Integrated Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communications". 1386-1389 - Theodore S. Rappaport
, James Murdock, Felix Gutierrez Jr.:
State of the Art in 60-GHz Integrated Circuits and Systems for Wireless Communications. 1390-1436 - James Esch:
Prolog to "Estimating the Energy Use and Efficiency Potential of U.S. Data Centers". 1437-1439 - Eric R. Masanet, Richard E. Brown
, Arman Shehabi
, Jonathan G. Koomey, Bruce Nordman:
Estimating the Energy Use and Efficiency Potential of U.S. Data Centers. 1440-1453
Volume 99, Number 9, 2011
- Spring Berman, Quentin Lindsey, Mahmut Selman Sakar
, Vijay Kumar, Stephen Pratt:
Experimental Study and Modeling of Group Retrieval in Ants as an Approach to Collective Transport in Swarm Robotic Systems. 1470-1481 - Francesco Bullo
, Emilio Frazzoli
, Marco Pavone
, Ketan Savla, Stephen L. Smith
Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Robotic Systems. 1482-1504 - Ji Liu, Shaoshuai Mou, A. Stephen Morse, Brian D. O. Anderson, Changbin Yu:
Deterministic Gossiping. 1505-1524 - Michael M. Zavlanos, Magnus Egerstedt, George J. Pappas
Graph-Theoretic Connectivity Control of Mobile Robot Networks. 1525-1540 - Mac Schwager, Brian J. Julian, Michael Angermann, Daniela Rus:
Eyes in the Sky: Decentralized Control for the Deployment of Robotic Camera Networks. 1541-1561 - Hoam Chung, Songhwai Oh, David Hyunchul Shim
, S. Shankar Sastry:
Toward Robotic Sensor Webs: Algorithms, Systems, and Experiments. 1562-1586 - Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Control of Ensembles of Aerial Robots. 1587-1602 - Jim Calder:
Admiral Byrd's Antarctic Expedition and the First Graf Zeppelin [Scanning our Past]. 1603-1606
Volume 99, Number 10, 2011
- Nathan B. Kundtz, David R. Smith, John B. Pendry
Electromagnetic Design With Transformation Optics. 1622-1633 - Michael Zedler, George V. Eleftheriades:
Anisotropic Transmission-Line Metamaterials for 2-D Transformation Optics Applications. 1634-1645 - Pekka Alitalo, Sergei A. Tretyakov
Broadband Electromagnetic Cloaking Realized With Transmission-Line and Waveguiding Structures. 1646-1659 - Ricardo Marqués
, Lukás Jelínek
, Manuel J. Freire
, Juan Domingo Baena
, Mikhail Lapine
Bulk Metamaterials Made of Resonant Rings. 1660-1668 - Andrea Alù
, Nader Engheta:
Optical Metamaterials Based on Optical Nanocircuits. 1669-1681 - Jason Valentine, Shuang Zhang
, Thomas Zentgraf
, Xiang Zhang
Development of Bulk Optical Negative Index Fishnet Metamaterials: Achieving a Low-Loss and Broadband Response Through Coupling. 1682-1690 - Alexander V. Kildishev
, Joshua D. Borneman, Xingjie Ni
, Vladimir M. Shalaev
, Vladimir P. Drachev:
Bianisotropic Effective Parameters of Optical Metamagnetics and Negative-Index Materials. 1691-1700 - Miguel Durán-Sindreu, Adolfo Vélez, Gerard Sisó
, Paris Vélez
, Jordi Selga
, Jordi Bonache
, Ferran Martín
Recent Advances in Metamaterial Transmission Lines Based on Split Rings. 1701-1710 - Christophe Caloz
Metamaterial Dispersion Engineering Concepts and Applications. 1711-1719 - Richard W. Ziolkowski
, Peng Jin, Chia-Ching Lin:
Metamaterial-Inspired Engineering of Antennas. 1720-1731 - John L. Volakis
, Kubilay Sertel:
Narrowband and Wideband Metamaterial Antennas Based on Degenerate Band Edge and Magnetic Photonic Crystals. 1732-1745 - Mohammed Reza M. Hashemi, Tatsuo Itoh:
Evolution of Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky-Wave Antennas. 1746-1754 - Tai A. Lam, David C. Vier, Jean A. Nielsen, Claudio G. Parazzoli, Minas H. Tanielian:
Steering Phased Array Antenna Beams to the Horizon Using a Buckyball NIM Lens. 1755-1767 - Masaya Notomi:
Strong Light Confinement With Periodicity. 1768-1779 - David R. Jackson
, Paolo Burghignoli
, Giampiero Lovat, Filippo Capolino
, Ji Chen, Donald R. Wilton, Arthur A. Oliner:
The Fundamental Physics of Directive Beaming at Microwave and Optical Frequencies and the Role of Leaky Waves. 1780-1805 - Anthony Grbic, Roberto Merlin
, Erin M. Thomas, Mohammadreza F. Imani
Near-Field Plates: Metamaterial Surfaces/Arrays for Subwavelength Focusing and Probing. 1806-1815
Volume 99, Number 11, 2011
- Robert Trew, Jim Calder:
Reviewing a Century of Electrical Engineering Progress: Approaching 100 Years of Publication. 1827-1830 - Luke Burgess, Grant Bergstue, Richard Fork:
Quantum Energy for Space. 1831-1834 - Claudio Sacchi
, Abbas Jamalipour, Marina Ruggieri:
Aerospace Communications and Networking in the Next Two Decades: Current Trends and Future Perspectives [Scanning the Issue]. 1835-1839 - Barry G. Evans
, Paul T. Thompson, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
, Enzo Alberto Candreva:
1945-2010: 65 Years of Satellite History From Early Visions to Latest Missions. 1840-1857 - Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi
, Asher Yahalom
, Yosef Pinhasi
, John R. Farserotu, Claudio Sacchi
EHF for Satellite Communications: The New Broadband Frontier. 1858-1881 - Carles Fernández-Prades
, Letizia Lo Presti, Emanuela Falletti
Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond: Novel Technologies and Applications for Civil Mass Market. 1882-1904 - Vittoria Mignone, Maria Angeles Vázquez-Castro
, Thomas Stockhammer
The Future of Satellite TV: The Wide Range of Applications of the DVB-S2 Standard and Perspectives. 1905-1921 - Matteo Berioli, Antonella Molinaro, Simone Morosi
, Sandro Scalise
Aerospace Communications for Emergency Applications. 1922-1938 - Abbas Mohammed, Asad Mehmood, Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou, Mihael Mohorcic
The Role of High-Altitude Platforms (HAPs) in the Global Wireless Connectivity. 1939-1953 - Fatih Alagöz, Gürkan Gür
Energy Efficiency and Satellite Networking: A Holistic Overview. 1954-1979 - Carlo Caini
, Haitham S. Cruickshank, Stephen Farrell, Mario Marchese
Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN): An Alternative Solution for Future Satellite Networking Applications. 1980-1997 - Hiroki Nishiyama
, Daigo Kudoh, Nei Kato, Naoto Kadowaki:
Load Balancing and QoS Provisioning Based on Congestion Prediction for GEO/LEO Hybrid Satellite Networks. 1998-2007 - Daniele Mortari
, Mauro De Sanctis
, Marco Lucente
Design of Flower Constellations for Telecommunication Services. 2008-2019 - Hamid Hemmati, Abhijit Biswas, Ivan B. Djordjevic:
Deep-Space Optical Communications: Future Perspectives and Applications. 2020-2039 - Krishna Sampigethaya, Radha Poovendran
, Sudhakar Shetty, Terry Davis, Chuck Royalty:
Future E-Enabled Aircraft Communications and Security: The Next 20 Years and Beyond. 2040-2055 - Tomaso de Cola
, Enrico Paolini
, Gianluigi Liva, Gian Paolo Calzolari:
Reliability Options for Data Communications in the Future Deep-Space Missions. 2056-2074 - Antonio Pérez Yuste
The Origins of Behn's "International System". 2075-2078
Volume 99, Number 12, 2011
- Kwai-Man Luk
The Importance of the New Developments in Antennas for Wireless Communications. 2082-2084 - Jim Calder:
Scanning the Issue. 2085-2086 - Jim Esch:
Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming: Insights and New Developments. 2087-2088 - Zhijie Shen, Jun Luo
, Roger Zimmermann
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming: Insights and New Developments. 2089-2109 - Richard O'Donnell:
Electric Field-Shaping Microdevices for Manipulation of Collections of Microscale Objects. 2110-2111 - Konstantinos Varsos, Jonathan E. Luntz, Michael Welsh, Kamal Sarabandi:
Electric Field-Shaping Microdevices for Manipulation of Collections of Microscale Objects. 2112-2124 - Howard Falk:
Applications, Architectures, and Protocol Design Issues for Mobile Social Networks: A Survey. 2125-2129 - Nipendra Kayastha, Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang, Ekram Hossain:
Applications, Architectures, and Protocol Design Issues for Mobile Social Networks: A Survey. 2130-2158

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