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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, January 2001
- Rama Chellappa:
Editorial. 1-2 - Rama Chellappa:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 3-4
- Yee Leung, Jiang-Hong Ma, Wen-Xiu Zhang:
A New Method for Mining Regression Classes in Large Data Sets. 5-21
- Kuiyu Chang, Joydeep Ghosh:
A Unified Model for Probabilistic Principal Surfaces. 22-41
- Raphaël Féraud, Olivier Bernier, Jean-Emmanuel Viallet, Michel Collobert:
A Fast and Accurate Face Detector Based on Neural Networks. 42-53
- Cor J. Veenman, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Eric Backer:
Resolving Motion Correspondence for Densely Moving Points. 54-72
- Shai Avidan, Amnon Shashua:
Threading Fundamental Matrices. 73-77
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni:
ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations. 78-84
- James Ze Wang
, Jia Li, Robert M. Gray, Gio Wiederhold:
Unsupervised Multiresolution Segmentation for Images with Low Depth of Field. 85-90
Volume 23, Number 2, February 2001
- Ying-li Tian
, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis. 97-115 - Isaac Weiss, Manjit Ray:
Model-Based Recognition of 3D Objects from Single Images. 116-128 - Amnon Shashua, Tammy Riklin-Raviv
The Quotient Image: Class-Based Re-Rendering and Recognition with Varying Illuminations. 129-139 - Paul D. Fiore:
Efficient Linear Solution of Exterior Orientation. 140-148 - Sriganesh Madhvanath, Venu Govindaraju:
The Role of Holistic Paradigms in Handwritten Word Recognition. 149-164 - Elizabeth Guest, Elizabeth Berry, Richard A. Baldock
, Márta Fidrich
, Mike A. Smith:
Robust Point Correspondence Applied to Two-and Three-Dimensional Image Registration. 165-179 - Mohamed Ben Hadj Rhouma, Hichem Frigui:
Self-Organization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators with Application to Clustering. 180-195 - Luis Talavera
, Javier Béjar
Generality-Based Conceptual Clustering with Probabilistic Concepts. 196-206
- Giuseppe Boccignone
, Mario Ferraro, Terry Caelli
Encoding Visual Information Using Anisotropic Transformations. 207-211 - Long Quan:
Two-Way Ambiguity in 2D Projective Reconstruction from Three Uncalibrated 1D Images. 212-216 - Nuno Vasconcelos
, Andrew Lippman:
Empirical Bayesian Motion Segmentation. 217-221 - Trevor Darrell, Michele Covell:
Correspondence with Cumulative Similiarity Transforms. 222-227 - Aleix M. Martínez, Avinash C. Kak:
PCA versus LDA. 228-233 - Sarunas Raudys, Ausra Saudargiene:
First-Order Tree-Type Dependence between Variables and Classification Performance. 233-239
Volume 23, Number 3, March 2001
- Rama Chellappa:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 241 - Song Mao, Tapas Kanungo:
Empirical Performance Evaluation Methodology and Its Application to Page Segmentation Algorithms. 242-256 - Aaron F. Bobick, James W. Davis:
The Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal Templates. 257-267 - Takushi Sogo, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Toru Ishida
Acquisition and Propagation of Spatial Constraints Based on Qualitative Information. 268-278 - Shmuel Peleg, Moshe Ben-Ezra, Yael Pritch:
Omnistereo: Panoramic Stereo Imaging. 279-290 - James H. Elder, Richard M. Goldberg:
Image Editing in the Contour Domain. 291-296 - Philip H. S. Torr, Richard Szeliski, P. Anandan:
An Integrated Bayesian Approach to Layer Extraction from Image Sequences. 297-303 - A. David Marshall, Gábor Lukács, Ralph R. Martin:
Robust Segmentation of Primitives from Range Data in the Presence of Geometric Degeneracy. 304-314 - Shinichiro Omachi
, Masaki Inoue, Hirotomo Aso:
Structure Extraction from Decorated Characters Using Multiscale Images. 315-322 - Petr Slavík, Venu Govindaraju:
Equivalence of Different Methods for Slant and Skew Corrections in Word Recognition Applications. 323-326 - Ioannis Patras
, Emile A. Hendriks, Reginald L. Lagendijk:
Video Segmentation by MAP Labeling of Watershed Segments. 326-332
Volume 23, Number 4, April 2001
- José L. Marroquín, Fernando A. Velasco, Mariano Rivera
, Miguel Nakamura:
Gauss-Markov Measure Field Models for Low-Level Vision. 337-348 - Anuj Mohan, Constantine Papageorgiou
, Tomaso A. Poggio:
Example-Based Object Detection in Images by Components. 349-361 - Jose A. García
, Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia
, Xosé R. Fernández-Vidal
, Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez
Information Theoretic Measure for Visual Target Distinctness. 362-383 - Toru Wakahara, Yoshimasa Kimura, Akira Tomono:
Affine-Invariant Recognition of Gray-Scale Characters Using Global Affine Transformation Correlation. 384-395 - Zheng Rong Yang, Mark Zwolinski
Mutual Information Theory for Adaptive Mixture Models. 396-403 - Carey E. Priebe:
Olfactory Classification via Interpoint Distance Analysis. 404-413
- Tom Chau:
Marginal Maximum Entropy Partitioning Yields Asymptotically Consistent Probability Density Functions. 414-417 - Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden, Long Quan:
Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data. 418-424 - Ulf Grenander, Anuj Srivastava:
Probability Models for Clutter in Natural Images. 424-429
Volume 23, Number 5, May 2001
- Nicolae Duta, Anil K. Jain, Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly:
Automatic Construction of 2D Shape Models. 433-446 - Stiliyan Kalitzin
, Joes Staal, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
, Max A. Viergever:
A Computational Method for Segmenting Topological Point-Sets and Application to Image Analysis. 447-459 - Gabor T. Herman, Bruno M. Carvalho
Multiseeded Segmentation Using Fuzzy Connectedness. 460-474 - Stan Sclaroff, Lifeng Liu:
Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping. 475-489 - Hemant D. Tagare, Kentaro Toyama
, Jonathan G. Wang:
A Maximum-Likelihood Strategy for Directing Attention during Visual Search. 490-500 - Sanjay Noronha, Ramakant Nevatia:
Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images. 501-518 - Ronen Basri, David W. Jacobs:
Projective Alignment with Regions. 519-527
- Michael Werman, Daniel Keren:
A Bayesian Method for Fitting Parametric and Nonparametric Models to Noisy Data. 528-534 - Philip L. Worthington, Edwin R. Hancock
Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading. 535-542
Volume 23, Number 6, June 2001
- Rama Chellappa:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 545 - John Oliensis, Yakup Genc
Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Projective Multi-Image Structure from Motion. 546-559 - Christopher Rasmussen, Gregory D. Hager:
Probabilistic Data Association Methods for Tracking Complex Visual Objects. 560-576 - Ajith H. Gunatilaka, Brian A. Baertlein:
Feature-Level and Decision-Level Fusion of Noncoincidently Sampled Sensors for Land Mine Detection. 577-589 - José M. Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga
, Iñaki Inza
Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Gaussian Networks. 590-603 - Paulo R. S. Mendonça
, Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong
, Roberto Cipolla
Epipolar Geometry from Profiles under Circular Motion. 604-616 - Ragini Choudhury, J. B. Srivastava, Santanu Chaudhury:
Reconstruction-Based Recognition of Scenes with Translationally Repeated Quadrics. 617-632 - Mathews Jacob
, Thierry Blu, Michael Unser
An Exact Method for Computing the Area Moments of Wavelet and Spline Curves. 633-642 - Athinodoros S. Georghiades, Peter N. Belhumeur, David J. Kriegman:
From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose. 643-660 - Horst W. Haussecker, David J. Fleet
Computing Optical Flow with Physical Models of Brightness Variation. 661-673
- Mu-Chun Su, Chien-Hsing Chou:
A Modified Version of the K-Means Algorithm with a Distance Based on Cluster Symmetry. 674-680 - Timothy F. Cootes
, Gareth J. Edwards, Christopher J. Taylor
Active Appearance Models. 681-685 - Stan Sclaroff, Lifeng Liu:
Corrections to 'Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping'. 685
Volume 23, Number 7, July 2001
- Punam K. Saha
, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Optimum Image Thresholding via Class Uncertainty and Region Homogeneity. 689-706 - Alfredo Ferro, Giovanni Gallo
, Rosalba Giugno
, Alfredo Pulvirenti
Best-Match Retrieval for Structured Images. 707-718 - Jisheng Liang, Ihsin T. Phillips, Robert M. Haralick:
An Optimization Methodology for Document Structure Extraction on Latin Character Documents. 719-734 - Anastasios Tefas, Constantine Kotropoulos
, Ioannis Pitas:
Using Support Vector Machines to Enhance the Performance of Elastic Graph Matching for Frontal Face Authentication. 735-746 - Daniel Keren, Margarita Osadchy, Craig Gotsman
Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection. 747-761
- Marco Loog, Robert P. W. Duin, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach
Multiclass Linear Dimension Reduction by Weighted Pairwise Fisher Criteria. 762-766 - David Jelinek, Camillo J. Taylor:
Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from Single Images with a Camera of Unknown Focal Length. 767-773 - Yan Xiong, Qiang Huo, Chorkin Chan:
A Discrete Contextual Stochastic Model for the Offline Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters. 774-782
Volume 23, Number 8, August 2001
- Rama Chellappa:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 785 - Ming Li
, Hon-Yuen Tam
Hybrid Evolutionary Search Method Based on Clusters. 786-799 - Yining Deng, B. S. Manjunath:
Unsupervised Segmentation of Color-Texture Regions in Images and Video. 800-810 - Alexander Kadyrov, Maria Petrou:
The Trace Transform and Its Applications. 811-828 - Chi-Keung Tang, Gérard G. Medioni, Mi-Suen Lee:
N-Dimensional Tensor Voting and Application to Epipolar Geometry Estimation. 829-844 - John A. Rushing, Heggere S. Ranganath, Thomas H. Hinke, Sara J. Graves:
Using Association Rules as Texture Features. 845-858 - Ata Kabán, Mark A. Girolami
A Combined Latent Class and Trait Model for the Analysis and Visualization of Discrete Data. 859-872 - Gérard G. Medioni, Isaac Cohen, François Brémond, Somboon Hongeng, Ramakant Nevatia:
Event Detection and Analysis from Video Streams. 873-889
- Eric Jones, Paul Runkle, Nilanjan Dasgupta, Luise Couchman, Lawrence Carin
Genetic Algorithm Wavelet Design for Signal Classification. 890-895 - Jie Wei, Ze-Nian Li:
On Active Camera Control and Camera Motion Recovery with Foveate Wavelet Transform. 896-903 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
On Fusers that Perform Better than Best Sensor. 904-909 - Stephen J. Roberts, Christopher C. Holmes, Dave Denison:
Minimum-Entropy Data Partitioning Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo. 909-914 - Yufei Zhang, Yee-Hong Yang:
Multiple Illuminant Direction Detection with Application to Image Synthesis. 915-920 - Amnon Shashua, Yonatan Wexler:
Q-Warping: Direct Computation of Quadratic Reference Surfaces. 920-925
Volume 23, Number 9, September 2001
- B. John Oommen
, R. K. S. Loke:
On the Pattern Recognition of Noisy Subsequence Trees. 929-946 - James Ze Wang
, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold:
SIMPLIcity: Semantics-Sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries. 947-963 - James McNames:
A Fast Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm Based on a Principal Axis Search Tree. 964-976 - Raffaele Cappelli
, Dario Maio, Davide Maltoni:
Multispace KL for Pattern Representation and Classification. 977-996 - Laurent Bréhélin, Olivier Gascuel, Gilles Caraux:
Hidden Markov Models with Patterns to Learn Boolean Vector Sequences and Application to the Built-In Self-Test for Integrated Circuits. 997-1008 - John T. Favata:
Offline General Handwritten Word Recognition Using an Approximate BEAM Matching Algorithm. 1009-1021
- Mark W. Powell, Sudeep Sarkar
, Dmitry B. Goldgof:
A Simple Strategy for Calibrating the Geometry of Light Sources. 1022-1027 - Samuel D. Fenster, John R. Kender:
Sectored Snakes: Evaluating Learned-Energy Segmentations. 1028-1034 - Joost van de Weijer
, Lucas J. van Vliet
, Piet W. Verbeek, Michael van Ginkel:
Curvature Estimation in Oriented Patterns Using Curvilinear Models Applied to Gradient Vector Fields. 1035-1042 - Theodore Lim
, Jonathan R. Corney, Doug E. R. Clark:
Laminae-Based Feature Recognition. 1043-1048
Volume 23, Number 10, October 2001
- Sven J. Dickinson, Marcello Pelillo, Ramin Zabih
Introduction to the Special Section on Graph Algorithms in Computer Vision. 1049-1052 - Yoram Gdalyahu, Daphna Weinshall, Michael Werman:
Self-Organization in Vision: Stochastic Clustering for Image Segmentation, Perceptual Grouping, and Image Database Organization. 1053-1074 - Ian Jermyn
, Hiroshi Ishikawa:
Globally Optimal Regions and Boundaries as Minimum Ratio Weight Cycles. 1075-1088 - Stefano Berretti
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Enrico Vicario
Efficient Matching and Indexing of Graph Models in Content-Based Retrieval. 1089-1105 - Jianzhuang Liu, Yong Tsui Lee:
A Graph-Based Method for Face Identification from a Single 2D Line Drawing. 1106-1119 - Bin Luo
, Edwin R. Hancock
Structural Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition. 1120-1136 - Josep Lladós
, Enric Martí, Juan José Villanueva:
Symbol Recognition by Error-Tolerant Subgraph Matching between Region Adjacency Graphs. 1137-1143 - Xiaoyi Jiang
, Andreas Münger, Horst Bunke:
On Median Graphs: Properties, Algorithms, and Applications. 1144-1151
- Mahmoud I. Khalil
, Mohamed M. Bayoumi:
A Dyadic Wavelet Affine Invariant Function for 2D Shape Recognition. 1152-1164 - Andrew W. Senior:
A Combination Fingerprint Classifier. 1165-1174 - Rosalind W. Picard, E. Vyzas, Jennifer Healey:
Toward Machine Emotional Intelligence: Analysis of Affective Physiological State. 1175-1191
- Yong Zhu, Tieniu Tan, Yunhong Wang:
Font Recognition Based on Global Texture Analysis. 1192-1200 - Jaesang Park, James M. Keller:
Snakes on the Watershed. 1201-1205
Volume 23, Number 11, November 2001
- Graham D. Finlayson, Steven D. Hordley, Paul M. Hubel:
Color by Correlation: A Simple, Unifying Framework for Color Constancy. 1209-1221 - Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, Ramin Zabih
Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. 1222-1239 - Seong-Whan Lee, Dae-Seok Ryu:
Parameter-Free Geometric Document Layout Analysis. 1240-1256 - Ko Nishino, Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression and Synthesis Based on a 3D Model. 1257-1265 - Matthew J. Clarkson
, Daniel Rueckert
, Derek L. G. Hill, David J. Hawkes:
Using Photo-Consistency to Register 2D Optical Images of the Human Face to a 3D Surface Model. 1266-1280 - Mark A. Ruzon, Carlo Tomasi:
Edge, Junction, and Corner Detection Using Color Distributions. 1281-1295 - Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella
, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja
Hierarchical Decomposition of Multiscale Skeletons. 1296-1312 - Pierre Soille
, Hugues Talbot
Directional Morphological Filtering. 1313-1329
- Lin Zhou, Chandra Kambhamettu, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Kannappan Palaniappan, Frederick Hasler:
Tracking Nonrigid Motion and Structure from 2D Satellite Cloud Images without Correspondences. 1330-1336
Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001
- Rama Chellappa:
Introduction of New Associate Editors. 1337
- Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Rein van den Boomgaard, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Hugo Geerts:
Color Invariance. 1338-1350 - Peter Meer, Bogdan Georgescu:
Edge Detection with Embedded Confidence. 1351-1365 - Ming Tang, Songde Ma:
General Scheme of Region Competition Based on Scale Space. 1366-1378 - Christopher Raphael:
Coarse-to-Fine Dynamic Programming. 1379-1390 - Charles Wiles, Atsuto Maki, Natsuko Matsuda:
Hyperpatches for 3D Model Acquisition and Tracking. 1391-1403 - Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi, Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, Anil K. Jain, Judith E. Dayhoff:
Aircraft Detection: A Case Study in Using Human Similarity Measure. 1404-1414 - Gerriet Backer, Bärbel Mertsching, Maik Bollmann:
Data- and Model-Driven Gaze Control for an Active-Vision System. 1415-1429 - Guillermo Ayala
, Juan Domingo:
Spatial Size Distributions: Applications to Shape and Texture Analysis. 1430-1442
- Yuan Yan Tang, Feng Yang, Jiming Liu:
Basic Processes of Chinese Character Based on Cubic B-Spline Wavelet Transform. 1443-1448 - Jochen Triesch, Christoph von der Malsburg:
A System for Person-Independent Hand Posture Recognition against Complex Backgrounds. 1449-1453 - Jinhai Cai, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
Hidden Markov Models with Spectral Features for 2D Shape Recognition. 1454-1458 - Eraldo Ribeiro, Edwin R. Hancock
Shape from Periodic Texture Using the Eigenvectors of Local Affine Distortion. 1459-1465

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