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28th ISIE 2019: Vancouver, BC, Canada
- 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 12-14, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-3666-0
- Houshang Karimi, Younes Seyedi, Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani:
A Robust and Simple Phase-Locked Loop for Unbalanced Power Grid Applications. 29-34 - Sayed Saeed Hosseini, Nilson Henao, Sousso Kelouwani, Kodjo Agbossou, Alben Cardenas
A Study on Markovian and Deep Learning Based Architectures for Household Appliance-level Load Modeling and Recognition. 35-40 - Rui Zhang, Yanjun Dong, Xiaobin Zhang:
An Efficient Approach Improving Load Adaptability for Limited Volume DC System. 41-46 - Rafael Alberdi
, Igor Albizu
, Elvira Fernandez
, Miren T. Bedialauneta
, Roberto Fernandez
, A. Javier Mazón:
Analisys of the spatial uncertainty of line rating monitoring systems in smart grids. 47-51 - Thaer Qunais, Roshan Sharma
, Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Sushil Silwal, Sayed Ali Khajehoddin
Application of Battery Storage System to Improve Transient Responses in a Distribution Grid. 52-57 - Mahdi Habibi
, Vahid Vahidinasab, Adib Allahham
, Damian Giaouris, Sara Walker, Phil Taylor
Coordinated Storage and Flexible Loads as a Network Service Provider: a Resilience-Oriented Paradigm. 58-63 - Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Aamir, Hussain Sarwar Khan
, Abdul Aziz Khan, Faheem Haroon:
Design and Implementation of Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Distributed Generations Units in Islanded Microgrid. 64-69 - Saeed Rezaee, Mehrdad Moallem, Jiacheng Wang
, Amr Ahmed A. Radwan:
Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Converter-based Three-phase AC Microgrids with Active Loads. 81-86 - Saran Satsangi
, G. B. Kumbhar:
Energy Savings Estimation Considering Volt/VAr Optimization and Distributed Generation. 87-92 - Claudio David López, Milos Cvetkovic, Peter Palensky:
Enhancing PowerFactory Dynamic Models with Python for Rapid Prototyping. 93-99 - Majed Shakir, Yevgen Biletskiy:
Forecasting in Small Smart Grid. 100-105 - Tingting Yang, Kangfeng Ma, You Lv, Fang Fang, Taihua Chang:
Hybrid Dynamic Model of SCR Denitrification System for Coal-Fired Power Plant. 106-111 - S. Nkosi, Pitshou N. Bokoro
Improving the diagnosis of incipient faults in power transformers using dissolved gas analysis and multi layer perceptron. 112-117 - Kevin M. Banjar-Nahor, Lauric Garbuio, Vincent Debusschere
, Nouredine Hadjsaid, Thi-Thu-Ha Pham, Ngapuli I. Sinisuka:
Indices Relating to Variable Renewable Penetration Level For Preliminary Microgrid Stability Assessment. 118-123 - Silva Thotabaddadurage Sadeeshvara Udayanga, Nihal Kularatna
, D. Alistair Steyn-Ross:
Investigating the impact of ferrite magnetic cores on the performance of supercapacitor assisted surge absorber (SCASA) technique. 130-135 - Navid Bayati
, Amin Hajizadeh
, Mohsen Soltani
Localized Fault Protection in the DC Microgrids with Ring Configuration. 136-140 - Partha S. Sarker, Saroj Biswas
, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
, Anurag K. Srivastava:
Modeling and Analysis of Transient Interactions in AC/DC Interconnected Microgrid. 141-146 - Changhee Han, Jaehyeong Lee, Sung Chul Hwang, Gilsoo Jang:
Multi-Objective Optimized Operating Strategy of BTB-VSC for Grid Service. 147-152 - Hongda Ren, Noel N. Schulz
, Venkat Krishnan, Yingchen Zhang:
Online Static Load Model Estimation in Distribution Systems. 153-158 - Xing Liang, Yingwei Huang, Seyyedmilad Ebrahimi, Juri Jatskevich:
Reduced-Order Parametric Dynamic Phasor Modeling of AC Distribution Systems with Rectifier Loads. 165-170 - Ahmed Al-Issaei, Rashid Al-Abri
, Hassan A. Yousef, Hisham M. Soliman:
Secondary Control of Microgrid using Multi-Agent Systems. 171-176 - Jose Luis Mata Ledesma, Oscar Carranza Castillo
, Rubén Ortega González, Jaime José Rodríguez Rivas, Daniel Memije Garduño
Single-phase Standalone Inverter with an Integrated Control Structure. 177-182 - Sebastian Lange, Peter Sokolowski, Eckehard Schöll, Xinghuo Yu:
Using revealed-bidding in power markets: A paradigmatic model. 183-188 - Sung Chul Hwang, Chang Hee Han, Jaehyeong Lee, Minhan Yoon, Seungmin Jung, Gilsoo Jang:
VSC HVDC Capacitance Estimation for Inertia Emulation Control in Jeju Island Power System. 189-194 - Ahmad Shah Mohammadi, João Pedro F. Trovão
A Comparison of Different Models for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines: Finite Element Analysis, D-Q Lumped Parameter Modeling, and Magnetic Equivalent Circuit. 197-202 - Pratik Roy, Muhammad Towhidi, Firoz Ahmed, Alexandre J. Bourgault, Shruthi Mukandan, Aiswarya Balamurali, Narayan C. Kar:
A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Design and Analysis of Traction Motors. 203-208 - Nobuyuki Kasa, Tomonori Katsuta:
A Flux Weakening Control Method for In-Wheel Motor Drives of Electric Vehicles. 209-214 - S. Ranjith, R. Sudharshan Kaarthik:
Linearization of Over-Modulation in Dodecagonal Space Vector PWM. 215-220 - Qingsong Wang, Martin Ordonez, Junnian Wang
, Mohammad Ali Saket
, Rouhollah Shafaei:
A Novel Dual Slot Permanent Magnet Machine with Complementary Rotors for Electric Vehicle Propulsion. 221-225 - Wen Jiang, Wenxin Huang, Xiaogang Lin, Dingfeng Dong, Yong Zhao:
An Improved 24/14 Poles Stator Wound-Field Flux-Switching DC Generator Based on Virtual Coil Flux Linkages. 226-231 - Jayaram Subramanian, Parviz Famouri:
Analysis of Neutral position, Magnet - Spacer of Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear generator for FPE applications. 232-237 - Lukas Dedeleit, Ludwig Brabetz, Mohamed Ayeb
Calculation and Analysis of Symmetrical Short Circuit Currents in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. 238-243 - César A. Sepúlveda-Valdez, Oleg Sergiyenko, Daniel Hernandez Balbuena
, Vera Tyrsa, Paolo Mercorelli
, Wendy Flores-Fuentes
, Miguel Reyes-García, Lars Lindner
, Viktor Melnik
Circular Scanning Resolution Improvement by its Velocity Close Loop Control. 244-249 - Stefan Walz, Giampaolo Buticchi
, Marco Liserre
Comparison of Finite Control Set and Hysteresis Based Model Predictive Control for NPC and T-Type Converter in case of low carrier ratio. 250-254 - Marco Zimmermann, Werner Simson, Bernhard Piepenbreier
Comparison of Model-based Sensorless Control Methods for a PM-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine with a Ribless Rotor. 255-260 - Florian Bethke, Ludwig Brabetz, Mohamed Ayeb
Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Detection Coils. 261-266 - Chika Soneda, Hiroshi Asai, Yoshiyuki Hatta, Tomoyuki Shimono, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Design and Analysis of Core-less Multi-layered Axial Motor. 267-272 - Awungabeh Flavis Akawung, Yasutaka Fujimoto:
Design and Thermal Analysis of Cooling System for High-Power Density Motor Based on Air-flow. 273-278 - Yuting Xu, Xiaoyan Huang, Zhuo Chen, Youtong Fang:
Design of a 24-slot/22-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Quadruped Robot. 279-283 - Ye Zhao, Wei Zhang, Xinbing Wu:
Design of Model Free Adaptive Controller for PMSM Speed Control. 284-289 - Farhad Mashhadifarahani, Alireza Siadatan, Davood Karamalian
, Behrooz Majidi, Azadeh Ghadimi:
Designing and Optimization of 9/12 Stator Permanent Magnet SRM to Improve Torque Ripple. 290-295 - Marius Stender, Oliver Wallscheid
, Joachim Böcker:
Development of a Black-Box Two-Level IGBT Three-Phase Inverter Compensation Scheme for Electrical Drives. 296-301 - Matthias Stiller, Ingo Hahn:
Different Iron Loss Models for Electrical Steel Sheets considering Harmonic Flux Signals. 302-307 - Fakhrossadat Ghoroghchian, Aliakbar Damaki Aliabad, Ebrahim Amiri:
Dual-Pole LSPM Motor with Dahlander Winding for High Inertia Loads. 308-312 - Yuyao He, Yuhao Xu:
Dynamic Model Predictive Current Control Based on Deviation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. 313-317 - Wilhelm Kirchgässner, Oliver Wallscheid
, Joachim Böcker:
Empirical Evaluation of Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages for Simple Linear Thermal Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. 318-323 - Subrato Saha, Nuwantha Fernando, Rekha Jayarajan, Lasantha Meegahapola
FSM Stator Tooth to Rotor Pole MEC Modelling and Full Machine Simulation. 330-335 - Du Xinming, Zhang Wei:
High Precision Off-line Parameters Identification of PMSM Considering Dead-time Effect. 336-341 - Claudiu Alexandru Oprea, Calin Iclodean
, Mihai Chirca, Marius Dranca, Florin Ghita, Stefan Breban
Initial Evaluation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Structures for Light Electric Vehicle Applications. 342-347 - Arthur Nascimento Rosa Lima, Guilherme Adriano Juliani Storti, Marcelo Favoretto Castoldi, Alessandro Goedtel
, Emerson Ravazzi Pires da Silva:
Optimization of the PI controller used in Model Predictive Torque Control through Differential Evolution. 348-353 - Alireza Siadatan, Mahsa karami:
Optimum design of double sided linear switched reluctance motor with taguchi method. 354-358 - Daniel Bachinski Pinhal, Dieter Gerling:
Performance Map Calculation of a Salient-Pole Synchronous Motor with Hairpin Winding. 359-365 - Xiaogang Lin, Wenxin Huang, Wen Jiang:
Position Sensorless Direct Torque Control for PMSM Based on Pulse High Frequency Stator Flux Injection at Low Speed. 366-371 - Luise Drüner, Ludwig Brabetz, Mohamed Ayeb
Post-Processing of Multimaterial Topology Optimization Results of Permanent Magnet Electrical Machines. 372-377 - Naga Surya Prakash M, S. Srinivas:
Predictive Current Control of an Open End Winding Induction Machine using a Dual two-level Inverter Drive. 378-383 - Chenwei Ma, Xuliang Yao, Huayu Li, Frederik De Belie:
Reference Voltage Vector Based Model Predictive Torque Control with RMS Solution for PMSM. 384-389 - Christoph Hittinger, Ingo Hahn:
Short-Circuited Rotor Windings for Improving the Electromagnetic Saliency for Inductance- and Resistance-Based Self-Sensing Control. 390-395 - Daniel Memije Garduño
, Oscar Carranza Castillo
, Jaime José Rodríguez Rivas, Rubén Ortega González, Edgar Peralta-Sanchez
Sliding Mode Observer Enhanced for Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control. 396-401 - Oliver Wallscheid
, Muhammad Saad Shafiq, Joachim Böcker:
Stator Flux-Based Field-Oriented Position-Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors With Limited Parameter Knowledge. 402-407 - Shabnam Ruzbehi, Ingo Hahn:
Structural Optimization of an Electromagnetic Actuator Based on Genetic Algorithm, Greedy Search and Their Combination. 408-413 - Jingchen Liang, Amir Parsapour, Mehdi Moallem, Babak Fahimi, Morgan Kiani:
Torque Profile Optimization in Switched Reluctance Motor. 414-419 - Yufei Fu, Youmin Zhang
, Ziquan Yu
, Zhixiang Liu:
A Backstepping Control Strategy for Fixed Wing UAV under Actuator Failure. 423-427 - Yalan Gu, Shengchao Liu, Dong Wang, Li Zhang:
A Generalized Moving Average Filter for Active Power Filter Applications. 428-433 - Yungchen Wang, Yiling Lin, Rongshun Chen:
A Multi Fault Tolerant Control Architecture in Starter Generator System. 434-439 - Jyoti Prakash Mishra, Xinghuo Yu, Mahdi Jalili:
A Non-singular Terminal Recursive Surface Structure Design for Higher-order Systems. 440-444 - Antoine Brissette, Houshang Karimi, Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Keyhan Sheshyekani:
A Robust and Structurally Simple Controller for Inverter Applications. 445-450 - Minjae Cho, Seongyun Park, Eunsung Kwon, Seongho Jeong, Kyihwan Park:
A waste metal sorting system using LIBS classification. 451-454 - Mohannad Takrouri, Rached Dhaouadi
Adaptive Identification and Compensation of Nonlinear Friction in a Voice-Coil Linear Servomotor. 455-460 - Shymaa Darwish
, Amr Pertew, Wafaa Elhaweet, Amr Mokhtar:
Advanced Boiler Control System for Steam Power Plants Using Modern Control Techniques. 461-466 - Norbert Herencsar
, Aslihan Kartci, Jaroslav Koton
, Roman Sotner, Baris Baykant Alagöz, Celaleddin Yeroglu
Analogue Implementation of a Fractional-PIλ Controller for DC Motor Speed Control. 467-472 - Junjie Wang, Xiaotao Liu, Yanming Liu, Xiaoping Li:
Automated Tuning of Model Predictive Control for Wind Tunnel*. 473-478 - Xuan Xiao, Chen Wang, Yi Yang, Zhuang Li, Ziyu Qin:
Autonomous Tracking and Landing of QUAV Based on Air-Ground Cooperation. 479-484 - Sara A. Rashad, Mohamed Sallam
, A. M. Bassiuny
, Abdel Ghany Mohamed Abdelghany:
Control Of Master-Slave System Using Optimal NPID and FOPID. 485-490 - Mahdi Debouza, Ahmed Al-Durra:
Design of H-infinity Controller for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine. 491-496 - Zhe Guan, Ikuro Mizumoto, Toru Yamamoto:
Design of PCA-based Data-Driven Adaptive Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Systems. 497-502 - Hanul Jung, Sehoon Oh:
Disturbance Observer Based Decoupling Control to Suppress Rotational Motion of Cross-coupled Gantry Stage. 503-508 - Rui-Qi Dong, Xi Dong, Ai-Guo Wu, Ying Zhang:
Dynamic Sliding Mode Attitude Tracking Control for Flexible Spacecraft*. 509-514 - Jack P. Salameh, Sebastien Cauet
, Erik Etien
, Anas Sakout
, Laurent Rambault:
EMD-Kalman filter design for wind turbine condition monitoring. 515-520 - Ali Montazeri
, Gerd Griepentrog:
Explicit Consideration of Inverter Losses in the Cost Function for Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Induction Machine, Experimental Results. 521-526 - Nuo Xu, Jinxing Lin, Yuhang Miao, Edmond Qi Wu:
Fuel-Optimal Predictive Control of Satellite Formation Keeping Based on Genetic Algorithm. 527-532 - Mohammad Hossein Roohi, Tongwen Chen, Iman Izadi:
ℋ2 Controller Synthesis with an Alarm Performance Constraint. 533-538 - Suneel Kumar Kommuri, Yonghyun Park, Sang Bin Lee
Higher-Order Sliding Mode Based High-Resistance Fault-Control in PMSM Drives. 539-544 - Huaiyuan Sheng, Eric Shi, Kunwu Zhang:
Image-Based Visual Servoing of a Quadrotor with Improved Visibility Using Model Predictive Control. 551-556 - Jun Zhou, Zhen Shao:
Interpreting Sampled-Data Systems with Time-Delayed Descriptor State-Space Expressions. 557-562 - Levon Gevorkov
, Václav Smídl, Martin Sirový:
Model of Hybrid Speed and Throttle Control for Centrifugal Pump System Enhancement. 563-568 - Hongli Bai, Jian Gao, Xiaoxiao Sun, Weisheng Yan:
Model Predictive Visual Trajectory-Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots. 569-574 - Tao Lei
, Delin Kong, Zhihao Min:
Modified Model Predictive Control for the Aerospace PWM Rectifiers. 575-580 - Dong Wang, Quan Pan, Jinwen Hu, Chunhui Zhao, Yaning Guo:
MPCC-based Path Following Control for a Quadrotor with Collision Avoidance Guaranteed in Constrained Environments. 581-586 - Sen Wang, Guoqiang Zhu
, Xinkai Chen
, Xiuyu Zhang, Junjie Xu, Xiaoming Li, Hong Cao:
Neural Networks-based Robust Adaptive Dynamic Surface Sliding Mode Control of Flight Path Angle with Tracking Error Constraints. 587-592 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano
, Carlo Cecati
, Masoud Abbaszadeh:
Nonlinear optimal control for multilevel inverters. 593-598 - Sara Hosseini, Ingo Hahn:
Nonlinear Optimization of Energy Consumption in Trajectory Planning of a Single-axis Electrical Drive. 599-604 - Jianan Yang, Yu Hen Hu, Yong Liu, Xiaolei Hou
, Quan Pan:
On the Application of Reinforcement Learning in Multi-debris Active Removal Mission Planning. 605-610 - Xiaoran Zhang
, Wan Zhang, Yongtong Cao, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi:
Optimal Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor Calibration for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes. 617-622 - Mohammad Hossein Roohi, Tongwen Chen:
Optimal Sampling Rate and Quantization for Networked Control Systems*. 623-628 - Pablo René López Deras, Yasutaka Fujimoto:
Optimization of two-channel bilateral control based on sensitivity function through transparency analysis. 629-634 - Jie Sheng:
Real Time DC Water Tank Level Control using Arduino Mega 2560. 635-640 - Yusuke Kawai, Yuki Yokokura, Kiyoshi Ohishi
, Toshimasa Miyazaki:
Realization of Resonance Ratio Control Focusing on Duality of Torque and Velocity for Two-Inertia System with Environment. 641-646 - Peng Zhou, Hongbo Wang, Zhiying Guan:
Ship weather routing based on grid system and modified genetic algorithm. 647-652 - Arshad Rauf
, Jun Yang, Rafal Madonski
, Shihua Li, Zuo Wang:
Sliding Mode Control of Converter-fed DC Motor with Mismatched Load Torque Compensation. 653-657 - Ichiro Jikuya, Yasuaki Hori, Tatsuki Matsuda, Kentaro Takagi:
Spillover Phenomenon on the Lower Frequency Side in the Multimode Piezoelectric NC-shunt Damping. 658-663 - Pan Zhao, Ryozo Nagamune:
Switching LPV Control of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine on a Semi-Submersible Platform. 664-669 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Masoud Abbaszadeh:
Synchronization of chaotic electronic circuits using nonlinear optimal control. 670-675 - Jiaxin Yan, Xiaofei Yang, Zihan Meng, Yulong Wang:
Tracking of ground targets by quadrotor UAV based on UWB positioning technology. 676-681 - Kenan Yong
, Qingxian Wu, Mou Chen:
Wind Estimation-based Robust Flight Control for UAV with Active Maneuverability Limit. 682-687 - Feng Gao, Zhenpo Wang, Junjun Deng, Shuo Wang
, Yachao Wang:
A Comparison Study of Compensation Topologies for Capacitive Power Transfer. 691-696 - Zhengxuan Li, Qiang Song, Rong Zeng, Biao Zhao, Jingwei Meng, Zexi Deng:
A DC Grid Access Solution Based on Series-connected Distributed Full-bridge Submodule-based MMCs. 697-701 - Dongdong Chen, Xiumin Zhou, Jiaxin Huang, Ye Zhao:
A DC-Link Voltage Ripple Modeling and Suppression Circuit Design for Load Compensator. 702-707 - S. Sajjad Seyedalipour, Sertac Bayhan
, Hasan Komurcugil
A Lyapunov-Function-Based Control Strategy for Distributed Generations in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids. 708-713 - Saad F. Al-Gahtani
, R. M. Nelms:
A Modified IRPT Control Method for a Shunt Active Power Filter for Unbalanced Conditions. 720-727 - Lin Bowei, Peng Li, Xu Ke:
A Multi Path Feedforward Control of Load Current for Three-Phase Inverter with Transformer. 728-733 - Jiaxuan Zhou, Hao Ma:
A New LLC Converter with Wide Output Voltage Range and Improved Efficiency at Medium or Low Output Voltage. 734-739 - Mohamed Hamza Laraki, Brahim Brahmi
, Ambrish Chandra, Kodjo Agbossou, Alben Cardenas Gonzalez:
A Novel Adaptive Control of Three-Phase Inverter for Standalone Distributed Generation System Using Modified Super-Twisting Algorithm with Time Delay Estimation. 740-745 - Hang Zhang, Yaohua Li, Zixin Li, Fanqiang Gao, Cong Zhao, Yujie Hu, Ping Wang:
A Novel Three-Stage Power Electronic Transformer for AC/DC Conversion. 746-751 - Xuefeng Wang
, Li Peng:
An Improved Control of D-STATCOM under Unbalanced Grid and Load Conditions. 752-757 - Li Zhang, Guang Chen, Xingjian Yang, Fengchen Zhao, Yifan Gu, Yan Xing:
An Improved Modulation Strategy for "SiC+Si" Hybrid Five-Level Active NPC Inverters. 758-763 - Pouria Qashqai
, Hani Vahedi, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Applications of artifical intelligence in power electronics. 764-769 - Sven Bolte, Frank Schafmeister, Joachim Böcker:
Bidirectional Resonant Converter with Integrated Magnetics for On-Board Chargers. 770-774 - Patrick R. Palmer
, Tianqi Zhang, Teng Long
, Luke Schillaber, Edward Shelton:
Considerations for Controlled Switching of the Power GaN HEMT. 775-779 - Kiavash Askari Noghani, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Youssef Ounejjar
, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Current Based Model Predictive Control for DC Capacitor Optimization in Grid-Connected and Stand-Alone Nine-Level Packed U-Cell Inverter. 787-792 - Jalal Amini, Mehrdad Moallem:
DC Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method for Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converters. 793-797 - Lubos Streit, Jan Stepánek, Tomas Komrska
, Martin Jara, Zdenek Peroutka:
DC Losses Heatsink Verification of IGBT Converter for Power Systems. 798-803 - I. Halil Hayirli, Burak Kelleci, Ömer Cihan Kivanç, Salih Baris Ozturk
, R. Nejat Tuncay, M. Oguz Citci:
Design and Analysis of 240 Watt SEPIC Converter for LED Applications. 804-809 - Hassan AboReada, A. V. J. S. Praneeth, Nimesh Vamanan, Vijay Kumar Sood
, Sheldon S. Williamson
Design and Control of Non-isolated, Multi-input DC/DC Converter for Effective Energy Management. 810-815 - Carlos Cuellar, Nadir Idir:
Design of Coupled Common-Differential Inductors for EMI filters. 816-821 - Mebrahtom Woldelibanos Beraki, João Pedro F. Trovão
, Marina S. Perdigão:
Design of Variable Inductor for Powertrain DC-DC Converter. 822-827 - Minghan Dong, Zhihong Bai, Hao Ma:
Dual Current Feedback Active Damping for Improving Transient Performance of LCL-filter-based Grid-connected Inverter. 828-833 - Fatma Jarraya, Rawad Zgheib, Mostafa Abarzadeh, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Efficiency Evaluation of a Single Phase And a Three Phase Dual Active Bridge Isolated DC-DC Converter. 834-839 - Li Zhang, Shengchao Liu, Guang Chen, Xingjian Yang:
Evaluation of Hybrid Si/SiC Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters. 840-845 - Zdenek Kehl, Tomas Glasberger, Zdenek Peroutka:
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Static Compensator. 858-863 - Nasrin Kianpoor, Mojtaba Yousefi, Navid Bayati
, Amin Hajizadeh
, Mohsen Soltani
Fractional Order Modelling of DC-DC Boost Converters. 864-869 - Flavio Accorinti, Najoua Erroui, Vincent Ayel, Guillaume Gateau, Yves Bertin, Nicolas Roux, Sebastien Dutour, Marc Miscevic
High-efficiency cooling system for highly integrated power electronics for hybrid propulsion aircraft. 870-877 - Luccas M. Kunzler
, Luiz A. C. Lopes:
Hybrid Single Phase Wide Range Amplitude and Frequency Detection with Fast Reference Tracking. 878-883 - Bedrich Bednár, Pavel Drábek, Martin Pittermann
Implementation of FPGA and DSP combined algorithms for modular Single-Phase Matrix Converter with Medium Frequency Transformer for Traction Drive Application. 884-889 - Lixiao Cao, Jingyi Zhang, Jing-Yue Wang, Zheng Qian:
Intelligent fault diagnosis of wind turbine gearbox based on Long short-term memory networks. 890-895 - Abdel Gafoor Haddad
, Muhammad Ahmed Humais
, Ahmed Al-Durra:
Investigation of Different Controllers and Observers Combinations for Grid-Tied LCL Filter. 896-901 - Tomás Komrska
, Tomás Glasberger, Zdenek Peroutka:
Minimum Infinity Norm-Based PWM for Three-Phase Four-Leg Converters. 902-907 - Sertac Bayhan
, Haitham Abu-Rub:
Model Predictive Control Based Dual-Mode Controller for Multi-Source DC Microgrid. 908-913 - Eun-Su Jun, Sangshin Kwak, Jeihoon Baek:
Model Predictive Control Method with NP Voltage Balance by Offset Voltage Injection for Single-phase NPC Converters. 914-919 - Sara Alomari
, Issam A. Smadi:
Modeling and Control of Multi-Port DC/DC Converter. 920-925 - Ripple Reduction, Mehdi Narimani, Jennifer Bauman:
Modified Lyapunov-Based Model Predictive Direct Power Control of an AC-DC Converter with Power. 926-931 - Shaojie Wang, Xiaoguang Hu, Junjun Chang, Jin Xiao
, Guofeng Zhang, Li Fu:
Multi-domain modeling of missile power distribution system and development of simulation platform based on FMI standard. 932-937 - Saeed Arazm, Hani Vahedi, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Nine-Level Packed U-Cell (PUC9) Inverter Topology with Single-DC-Source and Effective Voltage Balancing of Auxiliary Capacitors. 944-949 - Jianguo Wang, Richard A. McMahon:
Reliable Control of Direct PWM AC-AC Buck Converter With Short Circuit Protection. 950-954 - Afaq Hussain
, Hadeed Ahmed Sher
, Ali Faisal Murtaza, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Revised Perturb and Observe Approach For Maximum Power Point Tracking Of Photovoltaic Module Using Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control. 962-967 - Lotfi Beghou, François Costa
Sequential Switch Association in an N-Stage Interleaved Boost Converter for High Efficiency AC-DC Conversion. 968-973 - Xiaofan Fu, Kamal Al-Haddad, Louis-A. Dessaint, Abdelhamid Hamadi:
Series Connection of VSC Modules for Offshore Wind Farm Application. 974-979 - Pouya Tarassodi, Alireza Siadatan, Milad Keshani:
Single-Phase Multi-Level Inverter Suitable for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Photovoltaic (PV) Applications. 980-984 - M. Mahdavyfakhr, Navid Amiri, Juri Jatskevich:
Small Signal Modeling of Full Bridge Boost Converter. 985-989 - Tobias Schneider, Sascha Kratz, Ralf Wegener, Stefan Soter:
Symmetrical Bidirectional CLLC-Converter with Simplified Synchronous Rectification for EV-Charging in Isolated DC Power Grids. 990-995 - Yaqiang Wang, Jingru Yang, Bowen Zhang
, Xue Jiang, Zhen Kang, Tong Ni, Weilin Li:
TCM Controller Design for Three-Level Bidirectional Soft-Switching DC-DC Converter. 996-1001 - Natália M. R. Santos
, V. Fernão Pires
, J. Fernando A. da Silva:
The HVDC Dual Transmission System Under DC Short-Circuit Faults. 1002-1007 - Hung-Chi Chen, Chun-Ting Yeh:
Three-Phase Scalar PWM with Zero Averaged Common-Mode Voltage. 1008-1013 - Jan Stepánek, Bedrich Bednár, Pavel Drábek:
Verification of the Current Load Capacity of The MOSFET Transistor for Low-Voltage Application Using Temperature Estimation. 1014-1019 - Amirhosein Akbari, Fereshteh Poloei, Alireza R. Bakhshai
A Brief Review on State-of-the-art Grid-connected Inverters for Photovoltaic Applications. 1023-1028 - Kyuil Hwang, Kyumin Lee, Ilsong Kim:
A High Speed Solar MPPT Controller Design. 1029-1034 - Jingyi Wang, Zheng Qian, Jing-Yue Wang, Yan Pei:
A study on the lifetime estimation of photovoltaic modules under accelerated environmental conditions. 1035-1040 - Umamaheswararao Vuyyuru, Suman Maiti, Chandan Chakraborty, Sumit K. Chattopadhyay:
A Switched Capacitor Series Voltage Controller with Fault Current Limiting Capability for DC Microgrid Application. 1041-1046 - Muhammad Umair Mutarraf, Yacine Terriche, Kamran Ali Khan Niazi, Chun-Lien Su, Juan C. Vasquez
, Josep M. Guerrero
Battery Energy Storage Systems for Mitigating Fluctuations Caused by Pulse Loads and Propulsion Motors in Shipboard Microgrids. 1047-1052 - Hooman Ekhteraei Toosi, Adel Merabet
, Amer M. Y. M. Ghias, Andrew Swingler:
Central Power Management System for Hybrid PV/Battery AC-Bus Microgrid Using Typhoon HIL. 1053-1058 - Amir Ebrahimi:
Challenges of developing a digital twin model of renewable energy generators. 1059-1066 - Bin Liu, Shaohua Li:
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis on a Perforated Plate in a High Pressure Reducing System for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Using Real Gas Equation of State. 1067-1071 - Rupak Kanti Dhar, Adel Merabet
, Amer M. Y. M. Ghias, Zheng Qin:
Control Architecture of Solar Photovoltaic AC-Bus Microgrid with Battery Storage System. 1072-1077 - Xiaoquan Xu, Shaahin Filizadeh:
Control Strategy for a Battery Energy Storage System with Parallel Paths. 1078-1083 - Juanting Xu, Amro Alsabbagh
, Dongxiang Yan, Chengbin Ma
Game-theoretic Energy Management with Velocity Prediction in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. 1084-1089 - Shuan Dong
, Yu Christine Chen:
Reducing Transient Active- and Reactive-power Coupling in Virtual Synchronous Generators. 1090-1095 - Benjamin Krueger, Sascha Kratz, Tobias Theopold, Stefan Soter:
Wear Reduction Control Method in a Blade Pitch System of Wind Turbines. 1107-1112 - M. Mazzanti, Cristina Cristalli, Lorenzo Gagliardini, Luca Carbonari, Luca Lattanzi
, Daniele Massa:
A Novel Trajectory Generation Algorithm for Robot Manipulators with Online Adaptation and Singularity Management. 1115-1120 - Daxiong Ji, Shuai Zhou, Jie Ren, Mingzhe Sun:
A Prototype of Newly Dynamic Underwater Vehicle Using Fuzzy PID Control. 1121-1126 - Bharat Balagopal, Sean Kerrigan, Howuk Kim, Mo-Yuen Chow, Mohamed Bourham, Xiaoning Jiang:
A Smart Sensor Prototype for Vibration Sensing in Nuclear Power Plants. 1127-1132 - Hongkai Li, Lei Zhang, ZhenDong Dai, Hongchao Wang, Xing Wu, Longjun Wang:
A wheeled wall climbing robot by using bio-inspired adhesive material. 1133-1137 - Nazeer T. Mohammed Saeed, Christian Weber
, Madjid Fathi, Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert:
An Efficient Alternative for Modeling Spatial Prepositions with RDF Helper Nodes Based on the Environment Perception of a Mobile Robot. 1138-1143 - Luís do Ó, Pedro Alexandre Prates, Ricardo Mendonça, André Lourenço, Francisco Marques
, José Barata
Autonomous 3-D Aerial Navigation System for Precision Agriculture. 1144-1149 - Juan Zhao, Jinhua She, Dianhong Wang, Min Wu, Edwardo F. Fukushima, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
Design of a New Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Machine with Independently Controlled Pedals. 1150-1155 - Hasitha S. Hewawasam
, M. Yousef Ibrahim, Gayan Kahandawa
, Tanveer A. Choudhury:
Development and Bench-marking of Agoraphilic Navigation Algorithm in Dynamic Environment. 1156-1161 - Mykhailo Ivanov, Oleg Sergiyenko, Paolo Mercorelli
, Wilmar Hernandez
, Vera Tyrsa, Daniel Hernandez Balbuena
, Julio Cesar Rodríguez-Quiñonez
, Vladimir M. Kartashov, Marina Kolendovska
, Iryna Tabakova
Effective informational entropy reduction in multi-robot systems based on real-time TVS. 1162-1167 - Henghua Shen, Ya-Jun Pan
, Georgeta Bauer:
Manipulability-Based Load Allocation and Kinematic Decoupling in Cooperative Manipulations. 1168-1173 - Takuya Matsunaga, Hiroshi Asai, Tomoyuki Shimono, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Multi DoF Robotic Platform using Large Circular Linear Motors for Haptic Surgical Robots. 1174-1179 - Ren C. Luo, Yu-Ting Hsu, Huan-Jun Ye:
Multi-Modal Human-Aware Image Caption System for Intelligent Service Robotics Applications. 1180-1185 - Toshiki Hashizume, Mihoko Niitsuma
Pose Presentation of End Effector Using Vibrotactile Interface for Assistance in Motion Sharing of Industrial Robot Remote Operation. 1186-1191 - Ana Beatriz Salvado, Ricardo Mendonça, André Lourenço, Francisco Marques
, João Pedro Matos-Carvalho
, Luís Miguel Campos, José Barata
Semantic Navigation Mapping from Aerial Multispectral Imagery. 1192-1197 - Glenn Janiak, Kenneth Vonckx, Md. Suruz Miah
Smart Real-Time Motion Control Framework for 2-DOF Helicopters: A Teleoperation Approach. 1198-1203 - Jiwei Hu, Bo Jin, Huiping Li, Weisheng Yan, Mingyong Liu, Rongxin Cui:
A DMPC-Based Approach to Circular Cooperative Path-following Control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 1207-1212 - Chun-xi Yang, Jie Zhu, Jing Zhang, Lingyun Huang:
A Resource-aware Distributed Kalman Filter with Stochastic Communication Based on Site-percolation Model. 1213-1218 - Daniel Behnke, Marcel Müller, Patrick-Benjamin Bök:
Business Process Logic Controller: Business Process-aware Network Optimization for Smart Manufacturing. 1219-1224 - Abhilash Kancharla
, Jongho Seol, Nicole Park, Indy Park, Nohpill Park:
Dependable Industrial Crypto Computing. 1225-1232 - Zhuo Zhang, Pei Chen, Huiping Li, Feihu Zhang:
Distributed Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Optimal Energy Cost. 1233-1238 - Changxin Liu, Huiping Li, Yang Shi
Distributed dual subgradient method with double averaging: Application to QoS optimization in wireless networks. 1239-1244 - Bo Wei, Feng Xiao, Yang Shi
Dynamic event-triggered control for networked Euler-Lagrange systems. 1245-1250 - Alexander Gercikow, Hans-Peter Schmidt:
Highly Synchronous Modulation Scheme for Multidrop Real-Time Control. 1251-1256 - Jintao Lai, Bo Zhang, Li Qiu, Shiyu Chen, Rong Yang, Jianping Yuan:
Integrity Attack With Takeover Local Objects On Multi-agent Cluster Systems. 1257-1262 - Li Qiu, Lun He, Jianfei Pan, Chengxiang Liu, Rong Yang, Bo Zhang, Yang Shi
Stability Analysis of Networked Multi Station Cooperative Motion System. 1263-1267 - Henghua Shen, Ya-Jun Pan
, Usman Ahmad, Steven Liu
, Min Wu, Yanhao He:
Tracking Performance Evaluations on the Robust Teleoperative Control of Multiple Manipulators. 1268-1273 - Shimbi Masengo Wa Umba, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz, T. D. Ramotsoela
, Gerhard P. Hancke:
A Review of Artificial Intelligence Based Intrusion Detection for Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks. 1277-1282 - Ishmael Mathebula, Bassey Isong
, Naison Gasela, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz:
Analysis of SDN-Based Security Challenges and Solution Approaches for SDWSN Usage. 1288-1293 - Koketso Ntshabele
, Bassey Isong
, Nosipho Dladlu, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz:
Energy Consumption Challenges in Clustered Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: A Review. 1294-1299 - Asma Ladj
, Fatima Benbouzid-Si Tayeb, Christophe Varnier
, Ali Ayoub Dridi, Nacer Selmane:
Improved Genetic Algorithm for the Fuzzy Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Predictive Maintenance Planning. 1300-1305 - Alexander Hopsu, Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Valeriy Vyatkin:
On Portability of IEC 61499 Compliant Structures and Systems. 1306-1311 - Yongkang Liu, Richard Candell
, Mohamed Kashef
, Karl Montgomery:
A Collaborative Work Cell Testbed for Industrial Wireless Communications - The Baseline Design. 1315-1321 - Hannaneh Najdataei, Mukund Subramaniyan
, Vincenzo Gulisano
, Anders Skoogh, Marina Papatriantafilou:
Stream-IT: Continuous and dynamic processing of production systems data - throughput bottlenecks as a case-study. 1328-1333 - Richard Candell
, Karl Montgomery, Mohamed Kashef
, Yongkang Liu, Sebti Foufou:
Wireless Interference Estimation Using Machine Learning in a Robotic Force-Seeking Scenario. 1334-1341 - Homin Jiang
, Chen-Yu Yu, Mark Chen, Miter Liu:
Development of a Low Cost 15-Gsps Analog-to-Digital Converter Board by using a Field Programmable Gate Array Mezzanine Card Connector for FPGA-Based Backends. 1345-1350 - Dominik Meyer, Marcel Eckert, Bernd Klauer, Jan Haase
HDL FSM Code Generation Using a MIPS-based Assembler. 1351-1356 - Philipp Grothe, Jan Haase
Memristors as Adjustable Boundaries for an Analog Implementation of Decision Trees. 1357-1362 - Christian Fibich
, Martin Horauer, Roman Obermaisser:
Reliability-Enhanced High-Level Synthesis using Memory Profiling and Fault Injection. 1363-1370 - Edel Díaz, Raúl Mateos, Emilio José Bueno:
Virtual Platform of FPGA based SoC for Power Electronics Applications. 1371-1376 - Jaspreet Singh Kalsi, Nizar Bouguila:
Color Image Segmentation Using Generalized Inverted Dirichlet Finite Mixture Models By Integrating Spatial Information. 1379-1384 - Yaning Guo, Quan Pan, Qi Sun, Chunhui Zhao, Dong Wang, Min Feng:
Cooperative Game-based Multi-Agent Path Planning with Obstacle Avoidance*. 1385-1390 - Hieu Nguyen, Muhammad Azam, Nizar Bouguila:
Data Clustering using Variational Learning of Finite Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Models. 1391-1396 - Ajmal Shahbaz, Kang-Hyun Jo
Deep Foreground Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Network. 1397-1400 - Abdullah S. Alharthi
, Krikor B. Ozanyan
Deep Learning for Ground Reaction Force Data Analysis: Application to Wide-Area Floor Sensing. 1401-1406 - Narges Manouchehri, Jaspreet Singh Kalsi, Manar Amayri
, Nizar Bouguila:
Finite Two-Dimensional Beta Mixture Models: Model Selection and Applications. 1407-1412 - Shuo Liu, Xiang Peng, Zheng Liu:
Image Quality Assessment through Contour Detection. 1413-1417 - Xin Wang, Fang Fang, Xiaoning Zhang
, Yajuan Liu, Le Wei, Yang Shi
LSTM-based Short-term Load Forecasting for Building Electricity Consumption. 1418-1423 - Fahdah Alalyan, Nuha Zamzami
, Nizar Bouguila:
Model-Based Hierarchical Clustering for Categorical Data. 1424-1429 - Van-Thanh Hoang
, Kang-Hyun Jo
PydMobileNet: Pyramid Depthwise Separable Convolution Networks for Image Classification. 1430-1434 - Shahriar Bagheri, Nan Wu, Shaahin Filizadeh:
Simulation-Based Optimization of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. 1435-1440 - Hyunho Choi, Seungwon Yu, Jechang Jeong:
Speckle Noise Removal Technique in SAR Images using SRAD and Weighted Least Squares Filter. 1441-1446 - Jijun Qu, Zhijian Ji
, Huizi Ma, Qingyuan Qi:
The Differences between Completely Connected Cells and Incompletely Connected Cells on Controllability. 1447-1452 - Kamal Maanicshah, Nizar Bouguila, Wentao Fan
Variational Learning for Finite Generalized Inverted Dirichlet Mixture Models with a Component Splitting Approach. 1453-1458 - Fabian Natanael Murrieta-Rico, Vitalii Petranovskii
, Juan De Dios Sánchez-López
, Juan I. Nieto-Hipólito
, Mabel Vázquez-Briseño, Oleg Sergiyenko, Daniel Hernandez Balbuena
, Oleg Zabula:
Analysis of Spatial Localization Trough Frequency Counting for Accelerometers Embedded in INS. 1461-1466 - Syed Usama Yunas
, Abdullah S. Alharthi
, Krikor B. Ozanyan
Multi-modality fusion of floor and ambulatory sensors for gait classification. 1467-1472 - Kazuaki Takahara, Katsuhiro Hirata, Noboru Niguchi:
Proposal of a Magnetic Screw Motor Utilizing a Modulated Magnetic Flux. 1473-1478 - Jialei Shi
, Chao Huang, Xiangyu Wang, Liang Li:
Adaptive Dual-Loop Hydraulic Pressure Controller for Electric Booster Brake System. 1481-1486 - Guangyu Zhu, Haohan Yang
, Fan Yu:
Controller Design for an Automobile Steer-By-Wire System. 1492-1497 - Mustafa Baris Topcuoglu, Zafer Bingul
, Mehmet Gulec
Design and Analysis of a Radial Flux Electrically Excited Eddy Current Brake. 1498-1505 - Manjot S. Sidhu, Deepak Ronanki
, Sheldon S. Williamson
Hybrid State of Charge Estimation Approach for Lithium-ion Batteries using k-Nearest Neighbour and Gaussian Filter-based Error Cancellation. 1506-1511 - Xinjie Zhang, Wentao Li, Konghui Guo, Tao Peng, Yiqing Huang:
Longitudinal acceleration allocation for cooperative adaptive cruise control including platoon kinematics. 1512-1517 - Tong Wang, Huarong Zheng, Weihua Xu, Weimin Wu:
Low-Cost Navigation based on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicles. 1518-1523 - Bangjun Qiao, Xiaodong Wu
Real Time Trajectory Re-planning for Autonomous Vehicle Lane Changing in Uncertain Traffic. 1524-1529 - Jianlin Tang, Yu Gao, Huilong Yu, Yile Wang, Yunfeng Ai, Dongpu Cao
Real-time Display Method for Mining Vehicle Simulation based on Virtual reality. 1530-1535 - Hao Bai, Huan Luo, Chen Liu
, Damien Paire, Fei Gao:
Real-Time Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle Battery Charger on FPGA. 1536-1541 - Jianwei Ye, Weichao Zhuang
, Guodong Yin:
Rule-filter-integrated Control of LFP/LTO Hybrid Energy Storage System for Vehicular Application. 1542-1547 - Pineas M. Egidius, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz, Gerhard P. Hancke
A Comparison of Data Aggregation Techniques in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network. 1551-1555 - Olaus P. Cloete, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz, Gerhard P. Hancke:
Comparison of Localisation Estimation Algorithms in Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks. 1556-1561 - Manuel Avila Ramírez, Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Arturo Molina Gutiérrez
Fuzzy logic smart electric manager for building energy efficiency. 1562-1567 - Florian Wenig, Christian Seidl, Bernhard Derler, Christian Heschl, Thilo Sauter
, Albert Treytl
Towards non-invasive temperature measurements in HVAC: A characterization and correction approach. 1568-1572 - Xiaoqing Tang, Yongqiang Cui, She Ya-jun, Guihui Xie, Xin Liu, Shuai Zhang:
Battery-free Wi-Fi: Making Wi-Fi transmission simpler and practical. 1575-1582 - P. Sumathi, Deol Peter:
Instrument Control through GPIB-USB Communication with LabVIEW. 1583-1588 - Edgar Omar López-Caudana
, German Baltazar Reyes, Rodrigo Garcia Acevedo, Pedro Ponce, Nancy Mazon, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández
RoboTICs: Implementation of a Robotic Assistive Platform in a Mathematics High School Class. 1589-1594 - Pitshou N. Bokoro
, Babu Paul, Wesley Doorsamy
Towards smart teaching and learning: a study in a South African institution of higher learning. 1595-1598 - Gustavo Henrique Bazan, Marcelo Favoretto Castoldi, Alessandro Goedtel
, W. C. A. Pereira, M. L. Aguiar:
Virtual Platform of Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor to Assist in Education of Undergraduate Students. 1599-1604 - Nalin Randeniya, Sagheer Ranjha, Ambarish Kulkarni, Guoxing Lu
Virtual Reality Based Maintenance Training Effectiveness Measures - a Novel Approach for Rail Industry. 1605-1610 - Chun Sing Lai
, Yingshan Tao, Loi Lei Lai
, Kim Fung Tsang, Tsz Chun Lai
, Hao Wang
A Review on Techno-Economics and Financing for Grid Energy Storage Systems. 1613-1619 - Ping Wang, Zhiqiang Long, Chunhui Dai:
A PHM architecture of maglev train based on the distributed hierarchical structure. 1623-1626 - László Horváth:
Cyber Physical System in Context with System Level Engineering Model. 1627-1631 - Ana Cachada
, José Barbosa
, Paulo Leitão
, Leonel Deusdado, Jacinta Costa, João Paulo Teixeira
, Carlos Teixeira, Luís Romero
, Pedro Miguel Moreira
Development of Ergonomic User Interfaces for the Human Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems. 1632-1637 - João Paulo Barros
, Luís Gomes:
From non-autonomous Petri net models to executable state machines. 1638-1643 - Shabnam Pasandideh, Luís Gomes, Pedro Maló
Improving Attack Trees Analysis using Petri Net modeling of Cyber-Attacks. 1644-1649 - Wilfried Lepuschitz, Manuel Mayerhofer, Timon Höbert, Munir Merdan:
Integration of 3D-Printing Processes with a Cloud Manufacturing Platform. 1650-1655 - Oleg Ryabov, Seisuke Kano, Hiroyuki Sawada, Jonny Herwan
Lathe Machine as Industrie 4.0 Component (CPS). 1656-1660 - Xiaoliang Feng, Chenglin Wen, Quanbo Ge, Xiujuan Li:
Secure Fusion Filtering and Clustering for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. 1661-1666 - Wilmar Hernandez
, Alfredo Méndez, Francisco Ballesteros, Vicente González Posadas, José Luis Jiménez Martin, Hector Chinchero, Patricia Acosta-Vargas
, Rasa Zalakeviciute
A method to classify digital images by means of statistics of a wavelet decomposition. 1669-1674 - Qian Feng, Quan Pan, Xiaolei Hou
, Yong Liu, Congzhe Zhang:
A novel parameterization method to estimate the relative state and inertia parameters for non-cooperative targets. 1675-1681 - Oleksandr Poliarus, Yevhen Poliakov
, Oleg Sergiyenko, Vera Tyrsa, Wilmar Hernandez
, Julia Nechitailo
Azimuth estimation of landmarks by mobile autonomous robots using one scanning antenna. 1682-1687 - Guoqing Yu, Jian Chen, Kaixiang Zhang
, Xinfang Zhang
Camera External Self-Calibration for Intelligent Vehicles. 1688-1693 - Miguel Reyes-García, Oleg Sergiyenko, Mykhailo Ivanov, Lars Lindner
, Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez
, Daniel Hernandez Balbuena
, Wendy Flores-Fuentes
, Vera Tyrsa, Luis Omar Moreno-Ahedo, Fabian Natanael Murrieta-Rico:
Defining the Final Angular Position of DC Motor shaft using a Trapezoidal Trajectory Profile. 1694-1699 - Sergey V. Dvoynishnikov, Vladimir G. Meledin:
Laser Differential Cloudy Triangulation With Video Flow Synchronization. 1700-1705 - Volodymyr Akhmetov
, Sergii V. Khlamov
, Iryna Tabakova
, Wilmar Hernandez
, Juan Ivan Nieto-Hipólito
, Peter Fedorov:
New approach for pixelization of big astronomical data for machine vision purpose. 1706-1710 - Kohjiro Hashimoto, Tadashi Miyosawa, Tetsuyasu Yamada, Takeshi Tsuchiya, Kae Doki, Shinji Doki:
Quantification of Contributing Degree to Braking Operation of Driver based on the Hidden Markov Model. 1711-1716 - Javier Romero-Perigault, Wendy Flores-Fuentes
, Kang-Hyun Jo
, Danilo Cáceres Hernández:
Wireless Current Monitoring for Autonomous Robot Navigation. 1717-1722 - Chao Cheng, Mengchen Li, Wanxiu Teng, Chuang Yu:
A Feature Extraction Method and Its Application on Fault Diagnosis for High-Speed Train Bogie. 1725-1730 - Zhengkun Yang, Kuan Li
, Hao Zhao, Hao Luo
, Shen Yin
, Okyay Kaynak:
A Study of PnP Process Monitoring Technique on Three-Tank System. 1731-1736 - Jingrong Zhang, Tao Peng, Chao Yang
, Zhiwen Chen, Chunhua Yang
, Haoqiao Wen:
A Voltage-Based Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis Approach for Single Phase Two-Level Converters. 1737-1742 - Zhiwen Chen, Fei Gao, Chao Yang
, Tao Peng, Lu Zhou, Chunhua Yang
Converter Lifetime Modeling Based on Online Rainflow Counting Algorithm. 1743-1748 - Boyuan Zhou, Wenkai Hu, Tongwen Chen:
Cross-process alarm flood similarity analysis based on abstracted alarm descriptors. 1749-1754 - Hao Lin, Abraham Marquez, Feng Wu, Jianxing Liu, Hao Luo
, Leopoldo García Franquelo, Ligang Wu:
MRAS-Based Sensorless Control of PMSM with BPN in Prediction Mode. 1755-1760 - Josep M. Cirera, Jesus A. Carino, Daniel Zurita, Juan A. Ortega:
Semisupervised refrigeration plant cooling disaggregation by means of deep neural network ensemble. 1761-1766 - Mengdan Lei, Xianghui Cao, Gongpu Chen
, Changyin Sun:
A Consensus-State-Aware Adaptive Algorithm for Tuning CSMA Parameters in Multi-Agent Networks. 1769-1774 - Zhi-Wen Jiang, Bin Hu, Long Chen
, Ding-Xue Zhang, Xin-Ming Cheng, Tao Liv:
A Specified-Time Multi-Agent Hunting Scheme with Fairness Consideration. 1775-1780 - Junjie Fu, Yuezu Lv, Jialing Zhou, Guanghui Wen:
Consensus Tracking of Second-order Multi-agent Systems With Input Saturation Under General Directed Communication Graph. 1787-1792 - Yuezu Lü, Junjie Fu, Jialing Zhou, Guanghui Wen, Xinghuo Yu:
Distributed adaptive anti-windup consensus tracking of networked systems with switching topologies. 1793-1798 - Chunyu Zhang, Xin Wang, Jianting Lyu, Xinrong Yang:
Distributed adaptive neural consensus control for cooperative nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics and switching topology. 1799-1803 - Min Li, Zhi-Wei Liu
, Zhi-Hong Guan, Xiong Hu:
Impulsive Consensus Control for General Second-Order Multi-agent Systems. 1804-1809 - F. A. Alshehri, José L. Rueda Torres
, Arcadio Perilla
, Bart W. Tuinema, Mart A. M. M. van der Meijden, Peter Palensky, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt:
Generic Model of PEM Fuel Cells and Performance Analysis in Frequency Containment Period in Systems with Decreased Inertia. 1810-1815 - Yingxia Zhou, Jintao Gong, Guang Chen, Hong-xiang Hu:
Group Consensus of Networking Heterogeneous Agents with Parametric Uncertainties. 1816-1820 - Zhaohui Liu, Jialing Zhou, Dan Zhao, Yuezu Lv:
Guidance Design for Ensuring Simultaneous Attacks of Multiple Missiles Against a Maneuvering Target. 1821-1826 - Zhihong Liu, Zhiyang Dai, Pengpeng Yu, Qingchun Jin, Haibo Du, Zhaobi Chu, Di Wu:
Intelligent station area recognition technology based on NB-IoT and SVM. 1827-1832 - Ruijiang Zeng, Yeyuan Xu, Di Wu:
Normalization Performance Evaluation Method for Distribution Automation Terminal. 1833-1838 - Yushan Li, Han Wang, Jianping He, Xinping Guan:
Optimal Topology Recovery Scheme for Multi-robot Formation Control. 1847-1852 - Eren Çakmak, Serhat Tekin, Aykut Özdemir
, Orion Sky Lawlor, Seta Bogosyan:
Remotely Accessible Open Test Platform for CPS Transportation and CAV Research. 1853-1858 - Xin Gu, Jun Peng, Wentao Yu, Yijun Cheng, Fu Jiang, Xiaoyong Zhang, Zhiwu Huang, Lin Cai
Using blockchain to enhance the security of fog-assisted crowdsensing systems. 1859-1864 - Majid Farhangi, Weidong Xiao
, Huiqing Wen:
Advanced Modulation Scheme of Dual Active Bridge for High Conversion Efficiency. 1867-1871 - Xin Huang, Xuyun Qiu, Aijuan Li, Yumin Song:
Defects detection of Vehicle Steering Knuckle Based on Magnetic-acoustic Multi-physical Field Coupling Technology. 1872-1874 - Bingnan Qi, Wei Liu, Lipeng Zhang, Qikang Jia, Shaohua Li, Bin Liu:
Innovative Design and Coordinated Control of Multi-mode Coupling Drive System with a Speed-up Clutch for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. 1875-1880 - Chao Wei, Yubo Ye, Xitao Wu, Yi Sun:
Research on Longitudinal Slip Ratio H∞ Control of Electric Wheel Considering Time-varying Parameters. 1881-1885 - Junning Zhang, Shaopu Yang, Yongjie Lu, Shaohua Li, Haoyang Fan:
Research on Nonlinear Robust Control of Steering/Braking System of Heavy-duty Vehicle. 1886-1891 - Haoyang Fan, Shaohua Li, Hu Ding, Junning Zhang:
Simulation Analysis of Vehicle Trajectory Tracking Based on Model Predictive Control. 1892-1897 - Chao Wei, Xitao Wu, Sicheng Liu:
Study on MPC-based Energy Management for a Series Tracked Vehicle. 1898-1902 - Yuanbo Zhang, Weida Wang, Chao Yang, Lijin Han, Zhongguo Zhang, Jingang Liu:
An effective regenerative braking strategy based on the combination algorithm of particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization for electrical vehicle. 1905-1910 - Jiabin Shen, Hooman Homayouni, Jiacheng Wang
An Online Impedance Processing Method for Fuel Cell EIS Measurements Enabling Degradation Information Extraction. 1911-1916 - Amin Ghazanfari, Christian Perreault, Karim Zaghib:
EV/HEV Industry Trends of Wide-bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices for Power Electronics Converters. 1917-1923 - Xiaohui Tian
, Mengyin Fu, Yi Yang, Meiling Wang, Dongyu Liu:
Local Smooth Path Planning for Turning Around in Narrow Environment. 1924-1929 - Jian Zheng, Yun Li, Fei Meng:
Online Identification Method of Nonlinear Ship Motion Mathematical Models from Free-Running Tests. 1930-1936 - Jingang Liu, Hongwei Xiang, Bing Fu, Youhong Zhao, Zhongguo Zhang, Ming Mou:
Research on the Friction and Wear Properties of Surface Micro-Texture Steel Ring of CVT Metal Belt. 1937-1943 - Yue Liu, Hui Zhang:
Robust Driver-Automation Shared Control For A Lane Keeping System Using Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Method. 1944-1949 - Aijuan Li, Wenchang Yuan, Xin Huang, Xuyun Qiu, Xiaodong Ban, Yuxing Zhang:
Traffic Control System Based on 5G Communication Network. 1950-1955 - Zhenhuan Ding, Ziang Zhang:
A Behind-the-Meter Battery Control Algorithm with the Consideration of Li-ion Battery Degradation. 1959-1964 - Xin Sui
, Shan He
, Daniel-Ioan Stroe
, Xinrong Huang, Jinhao Meng, Remus Teodorescu
A review of sliding mode observers based on equivalent circuit model for battery SoC estimation. 1965-1970 - Seon Hyeog Kim, Hyeong Min Lee, Gu-Young Kwon
, Injun Park, Woojun Choi, Youngcheol Chae, Yong-June Shin
Harmonic Based Diagnostics for Aging Lithium-Ion Battery. 1971-1976 - Andrea Trovò
, Francesco Picano
, Massimo Guarnieri:
Maximizing Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Efficiency: Strategies of Flow Rate Control. 1977-1982 - Xianke Lin, Bingxian Mu:
Online Estimation of Diffusion-Induced Stress in Cathode Particles of Li-Ion Batteries. 1983-1988 - Hao Chen, Xiaodong Fan, Jian Zheng, Yuan Fu, Jian Chen:
Optimal Multi-Objective Cell Balancing for Battery Packs with Quadratic Programming. 1989-1994 - Ross M. Weber, Robert Spragg, Kenneth Hoffmann, Simona Onori:
Process noise quantification in Kalman filters with application to electrochemical Lithium-ion battery state estimation. 1995-2000 - Ning Tian, Huazhen Fang, Yebin Wang:
Real-Time Optimal Charging for Lithium-Ion Batteries via Explicit Model Predictive Control. 2001-2006 - Peter Azer, Saeed Ouni, Mehdi Narimani:
A New Fault-Tolerant Method For Four-level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter Based on Sinusoidal PWM. 2009-2014 - Dianxun Xiao
, Saeed Ouni, Mehdi Narimani:
A New Five-Level T-Type Converter with SPWM for Medium-Voltage Applications. 2015-2020 - Mostafa Abarzadeh, Alireza Javadi, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Novel Simplified Single Carrier PWM Method for 5L ANPC Converter with Capacitor Voltage Self-Balancing and Improved Output Voltage Spectrum. 2021-2026 - Pedro A. de Oliveira, Luiz Eduardo Borges da Silva, Robson Bauwelz Gonzatti
, Rondineli Rodrigues Pereira, Wilson Cesar Santana
, Denis Mollica:
A Practical Guide to Implement Model Based Predictive Control Applied on Cascaded H-Bridge Converters. 2027-2032 - Qiang Song, Shukai Xu, Yuebin Zhou, Yunbeom Gim, Zhengxuan Li, Zexi Deng:
Active Fault-Clearing on Long-Distance Overhead Lines using a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter. 2033-2038 - Robert Cuzner, Rounak Siddaiah, Thomas Nguyen:
Applying a Virtual Prototyping Process to Generate Pareto Optimal Solutions for a Modular Multi-Level MVAC to MVDC Converter. 2039-2046 - Laís F. C. Proença
, Luís Guilherme B. Rolim
New Topology of Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter with Model Predictive Control. 2053-2058 - Ayoub El Gadari
, Hind El Ouardi
, Salaheddine Alibou, K. Askari, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Youssef Ounejjar
, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Photovoltaic System Based On The PUC9 Inverter. 2059-2064 - Margarita Norambuena, José Rodríguez:
Reduced Multilevel Converter: A Novel Back-to-Back Converter with Reduced Switch Count. 2065-2069 - Zexi Deng, Dong Chen, Nian Mei, Wenbo Yang, Zhengxuan Li, Qiang Song:
The Control Strategy of Unidirectional Current H-Bridge MMC Based Hybrid HVDC System. 2070-2075 - Rakesh R, Apurv Kumar Yadav, Krishna Raj R, K. Gopakumar, Loganathan Umanand:
A 30-sided polygonal space vector structure with modular low voltage capacitor fed cascaded H bridge for IM drive. 2079-2084 - Cong-Long Nguyen, Paolo Primiani, Louis Viglione, Lyne Woodward:
A Low-Cost Battery Charger Usable with Sinusoidal Ripple-Current and Pulse Charging Algorithms for E-Bike Applications. 2085-2090 - Venkata R. Vakacharla, Akshay Kumar Rathore:
Performance Evaluation of LLC-SRC and LCC-T Resonant Tanks in Low-Voltage High-Current applications. 2091-2096 - John Reimers, Ali Emadi:
Switched Reluctance Motor Drive with Three-Phase Integrated Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle Applications. 2097-2102 - Yangming Wang, Dan Sun, Xiaohe Wang, Li Zhang:
A Novel Low Voltage Ride Through Control Strategy Based on Virtual Synchronous Generator. 2105-2110 - Ujjwol Tamrakar
, Timothy M. Hansen, Reinaldo Tonkoski
, David A. Copp
Model Predictive Frequency Control of Low Inertia Microgrids. 2111-2116 - Zhao Liu
, Ziang Zhang:
Probabilistic-Based Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems with Virtual Synchronous Machines. 2117-2122 - Fabio Mandrile
, Enrico Carpaneto, Radu Bojoi:
Virtual Synchronous Generator with Simplified Single-Axis Damper Winding. 2123-2128 - Xidi Xue, Zhan Li, Dongsheng Zhang, Yingxin Yan:
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Mobile Robot Collision Avoidance based on Double DQN. 2131-2136 - Xuepeng Chang, Huihui Pan, Dun Zhang, Qiming Sun, Weiyang Lin:
A Memory-Optimized and Energy-Efficient CNN Acceleration Architecture Based on FPGA. 2137-2141 - Jinhua Zhang, Xinghu Yu, Ming Zeng, Weichao Sun, Zhiyuan Liu:
A novel motion control for ground vehicles with 4 independent wheel agents. 2142-2146 - Xinghu Yu, Tong Wang
, Huijun Gao, Zhan Li:
Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Control for A Class of Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone. 2147-2151 - Kunwu Zhang, Changxin Liu, Yang Shi
Computationally Efficient Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Constrained Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. 2152-2157 - Kezhen Han, Ping Jiang, Shuangxi Huang, Yuan Jiang, Xiaohong Wang:
Estimator based robust dual-mode predictive output regulation in DC-DC Buck converters. 2158-2163 - Zhang Zhang, Yang Shi
Path-Following Control of Power Kites: An Economic Model Predictive Control Perspective. 2164-2169 - Haoyue Song, Weiyang Lin, Maoqiang Zhou, Gang Liu, Huihui Pan, Mingsi Tong:
Robust ℋ∞ Control for Disturbance Rejection in a Magnetic Levitation Device. 2170-2174 - Qian Zhang, Yang Shi
, Kui Wu:
Self-Triggered Robust MPC with ISM for Constrained Nonlinear Input-Affine Systems. 2175-2180 - Yacine Triki
, Ali Bechouche
, Hamid Seddiki, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam:
ADALINE Based MPPT With Indirect Control Mode for Photovoltaic Systems. 2183-2188 - Alben Cardenas
, Samuel Piché, David Meunier, Luis Rueda
, Kodjo Agbossou:
On the Occupancy Measurement and Analysis for Residential Applications. 2189-2194 - Nuha Zamzami
, Manar Amayri
, Nizar Bouguila, Stéphane Ploix:
Online Clustering for Estimating Occupancy in an Office Setting. 2195-2200 - Mojtaba Yousefi, Nasrin Kianpoor, Amin Hajizadeh
, Mohsen Soltani
Smart Energy Management System for Residential Homes Regarding Uncertainties of Photovoltaic Array and Plug-in Electric Vehicle. 2201-2206 - Zhuo Wang, Dong Yue, Jiajia Liu, Zhenzhe Xu:
A Stackelberg Game Modelling Approach for Aggregator Pricing and Electric Vehicle Charging. 2209-2213 - Shuo Li, Tiancheng Guo, Ran Mo, Xiaoshuai Zhao, Feng Zhou, Weirong Liu:
An Escape Guidance Path Developing Method on Sparse Anchors for Underground Disaster Rescue. 2214-2219 - Shimbi Masengo Wa Umba, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz, T. D. Ramotsoela
, Gerhard P. Hancke:
Comparative Study of Artificial Intelligence Based Intrusion Detection for Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks. 2220-2225 - Umair Mujtaba Qureshi
, Zuneera Umair
, Gerhard P. Hancke
Indoor Localization using Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals. 2232-2237 - Johnson Fadeyi, Elisha Didam Markus
, Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz:
Technology Coexistence in LPWANs-A Comparative Analysis for Spectrum Optimization. 2244-2249 - Yixin Cheng, Shu Yang, Bin Xu, Dong Zhang, Yu Zhang:
Discrete Sliding Mode Adaptive Control of HFV with Prediction Model. 2253-2258 - Huimin Chen, Songlin Hu, Dong Yue, Xiaoli Chen:
Resilient Event-Triggered H∞ Load Frequency Control of Isolated Hybird Power System Under Periodic DoS Jamming Attacks. 2271-2276 - Langwen Zhang, Jinfeng Liu, Wei Xie, Xunyuan Yin:
Robust Model Predictive Control of the Cutterhead System in Tunnel Boring Machines. 2277-2282 - Bohui Wang, Bin Zhang
Stable Consensus for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems with Non-zero Inputs. 2283-2288 - Man Li, Jiahu Qin, Lei Ding:
Two-Player Stackelberg Game for Linear System via Value Iteration Algorithm. 2289-2293 - Beibei Shu, Gabor Sziebig
, Roel Pieters
Architecture for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration: Multi-Modal Communication in Virtual Reality for Efficient Task Execution. 2297-2302 - Ådne Solhaug Linnerud, Rune Sandøy, Lars Erik Wetterwald:
CAD-based system for programming of robotic assembly processes with human-in-the-loop. 2303-2308 - Naoaki Oka, Seiichiro Katsura:
Development of Coffee Grinder with Servo Mechanism and Relationship Analysis between Processing Conditions and Particle Size. 2309-2314 - Takumi Nishio, Mihoko Niitsuma
Environmental Map Building to Describe Walking Dynamics for Determination of Spatial Feature of Walking Activity. 2315-2320 - Masayu Koyama, Masahiro Yokota, Shohei Kawazoe, Daisuke Chugo, Satoshi Muramatsu, Sho Yokota
, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Takahiro Katayama, Yasuhide Mizuta, Atsushi Koujina:
Sitting Assistance considering with Posture Tolerance of its User. 2321-2326 - Jiajie Zang, Jiacheng Wang
, Jianwen Zhang
, Jianqiao Zhou:
A Global Redundancy Scheme for Medium-Voltage Modular Multilevel Converter Based Solid-State Transformer. 2329-2334 - Adam Milczarek
, Michal Glówczyk, Sebastian Stynski
Advanced Power Management Algorithm in DC Microgrid Subsystem Controlled by Smart Transformer. 2335-2342 - Marcelo A. Pérez, Felipe Ruiz
, José R. Espinoza
, Mariusz Malinowski:
Control of Solid State Transformer based on Modular Multilevel Converters with Interconnecting Dual Active Bridges. 2343-2348 - Paul Frutos, Fernando Briz
, Alberto Sánchez, Juan Manuel Guerrero
Quad-Active-Bridge as the basic cell of a MMC Based SST for DER and DESS Integration. 2349-2355 - Omid Alavi, Amir Sajjad Bahman:
A Methodology for Rapid Estimation of Junction Temperature of Power Semiconductors Considering Mission Profiles. 2359-2364 - Youqi Guo, Saroj Biswas
, Lingfeng Wang:
Bilinear Control of DC-DC Boost Converter in the Presence of Gaussian Disturbance of Load. 2365-2370 - Deepak Ronanki
, Sheldon S. Williamson
Capacitance Estimation in Modular Multilevel Converters Under Nearest Level Modulation Scheme. 2371-2376 - Diksha Kumari, Sumit K. Chattopadhyay, Ashu Verma:
Multi-Winding Transformer based High Resolution Power Flow Controller. 2377-2382 - Rende Wang
, Yaping Zhang, Ting-Chung Poon, Peter Wai-Ming Tsang:
Edge extraction of multi-section objects in optical scanning holography. 2385-2387 - Dongyeon Kim, Seungjae Lee
, Jaebum Cho, Duk-Ho Lee, Kiseung Bang
, Byoungho Lee:
Enhancement of Depth Range in LED-based Holographic Near-Eye Display Using Focus Tunable Device. 2388-2391 - H. S. Lam, Peter W. M. Tsang:
Invariant Classification of Holograms of Deformable Objects Based on Deep Learning. 2392-2396 - Yin Xiao, Lina Zhou
, Wen Chen
Multiple-Plane Object Reconstruction Using Single-Pixel Digital Holography. 2397-2400 - Jung-Ping Liu, Hsuan-Hsuan Wen, Wen-Ting Chen:
Optical Scanning Hologray: From Tilt Holography to Curve Holography. 2401-2404 - Tomoyoshi Shimobaba, Shota Yamada, Takashi Kakue
, Tomoyoshi Ito:
Point spread function engineering for wavelet-based hologram calculation. 2405-2409 - Joon Lee, Tae Woong Kim, Dong Hwan Im, Kyung Beom Kim, Seung Ram Lim, Taegeun Kim:
Rotation and scale invariant three-dimensional recognition using optical scanning holography. 2410-2413 - Wenhui Zhang, Liangcai Cao, Hua Zhang, Guofan Jin, David J. Brady
Signal decoupling in digital holography via compressive sensing. 2414-2418 - Wenjing Zhou, Hongxia Shen, Xiaofei Guan, Yingjie Yu
, Hongbo Zhang, Ting-Chung Poon:
Simulation Analysis on Phase Retrieval using Transport of Intensity with an Off-axis Hologram. 2419-2424 - Rasool Heydari
, Yousef Khayat, Mobin Naderi
, Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam
, Tomislav Dragicevic
, Frede Blaabjerg
A Decentralized Adaptive Control Method for Frequency Regulation and Power Sharing in Autonomous Microgrids. 2427-2432 - Angelo Facchini
, Saman Korjani
, Alfonso Damiano:
A multi-microgrid aging cost optimisation of battery storage systems in presence of fluctuating renewable energy sources. 2433-2439 - Rocco Morello, Radu Schwarz, E. R. G. Hoedemaekers, F. Habenschaden, Roberto Di Rienzo
, Roberto Roncella, Roberto Saletti
, B. Rosca, T. Steffenhagen, Vincent R. H. Lorentz
, Federico Baronti:
Implementation and Test of a 48 V Smart Battery System with Integrated DC/DC Converter. 2440-2445 - Javad Najafi, Ali Peiravi, Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam
, Josep M. Guerrero
Power-Heat Generation Sources Planning in Microgrids to Enhance Resilience against Islanding due to Natural Disasters. 2446-2451 - Cong-Sheng Huang, Lelin Cai, Bharat Balagopal, Mo-Yuen Chow:
Real-time Abnormal Data Filtering Framework for Battery Energy Storage System Real-world Application. 2452-2457 - Nicolas Muller
, Samir Kouro
, Pericle Zanchetta, Patrick W. Wheeler, Aitor Marzo
Wavelet-based ESS sizing strategy to enable power peak-shaving in PV systems. 2458-2463 - Tsz Chun Lai
, Kim Fung Tsang, Y. C. Liu, Loi Lei Lai
A Temperature Prediction Method of Valve-regulated Lead-acid Battery. 2467-2470 - Arthur Albuquerque Zopellaro Soares, Diogo M. F. Mattos
, Yona Lopes
, Dianne S. V. Medeiros
, Natalia Castro Fernandes
, Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade:
An Efficient Authentication Mechanism based on Software-Defined Networks for Electric Vehicles. 2471-2476 - Philipp Rehlaender, Frank Schafmeister, Joachim Böcker, Tobias Grote:
Analytical Topology Comparison for a Single Stage On-Board EV-Battery Converter. 2477-2482 - Hamed Nademi, Kourosh Sedghisigarchi
, Luigi Vanfretti:
Coordinated Stability Assessment of Power Converter in Electric Vehicle Charging Station Using Predictive Control Reconfiguration. 2483-2488 - Amro Alsabbagh
, Chengbin Ma
Distributed Charging Management of Electric Vehicles with Charging Anxiety for Charging Cost Reduction. 2489-2494 - Omid Lorzadeh, Iman Lorzadeh, Mohsen Nourbakhsh Soltani
, Amin Hajizadeh
A Novel Active Stabilizer Method for DC/DC Power Converter Systems Feeding Constant Power Loads. 2497-2502 - Pandav Kiran Maroti, Rashid Al-Ammari, Atif Iqbal, Lazhar Ben-Brahim, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Haitham Abu-Rub:
A Novel High Gain Configurations of Modified SEPIC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications. 2503-2508 - Jacky Xiangyu Han, Weidong Xiao:
Advanced Control Scheme for DC Microgrid via Dual Active Bridge and Bus Signaling. 2515-2520 - Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar
, Mohammad Meraj
, Atif Iqbal, Rashid Al-ammari, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban:
New DC-DC Multilevel Configurations of 2L-Y Boost Converters with High Voltage Conversion Ratio for Renewable Energy Applications. 2527-2532 - V. V. Subrahmanya Kumar Bhajana
, Pavel Drábek:
Novel ZCS Transformerless High Gain DC-DC Converters for Renewable Energy Conversion Systems. 2533-2538 - Fulong Li, Zhengyu Lin
, Jiande Wu, Wuhua Li:
Virtual Negative Cable Resistance for Power Sharing Accuracy Enhancement in DC Microgrids. 2539-2544 - Hassan Cheaito, Bruno Allard, Guy Clerc, Pascal Venet, Ali Sari, Pascal Pommier-Petit, Joris Pallier:
Preliminary Design of Energy Storage System and Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Aircraft application. 2547-2552 - Amit Kumar Mondal, Saptarshi Basak, Chandan Chakraborty:
Design of a 4/6-pole Synchronous Machine with Embedded Brushless Synchronous Exciter (SEBSE). 2553-2558 - Vaka Ravikiran, Ritesh Kumar Keshri
, Akshay K. Rathore, Chandan Chakraborty:
Loss Analysis of Resonant Inductive Power Transfer System for Wireless Charging of e-Rickshaw. 2559-2564 - Aravind Ingalalli, Ujjwol Tamrakar
, Timothy M. Hansen, Reinaldo Tonkoski
Modeling Hydro Power System Frequency Dynamics for Virtual Inertia Emulation. 2565-2570 - Koyelia Khatun, Akshay K. Rathore:
Small Signal Modeling, Closed Loop Design, and Transient Results of Snubberless Naturally-Clamped Soft-Switching Current-Fed Half-bridge DC/DC Converter. 2571-2576 - Nestor Vazquez, Samson Shenglong Yu, Tat Kei Chau
, Tyrone Fernando
, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu:
A Perturbation and Observation Approach to Decentralized Power Loss Minimization in AC Microgrids. 2579-2584 - Adriano Ferreira
, Paulo Leitão
, José Barata
A Potential Field Load Scheduling Approach for Self-Sustainable Electrical Microgrids. 2585-2590 - Sijo Augustine, Sukumar M. Brahma, Matthew J. Reno:
Fault Current Control for DC Microgrid Protection Using an Adaptive Droop. 2591-2596 - Mingming Wan, Run Dong
, Jingru Yang, Zixiao Xu, Bowen Zhang
, Kun He, Weilin Li:
Fault Mechanism and Protection Strategy for DC Micro-grid. 2597-2602 - Lucas S. Araujo, Danilo Iglesias Brandao, Sidelmo M. Silva
, Braz de Jesus Cardoso Filho:
Reactive Power Support in Medium Voltage Networks by Coordinated Control of Distributed Generators in Dispatchable Low-Voltage Microgrid. 2603-2608 - Julius Susanto, Farhad Shahnia
Smoothing Batteries for PV-Diesel Microgrids. 2609-2614 - Zhixiong Shi, Shuxin Tian, Chao Sima, Kunpeng Li, Pengchen Nie, Ran Chen, Xiangjing Su, Shurong Wei, Yang Fu:
Trend Predicting of Distribution Network Operation States Based on PMU. 2615-2620 - Zhongyu Wang, Yaru Li, Yingqi Tang:
An Efficient Hybrid DE-WOA Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization. 2629-2634 - Maryam Sarbanzadeh, Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh, Ebrahim Babaei, Marco Rivera, Patrick W. Wheeler:
A New Basic Unit for Symmetric and Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Reduced Power Electronic Devices. 2633-2628 - Maryam Sarbanzadeh, Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh, Ali Salehi, Marco Rivera, Patrick W. Wheeler:
Genetic Algorithm Technique for 7-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter THD Minimization. 2635-2640 - Sushil Silwal, Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Roshan Sharma
, Houshang Karimi:
Impact of Feed-forward and Decoupling Terms on Stability of Grid-Connected Inverters. 2641-2646 - Shima Sadaf
, Nasser A. Al-Emadi
, Atif Iqbal, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar
, Mohammad Meraj
New High Gain 2LC-Y Multilevel-Boost-Converter (2LC-Y MBC) Topologies for Renewable Energy Conversion: Members of X-Y Converter Family. 2647-2652 - Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh, Maryam Sarbanzadeh, Marco Rivera, Patrick W. Wheeler:
New Reduced Asymmetric Basic Module Multilevel Converters for Cascaded Configurations. 2653-2658 - Mohammad Meraj
, Atif Iqbal, Nasser Al-Emadi
, Syed Rahman
, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar
Novel PWM Technique for Quasi Switched Boost Converter for the Nano-grid Applications. 2659-2664 - Xiang Peng, Chengkai Zhang, Uchenna Anyaoha
, Kevin Siggers, Zheng Liu:
Parameterizing Magnetic Flux Leakage Data for Pipeline Corrosion Defect Retrieval. 2665-2670

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