INTERSPEECH 2004: Lisbon, Portugal

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Plenary Talks

Speech Recognition - Adaptation

Spoken Language Identification, Translation and Retrieval I

Linguistics, Phonology, and Phonetics

Biomedical Applications of Speech Analysis

Robust Speech Recognition on AURORA

Spoken / Multimodal Dialogue System

Spoken Dialogue and Systems

Speech Perception

Multi-Lingual Speech-to-Speech Translation

Speech Recognition - Large Vocabulary

Speech Science

Novel Features in ASR

Spoken and Natural Language Understanding

Speaker Segmentation and Clustering

Speech Processing in a Packet Network Environment

Acoustic Modeling

Prosody Modeling and Generation

Multi-Sensor ASR

Multi-Lingual Speech Processing

Speech Enhancement

Speech and Affect

Speech Features

Language Modeling, Multimodal & Multilingual Speech Processing

Detection and Classification in ASR

Speech Analysis

Speech Production

Audio-Visual Speech Processing

Spoken Language Generation and Synthesis III

Speech Recognition - Language Model

Speaker Recognition

Processing of Prosody by Humans and Machines

Contemporary Issues in ASR

Second Language Learning and Spoken Language Processing

Emerging Research: Human Factors in Speech and Communication Systems

Interdisciplinary Topics in Spoken Language Processing

Towards Adaptive Machines: Active and Unsupervised Learning

Speech Coding

Robust ASR

Emerging Research

Spoken Language Resources and Technology Evaluation I

Multi-Modal / Multi-Media Processing

Automatic Speech Recognition in the Context of Mobile Communications

Robust Features for ASR

Towards Rapid Speech and Natural Language Application Development: Tooling, Architectures, Components and Standards

Speech Coding and Enhancement

Acoustic Modeling for Robust ASR

Spoken Dialogue Technology and Systems

Multi-Channel Speech Processing

Intersection of Spoken Language Processing and Written Language Processing

Prosodic Recognition and Analysis

Towards Rapid Speech and Natural Language Application Development