22nd ICCSA 2022: Malaga, Spain - Workshops, Part IV

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International Workshop on Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IKIT 2022)

13th International Symposium on Software Quality (ISSQ 2022)

International Workshop on Building Multi-dimensional Models for Assessing Complex Environmental Systems (MES 2022)

International Workshop on Models and Indicators for Assessing and Measuring the Urban Settlement Development in the View of ZERO Net Land Take by 2050 (MOVEto0 2022)

International Workshop on Modelling Post-Covid Cities (MPCC 2022)

International Workshop on Ecosystem Services: Nature's Contribution to People in Practice. Assessment Frameworks, Models, Mapping, and Implications (NC2P 2022)

International Workshop on New Mobility Choices For Sustainable and Alternative Scenarios (NEWMOB 2022)

International Workshop on Privacy in the Cloud/Edge/IoT World (PCEIoT 2022)

International Workshop on Psycho-Social Analysis of Sustainable Mobility in The Pre- and Post-Pandemic Phase (PSYCHE 2022)

International Workshop on Processes, Methods and Tools Towards Resilient Cities and Cultural Heritage Prone to SOD and ROD Disasters (RES 2022)

International Workshop on Scientic Computing Infrastructure (SCI 2022)