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Rajaram Kaliyaperumal
2020 – today
- 2024
- [c21]Rick Overkleeft, Sander van Boom, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Kees Burger, Jip Fransen, Teus H. Kappen, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Marco Roos:
FAIR Software as a Service: Combining tools to implement FAIR for clinical data platforms. SWAT4HCLS 2024: 208-209 - 2023
- [j11]Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Kees Burger, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Mark D. Wilkinson:
FAIR Data Point: A FAIR-Oriented Approach for Metadata Publication. Data Intell. 5(1): 163-183 (2023) - [j10]Oussama Mohammed Benhamed
, Kees Burger, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Marek Suchánek, Jan Slifka
, Mark D. Wilkinson:
The FAIR Data Point: Interfaces and Tooling. Data Intell. 5(1): 184-201 (2023) - [c20]Daphne Wijnbergen, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Marco Roos, Eleni Mina:
The FAIR Data Point Populator: collaborative FAIRification and population of FAIR Data Points. SWAT4HCLS 2023: 114-115 - 2022
- [j9]Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Mark D. Wilkinson
, Pablo Alarcón Moreno
, Nirupama Benis, Ronald Cornet, Bruna dos Santos Vieira
, Michel Dumontier, César Henrique Bernabé
, Annika Jacobsen, Clémence M. A. Le Cornec, Mario Prieto Godoy, Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Leo J. Schultze Kool, Morris A. Swertz
, Philip van Damme
, K. Joeri van der Velde, Nawel Lalout
, Shuxin Zhang
, Marco Roos:
Semantic modelling of common data elements for rare disease registries, and a prototype workflow for their deployment over registry data. J. Biomed. Semant. 13(1): 9 (2022) - [j8]Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, César Henrique Bernabé, Qinqin Long
, Simone A. Joosten
, Henk Jan van der Wijk, Erik Flikkenschild, Kees Burger, Annika Jacobsen, Barend Mons, Marco Roos
Applying the FAIR principles to data in a hospital: challenges and opportunities in a pandemic. J. Biomed. Semant. 13(1): 12 (2022) - [c19]Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Gurnoor Singh, Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Jumamurat Bayjanov, Peter Bram 't Hoen, Marco Roos:
Phenopackets for the Semantic Web. SWAT4HCLS 2022: 29-33 - 2021
- [j7]Martijn G. Kersloot
, Annika Jacobsen, Karlijn H. J. Groenen, Bruna dos Santos Vieira
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Ameen Abu-Hanna, Ronald Cornet, Peter A. C. 't Hoen, Marco Roos, Leo J. Schultze Kool, Derk L. Arts:
De-novo FAIRification via an Electronic Data Capture system by automated transformation of filled electronic Case Report Forms into machine-readable data. J. Biomed. Informatics 122: 103897 (2021) - [c18]Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Núria Queralt Rosinach, Kees Burger, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Marc Hanauer, Marco Roos:
Enabling FAIR Discovery of Rare Disease Digital Resources. dHealth 2021: 144-146 - [c17]Núria Queralt-Rosinach, César Henrique Bernabé, Qinqin Long, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Marco Roos:
LUMC Clinical Ontology for Biomedical Research. ICBO 2021: 84-88 - [c16]Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Mark D. Wilkinson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, César Henrique Bernabé, Qinqin Long, Michel Dumontier, Paul N. Schofield, Marco Roos:
Reuse of Design Pattern Measurements for Health Data. JOWO 2021 - 2020
- [j6]Annika Jacobsen, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo
, Nick S. Juty, Dominique Batista
, Simon J. Coles
, Ronald Cornet, Mélanie Courtot
, Mercè Crosas, Michel Dumontier, Chris T. A. Evelo, Carole A. Goble, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Karsten Kryger Hansen
, Ali Hasnain, Kristina M. Hettne
, Jaap Heringa, Rob W. W. Hooft
, Melanie Imming
, Keith G. Jeffery, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Martijn G. Kersloot, Christine R. Kirkpatrick, Tobias Kuhn, Ignasi Labastida, Barbara Magagna
, Peter McQuilton, Natalie Meyers
, Annalisa Montesanti, Mirjam van Reisen, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Robert Pergl, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Juliane Schneider
, George O. Strawn, Mark Thompson, Andra Waagmeester, Tobias Weigel
, Mark D. Wilkinson, Egon L. Willighagen, Peter Wittenburg, Marco Roos, Barend Mons
, Erik Schultes:
FAIR Principles: Interpretations and Implementation Considerations. Data Intell. 2(1-2): 10-29 (2020) - [j5]Annika Jacobsen
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Barend Mons, Erik Schultes, Marco Roos, Mark Thompson:
A Generic Workflow for the Data FAIRification Process. Data Intell. 2(1-2): 56-65 (2020) - [j4]Mark Thompson
, Kees Burger, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Marco Roos, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
Making FAIR Easy with FAIR Tools: From Creolization to Convergence. Data Intell. 2(1-2): 87-95 (2020) - [c15]Núria Queralt Rosinach, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, César Henrique Bernabé
, Qinqin Long, Henk Jan van der Wijk, Barend Mons, Marco Roos:
FAIR Data Management to Access Patient Data. DaMaLOS 2020: 1-10 - [c14]Bruna dos Santos Vieira
, Karlijn H. J. Groenen, Peter A. C. 't Hoen
, Annika Jacobsen, Marco Roos, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Martijn G. Kersloot
, Ronald Cornet
, Leo J. Schultze Kool:
Applying the FAIR Data Principles to the Registry of Vascular Anomalies (VASCA). dHealth 2020: 115-116
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [c13]Annika Jacobsen, Andra Waagmeester, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Gregory S. Stupp, Lynn M. Schriml, Mark Thompson, Andrew I. Su, Marco Roos:
Wikidata as an intuitive resource towards semantic data modeling in data FAIRification. SWAT4LS 2018 - 2017
- [j3]Mark D. Wilkinson
, Ruben Verborgh, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Tim Clark, Morris A. Swertz
, Fleur D. L. Kelpin, Alasdair J. G. Gray
, Erik A. Schultes
, Erik M. van Mulligen
, Paolo Ciccarese, Arnold Kuzniar
, Anand K. Gavai
, Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Jerven T. Bolleman, Michel Dumontier
Interoperability and FAIRness through a novel combination of Web technologies. PeerJ Comput. Sci. 3: e110 (2017) - [j2]Patrick Lambrix
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal:
A session-based ontology alignment approach enabling user involvement. Semantic Web 8(2): 225-251 (2017) - [c12]Evangelia Papoutsoglou, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Theo J. L. van Hintum, Richard G. F. Visser, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Richard Finkers:
Toward Better Data Sharing Methods for Genebanks. S4BioDiv@ISWC 2017 - [c11]Claudio Carta, Marco Roos, Annika Jacobsen, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Mark Thompson, Mark D. Wilkinson, Ronald Cornet, Andra Waagmeester, David van Enckevort, Mascha Jansen, Luana Licata, Allegra Via, Domenica Taruscio:
The FAIRification of Data and the Potential of FAIR Resources Demonstrated, in Practice, at the Rome Bring Your Own Data Workshop. SWAT4LS 2017 - [c10]Mark Thompson, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Kees Burger, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Erik A. Schultes, Annika Jacobsen, Claudio Carta, Richard Finkers, David van Enckevort, Mascha Jansen, Barend Mons, Marco Roos:
Overview of a Suite of Tools and Training Material for Implementing FAIR Data Principles. SWAT4LS 2017 - [i3]Mark D. Wilkinson
, Ruben Verborgh
, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Tim Clark
, Morris A. Swertz
, Fleur D. L. Kelpin, Alasdair J. G. Gray, Erik A. Schultes
, Erik M. van Mulligen, Paolo Ciccarese
, Arnold Kuzniar, Anand K. Gavai
, Mark Thompson
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal
, Jerven T. Bolleman, Michel Dumontier
Interoperability and FAIRness through a novel combination of Web technologies. PeerJ Prepr. 5: e2522 (2017) - 2016
- [c9]Marco Roos, Mark D. Wilkinson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Mark Thompson, Claudio Carta, Ronald Cornet, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos:
Registries of Domain-Relevant Semantic Reference Models Help Bootstrap Interoperability in Domains with Fragmented Data Resources. SWAT4LS 2016 - [i2]Mark D. Wilkinson
, Ruben Verborgh
, Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos
, Tim Clark
, Morris A. Swertz
, Fleur D. L. Kelpin, Alasdair J. G. Gray, Erik A. Schultes
, Erik M. van Mulligen, Paolo Ciccarese, Mark Thompson
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal
, Jerven T. Bolleman, Michel Dumontier
Interoperability and FAIRness through a novel combination of Web technologies. PeerJ Prepr. 4: e2522 (2016) - 2015
- [j1]Eleni Mina
, Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Jun Zhao, Eelke van der Horst, Zuotian Tatum, Kristina M. Hettne
, Erik A. Schultes
, Barend Mons
, Marco Roos:
Nanopublications for exposing experimental data in the life-sciences: a Huntington's Disease case study. J. Biomed. Semant. 6: 5 (2015) - [c8]Eleni Mina
, Mark Thompson, Kristina M. Hettne
, Willeke M. C. van Roon-Mom, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Eelke van der Horst, Katherine Wolstencroft, Barend Mons
, Marco Roos
Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Facilitate Hypotheses Generation in Huntington's Disease. e-Science 2015: 118-125 - [c7]Eelke van der Horst, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Zuotian Tatum, Mark Thompson, Erik A. Schultes, Eleni Mina, Ivo Fokkema, Johan T. den Dunnen, Marco Roos, Jeroen F. J. Laros, Barend Mons, Kristina M. Hettne, Peter A. C. 't Hoen:
Finding Novel Associations Across Domains Using Linked Data: a Case Study on Genetic Variants Disrupting Transcription Start Sites. SWAT4LS 2015: 2-12 - 2014
- [c6]Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Peter Bram 't Hoen, Mark Thompson, Eelke van der Horst, Marco Roos:
Genome Annotation using Nanopublications: An Approach to Interoperability of Genetic Data. SWAT4LS 2014 - [c5]Marco Roos, Alasdair J. G. Gray, Andra Waagmeester, Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Eelke van der Horst, Barend Mons, Mark D. Wilkinson:
Bring Your Own Data Workshops: A Mechanism to Aid Data Owners to Comply with Linked Data Best Practices. SWAT4LS 2014 - [i1]Kristina M. Hettne
, Reinout van Schouwen, Eleni Mina, Eelke van der Horst
, Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Barend Mons, Erik M. van Mulligen
, Jan A. Kors, Marco Roos
Explain your data by Concept Profile Analysis Web Services. F1000Research 3: 173 (2014) - 2013
- [c4]Patrick Lambrix
, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal:
A Session-Based Approach for Aligning Large Ontologies. ESWC 2013: 46-60 - [c3]Eleni Mina, Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Jun Zhao, Kristina M. Hettne, Erik A. Schultes, Marco Roos:
Nanopublications for Exposing Experimental Data in the Life-sciences: A Huntington's Disease Case Study. SWAT4LS 2013 - 2012
- [c2]He Tan, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Nirupama Benis:
Ontology-Driven Construction of Domain Corpus with Frame Semantics Annotations. CICLing (1) 2012: 54-65 - 2011
- [c1]He Tan, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Nirupama Benis:
Building frame-based corpus on the basis of ontological domain knowledge. BioNLP@ACL 2011: 74-82

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