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Xin Zhang 0053
Person information
- affiliation: China National Institute of Standardization, Ergonomics Laboratory, Beijing, China
Other persons with the same name
- Xin Zhang — disambiguation page
- Xin Zhang 0001
— Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
- Xin Zhang 0002 — Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA
- Xin Zhang 0003 — Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0004 — The United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA
- Xin Zhang 0005 — Cisco Systems (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0006 — Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- Xin Zhang 0008 — IBM China Research Lab.
- Xin Zhang 0009 — Motorola (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0010 — Nanjing University, China
- Xin Zhang 0011 — University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Xin Zhang 0012
— Nankai University, School of Mathematical Sciences and LPMC, Tianjin, China
- Xin Zhang 0013
— South China University of Technology, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Guangzhou, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0014 — Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0015 — Indiana University, IN, USA (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0016 — Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Humanity and Social Science, China
- Xin Zhang 0017
— Xidian University, Department of Mathematics, Xi'an, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0018
— National University of Defense Technology, College of Systems Engineering, Changsha, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0019
— Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
- Xin Zhang 0020
— Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China (and 3 more)
- Xin Zhang 0021
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Shanghai, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0022
— Deakin University, Centre for Pattern Recognition and Data Analytics, Geelong, VIC, Australia (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0023
— Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
- Xin Zhang 0024
— Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioprocess, China
- Xin Zhang 0025
— University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Japan (and 4 more)
- Xin Zhang 0026
— Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Electronics Information Engineering / Collaborative Innovation Center of Information Sensing and Understanding, China
- Xin Zhang 0027
— Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, USA
- Xin Zhang 0028
— University of Sheffield, UK (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0029
— National University of Defense Technology, College of Information System and Management, Changsha, China
- Xin Zhang 0030
— Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA
- Xin Zhang 0031
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Beijing, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0032 — Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, China
- Xin Zhang 0033
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0034
— Zhejiang University, College of Electrical Engineering, Hangzhou, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0035
— Peking University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0036
— Shanghai Maritime University, College of Communication and Transport, Shanghai, Cina
- Xin Zhang 0037
— Donghua University, School of Information Sciences and Technology, Shanghai, China
- Xin Zhang 0038 — University of California Riverside, Department of Statistics, CA, USA
- Xin Zhang 0039
— Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of ECE, Hong Kong (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0040 — Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
- Xin Zhang 0041 — University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
- Xin Zhang 0042
— Tianjin Normal University, College of Electronic and Communication Engineering, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0043
— Harbin Institute of Technology, Department of Control Science and Engineering, China
- Xin Zhang 0044
— Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Mechanical Engineering, China
- Xin Zhang 0045
— TU Dresden, Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems, Germany (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0046
— Army Engineering University, Shijiazhuang, China
- Xin Zhang 0047
— University of Hong Kong, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0048
— Taiyuan University of Technology, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, China
- Xin Zhang 0049 — Guangzhou University, School of Computer Science and Cyber Engineering, China
- Xin Zhang 0050 — Hubei Tongda Power Supply Company Ltd, Xianning, China
- Xin Zhang 0051 — Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing, China
- Xin Zhang 0052 — Guilin University of Electronic and Technology, Guilin, China
- Xin Zhang 0054
— Iowa State University, Department of Statistics, Ames, IA, USA
- Xin Zhang 0055
— Hunan University, College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Changsha, China
- Xin Zhang 0056
— Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Institute of Molecular Physiology, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0057
— Tongji University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0058
— Tianjin University, College of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronics Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0059
— University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ross School of Business, MI, USA
- Xin Zhang 0060
— Ocean University of China, College of Information Science and Engineering, Qingdao, China
- Xin Zhang 0061
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Acoustics, National Network New Media Engineering Research Center, Beijing, China
- Xin Zhang 0062
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0063
— Hangzhou Dianzi University, School of Computer Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, China
- Xin Zhang 0064
— Beijing Technology and Business University, School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Technology for Food Safety, China
- Xin Zhang 0065
— South China University of Technology, School of Computer Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, Guangzhou, China
- Xin Zhang 0066
— Hefei University, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0067
— Qingdao University of Technology, School of Information and Control Engineering, China
- Xin Zhang 0068
— Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, CICAEET / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Observation and Information Processing, China
- Xin Zhang 0069
— Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0070
— Liaoning University, College of Information, Shenyang, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0071
— Fourth People's Hospital of Huai'an, Department of Medical Imaging, China
- Xin Zhang 0072
— Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China
- Xin Zhang 0073 — China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.38 Research Institute, Hefei, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0074
— Sun Yat-sen University, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shenzhen, China
- Xin Zhang 0075
— Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, School of Applied Mathematics, China
- Xin Zhang 0076
— Soochow University, Suzhou, China
- Xin Zhang 0077
— Hunan University of Science and Technology, School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Xiangtan, China
- Xin Zhang 0078
— Fujian University of Technology, College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Fuzhou, China
- Xin Zhang 0079
— Hangzhou Dianzi University, School of Computer Science and Technology, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0080
— New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, Finance and Risk Engineering (FRE Department), NY, USA (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0081
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Institute of Automation, China
- Xin Zhang 0082
— University of Jinan, School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Based Intelligent Computing, China
- Xin Zhang 0083
— Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Cloud-Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration, China
- Xin Zhang 0084
— Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department of Ecohydrology, Berlin, Germany (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0085
— Washington State University, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Pullman, WA, USA (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0086
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institute of Genomics, National Genomics Data Center, China
- Xin Zhang 0087
— Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, College of Science, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0088
— Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Optics and Photonics, China
- Xin Zhang 0089
— Guangdong University of Technology, School of Information Engineering, Guangzhou, China
- Xin Zhang 0090
— Xiamen University, School of Informatics, Department of Artificial Intelligence, China
- Xin Zhang 0091
— Wuhan University, Artificial Intelligence Institute, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0092
— Xidian University, State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xi'an, China
- Xin Zhang 0093
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Xin Zhang 0094
— University of Melbourne, School of Computing and Information Systems, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
- Xin Zhang 0095 — New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA
- Xin Zhang 0096 — Chinese Academy and Sciences, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Beijing, China
- Xin Zhang 0097
— Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China (and 2 more)
- Xin Zhang 0098
— San Diego State University, Department of Computer Science, San Diego, CA, USA (and 1 more)
2020 – today
- 2021
- [c38]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Taijie Liu, Chaoyi Zhao, He Zhao:
Analysis of Head Size Related to the Design of Eye and Face Protection Products. AHFE (15) 2021: 128-133 - [c37]Linghua Ran, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang, Taijie Liu, He Zhao:
Size of Chinese Head and Face Related to Respiratory Protective Device Design. AHFE (3) 2021: 686-691 - [c36]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, He Zhao, Chaoyi Zhao, Haimei Wu:
Analysis and Classification of Neck Size of Chinese Young Women Related to Neck Product Design. AHFE (3) 2021: 692-697 - 2020
- [c35]Junmin Du, Haoshu Gu, Weiyu Sun, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Yang Liu:
Investigation on Driving Posture and Operating Habits of Heavy Truck Drivers. AHFE (12) 2020: 291-298 - [c34]Hui-min Hu, Ai-Ping Yang, Xin Zhang, Zixiong Cao:
Ergonomics Study on Taking and Putting Objects Based on Subjective Evaluation and Virtual Simulation. AHFE (17) 2020: 750-755 - [c33]Junmin Du, Weiyu Sun, Haoshu Gu, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Yang Liu:
Investigation on Heavy Truck Cab Ergonomics. HCI (18) 2020: 95-105 - [c32]Junmin Du, Weiyu Sun, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Yang Liu, Haoshu Gu:
Prevalence of Driving Schedule Habits and Fatigue Among Occupational Heavy Truck Drivers. HCI (40) 2020: 339-348
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c31]Linghua Ran, Hong Luo, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Zhongting Wang:
A Study on the Correlation of Foot Data with Body Height and Weight of Chinese Adults. AHFE (16) 2019: 197-203 - [c30]Linghua Ran, Chaoyi Zhao, Hong Luo, Xin Zhang, Taijie Liu, Huimin Hu, Zhongting Wang, Nicole Sator, Erika Siebert-Cole, Peter Straßer:
A Study on the Correlation of Head and Face Data of Chinese Adults. AHFE (4) 2019: 325-333 - [c29]Linghua Ran, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang, Xin Wu, Ling Luo, Hong Luo, Huimin Hu, Haimei Wu:
Study on Contrast Sensitivity of Different Age Groups. HCI (33) 2019: 302-308 - 2017
- [c28]Yanlong Yao, Yinxia Li, Aiping Yang, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Yahui Bai:
Study on the Control Device Layout of Truck Cockpit Based on User Experience. AHFE (3) 2017: 174-183 - [c27]Huimin Hu, Ling Luo, Yanlong Yao, Chaoyi Zhao, Haimei Wu, Xin Zhang, Linghua Ran, Rui Wang:
Research on Multi-factor Sofa Inclination Comfort Based on User Experience. AHFE (23) 2017: 698-708 - [c26]Ai-Ping Yang, Wen-Yu Fu, Xin Zhang, Ming-ju Wang, Chau-Kuang Chen:
Reachable Domain of Adults' Right Leg in Sitting Posture. AHFE (4) 2017: 897-904 - [c25]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Hong Luo, Taijie Liu, Huimin Hu, Chaoyi Zhao:
Comparison of Anthropometric Data for the Design of Chairs Between Seven Countries. AHFE (4) 2017: 1022-1028 - [c24]Huimin Hu, Yanlong Yao, Ling Luo, Linghua Ran, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang, Rui Wang:
Research on Pressure Comfort of Sofa Based on Body Pressure Distribution and Subjective Experience. HCI (16) 2017: 26-38 - [c23]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Taijie Liu:
Anthropometric Measurement of the Head of Chinese Children. HCI (16) 2017: 39-46 - [c22]Junmin Du, Hui Lu, Weiyu Sun, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Yang Liu:
Investigation on Driving Habits of Chinese Truck Driver. HCI (29) 2017: 526-531 - [c21]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Chaoyi Zhao, Taijie Liu:
The User's Performance Study for Different Layouts of Car's Dashboards. HCI (11) 2017: 703-712 - 2016
- [c20]Zhizhi Guo, Qian-Xiang Zhou, Zhong-Qi Liu, Xin Zhang, Zhaofang Xu, Yan Lv:
Real-Time Gaze Estimation Using Monocular Vision. HCI (2) 2016: 61-70 - [c19]Ai-Ping Yang, Guang Cheng, Wen-Yu Fu, Huimin Hu, Xin Zhang, Chau-Kuang Chen:
Experimental Study on Discrimination Thresholds for Haptic Perception of Size in Manual Operation. HCI (15) 2016: 66-72 - [c18]Zhongqi Liu, Bhao Xing, Qian-Xiang Zhou, Xin Zhang:
The Experiment Research of Pupil Change for the Evaluation of Mental Workload. HCI (26) 2016: 220-225 - [c17]Wei Xiong, Yu Wang, Qian-Xiang Zhou, Zhong-Qi Liu, Xin Zhang:
The Research of Eye Movement Behavior of Expert and Novice in Flight Simulation of Landing. HCI (6) 2016: 485-493 - [c16]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Hui-min Hu, Hong Luo, Taijie Liu:
Comparison of Head and Face Anthropometric Characteristics Between Six Countries. HCI (26) 2016: 520-524 - [c15]Ai-Ping Yang, Wen-Yu Fu, Guang Cheng, Xin Zhang, Hui-min Hu, Chau-Kuang Chen:
Experimental Study on Comfort Ranges of Manual Operation in Standing Position. HCI (26) 2016: 547-552 - [c14]Linghua Ran, Hong Luo, Xin Zhang, Huimin Hu, Taijie Liu, Chaoyi Zhao:
Research on the Characteristics of Headforms and Classification of Headforms of Chinese Adults. HCI (11) 2016: 679-685 - 2015
- [c13]Huimin Hu, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang, Linghua Ran, Taijie Liu:
Correlation Analysis on the Main and Basic Body Dimension for Chinese Adults. HCI (17) 2015: 37-43 - [c12]Linghua Ran, Yanfang Liu, Wen Li, Xin Zhang:
International and Regional Standards for Usability and User Experience. HCI (27) 2015: 64-68 - [c11]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Hua Qin, Taijie Liu:
Research on the Visual Comfort for Small Spaces in Different Illuminance Environments. HCI (11) 2015: 67-73 - [c10]Yunhong Zhang, Chaoyi Zhao, Xin Zhang:
Visual Comfort and Fatigue Between Watching Linear Polarized and Circular Polarized LCD TVs as Measured by Eye Tracking. HCI (6) 2015: 84-91 - [c9]Aiping Yang, Guang Cheng, Wen-Yu Fu, Huimin Hu, Xin Zhang, Chau-Kuang Chen:
Experimental Study on Grip Ergonomics of Manual Handling. HCI (17) 2015: 92-99 - [c8]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Hua Qin, Huimin Hu, Taijie Liu, Chaoyi Zhao:
The Influence of Different Lighting Source Positions on the Visual Comfort of Refrigerator Illumination. HCI (27) 2015: 133-137 - [c7]Linghua Ran, Ling Luo, Xin Zhang, Taijie Liu, Chaoyi Zhao:
The Speech Recognition Ability for Different Age Groups on the Chinese Language System. HCI (27) 2015: 317-320 - 2014
- [c6]Fan Yang
, Qian-Xiang Zhou, Aiping Yang, Huimin Hu, Xin Zhang, Zhong-Qi Liu:
Based on Upper Extremity Comfort ROM of Ergonomic Methods for Household Products Design. HCI (20) 2014: 167-173 - 2013
- [c5]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Xiaoyuan Ren, Huimin Hu:
The Effects of Age, Viewing Distance and Font Type on the Legibility of Chinese Characters. HCI (20) 2013: 333-339 - 2011
- [c4]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Chuzhi Chao, Taijie Liu:
Anthropometric Measurement of the Feet of Chinese Children. HCI (17) 2011: 30-36 - [c3]Xin Zhang, Yanyu Wang, Linghua Ran, Ailan Feng, Ketai He, Taijie Liu, Jianwei Niu:
Human Dimensions of Chinese Minors. HCI (17) 2011: 37-45 - [c2]Xin Zhang, Yanyu Wang, Linghua Ran, Ailan Feng, Ketai He, Taijie Liu, Jianwei Niu:
Development of Sizing Systems for Chinese Minors. HCI (17) 2011: 46-55
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c1]Linghua Ran, Xin Zhang, Chuzhi Chao, Taijie Liu, Tingting Dong:
Anthropometric Measurement of the Hands of Chinese Children. HCI (11) 2009: 46-54

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