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Christiane Schmullius
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- affiliation: University of Jena, Germany
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j49]Tasiyiwa Priscilla Muumbe
, Jenia Singh
, Jussi Baade
, Pasi Raumonen
, Corli Wigley-Coetsee
, Christian Thau
, Christiane Schmullius
Individual Tree-Scale Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Woody Vegetation in a Semi-Arid Savanna Using 3D Data. Remote. Sens. 16(2): 399 (2024) - [c52]Konstantin Schellenberg
, Thomas Jagdhuber, David Chaparro, Oliver Binks, Florian M. Hellwig, Clémence Dubois, Mehmet Kurum, Adriano Camps, Henrik Hartmann, Christiane Schmullius:
Estimating Canopy Interception Water Storage with GNSS-Transmissometry. IGARSS 2024: 4507-4510 - [c51]Markus Zehner, Valentin Kasburg, Clémence Dubois, Christian Thiel, Alexander Brenning, Jussi Baade, Nina Kukowski, Christiane Schmullius:
A Transformer Approach for Multi Orbit Per Pixel Time Series Forest Characterization With Sentinel-1. IGARSS 2024: 4562-4565 - [c50]Clémence Dubois, Jonas Ziemer, Jannik Jänichen, Natascha Stumpf, Christoph Liedel, Michael Sabrowski, Christiane Schmullius:
Dam Monitoring With Ground Motion Services - A Case Study of a Gravity Dam with the German Ground Motion Service. IGARSS 2024: 4670-4673 - [c49]Adrien Le Guillou, Simona Niculescu
, Christiane Schmullius:
Optical Synergy (Sentinel-2 / Spot6-7) for Annual Detection and Mapping of Coastal Wetlands in the Crozon Peninsula Using Machine and Deep Learning Methods. IGARSS 2024: 4788-4792 - [c48]Gideon Stein, Jonas Ziemer, Carolin Wicker, Jannik Jänichen, Gabriele Demisch, Daniel Klöpper, Katja Last, Joachim Denzler, Christiane Schmullius, Maha Shadaydeh, Clémence Dubois:
Data-Driven Prediction Of Large Infrastructure Movements Through Persistent Scatterer Time Series Modeling. IGARSS 2024: 8669-8673 - [c47]Jannik Jänichen, Jonas Ziemer, Carolin Wicker, Daniel Klöpper, Katja Last, Marco Wolsza, Christiane Schmullius, Clémence Dubois:
Enhancing Dam Monitoring: Utilizing the CR-Index for Electronic Corner Reflector (ECR) Site Selection and PSI Analysis. IGARSS 2024: 11132-11135 - 2023
- [j48]Konstantin Schellenberg
, Thomas Jagdhuber
, Markus Zehner
, Sören Hese
, Marcel Urban
, Mikhail Urbazaev
, Henrik Hartmann
, Christiane Schmullius, Clémence Dubois:
Potential of Sentinel-1 SAR to Assess Damage in Drought-Affected Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forests. Remote. Sens. 15(4): 1004 (2023) - [j47]Jonas Ziemer
, Clémence Dubois, Christian Thiel
, José-Luis Bueso-Bello
, Paola Rizzoli
, Christiane Schmullius
Relationship between Lidar-Derived Canopy Densities and the Scattering Phase Center of High-Resolution TanDEM-X Data. Remote. Sens. 15(14): 3589 (2023) - [j46]Markus Zehner
, Clémence Dubois, Christian Thiel, Konstantin Schellenberg
, Marius Rüetschi, Alexander Brenning
, Jussi Baade
, Christiane Schmullius:
Accounting for Deciduous Forest Structure and Viewing Geometry Effects Improves Sentinel-1 Time Series Image Consistency. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 61: 1-13 (2023) - [c46]Florian M. Hellwig
, Thomas Jagdhuber, Anke Fluhrer
, Clémence Dubois, David Chaparro, Konstantin Schellenberg, María Piles
, Christiane Schmullius, Dara Entekhabi:
Multi-Frequency Radiometry for Multi-Year Monitoring of Relative Water Content In A Temperate Forest. IGARSS 2023: 2739-2742 - [c45]Linara Arslanova, Clémence Dubois, Nesrin Salepci, Carsten Pathe, Friedemann Scheibler, Marcel Fölsch, Marcel Urban, Christiane Schmullius:
Impact of Plant Row Orientation on Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time-Series of Agricultural Fields. IGARSS 2023: 3422-3425 - [c44]Linara Arslanova, Sören Hese, Friederike Metz, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thau, Friedemann Scheibler, Kai Heckel, Marcel Fölsch, Marcel Urban, Michael Schultz:
Potential of UAV-Based Pattern Classification with Convolutional Neural Network on Moderate/Low Quality UAV Data. IGARSS 2023: 3510-3513 - [d1]Chenwei Xiao
, Sönke Zaehle
, Hui Yang
, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Christiane Schmullius, Ana Bastos
Land cover and management effects of ecosystem resistance to drought stress. Zenodo, 2023 - 2022
- [j45]Jannik Jänichen, Christiane Schmullius, Jussi Baade
, Katja Last, Volker Bettzieche, Clémence Dubois:
Monitoring of Radial Deformations of a Gravity Dam Using Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. Remote. Sens. 14(5): 1112 (2022) - [j44]Angela Lausch
, Michael E. Schaepman
, Andrew K. Skidmore
, Eusebiu Catana, Lutz Bannehr, Olaf Bastian, Erik Borg
, Jan Bumberger
, Peter Dietrich
, Cornelia Glässer, Jörg M. Hacker
, René Hofer, Thomas Jagdhuber
, Sven Jany, András Jung
, Arnon Karnieli
, Reinhard Klenke
, Toralf Kirsten
, Uta Ködel, Wolfgang Kresse, Ulf Mallast
, Carsten Montzka
, Markus Möller
, Hannes Mollenhauer, Marion Pause, Minhaz Rahman
, Franziska Schrodt
, Christiane Schmullius, Claudia Schütze
, Peter Selsam
, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Sina C. Truckenbrodt
, Michael Vohland
, Martin Volk
, Thilo Wellmann
, Steffen Zacharias
, Roland Baatz:
Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity - Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics. Remote. Sens. 14(9): 2279 (2022) - [j43]Marlin M. Mueller
, Clémence Dubois, Thomas Jagdhuber
, Florian M. Hellwig
, Carsten Pathe, Christiane Schmullius, Susan C. Steele-Dunne
Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series for Characterization of Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Temperate Coniferous Forests. Remote. Sens. 14(24): 6384 (2022) - 2021
- [j42]Tasiyiwa Priscilla Muumbe
, Jussi Baade
, Jenia Singh, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thau
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Vegetation Analyses with a Special Focus on Savannas. Remote. Sens. 13(3): 507 (2021) - [j41]Zhichao Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jun Zheng, Yao Zhao, Jia Wang, Christiane Schmullius:
Design of a Generic Virtual Measurement Workflow for Processing Archived Point Cloud of Trees and Its Implementation of Light Condition Measurements on Stems. Remote. Sens. 13(14): 2801 (2021) - [j40]Marcel Urban
, Konstantin Schellenberg
, Theunis Morgenthal, Clémence Dubois, Andreas Hirner, Ursula Gessner, Buster Percy Mogonong
, Zhenyu Zhang
, Jussi Baade
, Anneliza Collett, Christiane Schmullius:
Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Slangbos Mapping in the Free State Province, South Africa. Remote. Sens. 13(17): 3342 (2021) - [j39]Hilma S. Nghiyalwa
, Marcel Urban
, Jussi Baade
, Izak P. J. Smit, Abel Ramoelo
, Buster Percy Mogonong, Christiane Schmullius:
Spatio-Temporal Mixed Pixel Analysis of Savanna Ecosystems: A Review. Remote. Sens. 13(19): 3870 (2021) - [j38]Zhichao Wang
, Yan-Jun Shen, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yao Zhao, Christiane Schmullius
Processing Point Clouds Using Simulated Physical Processes as Replacements of Conventional Mathematically Based Procedures: A Theoretical Virtual Measurement for Stem Volume. Remote. Sens. 13(22): 4627 (2021) - [j37]Florian M. Hellwig
, Martyna A. Stelmaszczuk-Górska
, Clémence Dubois, Marco Wolsza
, Sina C. Truckenbrodt
, Herbert Sagichewski, Sergej Chmara, Lutz Bannehr, Angela Lausch
, Christiane Schmullius:
Mapping European Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation at Its Early Phase Using Gyrocopter-Mounted Hyperspectral Data and Field Measurements. Remote. Sens. 13(22): 4659 (2021) - [c43]Marcel Urban, Andreas Hirner, Jonas Ziemer, Marlin M. Mueller, Ursula Gessner, Jussi Baade, Buster Percy Mogonong, Theunis Morgenthal, Gregor Feig, Abel Ramoelo, Kai Heckel, Hilma S. Nghiyalwa, Christiane Schmullius:
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Breakpoint Detection as Part of the South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDi). IGARSS 2021: 1997-2000 - [c42]Linara Arslanova, Christiane Schmullius, Felix Cremer, Nesrin Salepci, Marcel Urban, Marcel Fölsch, Friedemann Scheibler:
Radar-Crop-Monitor - Spatial Mapping Agricultural Conditions with Sentinel-1 Time Series - an Update. IGARSS 2021: 6785-6788 - 2020
- [j36]Jenia Singh, Shaun R. Levick
, Marcus Guderle, Christiane Schmullius:
Moving from plot-based to hillslope-scale assessments of savanna vegetation structure with long-range terrestrial laser scanning (LR-TLS). Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 90: 102070 (2020) - [j35]Kai Heckel
, Marcel Urban
, Patrick Schratz, Miguel D. Mahecha
, Christiane Schmullius:
Predicting Forest Cover in Distinct Ecosystems: The Potential of Multi-Source Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion. Remote. Sens. 12(2): 302 (2020) - [j34]Angela Lausch, Michael E. Schaepman
, Andrew K. Skidmore, Sina C. Truckenbrodt
, Jörg M. Hacker, Jussi Baade, Lutz Bannehr, Erik Borg, Jan Bumberger, Peter Dietrich
, Cornelia Gläßer, Dagmar Haase
, Marco Heurich, Thomas Jagdhuber, Sven Jany, Rudolf Krönert, Markus Möller
, Hannes Mollenhauer, Carsten Montzka
, Marion Pause
, Christian Rogaß, Nesrin Salepci, Christiane Schmullius, Franziska Schrodt, Claudia Schütze, Christian Schweitzer, Peter Selsam, Daniel Spengler
, Michael Vohland, Martin Volk
, Ute Weber, Thilo Wellmann, Ulrike Werban, Steffen Zacharias
, Christian Thiel:
Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity - Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces. Remote. Sens. 12(22): 3690 (2020) - [j33]Markus Adam
, Mikhail Urbazaev
, Clémence Dubois, Christiane Schmullius:
Accuracy Assessment of GEDI Terrain Elevation and Canopy Height Estimates in European Temperate Forests: Influence of Environmental and Acquisition Parameters. Remote. Sens. 12(23): 3948 (2020) - [j32]Felix Cremer
, Mikhail Urbazaev
, José Cortés
, John Truckenbrodt
, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel
Potential of Recurrence Metrics from Sentinel-1 Time Series for Deforestation Mapping. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 13: 5233-5240 (2020) - [c41]Christian Berger, H. Lux, Marcel Urban, Christiane Schmullius, Jussi Baade, Christian Thiel, Corli Wigley-Coetsee, Izak P. J. Smit:
Annual Grass Biomass Mapping with Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data Over Kruger National Park, South Africa. IGARSS 2020: 4323-4326 - [c40]Kuhle Ndyamboti, Justin du Toit, Jussi Baade, Andreas Kaiser, Marcel Urban, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel, Christian Berger:
A Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Approach to Understanding Vegetation Dynamics in the Nama Karoo-Grassland Ecotone of South Africa. IGARSS 2020: 4501-4504 - [c39]Christiane Schmullius, Marcel Urban, Andreas Hirner, Christian Berger, Konstantin Schellenberg
, Abel Ramoelo, Izak P. J. Smit, Theunis Strydom, George Johannes Chirima
, Theunis Morgenthal, Brigitte Melly, Ursula Gessner, Nosiseko Mashiyi, Andiswa Mlisa, Mahlatse Kganyago
, Jussi Baade:
Earth Observation Strategies for Degradation Monitoring in South Africa with Sentinels - Results from the Spaces 2 Saldi-Project Year 1. IGARSS 2020: 4783-4786 - [c38]Christiane Schmullius, Nesrin Salepci, Linara Arslanova, Carsten Pathe, Marcel Urban, Marcel Fölsch, Friedemann Scheibler:
Radar-Crop-Monitor - Mapping Agricultural Conditions with Sentinel-1 Time Series. IGARSS 2020: 4878-4881 - [c37]Jussi Baade, Christiane Schmullius:
Local Validation and Comparison of Global Digital Elevation Models Using a Large Assembly of GNSS Ground Measurements. IGARSS 2020: 5222-5225
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j31]Christian Walther, Christian Hüttich, Marcel Urban
, Christiane Schmullius:
Modelling the Arctic taiga-tundra ecotone using ALOS PALSAR and optical earth observation data. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 81: 195-206 (2019) - [j30]Angela Lausch, Jussi Baade, Lutz Bannehr, Erik Borg, Jan Bumberger, Sabine Chabrillat, Peter Dietrich, Heike Gerighausen, Cornelia Gläßer, Jörg M. Hacker, Dagmar Haase
, Thomas Jagdhuber, Sven Jany, András Jung
, Arnon Karnieli, Roland Kraemer, Mohsen Makki, Christian Mielke, Markus Möller
, Hannes Mollenhauer, Carsten Montzka
, Marion Pause
, Christian Rogaß, Offer Rozenstein, Christiane Schmullius, Franziska Schrodt, Martin Schrön, Karsten Schulz
, Claudia Schütze, Christian Schweitzer, Peter Selsam, Andrew K. Skidmore, Daniel Spengler
, Christian Thiel, Sina C. Truckenbrodt
, Michael Vohland
, Robert Wagner
, Ute Weber, Ulrike Werban
, Ute Wollschläger, Steffen Zacharias
, Michael E. Schaepman
Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity - Part I: Soil Characteristics. Remote. Sens. 11(20): 2356 (2019) - [c36]Christian Berger
, Stefan Werner, Corli Wigley-Coetsee, Izak P. J. Smit, Christiane Schmullius:
Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Data for Wall-To-Wall Herbaceous Biomass Mapping in Kruger National Park, South Africa - First Results. IGARSS 2019: 7358-7360 - 2018
- [j29]Felix Cremer
, Mikhail Urbazaev
, Christian Berger
, Miguel D. Mahecha
, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel
An Image Transform Based on Temporal Decomposition. IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 15(4): 537-541 (2018) - [j28]Angela Lausch
, Erik Borg
, Jan Bumberger
, Peter Dietrich
, Marco Heurich
, Andreas Huth, András Jung, Reinhard Klenke
, Sonja Knapp
, Hannes Mollenhauer, Hendrik Paasche
, Heiko Paulheim
, Marion Pause
, Christian Schweitzer, Christiane Schmullius, Josef Settele
, Andrew K. Skidmore
, Martin Wegmann, Steffen Zacharias
, Toralf Kirsten
, Michael E. Schaepman
Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: Requirements for a Scalable Multi-Source Forest Health Monitoring Network Based on Data Science Approaches. Remote. Sens. 10(7): 1120 (2018) - [j27]Mikhail Urbazaev
, Felix Cremer
, Mirco Migliavacca
, Markus Reichstein
, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel:
Potential of Multi-Temporal ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Data for Vegetation Height Estimation in Tropical Forests of Mexico. Remote. Sens. 10(8): 1277 (2018) - [j26]Marcel Urban
, Christian Berger
, Tami E. Mudau, Kai Heckel
, John Truckenbrodt
, Victor Onyango Odipo
, Izak P. J. Smit, Christiane Schmullius:
Surface Moisture and Vegetation Cover Analysis for Drought Monitoring in the Southern Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8. Remote. Sens. 10(9): 1482 (2018) - [j25]Martyna A. Stelmaszczuk-Górska
, Mikhail Urbazaev
, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel:
Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass over Boreal Forests in Siberia Using Updated In Situ, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, and RADARSAT-2 Data. Remote. Sens. 10(10): 1550 (2018) - [c35]Christian Berger
, Michael Voltersen, Christiane Schmullius, Sören Hese:
Robust Mapping of Urban Structure Types Across Three German Cities. IGARSS 2018: 2968-2971 - [c34]Mikhail Urbazaev, Christian Thiel, Felix Cremer, Christiane Schmullius:
Assessment of the Mapping of Aboveground Biomass and its Uncertainties Using Field Measurements, Airborne Lidar and Satellite Data in Mexico. IGARSS 2018: 8793-8796 - [c33]Agata Hoscilo
, Aneta Lewandowska
, Dariusz Ziolkowski
, Krzysztof Sterenczak, Marek Lisanczuk, Christiane Schmullius, Carsten Pathe:
Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using a Combination of Sentinel-L and Sentinel-2 Data. IGARSS 2018: 9026-9029 - 2017
- [j24]Maxim Chernetskiy
, José Gómez-Dans
, Nadine Gobron, Olivier Morgan, Philip Lewis
, Sina C. Truckenbrodt
, Christiane Schmullius:
Estimation of FAPAR over Croplands Using MISR Data and the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS). Remote. Sens. 9(7): 656 (2017) - 2016
- [j23]Martyna A. Stelmaszczuk-Górska
, Pedro Rodríguez-Veiga
, Nicolas Ackermann, Christian Thiel, Heiko Balzter
, Christiane Schmullius:
Non-Parametric Retrieval of Aboveground Biomass in Siberian Boreal Forests with ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Intensity. J. Imaging 2(1): 1 (2016) - [c32]Jonas Eberle, Trevor Taylor, Christiane Schmullius:
Easy to use time-series data access and analysis tools using standardbased geoprocessing services. IGARSS 2016: 3614-3617 - 2015
- [j22]Heiko Balzter
, Beth Cole
, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Mapping CORINE Land Cover from Sentinel-1A SAR and SRTM Digital Elevation Model Data using Random Forests. Remote. Sens. 7(11): 14876-14898 (2015) - [c31]Michael Voltersen, Christian Berger
, Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius:
Expanding an urban structure type mapping approach from a subarea to the entire city of Berlin. JURSE 2015: 1-4 - 2014
- [j21]Irene Walde, Sören Hese, Christian Berger
, Christiane Schmullius:
From land cover-graphs to urban structure types. Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci. 28(3): 584-609 (2014) - [j20]Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Impact of Tree Species on Magnitude of PALSAR Interferometric Coherence over Siberian Forest at Frozen and Unfrozen Conditions. Remote. Sens. 6(2): 1124-1136 (2014) - [j19]Marcel Urban
, Matthias Forkel
, Jonas Eberle, Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius, Martin Herold
Pan-Arctic Climate and Land Cover Trends Derived from Multi-Variate and Multi-Scale Analyses (1981-2012). Remote. Sens. 6(3): 2296-2316 (2014) - [c30]Maurizio Santoro, Urs Wegmüller, Johan E. S. Fransson, Christiane Schmullius:
Regional mapping of forest growing stock volume with multitemporal ALOS PALSAR backscatter. IGARSS 2014: 2313-2316 - [c29]Jussi Baade
, Christiane Schmullius:
Uncertainties of a TanDEM-X derived Digital Surface Model - A case study from the Roda catchment, Germany. IGARSS 2014: 4327-4330 - 2013
- [j18]Jonas Eberle, Siegfried Clausnitzer, Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius:
Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware for Land Monitoring within a Web-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia. ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf. 2(3): 553-576 (2013) - [j17]Irene Walde, Sören Hese, Christian Berger
, Christiane Schmullius:
Graph-Based Mapping of Urban Structure Types From High-Resolution Satellite Image Objects - Case Study of the German Cities Rostock and Erfurt. IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett. 10(4): 932-936 (2013) - [j16]Marcel Urban
, Jonas Eberle, Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius, Martin Herold
Comparison of Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature from Meteorological Stations on the Pan-Arctic Scale. Remote. Sens. 5(5): 2348-2367 (2013) - [j15]Robert Eckardt
, Christian Berger
, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data. Remote. Sens. 5(6): 2973-3006 (2013) - [j14]Maurizio Santoro
, Oliver Cartus, Johan E. S. Fransson, Anatoly Shvidenko
, Ian McCallum, Ronald J. Hall
, André Beaudoin, Christian Beer
, Christiane Schmullius:
Estimates of Forest Growing Stock Volume for Sweden, Central Siberia, and Québec Using Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter Data. Remote. Sens. 5(9): 4503-4532 (2013) - [j13]Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius, Martyna A. Stelmaszczuk-Górska
Polarimetric Parameters for Growing Stock Volume Estimation Using ALOS PALSAR L-Band Data over Siberian Forests. Remote. Sens. 5(11): 5725-5756 (2013) - [j12]Christian Berger
, Michael Voltersen, Robert Eckardt
, Jonas Eberle, Thomas Heyer, Nesrin Salepci, Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius, Junyi Tao, Stefan Auer, Richard Bamler, Ken Ewald, Michael G. Gartley, John Jacobson, Alan Buswell, Qian Du
, Fabio Pacifici:
Multi-Modal and Multi-Temporal Data Fusion: Outcome of the 2012 GRSS Data Fusion Contest. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 6(3): 1324-1340 (2013) - [j11]Christian Berger
, Michael Voltersen, Sören Hese, Irene Walde, Christiane Schmullius:
Robust Extraction of Urban Land Cover Information From HSR Multi-Spectral and LiDAR Data. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 6(5): 2196-2211 (2013) - [c28]Arvid Kuehl, Nesrin Salepci, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
A flexible scoring system to simplify reference scene selection for permanent scatterer interferometry using supplementary data. IGARSS 2013: 2087-2090 - 2012
- [j10]Claudia Hilbert, Christiane Schmullius:
Influence of Surface Topography on ICESat/GLAS Forest Height Estimation and Waveform Shape. Remote. Sens. 4(8): 2210-2235 (2012) - [c27]Jonas Eberle, Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius:
Siberian Earth System Science Cluster - A Geoportal to provide an user-friendly access and analysis of Earth Observation Products. EnviroInfo 2012: 639-647 - [c26]Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Effect of tree species on PALSAR INSAR coherence over Siberian forest at frozen and unfrozen conditions. IGARSS 2012: 190-193 - [c25]Robert Eckardt, Nicole Richter
, Stefan Auer, Michael Eineder, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
SAR-EDU - A German education initiative for applied Synthetic Aperture Radar remote sensing. IGARSS 2012: 5315-5317 - [c24]Nicolas Ackermann, Christian Thiel, Maurice Borgeaud, Christiane Schmullius:
Cosmo-SkyMed backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence signatures over Germany's low mountain range forested areas. IGARSS 2012: 5514-5517 - [c23]Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius, Carsten Pathe, Julian Schwilk:
Pan-boreal mapping of forest growing stock volume using hyper-temporal Envisat ASAR ScanSAR backscatter data. IGARSS 2012: 7204-7207 - [c22]Christian Hüttich, Christiane Schmullius, Carolin Thiel, Sergey A. Bartalev
, Kirill Emelyanov, Mikhail Korets
, Anatoly Shvidenko
, Dmitry Schepaschenko
Assessment and monitoring of Siberian forest resources in the framework of the EU-Russia ZAPÁS project. IGARSS 2012: 7208-7211 - 2010
- [j9]Jussi Baade
, Christiane Schmullius:
Interferometric Microrelief Sensing With TerraSAR-X - First Results. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 48(2): 965-970 (2010) - [c21]Sören Hese, Martin Herold, Stefan Pöcking, Marcel Urban, Christiane Schmullius:
Multi Scale Vegetation and Water Body Mapping in Arctic Regions Within the Data User Element Permafrost. Geoinformatik 2010: 219-220 - [c20]Jussi Baade
, Christiane Schmullius:
High-resolution mapping of fluvial landform change in arid environments using terrasar-X images. IGARSS 2010: 2159-2162
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j8]Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius:
High spatial resolution image object classification for terrestrial oil spill contamination mapping in West Siberia. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 11(2): 130-141 (2009) - [j7]Christian Thiel, Carolin Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Operational Large-Area Forest Monitoring in Siberia Using ALOS PALSAR Summer Intensities and Winter Coherence. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 47(12-1): 3993-4000 (2009) - [c19]Ralf Knuth, Carolin Thiel, Christian Thiel, Robert Eckardt, Nicole Richter
, Christiane Schmullius:
Multisensor SAR Analysis for Forest Monitoring in Boreal and Tropical Forest Environments. IGARSS (5) 2009: 126-129 - [c18]Carolin Thiel, Oliver Cartus, Robert Eckardt, Nicole Richter
, Christian Thiel, Christiane Schmullius:
Analysis of Multi-temporal Land Observation at C-band. IGARSS (3) 2009: 318-321 - [c17]Charles Paradzayi, Harold Annegarn
, Barend Erasmus
, Christiane Schmullius:
Polarimetric Analysis over African Savanna woodland using ALOS/PALSAR. IGARSS (3) 2009: 1043-1046 - 2008
- [j6]Martin Herold
, Curtis E. Woodcock
, Thomas R. Loveland, John R. Townshend, Michael Brady, Chris Steenmans, Christiane Schmullius:
Land-Cover Observations as Part of a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS): Progress, Activities, and Prospects. IEEE Syst. J. 2(3): 414-423 (2008) - [c16]Maurizio Santoro, Jan I. H. Askne
, Christian Beer, Oliver Cartus, Christiane Schmullius, Urs Wegmüller, Andreas Wiesmann:
Automatic Model Inversion of Multi-Temporal C-band Coherence and Backscatter Measurements for Forest Stem Volume Retrieval. IGARSS (5) 2008: 124-127 - 2007
- [j5]Kathleen Neumann
, Martin Herold
, Andrew Hartley, Christiane Schmullius:
Comparative assessment of CORINE2000 and GLC2000: Spatial analysis of land cover data for Europe. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation 9(4): 425-437 (2007) - 2006
- [j4]Martin Herold
, Curtis E. Woodcock
, Antonio Di Gregorio, Philippe Mayaux, Alan S. Belward, John Latham, Christiane Schmullius:
A joint initiative for harmonization and validation of land cover datasets. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 44(7-1): 1719-1727 (2006) - 2005
- [c15]Leif E. B. Eriksson
, Jan I. H. Askne
, Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius, Andreas Wiesmann:
Stem volume retrieval with spaceborne L-band repeat-pass coherence: multi-temporal combination for boreal forest. IGARSS 2005: 3591-3594 - [c14]Zengyuan Li, Yong Pang
, Christiane Schmullius, Maurizio Santoro:
Forest mapping using ENVISAT and ERS SAR data in Northeast of China. IGARSS 2005: 5670-5673 - 2004
- [c13]Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius, Jan I. H. Askne, Leif E. B. Eriksson:
Evaluation of JERS-1 L-band SAR backscatter for stem volume retrieval in boreal forest. IGARSS 2004: 515-518 - [c12]Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius:
Investigations on ARD monitoring in Siberian forest using spaceborne SAR. IGARSS 2004: 1029-1032 - 2003
- [j3]Leif E. B. Eriksson
, Maurizio Santoro, Andreas Wiesmann, Christiane Schmullius:
Multitemporal JERS repeat-pass coherence for growing-stock volume estimation of Siberian forest. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 41(7): 1561-1570 (2003) - [c11]S. Nilsson, Anatoly Shvidenko, Ian McCallum, Christiane Schmullius:
Quantification of full terrestrial biota major greenhouse gases budget at a regional scale: a combination of modeling systems, geographical information systems and remotely sensed data. IGARSS 2003: 488-490 - [c10]Charles T. George, France Gerard, Heiko Baltzer, Ian McCallum, Anatoly Shvidenko, S. Nilsson, Christiane Schmullius:
Disturbances in the Siberian boreal forest - mapping fire-scars using multitemporal, multisensor approach. IGARSS 2003: 491-493 - [c9]Christiane Schmullius, Sören Hese:
SIBERIA-II: sensor systems and data products for greenhouse gas accounting. IGARSS 2003: 1499-1501 - [c8]Leif E. B. Eriksson, Maurizio Santoro, Christiane Schmullius, Andreas Wiesmann:
The potential of ALOS single polarization INSAR for estimation of growing stock volume in Boreal forest. IGARSS 2003: 1939-1941 - [c7]Tanja Riedel, Christiane Schmullius:
Impact of interception on the thematic analyses of SAR data in agricultural areas. IGARSS 2003: 2218-2220 - [c6]Ludmila Zakharova, Alexander Zakharov, Dashi Darizhapov, Christiane Schmullius:
On the use of ERS INSAR data in the ecological monitoring of the Baikal region. IGARSS 2003: 2477-2479 - [c5]Christian Beer, Laine Skinner, Wolfgang Lucht
, Christiane Schmullius:
Assimilation of satellite-derived land cover into a process-based terrestrial biosphere model. IGARSS 2003: 3181-3183 - [c4]Ludmila Zakharova, Alexander Zakharov, Dashi Darizhapov, Christiane Schmullius:
Classification of surface covers by combining optical and microwave data for Baikal Lake region. IGARSS 2003: 3549-3551 - [c3]Sören Hese, Christiane Schmullius, Heiko Balzter:
Afforestation, Re-, and Deforestation monitoring in Siberia - accuracy requirements and first results. IGARSS 2003: 4599-4601 - 2002
- [c2]Tanja Riedel, P. Liebeskind, Christiane Schmullius:
Seasonal and diurnal changes of polarimetric parameters from crops derived by the Cloude decomposition theorem at L-band. IGARSS 2002: 2714-2716 - [c1]Leif E. B. Eriksson, Christiane Schmullius, Tanja Riedel, Andreas Wiesmann:
Multi-temporal JERS coherence for observation of Siberian forest. IGARSS 2002: 2896-2898
1990 – 1999
- 1997
- [j2]Christiane Schmullius:
Monitoring Siberian forests and agriculture with the ERS-1 Windscatterometer. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 35(5): 1363-1366 (1997) - 1995
- [j1]Ellen R. Stofan, Diane L. Evans, Christiane Schmullius, Benjamin Holt
, Jeffrey J. Plaut, Jakob J. van Zyl, Stephen D. Wall, JoBea Way:
Overview of results of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C, X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR). IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 33(4): 817-828 (1995)
Coauthor Index

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