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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j22]Matthias Budde, Désirée Hilbring, Jonathan Vogl, Daniel Dittmar, Andreas Abecker:
NiMo 4.0 - Enabling advanced data analytics with AI for environmental governance in the water domain. Autom. 72(6): 564-578 (2024) - [c92]Andreas Abecker, Grit Behrens, Stefan Naumann, Martina Willenbacher:
5. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik. INFORMATIK 2024: 1071-1077 - [c91]Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Paul Schulze, Andreas Abecker, Jonas Lachowitzer, Stefan Lossow, Heino Rudolf, Erik Rodner:
Eine Methode für die Potenzialanalyse zur Identifikation von Anwendungsszenarien für Maschinelles Lernen. INFORMATIK 2024: 1127-1144 - [c90]Andreas Abecker, Matthias Budde, Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Janik Großmann, Werner Koch, Jonas Lachowitzer, Stefan Lossow, Erik Rodner, Heino Rudolf, Paul Schulze:
Zum Einsatz von Maschinellem Lernen in der Umweltverwaltung: Der Simplex4Learning Ansatz. INFORMATIK 2024: 1193-1206 - 2023
- [c89]Andreas Abecker, Julian Bruns, Stefan Naumann:
4. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik. GI-Jahrestagung 2023: 1473-1481 - 2022
- [c88]Andreas Abecker, Julian Bruns, Stefan Naumann:
3. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik. GI-Jahrestagung 2022: 1443-1446 - [c87]Nina Dorffer, Julian Bruns, Andreas Abecker, Stefan Lossow:
Comparison Spatio-Temporal Prediction Approaches of Point-Referenced Environmental Data. GI-Jahrestagung 2022: 1505-1516 - 2021
- [c86]Andreas Abecker, Julian Bruns, Stefan Naumann:
2. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik. GI-Jahrestagung 2021: 221-225 - [c85]Lukas Sinwell, Julian Bruns, Matthias Budde, Andreas Abecker:
A meta analysis of the status of AI in environmental computer science. GI-Jahrestagung 2021: 333-347 - 2020
- [c84]Andreas Abecker, Julian Bruns
, Stefan Naumann:
1. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik. GI-Jahrestagung 2020: 1005-1008 - [c83]Tanja Liesch
, Julian Bruns
, Andreas Abecker, Désirée Hilbring, Divas Karimanzira, Tobias Martin, Martin Wagner, Andreas Wunsch
, Thilo Fischer:
Nitrat-Monitoring 4.0 - Intelligente Systeme zur nachhaltigen Reduzierung von Nitrat im Grundwasser. GI-Jahrestagung 2020: 1069-1079 - [c82]Tetiana Pavlenko, Galibjon Sharipov, Manuel Pérez-Ruiz, Jorge Martínez-Guanter, Jacob Carballido, Andreas Abecker, Thomas Anken, Francesco Argento, Dimitrios Argyropoulos, Dimitris Paraforos:
iFAROS - A Multi-source Digital Farming System for Site-specific Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat - Abstract. HAICTA 2020: 153-154
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j21]Riccardo Albertoni
, Monica De Martino
, Paola Podestà, Andreas Abecker
, Roman Wössner, Karsten Schnitter:
LusTRE: a framework of linked environmental thesauri for metadata management. Earth Sci. Informatics 11(4): 525-544 (2018) - [c81]Andreas Abecker, Johannes Kutterer:
Geodaten für prädiktive und präskriptive Analysen - Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt BigGIS. GI-Jahrestagung (Workshops) 2018: 209-220 - [p5]Jonas Gottwalt, Andreas Abecker, Friederike Brauer, Thilo Fischer, David Riepl, Vanessa Rojas, Sebastian Sturm:
Designing a Web-Based Application for Process-Oriented Risk Management of Drinking-Water Catchments According to the Water Safety Plan Approach. Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics 2018: 241-260 - 2017
- [c80]Sandra Schrauth, Radoslav Nedkov, Carsten Heidmann, Wassilios Kazakos, Andreas Abecker:
Werkzeugunterstützung für ETL-Prozesse mit Geodaten (Tool support for ETL processes with spatial data). UIS 2017: 208-228 - [e6]Ulrike Freitag, Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Friedhelm Hosenfeld, Andreas Abecker, Thomas Kudraß:
Tagungsband des 23. Workshops "Umweltinformationssysteme 2016 - Umweltbeobachtung: Nah und Fern" (UIS 2016) des Arbeitskreises "Umweltinformationssysteme" der Fachgruppe "Informatik im Umweltschutz" der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Leipzig, Deutschland, 1.-2. Juni 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1781, CEUR-WS.org 2017 [contents] - [e5]Ulrike Freitag, Frank Fuchs-Kittowski, Friedhelm Hosenfeld, Andreas Abecker, Dietmar Wikarski:
Tagungsband des 24. Workshops "Umweltinformationssysteme 2017 - Vernetzte Umweltdaten (UIS 2017)" des Arbeitskreises "Umweltinformationssysteme" der Fachgruppe "Informatik im Umweltschutz" der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Brandenburg an der Havel, Deutschland, 18.-19. Mai 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1919, CEUR-WS.org 2017 [contents] - 2016
- [c79]Jens Lübke, Boris Terzic, Andreas Abecker, Claus Hofmann, Wassilios Kazakos:
Aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen von Cadenza Mobile für das mobile Arbeiten mit Geodaten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. EnviroInfo (2) 2016: 413-418 - [c78]Andreas Abecker, Torsten Brauer, Johannes Kutterer, Karsten Schnitter, Jens Nimis, Patrick Wiener:
Überlegungen zu einer Spatial Big Data Architektur im BigGIS Projekt. UIS 2016: 82-101 - 2015
- [c77]Andreas Abecker, Roman Wössner, Dorian Alcacer-Labrador, Felix Bensmann, Rainer Roosmann:
Methods and Tools for More Efficient Working With OGC Web Processing Services. EnviroInfo/ICT4S (2) 2015: 28-32 - [c76]Andreas Abecker, Karsten Schnitter, Roman Wössner, Riccardo Albertoni, Monica De Martino, Paola Podestà:
Latest Developments of the Linked Thesaurus Framework for the Environment (LusTRE). EnviroInfo/ICT4S (2) 2015: 137-141 - 2014
- [c75]Andreas Abecker, Riccardo Albertoni, Carsten Heidmann, Monica De Martino, Roman Wössner:
Using Interlinked Thesauri for INSPIRE-Compliant Metadata Management. EnviroInfo 2014: 509-516 - [c74]Andreas Abecker, Torsten Brauer, Babis Magoutas, Gregoris Mentzas, Nikos Papageorgiou, Michael Quenzer:
A Sensor and Semantic Data Warehouse for Integrated Water Resource Management. EnviroInfo 2014: 517-524 - [p4]Ulrich Bügel, Veli Bicer, Jens Wissmann, Andreas Abecker
Semantics in Environmental Search Systems. Towards the Internet of Services 2014: 111-119 - 2013
- [c73]Andreas Abecker, Carsten Heidmann, Claus Hofmann, Wassilios Kazakos:
Towards a Middleware for Data Management in Support of Open Government Data. EnviroInfo 2013: 674-681 - 2012
- [c72]Andreas Abecker, Simone Braun, Wassilios Kazakos, Valentin Zacharias:
Participatory Sensing for Nature Conservation and Environment Protection. EnviroInfo 2012: 393-401 - [c71]Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker, Marco Mauritczat:
Incident and Problem Management using a Semantic Wiki-enabled ITSM Platform. ICAART (1) 2012: 363-372 - 2011
- [c70]Andreas Abecker, Ernst Biesalski, Simone Braun
, Mark Hefke, Valentin Zacharias:
Semantics in Knowledge Management. Foundations for the Web of Information and Services 2011: 281-310 - [c69]Andreas Abecker, Ulrich Bügel, Renate Ebel, Thorsten Schlachter:
Integrating Semantic Search for Relational Data into Environmental Information Systems. EnviroInfo 2011: 321-329 - [c68]Andreas Abecker, Wassilios Kazakos, Gábor Nagypál, Aleksei Valikov:
Enabling User-friendly Query Interfaces for Environmental Geodata through Semantic Technologies. Geoinformatik 2011: 55-62 - [c67]Andreas Abecker
, Veli Bicer, Wassilios Kazakos, Gábor Nagypál, Radoslav Nedkov, Aleksei Valikov:
User-Friendly Access to Structured Environmental Data. ISESS 2011: 357-363 - [c66]Veli Bicer, Thanh Tran, Andreas Abecker
, Radoslav Nedkov:
KOIOS: Utilizing Semantic Search for Easy-Access and Visualization of Structured Environmental Data. ISWC (2) 2011: 1-16 - [c65]Joachim Kleb, Andreas Abecker
Disambiguating entity references within an ontological model. WIMS 2011: 22 - [r1]Stephan Grimm, Andreas Abecker, Johanna Völker, Rudi Studer:
Ontologies and the Semantic Web. Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies 2011: 507-579 - 2010
- [j20]Heiko Haller, Andreas Abecker:
iMapping: a zooming user interface approach for personal and semantic knowledge management. SIGWEB Newsl. 2010(Autumn): 4:1-4:10 (2010) - [c64]Joachim Kleb, Andreas Abecker
Entity Reference Resolution via Spreading Activation on RDF-Graphs. ESWC (1) 2010: 152-166 - [c63]Andreas Abecker, Stephan Bloehdorn, Stephan Grimm:
Application of Semantic Technologies. AST2010. 5th International Workshop (Vorwort). GI Jahrestagung (2) 2010: 71-72 - [c62]Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker:
Semantic MediaWiki as an Integration Platform for IT Service Management. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2010: 73-78 - [c61]Heiko Haller, Andreas Abecker
iMapping: a zooming user interface approach for personal and semantic knowledge management. HT 2010: 119-128 - [c60]Heiko Haller, Andreas Abecker, Max Völkel:
A Graphical Workbench for Knowledge Workers. ICEIS (5) 2010: 180-185 - [c59]Max Völkel, Andreas Abecker:
Requirements for Personal Knowledge Management Tools. ICEIS (3) 2010: 332-337 - [c58]Heiko Haller, Andreas Abecker
Designing a Knowledge Mapping Tool for Knowledge Workers. KES (1) 2010: 660-669
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j19]Vassilios Peristeras
, Gregoris Mentzas
, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis
, Andreas Abecker
Transforming E-government and E-participation through IT. IEEE Intell. Syst. 24(5): 14-19 (2009) - [c57]Nenad Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Opher Etzion, Adrian Paschke:
Organizing Committee. AAAI Spring Symposium: Intelligent Event Processing 2009 - [c56]Andreas Abecker, Mark Hefke:
Short Presentation of Semantic Technology Institute (STI) International - National Center Germany. GI Jahrestagung 2009: 388 - [c55]Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker, Ning Liu:
Automatic Population and Updating of a Semantic Wiki-based Configuration Management Database. GI Jahrestagung 2009: 3091-3105 - [c54]Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker:
Towards a Collaborative Semantic Wiki-based Approach to IT Service Management. I-SEMANTICS 2009: 424-434 - [c53]Frank Kleiner
, Andreas Abecker
, Sven F. Brinkmann:
WiSyMon: managing systems monitoring information in semantic Wikis. Int. Sym. Wikis 2009 - [c52]Frank Dengler, Steffen Lamparter, Mark Hefke, Andreas Abecker:
Collaborative Process Development using Semantic MediaWiki. Wissensmanagement 2009: 97-107 - [p3]Andreas Abecker, Ludger van Elst:
Ontologies for Knowledge Management. Handbook on Ontologies 2009: 713-734 - 2008
- [j18]Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas
, Bertin Klein, Andreas Abecker
, Wolfgang Maass:
Interorganizational Knowledge Exchanges. IEEE Intell. Syst. 23(4): 65-74 (2008) - [j17]Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker:
Managing Kowledge at Multiple Organizational Levels Using Faceted Ontologies. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. 49(2): 32-49 (2008) - [c51]Sudhir Agarwal, Sebastian Rudolph
, Andreas Abecker:
Semantic Description of Distributed Business Processes. AAAI Spring Symposium: AI Meets Business Rules and Process Management 2008: 1-11 - [c50]Martin Breunig, Eva Ortlieb, Stephan Mäs, Conrad Boley, Franz-Xaver Trauner, Joachim Wiesel, Daniela Richter, Andreas Abecker, Dominik Gallus, Wassilios Kazakos, Andreas M. Bartels, Björn Broscheit, Wolfgang Reinhardt:
Towards an Information System for Early Warning of Landslides. EnviroInfo 2008: 476-481 - [c49]Max Völkel, Andreas Abecker:
Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Design of Personal Knowledge Management Systems. ICEIS (2) 2008: 95-105 - [c48]Keith Popplewell, Nenad Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas, Jenny A. Harding:
Supporting Adaptive Enterprise Collaboration through Semantic Knowledge Services. IESA 2008: 381-393 - [c47]Dominik Gallus, Andreas Abecker, Daniela Richter:
Classification of Landslide Susceptibility in the Development of Early Warning Systems. SDH 2008: 55-75 - 2007
- [c46]Valentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker:
Explorative Debugging for Rapid Rule Base Development. SFSW 2007 - [c45]Valentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker:
On Modern Debugging For Rule-Based Systems. SEKE 2007: 349-353 - [c44]Valentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker, Denny Vrandecic, Imen Borgi, Simone Braun, Andreas P. Schmidt:
Mind the Web. New Forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web 2007 - 2006
- [j16]Andreas Abecker, Rachid Alami
, Chitta Baral, Timothy W. Bickmore, Edmund H. Durfee, Terry Fong, Mehmet H. Göker, Nancy L. Green, Mark Y. Liberman, Christian Lebiere, James H. Martin, Gregoris Mentzas, David J. Musliner, Nicolas Nicolov, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Franco Salvetti, Daniel G. Shapiro, Debbie Schrekenghost, Amit P. Sheth, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Vytas SunSpiral, Robert E. Wray:
AAAI 2006 Spring Symposium Reports. AI Mag. 27(3): 107-112 (2006) - [c43]Andreas Abecker, Amit P. Sheth, Gregoris Mentzas, Ljiljana Stojanovic:
Organizing Committee. AAAI Spring Symposium: Semantic Web Meets eGovernment 2006 - [c42]Andreas Abecker, Amit P. Sheth, Gregoris Mentzas, Ljiljana Stojanovic:
Program Committee. AAAI Spring Symposium: Semantic Web Meets eGovernment 2006 - [c41]Ljiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas, Rudi Studer:
The Role of Semantics in eGovernment Service Model Verification and Evolution. AAAI Spring Symposium: Semantic Web Meets eGovernment 2006: 117-128 - [c40]Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Knut Hinkelmann, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker:
Fostering Self-Adaptive e-Government Service Improvement using Semantic Technologies. AAAI Spring Symposium: Semantic Web Meets eGovernment 2006: 129-131 - [c39]Mark Hefke, Andreas Abecker:
A CBR-Based Approach for Supporting Consulting Agencies in Successfully Accompanying a Customer's Introduction of Knowledge Management. ECCBR 2006: 534-548 - [c38]Ernst Biesalski, Andreas Abecker:
Similarity Measures for Skill-Profile Matching in Enterprise Knowledge Management. ICEIS (2) 2006: 11-16 - [c37]Ernst Biesalski, Andreas Abecker:
Skill-Profile Matching with Similarity Measures. ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2006: 210-218 - [c36]Mark Hefke, Valentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker, Qingli Wang, Ernst Biesalski, Marco Breiter:
An Extendable Java Framework for Instance Similarities in Ontologies. ICEIS (2) 2006: 263-269 - 2005
- [j15]Dimitris Apostolou, Gregory Mentzas, Andreas Abecker
, Wolfgang Maass, Panos Georgolios, Kostas Kafentzis:
Challenges and directions in knowledge asset trading. Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag. 13(1): 1-15 (2005) - [c35]Andreas Abecker, Ljiljana Stojanovic:
Ontology Evolution: MEDLINE Case Study. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 1291-1308 - [c34]Andreas Abecker, Ludger van Elst, Steffen Staab:
PAIKM-2005 - Peer-to-Peer and Agent Infrastructures for Knowledge Management. Wissensmanagement 2005: 186 - [c33]Andreas Abecker, Ludger van Elst, Steffen Staab
PAIKM-2005 - Peer-to-Peer and Agent Infrastructures for Knowledge Management. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 222-223 - [c32]Ernst Biesalski, Andreas Abecker:
Ansätze zum ontologiebasierten Human Resource Management. Wissensmanagement 2005: 457-462 - [c31]Ernst Biesalski, Andreas Abecker:
Human Resource Management with Ontologies. Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 499-507 - 2004
- [b2]Andreas Abecker:
Business-process oriented knowledge management: concepts, methods, and tools. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2004 - [j14]Ljiljana Stojanovic, Jürgen M. Schneider, Alexander Maedche, Susanne Libischer, Rudi Studer, Thomas Lumpp, Andreas Abecker
, Gerd Breiter, John Dinger:
The role of ontologies in autonomic computing systems. IBM Syst. J. 43(3): 598- (2004) - [j13]Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker:
Agent-based Knowledge Management. Künstliche Intell. 18(2): 11-16 (2004) - [c30]Ljiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer:
On Managing Changes in the Ontology-Based E-government. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1080-1097 - [c29]Stephan Grimm, Steffen Lamparter, Andreas Abecker, Sudhir Agarwal, Andreas Eberhart:
Ontology based Specification of Web Service Policies. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 579-583 - [c28]Ljiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer:
Ontology-Based Correlation Engines. ICAC 2004: 304-305 - [c27]Efthimios Tambouris, Stelios Gorilas, Gregory Kavadias, Dimitris Apostolou, Andreas Abecker, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Gregoris Mentzas:
Ontology-Enabled E-gov Service Configuration: An Overview of the OntoGov Project. KMGov 2004: 122-127 - [c26]Andreas Abecker, Mirjam Minor, Ljiljana Stojanovic:
Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe "Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement" (FGWM). LWA 2004: 227-228 - [p2]Andreas Abecker, Ludger van Elst:
Ontologies for Knowledge Management. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 435-454 - [e4]Ludger van Elst, Virginia Dignum
, Andreas Abecker
Agent Mediated Knowledge Management, International Symposium AMKM 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, March 24-26, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2926, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-20868-2 [contents] - [e3]Andreas Abecker, Steffen Bickel, Ulf Brefeld, Isabel Drost, Nicola Henze, Olaf Herden, Mirjam Minor, Tobias Scheffer, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Stephan Weibelzahl:
LWA 2004: Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität, Berlin, 4. - 6. Oktober 2004, Workshopwoche der GI-Fachgruppen/Arbeitskreise (1) Fachgruppe Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in Interaktiven Softwaresystemen (ABIS 2004), (2) Arbeitskreis Knowledge Discovery (AKKD 2004), (3) Fachgruppe Maschinelles Lernen (FGML 2004), (4) Fachgruppe Wissens- und Erfahrungsmanagement (FGWM 2004). Humbold-Universität Berlin 2004 [contents] - 2003
- [b1]Gregoris Mentzas, Dimitris Apostolou, Andreas Abecker
, Ron Young:
Knowledge Asset Management - Beyond the Process-centred and Product-centred Approaches. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, Springer 2003, ISBN 978-1-4471-1109-2, pp. 1-195 - [j12]Andreas Abecker, Erik K. Antonsson, Charles B. Callaway, Virginia Dignum, Patrick Doherty, Ludger van Elst, Michael Freed, Reva Freedman, Hans W. Guesgen, Gareth J. F. Jones, John R. Koza, David Kortenkamp, Mark T. Maybury, John McCarthy, Debasis Mitra, Jochen Renz, Debra Schreckenghost, Mary-Anne Williams:
2003 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. AI Mag. 24(3): 131-140 (2003) - [c25]Ludger van Elst, Virginia Dignum
, Andreas Abecker:
Towards Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management. AMKM 2003: 1-30 - [c24]Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Ludger van Elst:
Agent Technology for Distributed Organizational Memories: The Frodo Project. ICEIS (2) 2003: 3-10 - [c23]Giorgos Papavassiliou
, Spyridon Ntioudis, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker:
Business Process Modelling and Enactment for Task-Specific Information Support. Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2003: 977-996 - [e2]Ulrich Reimer, Andreas Abecker, Steffen Staab, Gerd Stumme:
WM 2003: Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen, Beiträge der 2. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement, 2.-4. April 2003, Luzern, Switzerland. LNI P-28, GI 2003, ISBN 3-88579-357-1 [contents] - 2002
- [j11]Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker
Ontologies for information management: balancing formality, stability, and sharing scope. Expert Syst. Appl. 23(4): 357-366 (2002) - [j10]Andreas Dengel, Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Ludger van Elst, Heiko Maus, Sven Schwarz, Michael Sintek:
Konzepte zur Gestaltung von Unternehmensgedächtnissen. Künstliche Intell. 16(1): 5-11 (2002) - [c22]Andreas Abecker, Alfs T. Berztiss:
Message from the TAKMA Workshop Chairs. DEXA Workshops 2002: 129-132 - [c21]Giorgos Papavassiliou
, Spyridon Ntioudis, Gregoris Mentzas
, Andreas Abecker
Business Process Knowledge Modelling: Method and Tool. DEXA Workshops 2002: 138-142 - [c20]Giorgos Papavassiliou
, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker:
Integrating Knowledge Modelling In Business Process Management. ECIS 2002: 851-861 - [c19]Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker, Wolf-Christian Eickhoff, Wolfgang Maass, Panos Georgolios, Kostas Kafentzis, Sophia Kyriakopoulou:
Challenges and Directions in Knowledge Asset Trading. PAKM 2002: 549-564 - 2001
- [j9]Gregoris Mentzas
, Dimitris Apostolou, Ron Young, Andreas Abecker
Knowledge networking: a holistic solution for leveraging corporate knowledge. J. Knowl. Manag. 5(1): 94-107 (2001) - [c18]Andreas Abecker
, Gregoris Mentzas
, Maria Legal, Spyridon Ntioudis, Giorgos Papavassiliou
A Business-Process Oriented Delivery of Knowledge through Domain Ontologies. DEXA Workshop 2001: 442-446 - [c17]Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker:
Integrating Task, Role, and User Modeling in Organizational Memories. FLAIRS 2001: 295-299 - [c16]Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Spyridon Ntioudis, Gregoris Mentzas, Rudi Herterich, Christian Houy, Stephan Müller, Maria Legal:
The DECOR Toolbox for Workflow-Embedded Organizational Memory Access. ICEIS (1) 2001: 225-232 - [c15]Michael Sintek, Markus Junker, Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker:
Using Information Extraction Rules for Extending Domain Ontologies. Workshop on Ontology Learning 2001 - [c14]Ludger van Elst, Andreas Abecker:
Ontology-Related Services in Agent-Based Distributed Information Infrastructures. SEKE 2001: 79-86 - 2000
- [j8]Andreas Abecker, Stefan Decker, Frank Maurer:
Guest Editorial. Inf. Syst. Frontiers 2(3): 251-252 (2000) - [j7]Andreas Abecker
, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann
, Otto Kühn, Michael Sintek:
Context-Aware, Proactive Delivery of Task-Specific Information: The KnowMore Project. Inf. Syst. Frontiers 2(3): 253-276 (2000) - [j6]Andreas Abecker
, Ansgar Bernardi, Heiko Maus, Michael Sintek, Claudia Wenzel:
Information supply for business processes: coupling workflow with document analysis and information retrieval. Knowl. Based Syst. 13(5): 271-284 (2000)
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c13]Bertin Klein, Andreas Abecker:
Distributed Knowledge-Based Parsing for Document Analysis and Understanding. ADL 1999: 6-15 - [c12]Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Michael Sintek:
Enterprise Information Infrastructure for Active, Context-Sensitive Knowledge Delivery. ECIS 1999: 1-13 - [c11]Gregoris Mentzas, Pooja Goyal, Ron Young, Andreas Abecker:
Panel: IS-Enabled Corporate Knowledge Management: Research Directions and Lessons from the Field. ECIS 1999: 1023-1027 - [c10]Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Michael Sintek:
Proactive Knowledge Delivery for Enterprise Knowledge Management. SEKE 1999: 103-117 - [c9]Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Michael Sintek:
Developing a Knowledge Management Technology. WETICE 1999: 216-222 - [c8]Thorsten Wolf, Stefan Decker, Andreas Abecker:
Unterstützung des Wissensmanagements durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie. Wirtschaftsinformatik 1999: 39 - [c7]Andreas Abecker
, Stefan Decker
Organizational Memory: Knowledge Acquisition, Integration, and Retrieval Issues. XPS 1999: 113-124 - [c6]Minghong Liao, Knut Hinkelmann
, Andreas Abecker
, Michael Sintek:
A Competence Knowledge Base System as Part of the Organizational Memory. XPS 1999: 125-137 - 1998
- [j5]Andreas Abecker
, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann
, Otto Kühn, Michael Sintek:
Toward a Technology for Organizational Memories. IEEE Intell. Syst. 13(3): 40-48 (1998) - [j4]Andreas Abecker, Stefan Decker, Otto Kühn:
Organizational Memory - Das aktuelle Schlagwort. Inform. Spektrum 21(4): 213-214 (1998) - [p1]Otto Kühn, Andreas Abecker:
Corporate Memories for Knowledge Management in Industrial Practice: Prospects and Challenges. Information Technology for Knowledge Management 1998: 183-206 - [e1]Andreas Abecker, Stefan Decker, Nada Matta, Frank Maurer, Ulrich Reimer:
Building, Maintaining, and Using Organizational Memories (OM-98), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop OM-98, Brighton, UK, August 24-25, 1998. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 14, CEUR-WS.org 1998 [contents] - 1997
- [j3]Otto Kühn, Andreas Abecker
Corporate Memories for Knowledge Management in Industrial Practice: Prospects and Challenges. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 3(8): 929-954 (1997) - [j2]Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe, Andreas Abecker:
Zur Verarbeitung "weicher" Constraints. Künstliche Intell. 11(4): 31-36 (1997) - [c5]Bidjan Tschaitschian, Andreas Abecker
, Franz Schmalhofer:
Information Tuning with KARAT: Capitalizing on Existing Documents. EKAW 1997: 269-284 - 1996
- [c4]Matthias Fuchs, Andreas Abecker
Optimized Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers Using Generated Instances. KI 1996: 71-83 - 1995
- [c3]Andreas Abecker, Harold Boley, Knut Hinkelmann, Holger Wache, Franz Schmalhofer:
An Environment for Exploring and Validating Declarative Knowledge. LPE 1995 - 1994
- [c2]Andreas Abecker, Holger Wache:
A Layer Architecture for the Integration of Rules, Inheritance, and Constraints. ICLP Workshop: Integration of Declarative Paradigms 1994: 12-22 - 1993
- [j1]Andreas Abecker:
Constraint Processing auf der CSAM '93. Künstliche Intell. 7(4): 55-56 (1993) - 1991
- [c1]Philipp Hanschke, Andreas Abecker
, Dennis Drollinger:
TAXON: A Concept Language with Concrete Domains. PDK 1991: 411-413
Coauthor Index
aka: Gregory Mentzas

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