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KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 2016
- Tang Wan, Fan Chen, Min Chen
, Guo Liu:
Flow Scheduling in OBS Networks Based on Software-Defined Networking Control Plane. 1-17 - Ezgi Akar, Sona Mardikyan:
Analyzing Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing: A Case of Turkey. 18-37 - V. Viji Rajendran
, S. Swamynathan:
Enhanced Cloud Service Discovery for Naive users with Ontology based Representation. 38-57 - Yulong Gao, Wei Zhang
, Yongkui Ma:
Adaptive Adjustment of Compressed Measurements for Wideband Spectrum Sensing. 58-78 - Guolin Sun, Kongmaing Eng, Seng Yin, Guisong Liu
, Geyong Min:
MARS: Multiple Access Radio Scheduling for a Multi-homed Mobile Device in Soft-RAN. 79-95 - Imen Mahjri, Amine Dhraief
, Abdelfettah Belghith
, Khalil Drira, Hassan Mathkour:
A GPS-less Framework for Localization and Coverage Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks. 96-116 - Said Fathy El-Zoghdy, Ahmed Ghoneim
A Multi-Class Task Scheduling Strategy for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems. 117-135 - Zheng Lu, Chen Zhou, Jing Wu, Hao Jiang, Songyue Cui:
Integrating Granger Causality and Vector Auto-Regression for Traffic Prediction of Large-Scale WLANs. 136-151 - Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu:
Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Two-hop OFDM Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks. 152-167 - Bowei Zhang, Wenjiang Feng, Tingting Dong, Yi-na Deng:
Degrees of Freedom of Two-Cluster MIMO Multiway Relay Interference Channels Using Blind Interference Neutralization. 168-186 - Han-Byul Lee, Jong-Ho Lee, Seong-Cheol Kim:
Cooperative Beamformer Design for Improving Physical Layer Security in Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks. 187-199 - Sana Mazahir
, Shahzad Amin Sheikh:
Optimal Design of Piecewise Linear Companding Transforms for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. 200-220 - Xiyao Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, Yu Ge
, Dajun Wu, Beiji Zou:
A Secure Medical Information Management System for Wireless Body Area Networks. 221-237 - Mohamed Ghetas
, Chan Huah Yong, Putra Sumari
A Survey of Quality of Service in Multi-tier Web Applications. 238-256 - Jeeyong Lee, Young-Jin Kim:
Optimal Image Quality Assessment based on Distortion Classification and Color Perception. 257-271 - Kang Han Oh, Soo-Hyung Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Yura Lee:
Detection of Multiple Salient Objects by Categorizing Regional Features. 272-287 - Leida Li, Dong Wu, Jinjian Wu, Jiansheng Qian, Beijing Chen:
No-reference Image Quality Assessment With A Gradient-induced Dictionary. 288-307 - Zhonghua Liu, Chunlei Yang, Jiexin Pu, Gang Liu, Sen Liu:
Robust Minimum Squared Error Classification Algorithm with Applications to Face Recognition. 308-320 - Ran Li, Hongbing Liu, Wei He, Xingpo Ma:
Space-Time Quantization and Motion-Aligned Reconstruction for Block-Based Compressive Video Sensing. 321-340 - Xiao Zhou
, Cheng-You Wang
, Liping Wang
, Nan Wang, Qiming Fu
Single Image Dehazing Using Dark Channel Prior and Minimal Atmospheric Veil. 341-363 - Yongwei Zhao, Bicheng Li, Xin Liu, Shengcai Ke:
Object Classification based on Weakly Supervised E2LSH and Saliency Map Weighting. 364-380 - I-Gil Kim:
Estimation of Noise Level in Complex Textured Images and Monte Carlo-Rendered Images. 381-394 - Thai Son Nguyen
, Chin-Chen Chang, Tso-Hsien Shih:
A High-Quality Reversible Image Authentication Scheme Based on Adaptive PEE for Digital Images. 395-413 - Yanhua Zhang, Yupu Hu, Wen Gao, Mingming Jiang:
Simpler Efficient Group Signature Scheme with Verifier-Local Revocation from Lattices. 414-430 - Bo Mi, Dongyan Liu:
Topology-Hiding Broadcast Based on NTRUEncrypt. 431-443
Volume 10, Number 2, February 2016
- Yi-Wei Ma, Jiann-Liang Chen, Yung-Sheng Lee, Hsin-Yi Chang:
GreenIoT Architecture for Internet of Things Applications. 444-461 - Ayad Atiyah Abdulkafi, Sieh Kiong Tiong
, Ibrahim Khalil Sileh
, David Chieng
, Abdulaziz M. Ghaleb:
A Survey of Energy Efficiency Optimization in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. 462-483 - Kyunglag Kwon
, Hansaem Park, Sungwoo Jung, Jeungmin Lee, In-Jeong Chung:
Dynamic Scheduling Method for Cooperative Resource Sharing in Mobile Cloud Computing Environments. 484-503 - Chaowei Tang, Qian Tan, Yanni Han, Wei An, Haibo Li, Hui Tang:
An Energy Harvesting Aware Routing Algorithm for Hierarchical Clustering Wireless Sensor Networks. 504-521 - Shuiqing Gong, Jing Chen, Siyi Zhao, Qingchao Zhu:
Virtual Network Embedding with Multi-attribute Node Ranking Based on TOPSIS. 522-541 - Emílio C. G. Wille
, Hermes Irineu Del Monego
, Bruno V. Coutinho, Giovanna G. Basilio:
Routing Protocols for VANETs: An Approach based on Genetic Algorithms. 542-558 - Yongbo Cheng, Xing You, Pengcheng Fu, Zemei Wang:
An Energy Efficient Algorithm Based on Clustering Formulation and Scheduling for Proportional Fairness in Wireless Sensor Netwoks. 559-573 - Hyunjae Woo, Chaewoo Lee:
A Novel Multihop Range-Free Localization Algorithm Based on Reliable Anchor Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 574-592 - Xue Jiang, Baoyu Zheng:
Interference Alignment in Two-way Relay Channel with Compute-and-Forward. 593-607 - Md. Kamal Hossain, Chee Keong Tan, Ching Kwang Lee, Chun Yeow Yeoh:
A Dynamic Channel Switching Policy Through P-learning for Wireless Mesh Networks. 608-627 - Chi-Chung Chen, Ing-Jiunn Su, Chien-Hsing Liao, Tai-Kuo Woo:
Efficient Channel Assignment Scheme Based on Finite Projective Plane Theory. 628-646 - Prashant Borkar
, Milindkumar V. Sarode, Latesh G. Malik
Acoustic Signal based Optimal Route Selection Problem: Performance Comparison of Multi-Attribute Decision Making methods. 647-669 - Wangmei Guo, Junhua Zhang, Guiguo Feng, Kaijian Zhu, Jixiang Zhang:
An amplify-and-forward relaying scheme based on network coding for Deep space communication. 670-683 - Kiheung Nam, Zoonky Lee, Bong Gyou Lee:
How Internet has Reshaped the User Experience of Banking Service? 684-702 - Ganlin Hao, Nan Wu, Yifeng Xiong
, Hua Wang, Jingming Kuang:
Factor Graph-based Multipath-assisted Indoor Passive Localization with Inaccurate Receiver. 703-722 - Jichao Jiao, Zhongliang Deng, Lianming Xu, Fei Li:
A Hybrid of Smartphone Camera and Basestation Wide-area Indoor Positioning Method. 723-743 - Kyoungsoo Bok, Jongtae Lim, Minje Ahn, Jaesoo Yoo:
A Social Search Scheme Considering User Preferences and Popularities in Mobile Environments. 744-768 - Leila Mansourian, Muhamad Taufik Abdullah
, Lilli Nurliyana Abdullah
, Azreen Azman, Mas Rina Mustaffa
A Salient Based Bag of Visual Word Model (SBBoVW): Improvements toward Difficult Object Recognition and Object Location in Image Retrieval. 769-786 - Dian Zhang, Weiling Zheng:
HandButton: Gesture Recognition of Transceiver-free Object by Using Wireless Networks. 787-806 - Saim Shin, Sei-Jin Jang, Donghyun Lee, Unsang Park, Ji-Hwan Kim:
Brainwave-based Mood Classification Using Regularized Comm. 807-824 - Hancheng Yu, Aiting Li:
Real-Time Non-Local Means Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Local Binary Descriptor. 825-836 - Yan Zhou, Qingwu Li, Guanying Huo:
Human Visual System based Automatic Underwater Image Enhancement in NSCT domain. 837-856 - Kyung-Bok Lee, Jong-In Lim:
The Reality and Response of Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure: A Case Study of the Cyber-terror Attack on the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.. 857-880 - Yang Lu, Quanling Zhang:
Enhanced Certificate-Based Encryption Scheme without Bilinear Pairings", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 881-896 - Jie Yang, Yu Lu, Li-yun Chen, Wei Ni:
A SM2 Elliptic Curve Threshold Signature Scheme without a Trusted Center. 897-913 - Zhiquan Liu
, Jianfeng Ma, Zhongyuan Jiang, Yinbin Miao:
LCT: A Lightweight Cross-domain Trust Model for the Mobile Distributed Environment. 914-934 - Runhua Shi, Hong Zhong, Shun Zhang:
A Novel Authenticated Group Key Distribution Scheme. 935-946
Volume 10, Number 3, March 2016
- Rui Tang
, Ji-hong Zhao, Hua Qu, Zhengcang Zhu, Yanpeng Zhang
Joint Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Mobile Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication. 950-975 - Heyang Xu, Bo Yang
, Weiwei Qi, Emmanuel Ahene
A Multi-objective Optimization Approach to Workflow Scheduling in Clouds Considering Fault Recovery. 976-995 - Guilherme Pedro Aquino, Dayan Adionel Guimarães
, Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo:
Energy efficient scheme based on simultaneous transmission of the local decisions in cooperative spectrum sensing. 996-1015 - Xiaoxiang Wang, Jia Zhou, Dongyu Wang:
Joint Relay-and-Antenna Selection and Power Allocation for AF MIMO Two-way Relay Networks. 1016-1033 - Daru Pan, Min Fu, Jiajia Sun, Xin Zou:
A Campus Community-based Mobility Model for Routing in Opportunistic Networks. 1034-1051 - Kunryun Cho, Seokhee Jeon, Jinsung Cho, Ben Lee:
ISRMC-MAC: Implementable Single-Radio, Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for WBANs. 1052-1070 - Yongsheng Hao:
Enhanced resource scheduling in Grid considering overload of different attributes. 1071-1090 - Jie Wang, Siguang Hang, Jiwei Liu, Weihao Chen, Gang Hou:
Multi-level Scheduling Algorithm Based on Storm. 1091-1110 - Yaxin Xing, Yueyun Chen, Chen Lv, Zheng Gong, Ling Xu:
Swarm Intelligence-based Power Allocation and Relay Selection Algorithm for wireless cooperative network. 1111-1130 - Fengyue Gao, Lei Kong, Feihong Dong
Soft-Decision for Differential Amplify-and-Forward over Time-Varying Relaying Channel. 1131-1143 - Minhae Kwon
, Hyunggon Park:
The Impact of Network Coding Cluster Size on Approximate Decoding Performance. 1144-1158 - Ju-Chin Chen, Meng-Yuan Huang:
2D-to-3D Conversion System using Depth Map Enhancement. 1159-1181 - Dong Nan, Du-yan Bi, Lin-Yuan He, Shiping Ma, Zunlin Fan:
A Variational Framework for Single Image Dehazing Based on Restoration. 1182-1194 - Jinfu Wu, Baolong Guo, Jie Hou, Yunyi Yan
, Jie Jiang:
Fast CU Encoding Schemes Based on Merge Mode and Motion Estimation for HEVC Inter Prediction. 1195-1211 - Valter Vasic, Miljenko Mikuc, Marin Vukovic:
Lightweight and adaptable solution for security agility. 1212-1228 - Xuefeng Liu, Hanyu Quan, Yuqing Zhang, Qianqian Zhao, Ling Liu:
SVC: Secure VANET-Assisted Remote Healthcare Monitoring System in Disaster Area. 1229-1248 - Daehee Kim, Dongwan Kim, Sunshin An:
Communication Pattern Based Key Establishment Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1249-1272 - Yanrong Lu, Lixiang Li
, Haipeng Peng, Yixian Yang:
Robust ID based mutual authentication and key agreement scheme preserving user anonymity in mobile networks. 1273-1288 - Hanwook Lee, Junghyun Nam, Moonseong Kim, Dongho Won:
Forward Anonymity-Preserving Secure Remote Authentication Scheme. 1289-1310 - Mihyun Chung, Jaehyoun Kim:
The Internet Information and Technology Research Directions based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 1311-1320 - HwaMin Lee
, Se Dong Min, Min-Hyung Choi, DaeWon Lee:
Multi-Agent System for Fault Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1321-1332 - Jong-Hong Park, Jong-Moon Chung:
Enhanced Channel Access Estimation based Adaptive Control of Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. 1333-1343 - Kyu Tae Kwak
, Youngjoon Cheon, Bong Gyou Lee:
The Sustainability of Korean Management in Global Market: Competitive Strategy and Performance in Korean ICT Industry. 1344-1361 - Frank Elijorde, Sungho Kim, Jaewan Lee:
Goal-driven Optimization Strategy for Energy and Performance-Aware Data Centers for Cloud-Based Wind Farm CMS. 1362-1376 - Yong-Hyun Jang, Jung-Keun Suh, Ku-Jin Kim, Yoo-Joo Choi:
Robust Target Model Update for Mean-shift Tracking with Background Weighted Histogram. 1377-1389 - Md. Zia Uddin
, Jaehyoun Kim:
A Local Feature-Based Robust Approach for Facial Expression Recognition from Depth Video. 1390-1403 - Dusan Baek, Byungjeong Lee, Jung-Won Lee:
Content-based Configuration Management System for Software Research and Development Document Artifacts. 1404-1415 - Hyun-Sik Kim, Inki Kim, Kyungsik Han, Donghyun Kim, Jong-Soo Seo, Mingoo Kang:
An Adaptive Buffering Method for Practical HTTP Live Streaming on Smart OTT STBs. 1416-1428 - Ha Sung Hwang, Eun Kyoung Choi:
Exploring Gender Differences in Motivations for Using Sina Weibo. 1429-1441 - Jawon Kim, Hyun Ahn
, Minjae Park, Sangguen Kim, Kwanghoon Pio Kim
An Estimated Closeness Centrality Ranking Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis in Large-Scale Workflow-supported Social Networks. 1454-1466 - Byung kwan Lee, Eun-Hee Jeong:
A Black Hole Detection Protocol Design based on a Mutual Authentication Scheme on VANET. 1467-1480
Volume 10, Number 4, April 2016
- Tong Li
, Zhu Xiao, Hassana Maigary Georges, Zhinian Luo, Dong Wang:
Performance Analysis of Co- and Cross-tier Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Macro-small Cell Wireless Networks. 1481-1500 - C. Saravanakumar, C. Arun:
Efficient Idle Virtual Machine Management for Heterogeneous Cloud using Common Deployment Model. 1501-1518 - Cheng Ren, Sheng Wang:
Managing Flow Transfers in Enterprise Datacenter Networks with Flow Chasing. 1519-1534 - Se-Jin Kim, IlKwon Cho, Byung-Bog Lee, Sang-Hyun Bae, Choong-Ho Cho:
Multi-Cluster based Dynamic Channel Assignment for Dense Femtocell Networks. 1535-1554 - Jung-Hee Seo, Hung-Bog Park:
Forest Environment Monitoring Application of Intelligence Embedded based on Wireless Sensor Networks. 1555-1570 - Anjali Anand, Rinkle Rani, Himanshu Aggarwal
Energy Efficient and Secure Multipoint Relay Selection in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 1571-1589 - Wei Shi, Jingjing Wang, Yun Liu, Qiuna Niu, Hao Zhang, Chunlei Wu:
A 60GHz Wireless Cooperative Communication System Based on Switching Beamforming. 1590-1610 - Dong Li, Yan Yan, Baoxian Zhang, Cheng Li
, Peng Xu:
Measurement-based AP Deployment Mechanism for Fingerprint-based Indoor Location Systems. 1611-1629 - Yujing Liu, Wei Peng
, Jinshu Su
, Zhilin Wang:
Assessing Resilience of Inter-Domain Routing System under Regional Failures. 1630-1642 - Manar Mohaisen, Aziz Mohaisen:
Characterizing Collaboration in Social Network-enabled Routing. 1643-1660 - Yan Shi, Xiang Xu, Changkai Lu, Shanzhi Chen:
Distributed and Weighted Clustering based on d-Hop Dominating Set for Vehicular Networks. 1661-1678 - Xiaodong Wang, Hu Shen, Shaohe Lv, Xingming Zhou:
A Genetic Approach for Joint Link Scheduling and Power Control in SIC-enable Wireless Networks. 1679-1691 - S. A. Sahaaya Arul Mary
, Jasmine Beulah Gnanadurai:
Fuzzy Logic Approach to Zone-Based Stable Cluster Head Election Protocol-Enhanced for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1692-1711 - Jiyou Zhai, Jingbo Zhou, Yongfeng Ren, Zhijian Wang:
Salient Object Detection via Multiple Random Walks. 1712-1731 - Bahaa Aldeen Alghazawy, Satoshi Fujita:
Low Cost Cloud-Assisted Peer to Peer Live Streaming. 1732-1750 - Mrutyunjaya Sahani
, Subhashree Subudhi
, Mihir Narayan Mohanty
Design of Face Recognition based Embedded Home Security System. 1751-1767 - Arkadiusz Biernacki:
Server Side Solutions For Web-Based Video. 1768-1789 - Shanshan Li, Yuanyuan Zhang:
Quantized DCT Coefficient Category Address Encryption for JPEG Image. 1790-1806 - Feiniu Yuan, Jinting Shi, Xue Xia, Yong Yang, Yuming Fang, Rui Wang:
Sub Oriented Histograms of Local Binary Patterns for Smoke Detection and Texture Classification. 1807-1823 - Tran Anh Tuan, Jin Young Kim, Asmatullah Chaudhry, Pham The Bao
, Hyoung-Gook Kim:
Visual Observation Confidence based GMM Face Recognition robust to Illumination Impact in a Real-world Database. 1824-1845 - Weizhong Li, Benshun Yi, Taiqi Huang, Weiqing Yao, Hong Peng:
A Tone Mapping Algorithm Based on Multi-scale Decomposition. 1846-1863 - Chan-Ho Park, Chang-Seop Park:
Cryptographically-Generated Virtual Credit Card Number for Secure Card-Not-Present Transactions. 1864-1876 - Yubei Lin
, Xingming Zhang, Jianen Xiao, Shengkai Su:
An Efficient Frame-Level Rate Control Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding. 1877-1891 - Xin Sun, Yiyang Yao, Yingjie Xia, Xuejiao Liu, Jian Chen, Zhiqiang Wang:
Towards efficient sharing of encrypted data in cloud-based mobile social network. 1892-1903 - Mazhar Sajjad, Chang-Won Ahn, Jin-Woo Jung:
Iris Image Enhancement for the Recognition of Non-ideal Iris Images. 1904-1926 - Hao Wang, Guangjie Liu, Jiangtao Zhai, Yuewei Dai:
Detection and Parameter Estimation for Jitterbug Covert Channel Based on Coefficient of Variation. 1927-1943 - Kai Zhang
, Jie Guan, Bin Hu:
Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis on DVB-CSA. 1944-1956
Volume 10, Number 5, May 2016
- Lingwei Xu
, Hao Zhang, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Joint TAS and Power Allocation for IHDAF Relaying M2M Cooperative Networks. 1957-1975 - Ducheng Wu, Qihui Wu, Yuhua Xu:
Self-organized Spectrum Access in Small-cell Networks with Dynamic Loads. 1976-1997 - Yuli Tang, Yao Hu, Lianming Zhang
A Classification-Based Virtual Machine Placement Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing. 1998-2014 - Weidang Lu, Yufei Zhu, Mengyun Wang, Hong Peng, Xin Liu:
Sum Transmission Rate Maximization Based Cooperative Spectrum Sharing with Both Primary and Secondary QoS-Guarantee. 2015-2028 - Zhi-gang Chen, Jia Wu
Applying a sensor energy supply communication scheme to big data opportunistic networks. 2029-2046 - Peng Lan, Lizhen Chen, Guowei Zhang, Fenggang Sun:
Optimal Power Allocation and Relay Selection for Cognitive Relay Networks using Non-orthogonal Cooperative Protocol. 2047-2066 - Feng Zhao, Jingyu Feng:
Supporting Trusted Soft Decision Scheme Using Volatility Decay in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. 2067-2080 - Liaoyuan Wu, Yamei Wang, Jianghong Han, Wenqiang Chen, Lusheng Wang:
Optimal Power Allocation for Wireless Uplink Transmissions Using Successive Interference Cancellation. 2081-2101 - Anzhong Hu:
Estimation of Sparse Channels in Millimeter-Wave MU-MIMO Systems. 2102-2123 - Noor Shahida M. K.
, Rosdiadee Nordin
, Mahamod Ismail
Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse based on an Improved Water-Filling for Network MIMO. 2124-2143 - Kashif Naseer Qureshi
, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Jaime Lloret, Ayman Altameem:
OBPF: Opportunistic Beaconless Packet Forwarding Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 2144-2165 - Shu Wang, Xinyu Da, Zhenyong Chu:
Wiretapping Strategies for Artificial Noise Assisted Communication in MU-MIMO wiretap channel. 2166-2180 - Hyunjun Jung, Dongwon Jeong, Byung-Won On, Doo-Kwon Baik:
A Reconfiguration Method for Preserving Network Bandwidth and Nodes Energy of Wireless Sensor Networks. 2181-2202 - Bingqing Luo, Yiai Jin, Shengmei Luo, Zhixin Sun:
A Symmetric Lookup-based Secure P2P Routing Algorithm. 2203-2217 - Kyoungsoo Bok, Sooyong Yoon, Jongtae Lim, Jaesoo Yoo:
Grid based Enhanced Routing Scheme in MANET. 2218-2244 - Yi-Han Xu, Yin Wu
, Jun Song:
A Routing Metric to Improve Route Stability in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 2245-2266 - Chang-you Xing, Ke Ding, Chao Hu, Ming Chen, Bo Xu:
SD-ICN: Toward Wide Area Deployable Software Defined Information Centric Networking. 2267-2285 - Jianxin Liao, Jun Gong, Shan Jiang, Tonghong Li
, Jingyu Wang
Conflicts in Overlay Environments: Inefficient Equilibrium and Incentive Mechanism. 2286-2309 - Hye-Yeon Yu, Young-Nam Kim, Moon-Hyun Kim:
Temporal Search Algorithm for Multiple-Pedestrian Tracking. 2310-2325 - Zhihong Li, Qiang Jin, Chin-Chen Chang, Li Liu, Anhong Wang:
A Common Bitmap Block Truncation Coding for Color Images Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization. 2326-2345 - Chunjuan Bo, Dong Wang:
Robust Online Object Tracking with a Structured Sparse Representation Model. 2346-2362 - Doyeob Lee, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin:
Real-Time Recognition Method of Counting Fingers for Natural User Interface. 2363-2374 - Aiqing Zhang, Xinrong Ye, Jianxin Chen, Liang Zhou, Xiaodong Lin:
Robust Key Agreement From Received Signal Strength in Stationary Wireless Networks. 2375-2393 - Hanshu Hong, Zhixin Sun, Ximeng Liu:
A key-insulated CP-ABE with key exposure accountability for secure data sharing in the cloud. 2394-2406 - Run Xie, Chunxiang Xu, Chanlian He, Xiaojun Zhang:
An Efficient Dynamic Group Signature with Non-frameability. 2407-2426 - Dong Xie, Haipeng Peng, Lixiang Li
, Yixian Yang:
Efficient Post-Quantum Secure Network Coding Signatures in the Standard Model. 2427-2445
Volume 10, Number 6, June 30, 2016
- Ilhan Bastürk
, Berna Özbek
Iterative Channel Estimation for Higher Order Modulated STBC-OFDM Systems with Reduced Complexity. 2446-2462 - Chengwei Zhang, Xiaojun Hei
, Wenqing Cheng:
Performance Evaluation of Web-based Cloud Services in a Browser-Scripting Approach. 2463-2482 - Xiaoyu Zhang, Shiqiang Hu, Huanlong Zhang, Xing Hu:
A real-time multiple vehicle tracking method for traffic congestion identification. 2483-2503 - Kaiyang Bao, Xiaoyuan Ma, Jianming Wei:
Prolong life-span of WSN using clustering method via swarm intelligence and dynamical threshold control scheme. 2504-2526 - Qi Lv, Lin Pang, Xiong Li:
Learning Probabilistic Kernel from Latent Dirichlet Allocation. 2527-2545 - Hongjun Li, Feihong Dong
, Xiangwu Gong, Changliang Deng, Luliang Jia, Jingchao Wang:
Hybrid Full Frequency Precoding for Integrated Remote Wireless Sensor and Multibeam Satellite Networks. 2546-2566 - Tsingsong Zhou, Qiang Gao, Li Fei:
Impact of Outdated CSI on the Performance of Incremental Amplify-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying. 2567-2582 - Wanlong Zhao, Shuai Han, Weixiao Meng, Deyue Zou:
A Testbed of Performance Evaluation for Fingerprint Based WLAN Positioning System. 2583-2605 - Bo Kong, Gengxin Zhang, Wei Zhang
, Feihong Dong
Efficient Distributed Storage for Space Information Network Based on Fountain Codes and Probabilistic Broadcasting. 2606-2626 - Yan Yu, Lingfei Mo, Jian Wang:
Identifying Topic-Specific Experts on Microblog. 2627-2647 - Jung-Hyun Hong, Joo-Yul Park, Ki-Seok Chung:
Parallel LDPC Decoding on a Heterogeneous Platform using OpenCL. 2648-2668 - Xiaozhou Zhu, Xin Song, Xiaoqian Chen, Huimin Lu:
Unsupervised Single Moving Object Detection Based on Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation. 2669-2688 - Hong-Xia Cui, Jia-Qi Liu, Guo-Zhong Su:
Combined Static and Dynamic Platform Calibration for an Aerial Multi-Camera System. 2689-2708 - Wei Huang, Xiaohui Wang, Yinghui Zhu, Gengzhong Zheng:
An improved kernel principal component analysis based on sparse representation for face recognition. 2709-2729 - Meiqin Liu, Yao Zhao, Chunyu Lin
, Huihui Bai, Chao Yao:
Resolution-independent Up-sampling for Depth Map Using Fractal Transforms. 2730-2747 - Bin Gao, Peng Lan, Xiaoming Chen, Li Zhang, Fenggang Sun:
Accelerated Split Bregman Method for Image Compressive Sensing Recovery under Sparse Representation. 2748-2766 - Md. Zia Uddin
, Jaehyoun Kim:
Human Activity Recognition Using Spatiotemporal 3-D Body Joint Features with Hidden Markov Models. 2767-2780 - Weixin Liu, Kangfeng Zheng, Bin Wu, Chunhua Wu, Xinxin Niu:
Flow-based Anomaly Detection Using Access Behavior Profiling and Time-sequenced Relation Mining. 2781-2800 - Sheng Zhang, Ronghua Shi, Jue Zhao:
A Visualization System for Multiple Heterogeneous Network Security Data and Fusion Analysis. 2801-2816 - Wien Hong, Shuozhen Zheng, Tung-Shou Chen, Chien-Che Huang
Reversible Data Hiding in Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images Using Quantization Level Swapping and Shifting. 2817-2834 - Long D. Tran, Thu D. Tran, Deokjai Choi, Thuc Dinh Nguyen:
RSA-type Algebra Structures. 2835-2850 - Faheem Zafar, Abid Khan
, Mansoor Ahmed
, Majid Iqbal Khan, Farhana Jabeen, Zara Hamid, Naveed Ahmed, Faisal Bashir Hussain:
A Scalable Data Integrity Mechanism Based on Provable Data Possession and JARs. 2851-2873
Volume 10, Number 7, July 2016
- Ioan Ungurean
, Nicoleta-Cristina Gaitan
, Vasile Gheorghita Gaitan:
A Middleware Based Architecture for the Industrial Internet of Things. 2874-2891 - Shuiqing Gong, Jing Chen, Chonghui Huang, Qingchao Zhu, Siyi Zhao:
Virtual Network Embedding through Security Risk Awareness and Optimization. 2892-2913 - Shukun Liu, Weijia Jia
A Novel Method for Virtual Machine Placement Based on Euclidean Distance. 2914-2935 - Lei Jiang, Jing Feng, Ye Shen, Xinli Xi:
Fast Recovery Routing Algorithm for Software Defined Network based Operationally Responsive Space Satellite Networks. 2936-2951 - Bo Wang
, Ying Song, Yuzhong Sun, Jun Liu:
Managing Deadline-constrained Bag-of-Tasks Jobs on Hybrid Clouds with Closest Deadline First Scheduling. 2952-2971 - Hongyi Zhao, Weimin Wu, Li Lu, Yingzhuang Liu:
Device-to-Device assisted user clustering for Multiple Access in MIMO WLANl. 2972-2991 - Xingwang Li
, Junfeng Wang, Lihua Li, Charles Casimiro Cavalcante
Capacity Bounds on the Ergodic Capacity of Distributed MIMO Systems over K Fading Channel. 2992-3009 - Hua Jiang, Hao Cheng, Lizhen Shen, Guoqing Liu:
Joint Lattice-Reduction-Aided Precoder Design for Multiuser MIMO Relay System. 3010-3025 - Xinyi Li, Yong Qi, Pengfei Chen, Xiaohui Zhang:
A Heuristic Time Sharing Policy for Backup Resources in Cloud System. 3026-3049 - Xiaolin Liang
, Hao Zhang, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Energy Detector based Time of Arrival Estimation using a Neural Network with Millimeter Wave Signals. 3050-3065 - Rufei Ma, Erwu Liu
, Rui Wang, Zhengqing Zhang, Kezhi Li, Chi Harold Liu
, Ping Wang, Tao Zhou:
Energy-Aware Preferential Attachment Model for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Survivability. 3066-3079 - K. Senthil Kumar
, R. Amutha:
An Algorithm for Energy Efficient Cooperative Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 3080-3099 - Yaying Zhang, Wangyan Lu, Yuanhui Sun:
Distributed Optimal Path Generation Based on Delayed Routing in Smart Camera Networks. 3100-3116 - Jun Hou, Xiangmo Zhao, Fei Hui:
Reduction of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Multicarrier Modulation Signals with Adaptive Companding Scheme. 3117-3130 - Haiwei Zuo, Yanjing Sun, Changlin Lin, Song Li, Hongli Xu, Zefu Tan, Yanfen Wang:
A Three-way Handshaking Access Mechanism for Point to Multipoint In-band Full-duplex Wireless Networks. 3131-3149 - Ning Ye, Yingya Zhang, Ruchuan Wang, Reza Malekian:
Vehicle trajectory prediction based on Hidden Markov Model. 3150-3170 - Janghoon Yang:
A Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) for Active State Control of A Heterogeneous Network. 3171-3191 - Xiaoyao Zheng
, Yonglong Luo, Zhiyun Xu, Qingying Yu, Lin Lu:
Tourism Destination Recommender System for the Cold Start Problem. 3192-3212 - Vikrant Sharma
, R. B. Patel, Harvendra Singh Bhadauria, Devendra Prasad
Policy for planned placement of sensor nodes in large scale wireless sensor network. 3213-3230 - Songwen Pei, Junge Zhang, Linhua Jiang, Myoung-Seo Kim
, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Reevaluating the overhead of data preparation for asymmetric multicore system on graphics processing. 3231-3244 - Liping Wang
, Xiao Zhou
, Cheng-You Wang
, Weizhi Li:
The Effects of Image Dehazing Methods Using Dehazing Contrast-Enhancement Filters on Image Compression. 3245-3271 - Benchang Wei, Tao Guan, Yawei Luo
, Liya Duan, Junqing Yu:
Enhanced VLAD. 3272-3285 - Xing Zheng, Yao Zhao, Huihui Bai, Chunyu Lin
Fast Algorithm for Intra Prediction of HEVC Using Adaptive Decision Trees. 3286-3300 - Po-Ching Lin, Pei-Ying Lin:
Unintentional and Involuntary Personal Information Leakage on Facebook from User Interactions. 3301-3318 - Wenting Shen, Jia Yu, Guangyang Yang, Yue Zhang, Zhangjie Fu, Rong Hao:
Access-Authorizing and Privacy-Preserving Auditing with Group Dynamic for Shared Cloud Data. 3319-3338 - Jiguo Li, Haiping Wang, Yichen Zhang, Jian Sheng:
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Hidden Access Policy and Testing. 3339-3352 - Lingyu Zhang, Deyuan Chen:
A Modified Product Code Over in Steganography with Large Embedding Rate. 3353-3370 - Goutham Reddy Alavalapati
, Ashok Kumar Das, Eun-Jun Yoon, Kee-Young Yoo:
An Anonymous Authentication with Key-Agreement Protocol for Multi-Server Architecture Based on Biometrics and Smartcards. 3371-3396 - Xing Zhang, Hong Zhang, Chungen Xu
Reverse Iterative Image Encryption Scheme Using 8-layer Cellular Automata. 3397-3413 - Ning Gao, Xiaojun Jing, Songlin Sun, Junsheng Mu, Xiang Lu:
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Hidden Access Policy and Testing. 3414-3434
Volume 10, Number 8, August 2016
- Thanh-Hai Ngo, Younghan Kim:
A D2D communication architecture under full control using SDN. 3435-3454 - Suthee Sirisutthidecha, Kiattisak Maichalernnukul:
High-Availability Virtual Communication for Cloud Access. 3455-3473 - Gang Xiong, Penghao Sun, Yuxiang Hu, Julong Lan, Kan Li:
An Optimized Deployment Mechanism for Virtual Middleboxes in NFV- and SDN-Enabling Network. 3474-3497 - Aihua Zhang, Shouyi Yang, Jianjun Li, Chunlei Li, Zhoufeng Liu:
Sparsity Adaptive Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Estimating Channels in MIMO Cooperation systems. 3498-3511 - Farhan Aadil
, Salabat Khan, Khalid Bashir Bajwa, Muhammad Fahad Khan
, Asad Ali
Intelligent Clustering in Vehicular ad hoc Networks. 3512-3528 - Kun Yang, Xing Zhang, Shuo Wang
, Lin Wang, Wenbo Wang:
Spectrum Allocation and Service Control for Energy Saving Based on Large-Scale User Behavior Constraints in Heterogeneous Networks. 3529-3550 - Liang Liu, Tao Zhang, Yong Lu:
A Novel Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Delay-Sensitive Service in Multihop LEO Satellite Network. 3551-3567 - Sen Liu, Xiaoming Wang, Lichen Zhang
, Peng Li, Yaguang Lin
, Yunhui Yang:
A Social Motivation-aware Mobility Model for Mobile Opportunistic Networks. 3568-3584 - Qing Wang, Ju Liu, Lina Zheng, Hailiang Xiong:
Exact Error Rate of Dual-Channel Receiver with Remote Antenna Unit Selection in Multicell Networks. 3585-3601 - Shuo Zhang, Ning Huang, Xiaolei Sun, Yue Zhang:
A Hierarchical Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Performability Assessment. 3602-3620 - Zeyu Sun, Yongsheng Zhang, Xiaofei Xing, Houbing Song
, Huihui Wang
, Yangjie Cao:
EBKCCA: A Novel Energy Balanced k-Coverage Control Algorithm Based on Probability Model in Wireless Sensor Networks. 3621-3640 - Siguang Chen, Jincheng Liu, Kun Wang, Zhixin Sun, Xuejian Zhao:
Data Sorting-based Adaptive Spatial Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks. 3641-3655 - Naeem Akhtar Khan, Farooq Ahmad, Syed Asad Hussain, Mudasser Naseer:
Hierarchical Coloured Petri Net based Random Direction Mobility Model for Wireless Communications. 3656-3671 - Han Wang
, Wencai Du, Lingwei Xu
Novel Preamble Design for Channel Estimation in FBMC/OQAM Systems. 3672-3688 - Sung-Hwa Lim, Byoung-Hoon Lee, Jai-Hoon Kim:
Analytic Model for Optimal Checkpoints in Mobile Real-time Systems. 3689-3700 - Gang Xiong, Yuxiang Hu, Julong Lan, Guozhen Cheng:
A Mechanism for Configurable Network Service Chaining and Its Implementation. 3701-3727 - Mosleh M. Abu-Alhaj
, Manjur S. Kolhar
, Kefaya Qaddoum, Ahmad Adel Abu Shareha:
Multiplexing VoIP Packets over Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey. 3728-3752 - Wei Rao, Changlong Lu, Yuanyuan Liu, Jianqiu Zhang:
Low-Complexity Hybrid Adaptive Blind Equalization Algorithm for High-Order QAM Signals. 3772-3790 - Long Liu, Wei Wei, Xianli Li, Yafeng Pan, Houbing Song
Visual Attention Model Based on Particle Filter. 3791-3805 - C. Ranjith Kumar, S. Suguna:
Visual Semantic Based 3D Video Retrieval System Using HDFS. 3806-3825 - Tan Soo Fun
, Azman Samsudin:
A Survey of Homomorphic Encryption for Outsourced Big Data Computation. 3826-3851 - Yi-Ning Liu
, Gao Liu, Chi Cheng, Zhe Xia, Jian Shen:
A Privacy-Preserving Health Data Aggregation Scheme. 3852-3864 - Po-Ching Lin, Pei-Ying Lin:
An Anomaly Detection Framework Based on ICA and Bayesian Classification for IaaS Platforms. 3865-3883 - Mohsen Kakavand, Norwati Mustapha, Aida Mustapha
, Mohd Taufik Abdullah:
Effective Dimensionality Reduction of Payload-Based Anomaly Detection in TMAD Model for HTTP Payload. 3884-3910 - Ting Wang, Jianping Yu, Peng Zhang, Yong Zhang:
Efficient Signature Schemes from R-LWE. 3911-3924 - Imran Ghani, Seung Ryul Jeong:
Software Climate Change and its Disruptive Weather: A Potential Shift from "Software Engineering" to Vibrant/Dynamic Softology. 3925-3942 - Choong In Lee, Jehyun Lee, Youngbin Pyo, Heejo Lee:
Broken Integrity Detection of Video Files in Video Event Data Recorders. 3943-3957 - Seung Woo Kum, Mingoo Kang, Jong-Il Park:
IoT Delegate: Smart Home Framework for Heterogeneous IoT Service Collaboration. 3958-3971 - Sangmin Lee:
User Behavior of Mobile Enterprise Applications. 3972-3985 - Joon Park, Seung Ryul Jeong:
A Study on the Relative Importance of Underlying Competencies of Business Analysts. 3986-4007 - Meesun Kim, Hyun Ahn, Kwanghoon Pio Kim:
Process-Aware Internet of Things: A Conceptual Extension of the Internet of Things Framework and Architecture. 4008-4022
Volume 10, Number 9, September 2016
- Ying Wang, Qingyun Chen, Wenjing Li, Xuesong Qiu:
Providing survivability for virtual networks against substrate network failure. 4023-4043 - Su Pan, Sheng-Ping Wang, Weiwei Zhou, Shengmei Liu:
Optimization of Energy Consumption in the Mobile Cloud Systems. 4044-4062 - Nawab Muhammad Faseeh Qureshi
, Dong Ryeol Shin:
RDP: A storage-tier-aware Robust Data Placement strategy for Hadoop in a Cloud-based Heterogeneous Environment. 4063-4086 - Weiwei Zheng, Zhili Wang, Haoqiu Huang, Luoming Meng, Xuesong Qiu:
EHMM-CT: An Online Method for Failure Prediction in Cloud Computing Systems. 4087-4107 - Guolin Sun, Prince Clement Addo, Guohui Wang, Guisong Liu
Energy Efficient Cell Management by Flow Scheduling in Ultra Dense Networks. 4108-4122 - Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Ehsan Mostajeran, Rafidah Md Noor
, Azra Shamim, Chih-Heng Ke:
A Computationally Inexpensive Radio Propagation Model for Vehicular Communication on Flyovers and Inside Underpasses. 4123-4144 - Lin Wang, Xing Zhang, Kun Yang:
Power Allocation Optimization and Green Energy Cooperation Strategy for Cellular Networks with Hybrid Energy Supplies. 4145-4164 - Almoalmi Ammar, Juan Luo
, Zhuo Tang:
An Anti-Overload Model for OpenStack Based on an Effective Dynamic Migration. 4165-4187 - Yanjun Li, Jian Pan, Xianzhong Tian:
A Utility-Based and QoS-Aware Power Control Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks. 4188-4206 - Guimin Huang, Chengsen Li, Pingshan Liu:
Load Balancing Strategy for P2P VoD Systems. 4207-4222 - Tan N. Nguyen
, Dinh-Thuan Do
, Phuong T. Tran
, Miroslav Voznák
Time Switching for Wireless Communications with Full-Duplex Relaying in Imperfect CSI Condition. 4223-4239 - Lihua Yang, Longxiang Yang, Yan Liang:
Iterative Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM System in Fast Time-Varying Channels. 4240-4258 - Seowoo Jang, Jin-Ghoo Choi, Sung-Guk Yoon:
Statistical Estimation of the Number of Contending Stations and its Application to a Multi-round Contention Resolution Scheme. 4259-4271 - Hnin Yu Shwe, Arun Kumar
, Peter Han Joo Chong:
Building Efficient Multi-level Wireless Sensor Networks with Cluster-based Routing Protocol. 4272-4286 - Wenyan Cui, Xiangru Meng, Huan-huan Yang, Qiao-yan Kang, Zhiyuan Zhao:
QoS-Aware Approach for Maximizing Rerouting Traffic in IP Networks. 4287-4306 - Jianhua Wang, Tao Wang, Lianglun Cheng, Shilei Lu:
An Efficient Complex Event Processing Algorithm based on INFA-HTS for Out-of-order RFID Event Streams. 4307-4325 - Zhiyong Liu
, Qinyu Zhang
, Liwei Mu:
Adjustable Multiple Relay Selection Based on Steady-State Mean Square Joint Error for Cooperative Communication. 4326-4341 - Xi Hu
, Wei Guo:
An Efficient and Stable Congestion Control Scheme with Neighbor Feedback for Cluster Wireless Sensor Networks. 4342-4366
- Ramya Sivanesan, Alvia Anwar, Abhishek Talwar, Menaka R
, Karthik R
A Novel Scheme for detection of Parkinson's disorder from Hand-eye Co-ordination behavior and DaTscan Images. 4367-4385 - Jingbo Zhou, Jiyou Zhai, Yongfeng Ren:
Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Region Merging. 4386-4404 - Mang Xiao, Guangyao Li, Yinyu Jiang, Li Xie, Ye He:
Image Completion using Belief Propagation Based on Planar Priorities. 4405-4418 - Fan Guo
, Hui Peng, Jin Tang, Beiji Zou, Chenggong Tang:
Visibility detection approach to road scene foggy images. 4419-4441 - Weini Zeng, Peng Chen, Hairong Chen, Shiming He:
PAPG: Private Aggregation Scheme based on Privacy-preserving Gene in Wireless Sensor Networks. 4442-4466 - Rongyang Shan
, Xiao Zhou
, Cheng-You Wang
, Baochen Jiang
All Phase Discrete Sine Biorthogonal Transform and Its Application in JPEG-like Image Coding Using GPU. 4467-4486 - Tae Sup Shim, In Kuk Song:
Critical Success Factors of the Web-based Tax Invoice System in Korea. 4487-4507
- Saru Kumari
, Xiong Li
, Fan Wu
, Ashok Kumar Das, Vanga Odelu
, Muhammad Khurram Khan
A User Anonymous Mutual Authentication Protocol. 4508-4528 - Qiang Wei, Zehui Wu, Kalei Ren, Qingxian Wang:
An OpenFlow User-Switch Remapping Approach for DDoS Defense. 4529-4548 - Hui Jin, Xiaoqin Song, Miao Wang, Yingtao Niu, Ke Li:
A Fast Anti-jamming Decision Method Based on the Rule-Reduced Genetic Algorithm. 4549-4567 - Yubo Luo, Yongfeng Huang, Fufang Li, Chinchen Chang:
Text Steganography Based on Ci-poetry Generation Using Markov Chain Model. 4568-4584 - Lin You, Yuna Wang, Yulei Chen, Qi Deng, Huanhuan Zhang:
A Novel Key Sharing Fuzzy Vault Scheme. 4585-4602 - Guangyong Gao, Yun-Qing Shi, Xingming Sun, Caixue Zhou, Zongmin Cui, Liya Xu:
Reversible Watermarking with Adaptive Embedding Threshold Matrix. 4603-4624
Volume 10, Number 10, October 2016
- Yan Gao, Yunfei Chen
, Zhibin Xie, Guobing Hu:
Wireless Energy-Harvesting Cognitive Radio with Feature Detectors. 4625-4641 - Yuanlong Cao, Qinghua Liu, Yi Zuo, Fenfen Ke, Hao Wang, Minghe Huang:
Receiver-centric Buffer Blocking-aware Multipath Data Distribution in MPTCP-based Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 4642-4660 - Xiaoge Huang, Liping Chen, Qianbin Chen
, Bin Shen:
Coalition based Optimization of Resource Allocation with Malicious User Detection in Cognitive Radio Networks. 4661-4680 - Xindong You, Guangjie Han, Chuan Zhu, Chi Dong, Jian Shen
E2GSM: Energy Effective Gear-Shifting Mechanism in Cloud Storage System. 4681-4702 - Guangwei Xu, Yanbin Yang, Cairong Yan, Yanglan Gan:
A Rapid Locating Protocol of Corrupted Data for Cloud Data Storage. 4703-4723 - Heng Wang, Chaowei Tang, Zhenzhen Zhao, Hui Tang:
Fuzzy Logic based Admission Control for On-grid Energy Saving in Hybrid Energy Powered Cellular Networks. 4724-4747 - Qun Li, Ding Xu
Price-based Resource Allocation for Virtualized Cognitive Radio Networks. 4748-4765 - Weiqing Liu, Jing Li, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiling He:
MissingFound: An Assistant System for Finding Missing Companions via Mobile Crowdsourcing. 4766-4786 - Bo Liu, Bo Xu, Chao Hu, Hui Hu, Ming Chen:
OFPT: OpenFlow based Parallel Transport in Datacenters. 4787-4807 - Fang Ye, Jie Chen, Yibing Li, Juan Ge:
MFSK Signal Individual Identification Algorithm Based on Bi-spectrum and Wavelet Analyses. 4808-4824 - Lei Lei, Xinru Zhao, Shengsuo Cai, Xiaoqin Song, Ting Zhang:
Modeling and Analyzing Per-flow Throughput in IEEE 802.11 Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks. 4825-4847 - Qiao Li, Yifei Wei, Mei Song, F. Richard Yu
QoS Aware Energy Allocation Policy for Renewable Energy Powered Cellular Networks. 4848-4863 - Guoping Tan, Jianjun Liu, Yueheng Li:
A Random Deflected Subgradient Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Real-time Multicast in Wireless Networks. 4864-4882 - Amjad Mehmood
, M. Nouman, Muhammad Muneer Umar
, Houbing Song
ESBL: An Energy-Efficient Scheme by Balancing Load in Group Based WSNs. 4883-4901 - Ahmed Abdelaziz
, Tan Fong Ang
, Mehdi Sookhak
, Suleman Khan, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Chee Sun Liew
, Adnan Akhunzada
Survey on Network Virtualization Using OpenFlow: Taxonomy, Opportunities, and Open Issues. 4902-4932 - Jianshan Peng, Mi Zhang, Qingxian Wang:
Deduplication and Exploitability Determination of UAF Vulnerability Samples by Fast Clustering. 4933-4956 - Guoling Liu, Wenjiang Feng, Bowei Zhang, Tengda Ying, Luran Lü:
Performance Analysis of Full-Duplex Relay Networks with Residual Self-Interference and Crosstalk. 4957-4976 - Min Wang, Lingyun Yuan:
TCP Delayed Window Update Mechanism for Fighting the Bufferbloat. 4977-4996 - Yong Beom Kim, Hyung Chul Joo, Bong Gyou Lee:
How to Forecast Behavioral Effects on Mobile Advertising in the Smart Environment using the Technology Acceptance Model and Web Advertising Effect Model. 4997-5013 - Zeyu Sun, Yali Yun, Houbing Song
, Huihui Wang
CCAJS: A Novel Connect Coverage Algorithm Based on Joint Sensing Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. 5014-5034 - Prachi Raut, Nisha Sarwade:
Enhanced Inter-Symbol Interference Cancellation Scheme for Diffusion Based Molecular Communication using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. 5035-5048 - Pu Chen, Jian Ouyang, Wei-Ping Zhu:
Secrecy Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks with Beamforming. 5049-5062 - Li Cui, Euee S. Jang:
Intra-picture Block-matching Method for Codebook-based Texture Compression. 5063-5073 - Md. Abu Layek
, TaeChoong Chung, Eui-Nam Huh:
Efficient Screen Splitting Methods - A Case Study in Block-wise Motion Detection. 5074-5094 - Li Gao, Yongjie Ma:
Dual Detection-Guided Newborn Target Intensity Based on Probability Hypothesis Density for Multiple Target Tracking. 5095-5111 - Weisheng Li, Xinyi Li, Lifang Zhou:
Robust human tracking via key face information. 5112-5128 - Jun Fan, Xiangrong Zeng, Qizi Huangpeng, Yan Liu, Xin Long, Jing Feng, Jinglun Zhou:
A depth-based Multi-view Super-Resolution Method Using Image Fusion and Blind Deblurring. 5129-5152 - Jong Wook Kim:
Efficient Top-k Join Processing over Encrypted Data in a Cloud Environment. 5153-5170 - Hong Zhu
, Bin Wu, Meiyi Xie, Zongmin Cui:
Privacy-assured Boolean Adjacent Vertex Search over Encrypted Graph Data in Cloud Computing. 5171-5189 - Jia Xie, Yupu Hu, Juntao Gao, Wen Gao, Mingming Jiang:
Efficient Certificateless Signature Scheme on NTRU Lattice. 5190-5208
Volume 10, Number 11, November 2016
- Wei Zhang, Wanbing He, Dan Wu, Yueming Cai:
Joint Mode Selection, Link Allocation and Power Control in Underlaying D2D Communication. 5209-5228 - Sanjeev Prakash, R. B. Patel, V. K. Jain:
A Multi-Attribute Intuitionistic Fuzzy Group Decision Method For Network Selection In Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Using TOPSIS. 5229-5252 - Jinxin Niu, Wei Tang, Wei Guo:
Coalition Formation Game Based Relay Selection and Frequency Sharing for Cooperative Relay Assisted Wireless D2D Networks with QoS Constraints. 5253-5270 - Byungsang Kim:
Auto Regulated Data Provisioning Scheme with Adaptive Buffer Resilience Control on Federated Clouds. 5271-5289 - Xiai Yan, Dafang Zhang, Jinmin Yang:
An adaptive fault tolerance strategy for cloud storage. 5290-5304 - Nam-Sik Yoon, Jong-Hyen Back, Hyeon-Yeong Choi, Kyungchun Lee:
ML Symbol Detection for MIMO Systems in the Presence of Channel Estimation Errors. 5305-5321 - Xiaohui Li, Junfeng Wang:
A Generous Cooperative Routing Protocol for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks. 5322-5342 - Xiaorong Xu, Liang Li, Yingbiao Yao, Xianyang Jiang, Sanqing Hu:
Energy-efficient Buffer-aided Optimal Relay Selection Scheme with Power Adaptation and Inter-relay Interference Cancellation. 5343-5364 - Nida Ishtiaq
, Shahzad Amin Sheikh:
Maximum Likelihood SNR Estimation for QAM Signals Over Slow Flat Fading Rayleigh Channel. 5365-5380 - Jianrong Bao, Dan He, Xiaorong Xu, Bin Jiang, Minhong Sun:
Optimal Relay Selection and Power Allocation in an Improved Low-Order-Bit Quantize-and-Forward Scheme. 5381-5399 - Hongtao Zhang, Zihua Yang, Yunfan Ye:
Analysis of Energy-Efficiency in Ultra-Dense Networks: Determining FAP-to-UE Ratio via Stochastic Geometry. 5400-5418 - Chien-Te Lu, C. Eugene Yeh, Yung-Chung Wang, Chu-Sing Yang:
The Performance Study of a Virtualized Multicore Web System. 5419-5436 - T. Senthil, Kannapiran Balasubramanian
EETCA: Energy Efficient Trustworthy Clustering Algorithm for WSN. 5437-5454 - Yitao Xu, Dianxiong Liu, Cheng Ding, Yuhua Xu, Zongsheng Zhang:
Relay Assignment in Cooperative Communication Networks: Distributed Approaches Based on Matching Theory. 5455-5475 - Ling Yin, Chuanren Liu
, Xinjiang Lu, JiaFeng Chen, Caixing Liu:
Efficient Compression Algorithm with Limited Resource for Continuous Surveillance. 5476-5496 - Qingyang Guan:
Multi user interference cancellation in satellite to ground uplink system Based on improved WPIC algorithm. 5497-5512 - Ahmed Ali
, Wang Dong, Renfa Li, Esraa Eldesouky
ISI and PAPR Immune IEEE 802.11p Channels Based on Single-Carrier Frequency Domain Equalizer. 5513-5529 - Xianping Huang, Wanliang Wang, Guojiang Shen, Xiaoqing Feng, Xiangjie Kong
Crowd Activity Classification Using Category Constrained Correlated Topic Model. 5530-5546 - Jae Hyeon Woo, Hyoung Joong Kim:
Improving JPEG-LS Performance Using Location Information. 5547-5562 - Shaomei Li, Jun-Guang Zhu, Chao Gao, Chun-Wei Li:
A two-stage cascaded foreground seeds generation for parametric min-cuts. 5563-5582 - Yang Zheng, Jie Liu, Heping Liu, Qing Li, Gen Li:
Integrated Method for Text Detection in Natural Scene Images. 5583-5604 - Tae-jun Jeon, Kyeong-uk Jang, Seung-Ho Lee:
Novel Method for Face Recognition using Laplacian of Gaussian Mask with Local Contour Pattern. 5605-5623 - Juanjuan Zhu, Wei Sun, Baolong Guo, Cheng Li
Surf points based Moving Target Detection and Long-term Tracking in Aerial Videos. 5624-5638 - Xiaowei Li, Dengqi Yang, Benhui Chen, Yuqing Zhang:
One-round Secure Key Exchange Protocol With Strong Forward Secrecy. 5639-5653 - Junsong Zhang, Lei He, Qikun Zhang, Yong Gan:
Pseudonym-based Privacy Protection Scheme for Participatory Sensing with Incentives. 5654-5673 - Dongil Cho
A Simple Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault for FIDO. 5674-5128
Volume 10, Number 12, December 2016
- Lingwei Xu
, Jingjing Wang, Han Wang
, T. Aaron Gulliver:
ABEP Performance of ISDF Relaying M2M Cooperative Networks. 5129-5148 - Cherry Ye Aung, G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali, Peter Han Joo Chong:
Cluster-based Cooperative Data Forwarding with Multi-radio Multi-channel for Multi-flow Wireless Networks. 5149-5173 - Guolin Sun, Dawit Kefyalew, Guisong Liu
Reservation based Resource Management for SDN-based UE Cloud. 5174-5190 - Amin Mohajer
, Morteza Barari, Houman Zarrabi:
QoSCM: QoS-aware Coded Multicast Approach for Wireless Networks. 5191-5211 - Li Lu, Desheng Wang, Hongyi Zhao, Yingzhuang Liu:
Small Base Station Association and Cooperative Receiver Design for HetNets via Distributed SOCP. 5212-5230 - Dandan Wang, Hao Ding, Yang Yang, Zhenqiang Mi, Li Liu, Zenggang Xiong:
QoS and SLA Aware Web Service Composition in Cloud Environment. 5231-5248 - Shibing Zhang, Xin Guo, Xiaoge Zhang, Gongan Qiu:
Optimal sensing period in cooperative relay cognitive radio networks. 5249-5267 - Ya-Feng Di, Chin-Feng Lee, Zhi-Hui Wang, Chin-Chen Chang, Jianjun Li:
A Robust and Removable Watermarking Scheme Using Singular Value Decomposition. 5268-5285 - Kyung-Ho Sohn, Young Yong Kim, Navrati Saxena:
A New Cross-Layer QoS-Provisioning Architecture in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 5286-5306 - Zhenquan Qin, Bingxian Lu
, Ming Zhu, Liang Sun, Lei Shu
Optimized Charging in Large-Scale Deployed WSNs with Mobile Charger. 5307-5327 - Yuan Zeng, Jing Xu:
Design and Field Test of an Optimal Power Control Algorithm for Base Stations in Long Term Evolution Networks. 5328-5346 - Taehoon Kwon, Sungmook Lim:
Optimal Duplex Selection for Decode and Forward Relay Systems with Power Allocation. 5347-5360 - Shengqiang Shen, Shiyin Li, Zongyan Li:
Generalized Joint Channel-Network Coding in Asymmetric Two-Way Relay Channels. 5361-5374 - Hongwei Tang, Qiang Li, Shengzhong Feng, Xiaofang Zhao, Yan Jin:
IOMMU Para-Virtualization for Efficient and Secure DMA in Virtual Machines. 5375-5400 - Zhengxuan Liu, Guixia Kang, Zhongwei Si, Ningbo Zhang:
Performance Improvement of Iterative Demodulation and Decoding for Spatially Coupling Data Transmission by Joint Sparse Graph. 5401-5421 - Weideng Su, Erwu Liu
, Anna Calveras Augé
, Eduard Garcia Villegas, Rui Wang, Jiayi You:
Design and Realization of Precise Indoor Localization Mechanism for Wi-Fi Devices. 5422-5441 - Sheng Yu, Baoxian Zhang, Zheng Yao, Cheng Li
R3: A Lightweight Reactive Ring based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks. 5442-5463 - Bin Wang, Cungang Wang, Qian Zhang, Jifeng Huang:
Few Samples Face Recognition Based on Generative Score Space. 5464-5484 - Ibrahim Furkan Ince
, Mustafa Eren Yildirim
, Yücel Batu Salman, O. Faruk Ince, Geun-Hoo Lee, Jangsik Park:
Fast Video Fire Detection Using Luminous Smoke and Textured Flame Features. 5485-5506 - Zheng-ping Hu, Zhenbin Zhang, Zhe Sun, Shuhuan Zhao:
Saliency Detection based on Global Color Distribution and Active Contour Analysis. 5507-5528 - Azeem Irshad
, Muhammad Sher, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, Bander A. Alzahrani, Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
, Rahul Kumar:
An improved Multi-server Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services. 5529-5552 - Caixue Zhou, Zongmin Cui, Guangyong Gao:
Efficient Identity-Based Generalized Ring Signcryption Scheme. 5553-5571 - Azeem Irshad
, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, Bander A. Alzahrani, Muhammad Sher, Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
An efficient and anonymous Chaotic Map based authenticated key agreement for multi-server architecture. 5572-5595 - Premamayudu Bulla
, K. Venkata Rao
, P. Suresh Varma:
Dynamic Session Key based Pairwise Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. 5596-5615 - Jung-San Lee, Kuo-Jui Wei, Ying-Chin Chen, Yun-Hsiang Sun:
Provable Secure Brand-new Multi-auction Mechanism with Dynamic Identity. 5616-5642 - Yun-Da Wu, Tao Zhang, Xiaodan Hou, Chen Xu:
New Blind Steganalysis Framework Combining Image Retrieval and Outlier Detection. 5643-5656

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