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21st WWW 2012: Lyon, France - Companion Volume
- Alain Mille, Fabien Gandon, Jacques Misselis, Michael Rabinovich, Steffen Staab:
Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2012, Lyon, France, April 16-20, 2012 (Companion Volume). ACM 2012, ISBN 978-1-4503-1230-1
Industry track presentations
- Mohamed Aly, Andrew O. Hatch, Vanja Josifovski, Vijay K. Narayanan:
Web-scale user modeling for targeting. 3-12 - Eriq Augustine, Cailin Cushing, Alex Dekhtyar, Kevin McEntee, Kimberly Paterson, Matt Tognetti:
Outage detection via real-time social stream analysis: leveraging the power of online complaints. 13-22 - Xiubo Geng, Xin Fan, Jiang Bian, Xin Li, Zhaohui Zheng:
Optimizing user exploring experience in emerging e-commerce products. 23-32 - Jingtian Jiang, Nenghai Yu, Chin-Yew Lin:
FoCUS: learning to crawl web forums. 33-42 - Shahab Kamali, Johnson Apacible, Yasaman Hosseinkashi:
Answering math queries with search engines. 43-52 - Ronny Lempel, Ronen Barenboim, Edward Bortnikov, Nadav Golbandi, Amit Kagian, Liran Katzir, Hayim Makabee, Scott Roy, Oren Somekh:
Hierarchical composable optimization of web pages. 53-62 - Boris Motik, Ian Horrocks
, Su Myeon Kim:
Delta-reasoner: a semantic web reasoner for an intelligent mobile platform. 63-72 - Gyanit Singh, Nish Parikh, Neel Sundaresan:
Rewriting null e-commerce queries to recommend products. 73-82 - Sivan Yogev, Haggai Roitman, David Carmel, Naama Zwerdling:
Towards expressive exploratory search over entity-relationship data. 83-92 - Xiaoqing Zheng, Yiling Gu, Yinsheng Li:
Data extraction from web pages based on structural-semantic entropy. 93-102 - Shanzhong Zhu, Alexandra Potapova, Maha Alabduljalil
, Xin Liu, Tao Yang:
Clustering and load balancing optimization for redundant content removal. 103-112
PhD Symposium
- Giovanni Bartolomeo, Stefano Salsano
From linked data to linked entities: a migration path. 115-120 - Maral Dadvar
, Franciska de Jong:
Cyberbullying detection: a step toward a safer internet yard. 121-126 - Muhammad Faheem:
Intelligent crawling of web applications for web archiving. 127-132 - Javier D. Fernández
Binary RDF for scalable publishing, exchanging and consumption in the web of data. 133-138 - Riste Gligorov:
User-generated metadata in audio-visual collections. 139-144 - Simon Jonassen:
Scalable search platform: improving pipelined query processing for distributed full-text retrieval. 145-150 - Somayeh Khatiban:
Building reputation and trust using federated search and opinion mining. 151-154 - Vikash Kumar:
A semantic policy sharing and adaptation infrastructure for pervasive communities. 155-160 - Sangkeun Lee:
A generic graph-based multidimensional recommendation framework and its implementations. 161-166 - Elaheh Momeni:
Semi-automatic semantic moderation of web annotations. 167-172 - Nataliia Pobiedina:
Modeling the flow and change of information on the web. 173-178 - Massimiliano Ruocco:
Context-aware image semantic extraction in the social web. 179-184 - Oshani Wasana Seneviratne
Augmenting the web with accountability. 185-190 - Cheng Wang:
AMBER: turning annotations into knowledge. 191-196 - Wei Wang:
Chinese news event 5W1H semantic elements extraction for event ontology population. 197-202 - Yulian Yang:
Semi-structured semantic overlay for information retrieval in self-organizing networks. 203-208
European track presentations
- Serge Abiteboul, Pierre Senellart
, Victor Vianu:
The ERC webdam on foundations of web data management. 211-214 - Shadi Abou-Zahra:
WAI-ACT: web accessibility now. 215-218 - Pierre Andrews, Francesco G. B. De Natale, Sven Buschbeck, Anthony Jameson, Kerstin Bischoff, Claudiu S. Firan, Claudia Niederée
, Vasileios Mezaris, Spiros Nikolopoulos
, Vanessa Murdock, Adam Rae:
GLOCAL: event-based retrieval of networked media. 219-222 - Marco Brambilla
, Piero Fraternali, Carmen Karina Vaca Ruiz
Combining social web and BPM for improving enterprise performances: the BPM4People approach to social BPM. 223-226 - David Carmel, Naama Zwerdling, Sivan Yogev:
Entity oriented search and exploration for cultural heritage collections: the EU cultura project. 227-230 - Milen Chechev, Meritxell González, Lluís Màrquez, Cristina España-Bonet:
The patents retrieval prototype in the MOLTO project. 231-234 - Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Tobias Nestler, Martin Gaedke
, Florian Daniel
, José Ignacio Fernández-Villamor, Vadim I. Chepegin, José Angel Fornas, Scott Wilson, Christoph Kögler, Heng Chang:
End-user-oriented telco mashups: the OMELETTE approach. 235-238 - Dana Dannélls, Mariana Damova, Ramona Enache, Milen Chechev:
Multilingual online generation from semantic web ontologies. 239-242 - Kerstin Denecke
, Peter Dolog
, Pavel Smrz
Making use of social media data in public health. 243-246 - Sotiris Diplaris
, Symeon Papadopoulos, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Ayse Göker
, Andrew MacFarlane, Jochen Spangenberg, Hakim Hacid, Linas Maknavicius, Matthias Klusch:
SocialSensor: sensing user generated input for improved media discovery and experience. 243-246 - David Filip, Dave Lewis
, Felix Sasaki:
The multilingual web: report on multilingualweb initiative. 251-254 - Marie-Claire Forgue, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux:
Mobile web applications: bringing mobile apps and web together. 255-258 - Piero Fraternali, Marco Tagliasacchi, Davide Martinenghi
, Alessandro Bozzon
, Ilio Catallo, Eleonora Ciceri, Francesco Saverio Nucci
, Vincenzo Croce, Ismail Sengör Altingövde
, Wolf Siberski, Fausto Giunchiglia, Wolfgang Nejdl
, Martha A. Larson, Ebroul Izquierdo, Petros Daras
, Otto Chrons, Ralph Traphöner, Björn Decker, John Lomas, Patrick Aichroth
, Jasminko Novak, Ghislain Sillaume, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa, Carolina Salas-Parra:
The CUBRIK project: human-enhanced time-aware multimedia search. 259-262 - Christian Fuhrhop, John Lyle, Shamal Faily:
The webinos project. 259-262 - Tim Furche, Georg Gottlob
, Giovanni Grasso
, Omer Gunes, Xiaonan Guo, Andrey Kravchenko, Giorgio Orsi, Christian Schallhart, Andrew Jon Sellers, Cheng Wang:
DIADEM: domain-centric, intelligent, automated data extraction methodology. 267-270 - George Papadakis
, Konstantinos Tserpes
, Emmanuel Sardis, Magdalini Kardara, Athanasios Papaoikonomou, Fotis Aisopos:
Social media meta-API: leveraging the content of social networks. 271-274 - Thomas Risse
, Wim Peters:
ARCOMEM: from collect-all ARchives to COmmunity MEMories. 275-278 - Evangelos Sakkopoulos
, Tomas Mildorf, Karel Charvát
, Inga Berzina, Kai-Uwe Krause:
Plan4All GeoPortal: web of spatial data. 279-282 - John Soldatos
, Moez Draief, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis
Multimedia search over integrated social and sensor networks. 283-286 - Marc Spaniol, Gerhard Weikum:
Tracking entities in web archives: the LAWA project. 287-290 - Thomas Steiner
, Lorenzo Sutton, Sabine Spiller, Marilena Lazzaro, Francesco Saverio Nucci, Vincenzo Croce, Alberto Massari, Antonio Camurri
, Anne Verroust-Blondet
, Laurent Joyeux, Jonas Etzold, Paul Grimm, Athanasios Mademlis, Sotiris Malassiotis, Petros Daras
, Apostolos Axenopoulos, Dimitrios Tzovaras
I-SEARCH: a multimodal search engine based on rich unified content description (RUCoD). 291-294 - Andrejs Vasiljevs, Raivis Skadins
, Indra Samite:
Enabling users to create their own web-based machine translation engine. 295-298 - Stuart N. Wrigley
, Raul Garcia-Castro
, Lyndon J. B. Nixon:
Semantic evaluation at large scale (SEALS). 299-302
- Fabian Abel, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben, Richard Stronkman, Ke Tao:
Twitcident: fighting fire with information from social web streams. 305-308 - Maurizio Atzori, Carlo Zaniolo:
SWiPE: searching wikipedia by example. 309-312 - Michael Benedikt
, Tim Furche, Andreas Savvides, Pierre Senellart
ProFoUnd: program-analysis-based form understanding. 313-316 - Marco Bertini
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Andrea Ferracani, Daniele Pezzatini:
A social network for video annotation and discovery based on semantic profiling. 317-320 - Christoph Böhm, Markus Freitag, Arvid Heise, Claudia Lehmann, Andrina Mascher, Felix Naumann
, Vuk Ercegovac, Mauricio A. Hernández, Peter Haase, Michael Schmidt:
GovWILD: integrating open government data for transparency. 321-324 - Elena Demidova
, Xuan Zhou, Wolfgang Nejdl
FreeQ: an interactive query interface for freebase. 325-328 - Yerach Doytsher, Ben Galon, Yaron Kanza:
Querying socio-spatial networks on the world-wide web. 329-332 - Pavlos Fafalios
, Ioannis Kitsos, Yannis Tzitzikas:
Scalable, flexible and generic instant overview search. 333-336 - Roi Friedman, Itsik Hefez, Yaron Kanza, Roy Levin, Eliyahu Safra, Yehoshua Sagiv:
WISER: a web-based interactive route search system for smartphones. 337-340 - Tim Furche, Giovanni Grasso
, Giorgio Orsi, Christian Schallhart, Cheng Wang:
Automatically learning gazetteers from the deep web. 341-344 - Kavita Ganesan, ChengXiang Zhai:
FindiLike: preference driven entity search. 345-348 - Sedat Gokalp, Hasan Davulcu:
Partisan scale. 349-352 - Xiaonan Guo, Jochen Kranzdorf, Tim Furche, Giovanni Grasso
, Giorgio Orsi, Christian Schallhart:
OPAL: a passe-partout for web forms. 353-356 - Mihály Héder
, Pablo N. Mendes
Round-trip semantics with sztakipedia and DBpedia spotlight. 357-360 - Muhammad Imran
, Felix Kling, Stefano Soi, Florian Daniel
, Fabio Casati
, Maurizio Marchese
ResEval mash: a mashup tool for advanced research evaluation. 361-364 - Parag Mulendra Joshi, Claudio Bartolini, Sven Graupner:
T@gz: intuitive and effortless categorization and sharing of email conversations. 365-368 - Jochen Kranzdorf, Andrew Jon Sellers, Giovanni Grasso
, Christian Schallhart, Tim Furche:
Visual oXPath: robust wrapping by example. 369-372 - Thomas Kurz, Sebastian Schaffert, Georg Güntner, Manuel Fernandez:
Adding wings to red bull media: search and display semantically enhanced video fragments. 373-376 - Daniel Lacroix, Yves-Armel Martin:
Kjing: (mix the knowledge). 377-380 - Luis A. Leiva, Roberto Vivó:
Interactive hypervideo visualization for browsing behavior analysis. 381-384 - Yabing Liu, Bimal Viswanath, Mainack Mondal, P. Krishna Gummadi
, Alan Mislove:
Simplifying friendlist management. 385-388 - Maurizio Montagnuolo, Alberto Messina
The RaiNewsbook: browsing worldwide multimodal news stories by facts, entities and dates. 389-392 - Nikolaos Papailiou, Ioannis Konstantinou
, Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Nectarios Koziris:
H2RDF: adaptive query processing on RDF data in the cloud. 397-400 - Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras:
Paraimpu: a platform for a social web of things. 401-404 - Yves Raimond, Chris Lowis, Roderick Hodgson, Jonathan Tweed:
Automated semantic tagging of speech audio. 405-408 - Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Carlos Rodríguez
, Florian Daniel
, Fabio Casati
Baya: assisted mashup development as a service. 409-412 - Eric Rozell, Peter Fox
, Jinguang Zheng, Jim Hendler
S2S architecture and faceted browsing applications. 413-416 - Henry Story
, Romain Blin, Julien Subercaze, Christophe Gravier, Pierre Maret:
Turning a Web 2.0 social network into a Web 3.0, distributed, and secured social web application. 417-420 - Fabian M. Suchanek, David Gross-Amblard:
Adding fake facts to ontologies. 421-424 - Ba Quan Truong, Aixin Sun
, Sourav S. Bhowmick
CASIS: a system for concept-aware social image search. 425-428 - Tony Veale
, Yanfen Hao:
In the mood for affective search with web stereotypes. 429-432 - Luca Vignaroli, Roberto Del Pero, Fulvio Negro:
Personalized newscasts and social networks: a prototype built over a flexible integration model. 433-436 - Hao Wu, Hui Fang
, Steven J. Stanhope:
An early warning system for unrecognized drug side effects discovery. 437-440 - Jian Wu, Liang Chen, Yanan Xie, Zibin Zheng
Titan: a system for effective web service discovery. 441-444 - Mohamed Yahya, Klaus Berberich, Shady Elbassuoni, Maya Ramanath, Volker Tresp, Gerhard Weikum:
Deep answers for naturally asked questions on the web of data. 445-449
Poster presentations
- Rakesh Agrawal, Ariel Fuxman, Anitha Kannan, John C. Shafer, Partha Pratim Talukdar:
Associating structured records to text documents. 451-452 - Fotis Aisopos
, George Papadakis
, Konstantinos Tserpes
, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
Textual and contextual patterns for sentiment analysis over microblogs. 453-454 - H. Asthana, Ingemar J. Cox
PAC'nPost: a framework for a micro-blogging social network in an unstructured P2P network. 455-456 - Javad Azimi, Ruofei Zhang
, Yang Zhou, Vidhya Navalpakkam, Jianchang Mao, Xiaoli Z. Fern:
The impact of visual appearance on user response in online display advertising. 457-458 - Joel Barajas, Ram Akella, Marius Holtan, Jaimie Kwon, Aaron Flores, Victor Andrei:
Impact of ad impressions on dynamic commercial actions: value attribution in marketing campaigns. 459-460 - Thomas Beauvisage, Jean-Samuel Beuscart:
Audience dynamics of online catch up TV. 461-462 - José Bento, Stratis Ioannidis
, S. Muthukrishnan, Jinyun Yan:
Group recommendations via multi-armed bandits. 463-464 - Marco Brambilla
, Sofia Ceppi, Nicola Gatti
, Enrico H. Gerding
A revenue sharing mechanism for federated search and advertising. 465-466 - Matthias Broecheler, Andrea Pugliese
, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Efficient multi-view maintenance in the social semantic web. 467-468 - Liangliang Cao, John R. Smith, Zhen Wen, Zhijun Yin, Xin Jin, Jiawei Han:
BlueFinder: estimate where a beach photo was taken. 469-470 - Xuezhi Cao, Kailong Chen, Rui Long, Guoqing Zheng, Yong Yu:
News comments generation via mining microblogs. 471-472 - Cinzia Cappiello
, Maristella Matera
, Matteo Picozzi, Alessandro Caio, Mariano Tomas Guevara:
MobiMash: end user development for mobile mashups. 473-474 - Gorrell P. Cheek, Mohamed Shehab
Privacy management for online social networks. 475-476 - Ye Chen, Pavel Berkhin, Jie Li, Sharon Wan, Tak W. Yan:
Fast and cost-efficient bid estimation for contextual ads. 477-478 - Ye Chen, Mitali Gupta, Tak W. Yan:
Fast query evaluation for ad retrieval. 479-480 - Jaehoon Choi, Donghyeon Kim, Seongsoon Kim, Junkyu Lee, Sangrak Lim, Sunwon Lee, Jaewoo Kang:
CONSENTO: a consensus search engine for answering subjective queries. 481-482 - Aleksandr Chuklin, Pavel Serdyukov:
Good abandonments in factoid queries. 483-484 - Aleksandr Chuklin, Pavel Serdyukov:
Potential good abandonment prediction. 485-486 - Luca Costabello, Serena Villata, Nicolas Delaforge, Fabien Gandon:
Ubiquitous access control for SPARQL endpoints: lessons learned and future challenges. 487-488 - Ovidiu Dan, Pavel A. Dmitriev, Ryen W. White:
Mining for insights in the search engine query stream. 489-490 - Florian Daniel
, Muhammad Imran
, Felix Kling, Stefano Soi, Fabio Casati
, Maurizio Marchese
Developing domain-specific mashup tools for end users. 491-492 - Florian Daniel
, Carlos Rodríguez
, Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Hamid R. Motahari Nezhad, Fabio Casati:
Discovery and reuse of composition knowledge for assisted mashup development. 493-494 - Ernesto Diaz-Aviles, Avaré Stewart, Edward Velasco, Kerstin Denecke
, Wolfgang Nejdl
Towards personalized learning to rank for epidemic intelligence based on social media streams. 495-496 - Vadim Eisenberg, Yaron Kanza:
D2RQ/update: updating relational data via virtual RDF. 497-498 - Wei Feng, Jianyong Wang:
HeterRank: addressing information heterogeneity for personalized recommendation in social tagging systems. 499-500 - Ankur Gandhe, Dinesh Raghu
, Rose Catherine:
Domain adaptive answer extraction for discussion boards. 501-502 - Kahina Gani, Hakim Hacid, Ryan Skraba:
Towards multiple identity detection in social networks. 503-504 - Heng Gao, Qiudan Li, Hongyun Bao, Shuangyong Song:
How shall we catch people's concerns in micro-blogging? 505-506 - Sheng Gao, Ludovic Denoyer, Patrick Gallinari:
Link prediction via latent factor BlockModel. 507-508 - Giovanni Gardelli, Ingmar Weber
Using toolbar data to understand Yahoo!: answers usage. 509-510 - Wolfgang Gassler
, Eva Zangerle, Martin Bürgler, Günther Specht:
SnoopyTagging: recommending contextualized tags to increase the quality and quantity of meta-information. 511-512 - Andreas Gizas, Sotiris P. Christodoulou, Theodore S. Papatheodorou:
Comparative evaluation of javascript frameworks. 513-514 - François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Alexandra Roatis:
Getting more RDF support from relational databases. 515-516 - Liqiang Guo, Xiaojun Wan:
S2ORM: exploiting syntactic and semantic information for opinion retrieval. 517-518 - Marian Harbach
, Sascha Fahl, Thomas Muders, Matthew Smith:
All our messages are belong to us: usable confidentiality in social networks. 519-520 - Olaf Hartig
, Tom Heath:
Populating personal linked data caches using context models. 521-522 - Qiang He, Jun Han, Yun Yang, Jean-Guy Schneider
, Hai Jin, Steven Versteeg:
Probabilistic critical path identification for cost-effective monitoring of service-based web applications. 523-524 - Inma Hernández
, Carlos R. Rivero
, David Ruiz
, Rafael Corchuelo
A statistical approach to URL-based web page clustering. 525-526 - Hsun-Ping Hsieh
, Cheng-Te Li, Shou-De Lin
Frequent temporal social behavior search in information networks. 527-528 - Hsun-Ping Hsieh
, Cheng-Te Li, Shou-De Lin
TripRec: recommending trip routes from large scale check-in data. 529-530 - Xia Hu, Huan Liu:
Social status and role analysis of palin's email network. 531-532 - Anushia Inthiran, Saadat M. Alhashmi
, Pervaiz K. Ahmed:
The affects of task difficulty on medical searches. 533-534 - Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Paul N. Bennett, Krysta M. Svore:
Leveraging interlingual classification to improve web search. 535-536 - Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Jianfeng Gao:
Modeling click-through based word-pairs for web search. 537-538 - Yushi Jing, Henry A. Rowley, Jingbin Wang, David Tsai, Chuck Rosenberg, Michele Covell:
Google image swirl: a large-scale content-based image visualization system. 539-540 - Noriaki Kawamae
Identifying sentiments over N-gram. 541-542 - Vaibhav Khadilkar, Murat Kantarcioglu, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
StormRider: harnessing "storm" for social networks. 543-544 - Marios Kokkodis:
Learning from positive and unlabeled amazon reviews: towards identifying trustworthy reviewers. 545-546 - Ralf Krestel, Alex Wall, Wolfgang Nejdl
Treehugger or petrolhead?: identifying bias by comparing online news articles with political speeches. 547-548 - Kyriakos Kritikos
, Dimitris Plexousakis:
Towards optimizing the non-functional service matchmaking time. 549-550 - Andrey Kustarev, Yury Ustinovsky, Pavel Serdyukov:
Measuring usefulness of context for context-aware ranking. 551-552 - Himabindu Lakkaraju, Hyung-Il Ahn:
TEM: a novel perspective to modeling content onmicroblogs. 563-564 - Kristina Lerman, Suradej Intagorn, Jeon-Hyung Kang, Rumi Ghosh:
Using proximity to predict activity in social networks. 555-556 - Cheng-Te Li, Hsun-Ping Hsieh
, Shou-De Lin
, Man-Kwan Shan:
Finding influential seed successors in social networks. 557-558 - Cheng-Te Li, Shou-De Lin
, Man-Kwan Shan:
Influence propagation and maximization for heterogeneous social networks. 559-560 - Cheng-Te Li, Man-Kwan Shan, Shou-De Lin
Dynamic selection of activation targets to boost the influence spread in social networks. 561-562 - Cheng-Te Li, Man-Kwan Shan, Shou-De Lin
Regional subgraph discovery in social networks. 563-564 - Ping Li, Anshumali Shrivastava, Arnd Christian König:
GPU-based minwise hashing: GPU-based minwise hashing. 565-566 - Yanen Li, Huizhong Duan, ChengXiang Zhai:
CloudSpeller: query spelling correction by using a unified hidden markov model with web-scale resources. 561-562 - Yuming Lin, Jingwei Zhang, Xiaoling Wang, Aoying Zhou:
Sentiment classification via integrating multiple feature presentations. 569-570 - Yury Logachev, Lidia Grauer
, Pavel Serdyukov:
Tuning parameters of the expected reciprocal rank. 571-572 - Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura
, Hakim Hacid, Arnaud Ansiaux, Maria Laura Maag:
Conversations reconstruction in the social web. 573-574 - Houari Mahfoud, Abdessamad Imine:
Secure querying of recursive XML views: a standard xpath-based technique. 575-576 - Abdul Majid, Ling Chen, Gencai Chen, Hamid Turab Mirza
, Ibrar Hussain
GoThere: travel suggestions using geotagged photos. 577-578 - Debnath Mukherjee, Snehasis Banerjee
, Prateep Misra:
Ad-hoc ride sharing application using continuous SPARQL queries. 579-580 - Xia Ning, George Karypis
Sparse linear methods with side information for Top-N recommendations. 581-582 - Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye
, Saadat M. Alhashmi
, Eu-Gene Siew:
Sentiment analysis amidst ambiguities in youtube comments on yoruba language (nollywood) movies. 583-584 - Thomas Paul, Martin Stopczynski, Daniel Puscher, Melanie Volkamer, Thorsten Strufe:
C4PS: colors for privacy settings. 585-586 - Santosh Raju, Raghavendra Udupa:
Extracting advertising keywords from URL strings. 587-588 - Christine F. Reilly, Yueh-Hsuan Chiang, Jeffrey F. Naughton:
Instrumenting a logic programming language to gather provenance from an information extraction application. 589-590 - Luz Rello, Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Lexical quality as a proxy for web text understandability. 591-592 - Christian Sengstock, Michael Gertz:
Latent contextual indexing of annotated documents. 593-594 - Wei Shen, Jianyong Wang, Ping Luo, Min Wang:
APOLLO: a general framework for populating ontology with named entities via random walks on graphs. 595-596 - Xin Shuai, Ying Ding
, Jerome R. Busemeyer
Multiple spreaders affect the indirect influence on twitter. 597-598 - Amit Singh:
Entity based translation language model. 599-600 - Koushik Sinha
, Geetha Manjunath, Raveesh R. Sharma, Viswanath Gangavaram, Pooja A, Deepak R. Murugaian:
Enabling accent resilient speech based information retrieval. 601-602 - Marc Sloan, Jun Wang:
Dynamical information retrieval modelling: a portfolio-armed bandit machine approach. 603-604 - Shuangyong Song, Qiudan Li, Hongyun Bao:
Detecting dynamic association among twitter topics. 605-606 - Sucheta Soundarajan, John E. Hopcroft:
Using community information to improve the precision of link prediction methods. 607-608 - Vlad Stirbu, David Murphy, Yu You:
Open and decentralized platform for visualizing web mash-ups in augmented and mirror worlds. 609-610 - Alisa Strizhevskaya, Alexey Baytin, Irina Galinskaya, Pavel Serdyukov:
Actualization of query suggestions using query logs. 611-612 - Xu Sun, Anshumali Shrivastava, Ping Li:
Query spelling correction using multi-task learning. 613-614 - Yuchen Tian, Yiqun Liu, Danqing Xu, Ting Yao, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma:
Incorporating seasonal time series analysis with search behavior information in sales forecasting. 615-616 - Vincent Toubiana, Vincent Verdot, Benoit Christophe, Mathieu Boussard:
Photo-TaPE: user privacy preferences in photo tagging. 617-618 - Ionut Trestian, Kévin Huguenin
, Ling Su, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic:
Understanding human movement semantics: a point of interest based approach. 619-620 - Oren Tsur
, Adi Littman, Ari Rappoport:
Scalable multi stage clustering of tagged micro-messages. 621-622 - Tony Veale
Seeing the best and worst of everything on the web with a two-level, feature-rich affect lexicon. 623-624 - Alexey G. Volkov, Pavel Serdyukov:
Unified classification model for geotagging websites. 625-626 - Jun Wang, Bowei Chen
Selling futures online advertising slots via option contracts. 627-628 - Xuanhui Wang, Jiang Bian, Yi Chang
, Belle L. Tseng:
Model news relatedness through user comments. 629-630 - Robert West, Ingmar Weber
, Carlos Castillo
A data-driven sketch of Wikipedia editors. 631-632 - Xian Wu
, Wei Fan, Meilun Sheng, Li Zhang, Xiaoxiao Shi
, Zhong Su, Yong Yu:
A framework to represent and mine knowledge evolution from Wikipedia revisions. 633-634 - Sihong Xie, Guan Wang, Shuyang Lin, Philip S. Yu:
Review spam detection via time series pattern discovery. 635-636 - Jian Xu, Qin Lu
, Zhengzhong Liu:
Combining classification with clustering for web person disambiguation. 637-638 - Byoungju Yang, Sangkeun Lee, Sungchan Park, Sang-goo Lee:
Exploiting various implicit feedback for collaborative filtering. 639-640 - Elad Yom-Tov
, Mounia Lalmas, Georges Dupret, Ricardo Baeza-Yates
, Pinar Donmez, Janette Lehmann:
The effect of links on networked user engagement. 641-642 - Arjumand Younus
, Muhammad Atif Qureshi
, Suneel Kumar Kingrani, Muhammad Saeed, Nasir Touheed, Colm O'Riordan, Gabriella Pasi
Investigating bias in traditional media through social media. 643-644 - Quan Yuan, Gao Cong
, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann:
Enhancing naive bayes with various smoothing methods for short text classification. 645-646 - Erika Yumiya, Atsuyuki Morishima, Masami Takahashi, Shigeo Sugimoto, Hiroyuki Kitagawa
Filtering and ranking schemes for finding inclusion dependencies on the web. 647-648 - Rong Zhang, Chaofeng Sha, Minqi Zhou, Aoying Zhou:
Exploiting shopping and reviewing behavior to re-score online evaluations. 649-650
SWDM'12 workshop 1
- Cindy Hui, Yulia Tyshchuk, William A. Wallace, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Mark K. Goldberg:
Information cascades in social media in response to a crisis: a preliminary model and a case study. 653-656 - Miki Enoki, Yohei Ikawa, Rudy Raymond
User community reconstruction using sampled microblogging data. 657-660 - Nathan Gnanasambandam, Keith Thompson, Ion Florie Ho, Sarah S. Lam, Sang Won Yoon:
Towards situational pattern mining from microblogging activity. 661-666 - Liam McNamara, Christian Rohner:
Mining conversations of geographically changing users. 667-670 - Seema Nagar, Aaditeshwar Seth, Anupam Joshi
Characterization of social media response to natural disasters. 671-674 - Anurag Singh
, Yatindra Nath Singh:
Rumor spreading and inoculation of nodes in complex networks. 675-678 - Sung Jun Lee, Sangjin Lee, Kwanho Kim, Jonghun Park:
Bursty event detection from text streams for disaster management. 679-682 - Daniela Pohl, Abdelhamid Bouchachia
, Hermann Hellwagner
Automatic sub-event detection in emergency management using social media. 683-686 - Yohei Ikawa, Miki Enoki, Michiaki Tatsubori
Location inference using microblog messages. 687-690 - Ouejdane Mejri, Pierluigi Plebani
SocialEMIS: improving emergency preparedness through collaboration. 691-694 - Mark A. Cameron, Robert Power, Bella Robinson, Jie Yin:
Emergency situation awareness from twitter for crisis management. 695-698 - Fan Ye, Raghu K. Ganti, Raheleh Dimaghani, Keith Grueneberg, Seraphin B. Calo:
MECA: mobile edge capture and analysis middleware for social sensing applications. 699-702 - Beate Stollberg, Tom De Groeve:
The use of social media within the global disaster alert and coordination system (GDACS). 703-706 - Ashlea Bennett Milburn, Clarence L. Wardell:
Evaluating the impact of incorporating information from social media streams in disaster relief routing. 707-708 - Akiko Murakami, Tetsuya Nasukawa:
Tweeting about the tsunami?: mining twitter for information on the tohoku earthquake and tsunami. 709-710 - Shosuke Sato, Michiaki Tatsubori
, Fumihiko Imamura
Mass and social media corpus analysis after the 2011 great east Japan earthquake. 711-712 - Julie Dugdale, Bartel A. Van de Walle, Corinna Koeppinghoff:
Social media and SMS in the haiti earthquake. 713-714 - Michiaki Tatsubori
, Hideo Watanabe, Akihiro Shibayama
, Shosuke Sato, Fumihiko Imamura
Social web in disaster archives. 715-716
XperienceWeb'12 Workshop 2
- Ayumi Kato, Yusuke Fukazawa, Tomomasa Sato, Taketoshi Mori
Extraction of onomatopoeia used for foods from food reviews and its application to restaurant search. 719-728 - Christian Severin Sauer
, Thomas Roth-Berghofer:
Solution mining for specific contextualised problems: towards an approach for experience mining. 729-738 - Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor, Kirstin Walter, Ralph Bergmann:
Extraction of procedural knowledge from the web: a comparison of two workflow extraction approaches. 739-747 - Sebastian Görg, Ralph Bergmann, Mirjam Minor, Sarah Gessinger, Siblee Islam:
Collecting, reusing and executing private workflows on social network platforms. 747-750 - Raafat Zarka, Amélie Cordier, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Alain Mille:
Contextual trace-based video recommendations. 751-754 - Ibrahim Adepoju Adeyanju
, Dawei Song
, M-Dyaa Albakour, Udo Kruschwitz
, Anne N. De Roeck, Maria Fasli:
Learning from users' querying experience on intranets. 755-764
CQA'12 workshop 3
- Zhi-Min Zhou, Man Lan, Zheng-Yu Niu, Yue Lu:
Exploiting user profile information for answer ranking in cQA. 767-774 - Baichuan Li, Tan Jin
, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
, Barley Mak:
Analyzing and predicting question quality in community question answering services. 775-782 - Tom Chao Zhou, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
A classification-based approach to question routing in community question answering. 783-790 - Fatemeh Riahi, Zainab Zolaktaf, M. Mahdi Shafiei, Evangelos E. Milios
Finding expert users in community question answering. 791-798 - Atsushi Otsuka, Yohei Seki, Noriko Kando
, Tetsuji Satoh:
QAque: faceted query expansion techniques for exploratory search using community QA resources. 799-806 - Saurav Sahay, Ashwin Ram:
Socio-semantic conversational information access. 807-814 - Giovanni Gardelli, Ingmar Weber
Why do you ask this? 815-822 - Long Chen, Dell Zhang, Mark Levene:
Understanding user intent in community question answering. 823-828 - Gideon Dror, Dan Pelleg, Oleg Rokhlenko, Idan Szpektor:
Churn prediction in new users of Yahoo! answers. 829-834
EMAIL'12 workshop 4
- Uwe V. Riss
Email between private use and organizational purpose. 837-840 - Michal Laclavik
, Stefan Dlugolinsky
, Martin Seleng
, Marek Ciglan, Ladislav Hluchý
Emails as graph: relation discovery in email archive. 841-846 - Gaëlle Recourcé:
Interpreting contact details out of e-mail signature blocks. 847-850 - Thomas Burkhart, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Context-sensitive business process support based on emails. 851-856 - Vojtech Juhász:
Full-text search in email archives using social evaluation, attached and linked resources. 857-860
AdMIRe'12 workshop 6
- Francesco Ricci
Context-aware music recommender systems: workshop keynote abstract. 865-866 - Xavier Serra
Data gathering for a culture specific approach in MIR. 867-868 - Yi-Hsuan Yang, Dmitry Bogdanov
, Perfecto Herrera
, Mohamed Sordo:
Music retagging using label propagation and robust principal component analysis. 869-876 - Markus Schedl, David Hauger:
Mining microblogs to infer music artist similarity and cultural listening patterns. 877-886 - Justin Salamon
, Joan Serrà, Emilia Gómez:
Melody, bass line, and harmony representations for music version identification. 887-894 - Martín Haro, Joan Serrà, Alvaro Corral
, Perfecto Herrera
Power-law distribution in encoded MFCC frames of speech, music, and environmental sound signals. 895-902 - Andrew Hankinson, John Ashley Burgoyne
, Gabriel Vigliensoni
, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Creating a large-scale searchable digital collection from printed music materials. 903-908 - Brian McFee
, Thierry Bertin-Mahieux, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
The million song dataset challenge. 909-916 - Julián Urbano, Markus Schedl:
Towards minimal test collections for evaluation of audio music similarity and retrieval. 917-924 - Marcos Aurélio Domingues
, Fabien Gouyon
, Alípio Mário Jorge
, José Paulo Leal
, João Vinagre
, Luís Lemos, Mohamed Sordo:
Combining usage and content in an online music recommendation system for music in the long-tail. 925-930 - Daniel Wolff
, Tillman Weyde
Adapting similarity on the MagnaTagATune database: effects of model and feature choices. 931-936
MultiAPro'12 workshop 7
- Martin Wischenbart, Stefan Mitsch
, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Angelika Kusel, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger
, Wieland Schwinger, Johannes Schönböck
, Manuel Wimmer, Stephan Lechner:
User profile integration made easy: model-driven extraction and transformation of social network schemas. 939-948 - Nadia Bennani, Max Chevalier, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Gilles Hubert
, Marco Viviani
Multi-application profile updates propagation: a semantic layer to improve mapping between applications. 949-958 - Jeremy D. Foss, Benedita Malheiro
, Juan-Carlos Burguillo
Personalised placement in networked video. 959-968 - Manel Mezghani, Corinne Amel Zayani
, Ikram Amous, Faïez Gargouri
A user profile modelling using social annotations: a survey. 969-976 - Cédric Dromzée, Sébastien Laborie
, Philippe Roose:
Towards an interoperable device profile containing rich user constraints. 977-986
LSNA'12 workshop 8
- Daniel Ritter
From network mining to large scale business networks. 989-996 - Ryan A. Rossi, Brian Gallagher
, Jennifer Neville, Keith Henderson:
Role-dynamics: fast mining of large dynamic networks. 997-1006 - Colin Cooper, Tomasz Radzik
, Yiannis Siantos:
A fast algorithm to find all high degree vertices in power law graphs. 1007-1016 - Peter Kraker
, Christian Körner, Kris Jack
, Michael Granitzer
Harnessing user library statistics for research evaluation and knowledge domain visualization. 1017-1024 - Matthias Keller, Martin Nussbaumer
MenuMiner: revealing the information architecture of large web sites by analyzing maximal cliques. 1025-1034 - Chenyi Zhang, Jianling Sun:
Large scale microblog mining using distributed MB-LDA. 1035-1042 - Jürgen Pfeffer, Kathleen M. Carley
k-Centralities: local approximations of global measures based on shortest paths. 1043-1050 - Vanesa Junquero-Trabado, David Dominguez-Sal:
Building a role search engine for social media. 1051-1060
SWCS'12 workshop 9
- Denny Vrandecic:
Wikidata: a new platform for collaborative data collection. 1063-1064 - Pierre-Antoine Champin, Amélie Cordier, Élise Lavoué, Marie Lefèvre, Hala Skaf-Molli:
User assistance for collaborative knowledge construction. 1065-1074 - Hala Skaf-Molli, Emmanuel Desmontils, Emmanuel Nauer, Gérôme Canals, Amélie Cordier, Marie Lefèvre, Pascal Molli, Yannick Toussaint:
Knowledge continuous integration process (K-CIP). 1075-1082 - Rakebul Hasan, Fabien Gandon
Linking justifications in the collaborative semantic web applications. 1083-1090 - Luis-Daniel Ibáñez, Hala Skaf-Molli
, Pascal Molli, Olivier Corby:
Synchronizing semantic stores with commutative replicated data types. 1091-1096 - George Anadiotis, Konstantinos Kafentzis, Iannis Pavlopoulos, Adam Westerski:
Building consensus via a semantic web collaborative space. 1097-1106 - Diego Torres
, Pascal Molli, Hala Skaf-Molli, Alicia Díaz:
Improving Wikipedia with DBpedia. 1107-1112 - Amélie Cordier, Emmanuelle Gaillard, Emmanuel Nauer:
Man-machine collaboration to acquire cooking adaptation knowledge for the TAAABLE case-based reasoning system. 1113-1120 - Guo Zhang, Elin K. Jacob:
Community: issues, definitions, and operationalization on the web. 1121-1130
MSND'12 workshop 10
- Jochen Spangenberg:
Business session "social media and news. 1135-1136 - Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Kouzou Ohara, Hiroshi Motoda:
Graph embedding on spheres and its application to visualization of information diffusion data. 1137-1144 - Adrien Guille
, Hakim Hacid:
A predictive model for the temporal dynamics of information diffusion in online social networks. 1145-1152 - Václav Belák, Samantha Lam, Conor Hayes
Targeting online communities to maximise information diffusion. 1153-1160 - Ramine Tinati, Leslie Carr, Wendy Hall, Jonny Bentwood:
Identifying communicator roles in twitter. 1161-1168 - Alice Albano, Jean-Loup Guillaume
, Bénédicte Le Grand:
File diffusion in a dynamic peer-to-peer network. 1169-1172 - Massoud Seifi, Jean-Loup Guillaume
Community cores in evolving networks. 1173-1180 - Mehdi Kaytoue, Arlei Silva, Loïc Cerf, Wagner Meira Jr., Chedy Raïssi:
Watch me playing, i am a professional: a first study on video game live streaming. 1181-1188 - Manisha Pujari, Rushed Kanawati:
Supervised rank aggregation approach for link prediction in complex networks. 1189-1196 - Anis Najar, Ludovic Denoyer, Patrick Gallinari:
Predicting information diffusion on social networks with partial knowledge. 1197-1204 - Mao Ye, Thomas Sandholm, Chunyan Wang, Christina Aperjis, Bernardo A. Huberman:
Collective attention and the dynamics of group deals. 1205-1212 - Athena Vakali
, Maria Giatsoglou, Stefanos Antaris:
Social networking trends and dynamics detection via a cloud-based framework design. 1213-1220 - Thomas Lansdall-Welfare
, Vasileios Lampos
, Nello Cristianini:
Effects of the recession on public mood in the UK. 1221-1226 - Xin Shuai, Xiaozhong Liu, Johan Bollen:
Improving news ranking by community tweets. 1227-1232 - Matko Bosnjak, Eduardo Oliveira, José Martins, Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues, Luís Sarmento:
TwitterEcho: a distributed focused crawler to support open research with twitter data. 1233-1240 - Sotiris Diplaris
, Symeon Papadopoulos, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Nicolaus Heise, Jochen Spangenberg, Nic Newman, Hakim Hacid:
"Making sense of it all": an attempt to aid journalists in analysing and filtering user generated content. 1241-1246

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