IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      CSMR-WCRE 2014: Antwerp, Belgium

      20th WCRE 2013: Koblenz, Germany

      WCRE 2013 Home Page

      19th WCRE 2012: Kingston, ON, Canada

      18th WCRE 2011: Limerick, Ireland

      17th WCRE 2010: Beverly, MA, USA

      16th WCRE 2009: Lille, France

      15th WCRE 2008: Antwerp, Belgium

      14th WCRE 2007: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      13th WCRE 2006: Benevento, Italy

      12th WCRE 2005: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      11th WCRE 2004: Delft, The Netherlands

      10th WCRE 2003: Victoria, BC, Canada

      9th WCRE 2002: Richmond, Virginia, USA

      8th WCRE 2001: Stuttgart, Germany

      7th WCRE 2000: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

      6th WCRE 1999: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

      5th WCRE 1998: Honolulu, Hawai, USA

      4th WCRE 1997: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      3rd WCRE 1996: Monterey, CA, USA

      2nd WCRE 1995: Toronto, Canada

      WCRE '95 Home Page

      1st WCRE 1993: Baltimore, Maryland, USA