ISIT 2014: Honolulu, HI, USA

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Lossy Source Coding

Wiretap Channel

Caching for Wireless

Ad Hoc Networks

Network Information Theory 1

Fundamentals of Network Coding

Polar Coding

Classical-Quantum Channels


MIMO Wiretap Channel

Approximate Message Passage

Wireless Networks

Network Information Theory 2

Index Coding 1

Polar Coding - Theory and Practice

Quantum Sensing and Measurements

Renyi Entropy and f-divergence

Degrees of Freedom

Topics in Secrecy 1

Coding and Communication Theory

Network Information Theory 3

Index Coding 2

Applications of Spatially Coupled Codes

Quantum Protocols

Hypothesis Testing

Multiterminal Source Coding 1

Secrecy Measures

MIMO Channels

Relay Networks


Locally Repairable Codes

Pseudocodewords, Trapping Sets and Instantons

Quantum Shannon Theory

Sequential Detection

Multiterminal Source Coding 2

Network Security

Energy Harvesting 1

Interference Channels 1

Emerging Problems in Network Coding and Distributed Storage

Analysis of Spatially Coupled Codes

Quantum Error Control Codes 1

Information Theoretic Approaches to Prediction

Multiterminal Source Coding 3

Coding Schemes for Secrecy

Energy Harvesting 2

Cellular Networks

Interference Channels 2

Distributed Storage - Repair and Generation 1

Interdisciplinary Coding Theory

Quantum Error Control Codes 2

Markov Models and Estimation

Interdisciplinary Information Theory

Secret-Key Capacity

Resource Allocation and Energy Harvesting

Cooperative Communications

Interference Alignment

Generalized Sphere Packing Bound: Applications

Problems in Bioinformatics and Neuroscience

Sampling and Sensing

Distributed Lossless Source Coding

Reed-Solomon Codes for Secrecy

Scheduling and Power Control

Cognitive Radios

Interference Channel with Cooperation

Algebraic Coding Theory 1

Quantum Communication and Security

Estimation and Statistical Physics

Joint Source-Channel Coding

Cryptography and Secrecy

Modulation and Demodulation

Wireless Network Protocols

Interference Management for Cellular


Applications of Polar Coding Techniques


Density and Model Estimation

Source-Channel Coding with Finite Blocklength

Biometrics & Cryptography

Topics in Wireless Communications

Interference Channels 3

Topics in Coding and Communications

Sequences & Functions over Finite Fields

Approximation Algorithms and Signal Processing

Lossless Universal Source Coding

Finite Blocklength Capacity

MIMO Multiple Access Channels With Low-Rate Feedback

Relaying Schemes

Discrete Memoryless Broadcast Channels 1

Topics in Distributed Storage

Applications of Codes on Graphs in Communications

Nonlinear Compressed Sensing

Graphical Models and Inference

Source Coding

Finite Blocklength & Fading Channels

Coding For Flash Memories

Relay Channels

Discrete Memoryless Broadcast Channels 2

Topics in Network Coding 1

Rateless Code Design

Dimensionality Reduction

Information-Estimation Relationships

Distributed Information Processing

Jamming, Collusion, Privacy

Coding for Memories On the Capacity of Write-Constrained Memories

Topics in Learning

Dirty Paper Coding

Topics in Network Coding 2

Spatially Coupled Systems

Lattice Codes

Group Testing

Sequential Transmission & Feedback

Topics in Secrecy 2

Rank Modulation Codes

Topics in Networks

Continuous-Time Information Theory

Distributed Storage - Repair and Generation 2

Non-Binary LDPC Codes

Information Measures

Lossless Compression

Finite Blocklength & Error Exponents

Gaussian Channel with Feedback

Broadcast Channels with Imperfect CSI

Decoding and Encoding Algorithms for Algebraic Codes

Analysis of Iterative Decoding Algorithms

Topics in Signal Processing

Markov Fields Types and Tilings

Successive Refinement

Finite Blocklength Source Coding

Backhaul Design for Cellular Systems

Multi-way Relay Channel

Two-user IC

Deletion Correction in Permutations

Topics in LDPC and Turbo Coding

Optical Communications

Information Inequalities

Rate Distortion for Gaussian Sources

Variations on Channel Capacity

Fading Channels

Capacity Approximation

Multiple Access Channel

Algebraic Coding Theory 2

Decoding of Polar Codes

Linear Inverse Problems 1

Information Theory & Statistics

Variations on Lossy Source Coding

Capacity with Constraints or Mismatch

MIMO Systems

Variations on MAC

Code Distance and Weight Enumerators

LDPC and Turbo Code Analysis

Linear Inverse Problems 2