IPDPS 2016: Chicago, IL, USA - Workshops

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Workshop 1-HCW - Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop

Session 1: Heterogeneity in the Cloud

Session 2: Heterogeneity in Single Node Systems

Session 3: Heterogeneity and Energy

Workshop 2-RAW - Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop

Session 1: Application Mapping and Design Space Exploration

Session 2: Applications

Session 3: Processor Architectures

Session 4: Scheduler and Runtime Systems

Session 5: High Level Synthesis and Object-Oriented Programming

Short Papers

Workshop 3-HIPS - High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments

Session 1: Debugging and Optimization

Session 2: Heterogeneous Computing

Session 3: Parallel Algorithms and Systems

Workshop 4-HiCOMB - High Performance Computational Biology

Session I

Session II

Session III

Workshop 5-APDCM - Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models

Session 1: Graph Algorithms

Session 2: Wireless Networks and Distributed Computing

Session 3: Distributed Computing and Models

Session 4: Parallel Computing

Workshop 6-ASHES - Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

Session 1: Programming Models and Tools

Session 2: Algorithms and Applications

Session 3: Workload Scheduling

Workshop 7-PCO - Parallel Computing and Optimization

Session I: Parallel Computing and Optimization

Session II: Parallel Algorithms for Scheduling problems GPU-Based Two Level Parallel B&B for the Blocking Job Shop Scheduling

Session III: Parallel Heuristics and Metaheuristics

Session IV: Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Workshop 8-GABB - Graph Algorithms Building Blocks

Workshop 9-EduPar - NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education

Session 1: Programming Framework and Tools

Session 2: Instruction Techniques and Experiences

Workshop 10-HPDAV - High Performance Data Analysis and Visualization

Full Papers Session I

Short Papers Session

Full Papers Session II

Workshop 11-VarSys - Variability in Parallel and Distributed Systems

Workshop 12-HPPAC - High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing

Lightning Talks A

Lightning Talks B

Regular Papers A

Regular Papers B

Workshop 13-PDSEC - Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing

Session 1: Application and Task Parallelism

Session 2: Resilience

Session 3: Performance

Workshop 14-DPDNS - Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems

Session 1: Distributed Services

Session 2: Cloud and Fault Tolerance

Session 3: Multicore Computing

Workshop 15-LSPP - Large-Scale Parallel Processing

Session 1: Making Efficient Use of Advanced Architectures

Session 2: Workflow Modeling and Optimization and Modeling at Scale

Workshop 16-ParLearning - Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics

Session I

Session II

Session III

Workshop 17-JSSPP - Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing

Workshop 18-iWAPT - International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Workshop 19-CHIUW - Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

Session 1: Benchmarking and Optimization

Session 2: Chapel Improvement

Workshop 20-HPBDC - High-Performance Big Data Computing

Session I: High-Performance Big Data Applications and Systems

Session II: High-Performance Streaming Systems

Session III (Short Papers): Performance Studies of Big Data Systems and Applications

Workshop 21-HPCMASPA - Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Computing Systems Plus Applications

Session 1: Instrumentation and Metrics

Session 2: Monitoring Systems

Workshop 22-IPDRM - Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Workshop 23-ParSocial - Parallel and Distributed Processing for Computational Social Systems

Paper Session 1

Paper Session 2

Workshop 24-Roundtable I - PDC in Core Undergraduate Education