IPDPS 2015: Hyderabad, India


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Keynote 1

Session 1: Graph and Social Analytics

Session 2: Numerical Linear Algebra

Session 3: High Performance Networks and Congestion Management

Session 4: Software for Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems

Session 5: Scheduling Algorithms

Session 6: Concurrency in Memory Systems

Session 7: MapReduce Advances

Session 8: Performance and Energy Optimizations

Session 9: Dynamic Networks

Session 10: Applications on GPUs

Session 11: Scheduling on Clusters

Session 12: Debugging and Verification

Keynote 2

Session 13: Randomized Algorithms

Session 14: Scientific Applications I

Session 15: Storage Systems Architecture

Session 16: MPI and Charm++ Advances

Session 17: Combinatorial Algorithms and Optimization

Session 18: Scientific Applications II

Session 19: Resilience

Session 20: Graph Analytics

Keynote 3

Best Papers Session

Session 21: Algorithms for Fault Tolerance

Session 22: Scheduling and Load Balancing

Session 23: Heterogeneous Systems

Session 24: I/O Optimizations

Session 25: Graph Algorithms

Session 26: Resource Management

Session 27: Architectural Support for Runtime and Thermal Management

Session 28: Performance Monitoring and Prediction