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ICSLP 1990: Kobe, Japan
- The First International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1990, Kobe, Japan, November 18-22, 1990. ISCA 1990
Temporal Control in the Spoken Language
- Morio Kohno, Tomoko Tanioka:
The nature of timing control in language. 1-4 - Mary E. Beckman, Maria G. Swora, Jane Rauschenberg, Kenneth de Jong:
Stress shift, stress clash, and polysyllabic shortening in a prosodically annotated discourse. 5-8 - W. Nick Campbell:
Evidence for a syllable-based model of speech timing. 9-12 - Patti Price, Colin W. Wightman, Mari Ostendorf, John Bear:
The use of relative duration in syntactic disambiguation. 13-16 - Nobuyoshi Kaiki, Kazuya Takeda, Yoshinori Sagisaka:
Statistical analysis for segmental duration rules in Japanese speech synthesis. 17-20 - Florien J. Koopmans-van Beinum:
Spectro-temporal reduction and expansion in spontaneous speech and read text: the role of focus words. 21-24 - Yasuko Nagano-Madsen:
Perception of mora in the three dialects of Japanese. 25-28
Speech Analysis
- Shihua Wang, Erdal Paksoy, Allen Gersho:
Performance of nonlinear prediction of speech. 29-32 - Ren-Hua Wang, Quan fen Guan, Hiroya Fujisaki:
A method for robust GARMA analysis of speech. 33-36 - Keiichi Tokuda, Takao Kobayashi, Satoshi Imai:
Generalized cepstral analysis of speech - unified approach to LPC and cepstral method. 37-40 - Paul J. Dix, Gerrit Bloothooft, E. J. M. van Mierlo:
A geometrical argument for imposing an additional constraint on temporal decomposition. 41-44 - Keiichi Funaki, Yukio Mitome:
A speech analysis method based on a glottal source model. 45-48 - Ki Yong Lee, Inhyok Cha, Eckho Song, Souguil Ann:
An improved method for multipulse speech analysis. 49-52 - Lu Chang, M. M. Bayoumi:
New results on theory of hidden Markov models. 53-56
Voice Source Dynamics; Facts and Models
- Ronald C. Scherer, Chwen-geng Guo:
Laryngeal modeling: translaryngeal pressure for a model with many glottal shapes. 57-60 - Shigeru Kiritani, Hiroshi Imagawa, Hajime Hirose:
Vocal cord vibration and voice source characteristics - observations by a high-speed digital image recording -. 61-64 - Bert Cranen:
Interpretation of EGG and glottal flow by means of a parametrical glottal geometry model. 65-68 - Inger Karlsson:
Voice source dynamics for female speakers. 69-72 - Takuya Koizumi, Shuji Taniguchi:
A novel model of pathological vocal cords and its application to the diagnosis of vocal cord polyp. 73-76 - Hirohisa Iijima, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai:
Glottal flow analysis based on a finite element simulation of a two-dimensional unsteady viscous fluid. 77-80 - Hideki Kasuya, Yuji Ando, Jinlin Lu, Osamu Komuro:
A voice source model for synthesizing speech with various voice quality variations. 81-84 - Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Christer Gobl:
Linguistic and paralinguistic variation in the voice source. 85-88
Speech Coding and Transmission
- Paavo Alku:
Glottal-LPC based coding of telephone band vowels with simple all-pole excitation. 89-92 - Suat Yeldener, Ahmet M. Kondoz, Barry G. Evans:
Sine wave excited linear predictive coding of speech. 93-96 - Toshiki Miyano, Kazunori Ozawa:
Improvement on 8 kb/s CELP using learned codebook: LCELP. 97-100 - Samir Saoudi, Jean-Marc Boucher, Alain Le Guyader:
Optimal scalar quantization of the LSP and the LAR for speech coding. 101-104 - Shinya Takahashi, Kunio Nakajima:
4.8 kbps speech coding using frame synchronous time domain compression (FS-TDC). 105-108 - Hirohisa Tasaki, Kunio Nakajima:
Time-domain flexible matrix quantization for very-low-rate speech coding. 109-112 - Tomohiko Taniguchi, Mark Johnson, Yasuji Ohta:
Multi-vector pitch-orthogonal LPC: quality speech with low complexity at rates between 4 and 8 kbps. 113-116 - Yair Shoham, Erik Ordentlich:
Low-delay code-excited linear-predictive coding of wideband speech at 32 kbps. 117-120 - Yoshihiro Unno, Makio Nakamura, Toshifumi Sato, Toshiki Miyano, Kazunori Ozawa:
11.2 kb/s LCELP speech codec for digital cellular radio. 121-124 - Tomoyuki Ohya, Hirohito Suda, Toshio Miki, Shinji Uebayashi, Takehiro Moriya:
Revised TC-WVQ speech coder for mobile communication system. 125-128
Extraction and Processing of Voice Individuality
- Hideki Noda, Masuzo Yanagida:
Extraction of phoneme-dependent individuality using HMM-based segmentation for text-independent speaker recognition. 129-132 - Julian P. Eatock, John S. D. Mason:
Automatically focusing on good discriminating speech segments in speaker recognition. 133-136 - Tomoko Matsui, Sadaoki Furui:
Text-independent speaker recognition using vocal tract and pitch information. 137-140 - Aaron E. Rosenberg, Chin-Hui Lee, Frank K. Soong, Maureen A. McGee:
Experiments in automatic talker verification using sub-word unit hidden Markov models. 141-144 - Myoung-Wan Koo, Chong Kwan Un, Hwang Soo Lee, Jun Mo Koo, H. R. Kim:
A comparative study of speaker adaptation methods for HMM-based speech recognition. 145-148 - Hiroaki Hattori, Satoshi Nakamura, Kiyohiro Shikano, Shigeki Sagayama:
Speaker weighted training of HMM using multiple reference speakers. 149-152 - Francis Kubala, Richard M. Schwartz:
Improved speaker adaptation using multiple reference speakers. 153-156 - Masanobu Abe, Shigeki Sagayama:
Statistical study on voice individuality conversion across different languages. 157-160 - Hiroshi Matsumoto, Hirowo Inoue:
A minimum distortion spectral mapping applied to voice quality conversion. 161-164
Voice Source Characteristics and Synthesis
- Anna M. Barney, Christine H. Shadle, David W. Thomas:
Airflow measurement in a dynamic mechanical model of the vocal folds. 165-168 - Jo Estill, Noriko Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Honda, Yuki Kakita:
A study on respiratory and glottal controls in six western singing qualities: airflow and intensity measurement of professional singing. 169-172 - Satoshi Imaizumi, Hiroshi Imagawa, Shigeru Kiritani:
A model of dynamic characteristics of the voice source and formant trajectories. 173-176 - Takayuki Nakajima, Hiroshi Ohmura:
Pole-zero structure based on two-source vocal tract model, PSE inspection of continuous speech vowel part. 177-180 - Gang Wang, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai:
Evaluation of speech synthesis using an ARMA estimation and excitation sources. 181-184 - Kazuhiko Iwata, Yukio Mitome, Jun Kametani, Minoru Akamatsu, Seimitsu Tomotake, Kazunori Ozawa, Takao Watanabe:
A rule-based speech synthesizer using pitch controlled residual wave excitation method. 185-188 - Kenzo Itoh, Hideyuki Mizuno, Tetsuya Nomura, Hirokazu Sato:
Phoneme segment concatenation and excitation control based on spectral distortion criterion for speech synthesis. 189-192 - Stephen D. Pearson, Hector R. Javkin, Kenji Matsui, Takahiro Kamai:
Text-to-speech synthesis using a natural voice source. 193-196 - Paavo Alku, Erkki Vilkman, Unto K. Laine:
A comparison of egg and a new automatic inverse filtering method in phonation change from breathy to normal. 197-200
Speech Recognition and Enhancement
- Ki Chul Kim, Hyunsoo Yoon, Jung Wan Cho:
Enhanced parametric representation using binarized spectrum. 201-204 - Kiyoshi Asai, Shigeru Chiba:
Voiced-unvoiced classification using weighted distance measures. 205-208 - Kei Miki:
Phoneme recognition using a hierarchical time spectrum pattern. 209-212 - Susumu Sato, Takeshi Fukabayashi:
Recognition of plosive using mixed features by fisher's linear discriminant. 213-216 - Akio Ando, Kazuhiko Ozeki:
Clustering algorithms to minimize recognition error function and their applications to the vowel template learninig. 217-220 - Changfu Wang, Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose:
Chinese four tone recognition based on the model for process of generating F0 contours of sentences. 221-224 - Nam Soo Kim, Chong Kwan Un:
Generalized training of hidden Markov model parameters for speech recognition. 225-228 - Tatsuya Kawahara, Toru Ogawa, Shigeyoshi Kitazawa, Shuji Doshita:
Phoneme recognition by combining Bayesian linear discriminations of selected pairs of classes. 229-232 - S. Atkins, P. E. Kenne, D. Landy, S. Nulsen, Mary O'Kane:
WAL - a speech recognition programming language. 233-236 - Mario Rossi:
Automatic segmentation: why and what segments? 237-240 - Shozo Makino, Akinori Ito, Mitsuru Endo, Ken'iti Kido:
A Japanese text dictation system based on phoneme recognition using a modified LVQ2 method. 241-244 - Shinobu Mizuta, Kunio Nakajima:
An optimal discriminative training method for continuous mixture density HMMs. 245-248 - Sekharjit Datta, M. Al-Zabibi:
Discrimination of words in a large vocabulary speech recognition system. 249-252 - Jun Mo Koo, Chong Kwan Un, Hwang Soo Lee, H. R. Kim, Myoung-Wan Koo:
A recognition time reduction algorithm for large-vocabulary speech recognition. 253-256 - Hyung Soon Kim, Chong Kwan Un:
Speech recognition method based on the dual processing nature of speech perception. 257-260 - Koichi Shinoda, Ken-ichi Iso, Takao Watanabe:
Speaker adaptation for demi-syllable based speech recognition using continuous HMM. 261-264 - Toby E. Skinner:
Speech signal processing on a neurocomputer. 265-268 - Shigeru Ono:
Syllable structure parsing for continuous speech recognition. 269-272 - Hiroyuki Tsuboi, Hiroshi Kanazawa, Yoichi Takebayashi:
An accelerator for high-speed spoken word-spotting and noise immunity learning system. 273-276 - Zainul Abidin Md. Sharrif, Masuri Othman, Mohammad Ibrahim A. K. B. Maiden:
Recognition of standard malaysian language pronunciation. 277-280 - M. Djoudi, Jean Paul Haton:
The SAPHA acoustic-phonetic decoder system for standard Arabic. 281-284 - Markus Bodden:
A concept for a cocktail-party-processor. 285-288 - Tsuyoshi Usagawa, Yuji Morita, Masanao Ebata:
Remote control system using speech-reduction of known noise. 289-292 - Yumi Takizawa, Masahiro Hamada:
Lombard speech recognition by formant-frequency-shifted LPC cepstrum. 293-296 - Hiroshi Matsumoto, Hirokazu Mitsui:
A robust distance measure based on group delay difference weighted by power spectra. 297-300 - B. Yegnanarayana, Hema A. Murthy, V. R. Ramachandran:
Speech enhancement using group delay functions. 301-304 - Hong Wang, Fumitada Itakura:
Recovery of reverberated speech using multi-microphone sub-band envelope estimation. 305-308 - Alain Marchal, Marie-Hélène Casanova, P. Gavarry, M. Avon:
DISPE: a divers' speech data-base. 309-312
Synthesis of Spoken Language
- Rolf Carlson, Björn Granström, Sheri Hunnicutt:
Lexical components in rule-based speech systems. 313-316 - Ken Ceder, Bertil Lyberg:
The integration of linguistic levels in a text-to-speech conversion system. 317-320 - Tohru Shimizu, Norio Higuchi, Hisashi Kawai, Seiichi Yamamoto:
The linguistic processing module for Japanese text-to-speech system. 321-324 - Yukiko Yamaguchi, Tatsuro Matsumoto:
A neural network approach to multi-language text-to-speech system. 325-328 - Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose, Yasuharu Asano:
Proposal and evaluation of a new type of terminal analog speech synthesizer. 329-332 - Bathsheba J. Malsheen, Mariscela Amador-Hernandez:
The interrelationship of intelligibility and naturalness in text-to-speech. 333-336 - Tomohisa Hirokawa, Kazuo Hakoda:
Segment selection and pitch modification for high quality speech synthesis using waveform segments. 337-340 - Kazuya Takeda, Katsuo Abe, Yoshinori Sagisaka:
On the unit search criteria and algorithms for speech synthesis using non-uniform units. 341-344 - Katsuhiko Shirai, Y. Sato, Kazuo Hashimoto:
Speech synthesis using superposition of sinusoidal waves generated by synchronized oscillators. 345-348 - David Rainton, Steve J. Young:
Time-frequency spectral analysis of speech. 349-352 - Bert Van Coile:
Inductive learning of grapheme-to-phoneme rules. 765-768 - Yoichi Yamashita, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Yasuo Nomura, Nobuyoshi Kaiki, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
A support environment based on rule interpreter for synthesis by rule. 769-772 - Jung-Chul Lee, Yong-Ju Lee, Hee-il Han, Eung-Bae Kim, Chang-Joo Kim, Kyung-Tae Kim:
Speech synthesis using demisyllables for Korean: a preliminary system. 773-776 - Seung-Kwon Ahn, Koeng-Mo Sung:
The rules in a Korean text-to-speech system. 777-780 - Chi-Shi Liu, Wern-Jun Wang, Shiow-Min Yu, Hsiao-Chuan Wang:
Mandarin speech synthesis by the unit of coarticulatory demi-syllable. 781-784 - Ryunen Teranishi:
A study on various prosody styles in Japanese speech synthesizable with the text-to-speech system. 785-788 - Hiroki Kamanaka, Takashi Yazu, Keiichi Chihara, Makoto Morito:
Japanese text-to-speech conversion system. 789-792 - Yasushi Ishikawa, Kunio Nakajima:
Neural network based concatenation method of synthesis units for synthesis by rule. 793-796 - Norio Higuchi, Hisashi Kawai, Tohru Shimizu, Seiichi Yamamoto:
Improvement of the synthetic speech quality of the formant-type speech synthesizer and its subjective evaluation. 797-800 - Thierry Galas, Xavier Rodet:
A parametric model of speech signals: application to high quality speech synthesis by spectral and prosodic modifications. 801-804 - Tomoki Hamagami, Shinichiro Hashimoto:
The improved source model for high-quality synthetic speech sound. 805-808 - Kazuo Hakoda, Shin'ya Nakajima, Tomohisa Hirokawa, Hideyuki Mizuno:
A new Japanese text-to-speech synthesizer based on COC synthesis method. 809-812 - G. M. Asher, K. Mervyn Curtis, J. R. Andrews, J. Burniston:
A parallel multialgorithmic approach for an accurate and fast English text to speech transcriber. 813-816 - K. Mervyn Curtis, G. M. Asher, S. E. Pack, J. R. Andrews:
A highly programmable formant speech synthesiser utilising parallel processors. 817-820 - Kris Maeda, Yasuki Yamashita, Yoichi Takebayashi:
Enhancement of human-computer interaction through the synthesis of nonverbal expressions. 821-824 - W. Nick Campbell, Stephen D. Isard, Alex I. C. Monaghan, Jo Verhoeven:
Duration, pitch and diphones in the CSTR TTS system. 825-828 - Sin-Horng Chen, Su-Min Lee, Saga Chang:
A Chinese fundamental frequency synthesizer based on a statistical model. 829-832 - Cinzia Avesani:
A contribution to the synthesis of Italian intonation. 833-836 - Kazuhiko Iwata, Yukio Mitome, Takao Watanabe:
Pause rule for Japanese text-to-speech conversion using pause insertion probability. 837-840 - Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose, Pierre A. Hallé, Haitao Lei:
Analysis and modeling of tonal features in polysyllabic words and sentences of the standard Chinese. 841-844 - Akira Yamamura, Hiroharu Kunizawa, Noboru Ueji, Hiroshi Itoyama, Osamu Kakusho:
Voice response unit embedded in factory automation systems. 845-848 - Klaus Wothke:
Tetos - a text-to-speech system for German. 849-852 - Michel Divay:
A written text processing expert system for text to phoneme conversion. 853-856 - Mikio Yamaguchi:
Trial production of a module for speech synthesis by rule. 857-860
Phoneme Recognition
- Katsuhiko Shirai, Naoki Hosaka, Eiichiro Kitagawa, T. Endo:
Speaker adaptable phoneme recognition selecting reliable acoustic features based on mutual information. 353-356 - Claude Montacié, Marie-José Caraty, Xavier Rodet:
Experiments in the use of an automatic learning system for acoustic-phonetic decoding. 357-360 - Shigeki Sagayama, Shigeru Honrna:
Estimation of unknown context using a phoneme environment clustering algorithm. 361-364 - Yves Laprie, Jean Paul Haton, Jean-Marie Pierrel:
Phonetic triplets in knowledge based approach of acoustic-phonetic decoding. 365-368 - Yasuo Ariki, Andrew M. Sutherland, Mervyn A. Jack:
Optimisation of English phoneme recognition based on HMM. 369-372 - Horacio Franco, António Joaquim Serralheiro:
A new discriminative training algorithm for hidden Markov models. 373-376 - Yoshimitsu Hirata, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Speaker adaptation of continuous parameter HMM. 377-380 - Tatsuya Hirahara, Hitoshi Iwamida:
Auditory spectrograms in HMM phoneme recognition. 381-384
Recent Progress in Speech Perception Research
- Sieb G. Nooteboom, P. Scharpff, Vincent J. van Heuven:
Effects of several pausing strategies on the recognizability of words in synthetic speech. 385-388 - Yoshinori Kitahara, Yoh'ichi Tohkura:
The role of temporal structure of speech in word perception and spoken language understanding. 389-392 - Judith C. Goodman, Howard C. Nusbaum, Lisa Lee, Kevin Broihier:
The effects of syntactic and discourse variables on the segmental intelligibility of speech. 393-396 - Shigeaki Amano:
Lexical and coarticulatory effects on phoneme monitoring before and after a word identification point in spoken Japanese words. 397-400 - David B. Pisoni, Ellen E. Garber:
Lexical memory in visual and auditory modalities: the case for a common mental lexicon. 401-404 - John J. Ohala, Elizabeth Shriberg:
Hypercorrection in speech perception. 405-408 - Howard C. Nusbaum:
The role of learning and attention in speech perception. 409-412 - Dominic W. Massaro, Michael M. Cohen:
The joint influence of stimulus information and context in speech perception. 413-416 - Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose, Sumio Ohno, Nobuaki Minematsu:
Influence of context and knowledge on the perception of continuous speech. 417-420
Speech Production, Prosody and Analysis
- Arne Kjell Foldvik, O. Husby, Jorn Kvaerness, I. C. Nordli, Peter A. Rinck:
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) film of articulatory movements. 421-424 - Masafumi Matsumura, Atsushi Sugiura:
Modeling of 3-dimensional vocal tract shapes obtained by magnetic resonance imaging for speech synthesis. 425-428 - Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda:
Ultrasonic measurement of tongue motion. 429-432 - Kunitoshi Motoki, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai:
Measurement of sound wave characteristics in the vocal tract. 433-436 - Hisayoshi Suzuki, Takayoshi Nakai, Jianwu Dang, Chengxiang Lu:
Speech production model involving subglottal structure and oral-nasal coupling through closed velum. 437-440 - Yorinobu Sonoda, Keisuke Mori, Tetsuaki Kuriyama:
Articulatory characteristics of lip shape during the production of Japanese. 441-444 - Naoki Kusakawa, Kiyoshi Honda, Yuki Kakita:
Sequential control model of speech articulation in producing word utterance. 445-448 - Zyun'ici B. Simada, Satoshi Horiguchi, Seiji Niimi, Hajime Hirose:
Sternohyoid muscle activity and pitch control at the onset of utterances. 449-452 - Junichi Azuma, Yoshimasa Tsukuma:
Prosodic features marking the major syntactic boundary of Japanese: a study on syntactically ambiguous sentences of the kinki dialect. 453-456 - Hai-Dong Wang, Gérard Bailly, Denis Tuffelli:
Automatic segmentation and alignment of continuous speech based on temporal decomposition model. 457-460 - Hee-Il Hahn, Minsoo Hahn:
Voiced/unvoiced/silence classification of spoken Korean. 461-464 - E. Angderi, M. Barsotti, L. Mazzei, L. Vttrano, R. Volpentesta:
Vocal pauses in teaching: statistical analysis and applications. 465-468 - Shubha Kadambe, Gloria Faye Boudreaux-Bartels:
A pitch detector based on event detection using the dyadic wavelet tranform. 469-472 - Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose, Shigenobu Seto:
Proposal and evaluation of a new scheme for reliable pitch extraction of speech. 473-476 - Masahide Sugiyama:
Spectral interpolation using distortion geodesic lines. 477-480 - Hirofumi Yogo, Naoki Inagaki:
Adaptive speech processing using an accelerated stochastic approximation method. 481-484
The Role of Prosody in Production and Perception of Spoken Language
- Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose, Noboru Takahashi:
Manifestation of linguistic and para-linguistic information in the voice fundamental frequency contours of spoken Japanese. 485-488 - Gösta Bruce, Paul Touati:
Analysis and synthesis of dialogue prosody. 489-492 - Shoichi Takeda, Akira Ichikawa:
Analysis of prosodic features of prominence in spoken Japanese sentences. 493-496 - Nancy A. Daly, Victor W. Zue:
Acoustic, perceptual, and linguistic analyses of intonation contours in human/machine dialogues. 497-500 - Haruo Kubozono:
The role of the mora in speech production of Japanese. 501-504 - Yoshimasa Tsukuma, Junichi Azuma:
Prosodic features determining the comprehension of syntactically ambiguous sentences in Mandarin Chinese. 505-508 - Dieter Huber:
Prosodic transfer in spoken language interpretation. 509-512 - Miyoko Sugito:
On the role of pauses in production and perception of discourse. 513-516 - Kikuo Maekawa:
Production and perception of the accent in the consecutively devoiced syllables in tokyo Japanese. 517-520
Word Recognition
- Fikret S. Gürgen, Shigeki Sagayama, Sadaoki Furui:
Line spectrum pair frequency - based distance measures for speech recognition. 521-524 - Hiroshi Shimodaira, Yoshio Horiuchi, Masayuki Kimura:
Speaker independent isolated word recognition using local and global structural features. 525-528 - Jorge A. Gurlekian, Horacio Franco, Miguel Santagada:
Speaker independent recognition of isolated Spanish digits. 529-532 - Nobuo Sugi, Jun'ichi Iwasaki, Hiroshi Matsu'ura, Tsuneo Nitta, Akira Fukumine, Akira Nakayama:
Speaker independent word recognition system based on the structured transition network of phonetic segments. 533-536 - Akihiro Imamura, Yoshitake Suzuki:
Speaker-independent word spotting and a transputer-based implementation. 537-540 - Jin Yul Kim, Yun-Seok Cho, Soon Young Yoon, Hwang Soo Lee, Chong Kwan Un:
An efficient viterbi scoring architecture for HMM-based isolated word recognition systems. 541-544 - Tatsuo Matsuoka:
Word spotting using context-dependent phoneme-based HMMs. 545-548 - V. Vittorelli, Gilles Adda, Roberto Billi, Lou Boves, Mervyn A. Jack, Enrico Vivalda:
POLYGLOT: multilingual speech recognition and synthesis. 549-552 - Satoshi Takahashi, Shoichi Matsunaga, Shigeki Sagayama:
Isolated word recognition using pitch pattern information. 553-556
Perception of Spoken Language
- Makio Kashino:
Distribution of perceptual cues for Japanese intervocalic stop consonants. 557-560 - Winfried Datscheweit:
Frication noise and formant-onset frequency as independent cues for the perception of /f/, /s/ and /// in vowel-fricative-vowel stimuli. 561-564 - Minoru Tsuzaki, Jorge A. Gurlekian:
Effects of different standards on the within-category discrimination of synthesized /ABA/ sequences: comparison between Japanese and Spanish. 565-569 - Masato Akagi:
Contextual effect models and psycho acoustic evidence for the models. 569-572 - Sumi Shigeno:
Vowel-contingent anchoring effects on the perception of stop consonants. 573-576 - Dominic W. Massaro:
Process and connectionist models of speech perception. 577-580 - Anne Cutler, Dennis Norris, Brit van Ooyen:
Vowels as phoneme detection targets. 581-584 - Noriko Uosaki, Morio Kohno:
Perception of rhythm: a comparison between americans and Japanese. 585-588 - Sotaro Sekimoto:
Perceptual frequency normalization of frequency compressed or expanded voiceless consonants. 589-592
Perception, Impairments/Aids, Phonetics in Language Teaching and Speech Coding
- Akiko Hayashi, Satoshi Imaizumi, Takehiko Harada, Hideaki Seki, Hiroshi Hosoi:
Effects of temporal factors on the speech perception of the hearing impaired. 593-596 - Shinobu Masaki, Itaru F. Tatsumi, Sumiko Sasanuma:
Analysis of temporal coordination between articulatory movements and pitch control in the realization of Japanese word accent by a patient with apraxia of speech. 597-600 - Brian C. J. Moore, Jeannette Seloover Johnson, Vincent Pluvinage, Teresa M. Clark:
Multiband dynamic range compression sound processing for hearing impaired patients: effect on intelligibility of speech in background noise. 601-604 - Takao Mizutani, Kiyoshi Hashimoto, Masahiko Wakumoto, Ken-ich Michi, Hareo Hamada, Tanetoshi Miura:
New graphical expression of the high-speed palatographic data in study of the articulatory behaviors of the tongue. 605-608 - Makoto Kariyasu, Kukiko Maruyama:
Aging in the rate and regularity of maximum syllable repetition under bite-block. 609-612 - Minje Zhi, Yong-Ju Lee:
Vowel quantity contrast in Korean: production and perception. 613-616 - Jan-Olof Svantesson:
Phonetic correlates of stress in mongolian. 617-620 - Ray Iwata, Hajime Hirose, Seiji Niimi, Masayuki Sawashima, Satoshi Horiguchi:
Syllable final stops LN east asian languages: southern Chinese, Thai and Korean. 621-624 - Seiji Niimi, Qun Yan, Satoshi Horiguchi, Hajime Hirose:
An electromyographic study on laryngeal adjustment for production of the light tone in Mandarin Chinese. 625-628 - Jingxu Cui, Shuichi Itahashi:
A comparison of the articulation of the Chinese /i, l, l/ by Chinese and Japanese speakers. 629-632 - Hirotake Nakashima, Masao Yamaguchi:
The durations of Japanese long vowels and geminated consonants uttered by indonesian. 633-636 - Izumi Saita:
On phrasing of Japanese language learners. 637-640 - PROTS (pronunciation training system) - Kawai Musical Instruments.
- Yair Shoham:
Constrained-stochastic excitation coding of speech at 4.8 kb/s. 645-648 - Fumie Hazu, Akihiko Sugiyama, Masahiro Iwadare, Takao Nishitani:
Adaptive transform coding with an adaptive block size using a modified DCT. 649-652 - Takehiro Moriya:
Medium-delay 8 kbit/s speech coder based on conditional pitch prediction. 653-656 - Sung Ro Lee, Hwang Soo Lee, Chong Kwan Un:
A low rate VQ speech coding algorithm with variable transmission frame length. 657-660
Neural Networks for Speech Processing I, II
- Ken-ichi Iso, Takao Watanabe:
Speech recognition using demi-syllable neural prediction model. 661-664 - Frédéric Bimbot, Gérard Chollet, Jean-Pierre Tubach:
Phonetic features extraction using time-delay neural networks. 665-668 - Masami Nakamura, Shinichi Tamura:
Vowel recognition by phoneme filter neural networks. 669-672 - Kari Torkkola, Mikko Kokkonen:
A comparison of two methods to transcribe speech into phonemes: a rule-based method vs. back-propagation. 673-676 - Jun-ichi Takami, Shigeki Sagayama:
Phoneme recognition by pairwise discriminant TDNNs. 677-680 - Yasuyuki Masai, Hiroshi Matsu'ura, Tsuneo Nitta:
Speaker independent speech recognition based on neural networks of each category with embedded eigenvectors. 681-684 - Kiyoaki Aikawa, Alexander H. Waibel:
Speech recognition using sub-phoneme recognition neural network. 685-688 - Li-Qun Xu, Tie-Cheng Yu, G. D. Tattersall:
Speech recognition based on the integration of FSVQ and neural network. 689-692 - Samir I. Sayegh:
Fast text-to-speech learning. 693-696 - Nelson Morgan, Chuck Wooters, Hervé Bourlard, Michael Cohen:
Continuous speech recognition on the resource management database using connectionist probability estimation. 1337-1340 - Eiichi Tsuboka, Yoshihiro Takada, Hisashi Wakita:
Neural predictive hidden Markov model. 1341-1344 - Yasuhiro Minami, Toshiyuki Hanazawa, Hitoshi Iwamida, Erik McDermott, Kiyohiro Shikano, Shigeru Katagiri, Masaona Kagawa:
On the robustness of HMM and ANN speech recognition algorithms. 1345-1348 - Hidefumi Sawai:
The TDNN-LR large-vocabulary and continuous speech recognition system. 1349-1352 - Rémy Bulot, Henri Meloni, Pascal Nocera:
Rule-driven neural networks for acoustic-phonetic decoding. 1353-1356 - Franck Poirier:
Knowledge-based segmentation and feature maps for speech recognition. 1357-1360 - Mark A. Fanty, Ronald A. Cole:
Speaker-independent English alphabet recognition: experiments with the e-set. 1361-1364 - Pinaki Poddar, P. V. S. Rao:
Neural network based segmentation of continuous speech. 1365-1368 - Tomio Takara, Motonori Tamaki:
A normalization of coarticulation of connected vowels using neural network. 1369-1372 - Tomio Watanabe, Masaki Kohda:
Lip-reading of Japanese vowels using neural networks. 1373-1376 - H. Lucke, Frank Fallside:
Application of the compositional representation to lexical access using neural networks. 1377-1380 - Abdul Mobin, Shyam S. Agrawal, Anil Kumar, K. D. Pavate:
A voice input-output system using isolated words. 1381-1384 - Tatiana Slama-Cazacu:
A psycholinguistic model of first and second language learning. 1385-1388
Continuous Speech Recognition
- Yunxin Zhao, Hisashi Wakita:
Experiments with a speaker-independent continuous speech recognition system on the timit database. 697-700 - Walter Weigel:
Continuous speech recognition with vowel-context-independent hidden-Markov-models for demisyllables. 701-704 - Satoru Hayamizu, Kai-Fu Lee, Hsiao-Wuen Hon:
Description of acoustic variations by tree-based phone modeling. 705-708 - Frank K. Soong, Eng-Fong Huang:
A tree-trellis based fast search for finding the n best sentence hypotheses in continuous speech recognition. 709-712 - Fabio Gabrieli, A. Dimundo, Antonello Rizzi, G. Colangelit, A. Stagni:
Modeling vocabularies for a connected speech recognizer. 713-716 - Takeshi Kawabata, Toshiyuki Hanazawa, Katsunobu Itou, Kiyohiro Shikano:
Japanese phonetic typewriter using HMM phone units and syllable trigrams. 717-720 - Minoru Shigenaga, Yoshihiro Sekiguchi, Toshihiko Hanagata, Takehiro Yamaguchi, Ryouta Masuda:
A large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system with high prediction capability. 721-724 - Yutaka Kobayashi, Yasuhisa Niimi:
Evaluation of a speech understanding system - suskit-2. 725-728 - Patti Price, Victor Abrash, Douglas E. Appelt, John Bear, Jared Bernstein, Bridget Bly, John Butzberger, Michael Cohen, Eric Jackson, Robert C. Moore, Douglas B. Moran, Hy Murveit, Mitchel Weintraub:
Spoken language system integration and development. 729-732
Modeling of First and Second Language Acquisition
- Paula Menyuk:
Relationship between speech perception and production in language acquisition. 733-736 - Andrew N. Meltzoff, Alison Gopnik:
Relations between thought and language in infancy. 736-740 - Movto Kohno:
The role of rhythm in the first and second language aquisition. 741-744 - Patricia K. Kuhl:
Towards a new theory of the development of speech perception. 745-748 - Shozo Kojima:
Audition and speech perception in the chimpanzee. 749-752 - Pierre A. Hallé, Benedicte de Boysson-Bardies:
Prosodic and phonetic patterning of disyllables produced by Japanese versus French infants. 753-756 - Reiko Akahane-Yamada, Yoh'ichi Tohkura:
Perception and production of syllable-initial English /r/ and /l/ by native speakers of Japanese. 757-760 - Michiko Mochizuki-Sudo, Shigeru Kiritani:
The perception of inter-stress-intervals in Japanese speakers of English. 761-764
Application of Speech Recognition / Synthesis Technologies
- David A. Berkley, James L. Flanagan:
Integration of speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and talker verification into a hands-free audio/image teleconferencing system (humanet). 861-864 - G. Velius, Candace A. Kamm, Mary Jo Altom, T. C. Feustel, Marian J. Macchi, Murray F. Spiegel:
Bellcore efforts in applying speech technology to telephone network services. 865-868 - Fumihiro Yato, Kazuki Katagisi, Norio Higuchi:
Extension number guidance system. 869-872 - Hirokazu Sato:
Japanese text-to-speech equipment: current applications and trends. 873-876 - Mariscela Amador-Hernandez, Bathsheba J. Malsheen:
The synthesis of dialectal variation in English and Spanish. 877-880 - Hiroyoshi Saito, Motoshi Kurihara, Ken-ichiro Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Hara, Naritoshi Saito:
A Japanese text-to-speech system for electronic mail. 881-884 - Tsuneo Nitta, Nobuo Sugi:
Issues concerning voice input applications. 885-888 - Toshiaki Tsuboi, Noboru Sugamura:
A prototype for a speech-to-text transcription system. 889-892 - Masahiro Hamada, Yumi Takizawa, Takeshi Norimatsu:
A noise robust speech recognition system. 893-896
Language Modeling
- A. Corazzat, Renato de Mori, Roberto Gretter, Giorgio Satta:
Computation of probabilities for island-driven parsers. 897-900 - Keh-Yih Su, Tung-Hui Chiang, Yi-Chung Lin:
A unified probabilistic score function for integrating speech and language information in spoken language processing. 901-904 - Kenji Kita, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Junko Hosaka, Terumasa Ehara, Tsuyoshi Morimoto:
Continuous speech recognition using two-level LR parsing. 905-908 - Hiroaki Saito:
Gap-filling LR parsing for noisy spoken input: towards interactive speech recognition. 909-912 - S. Bornerand, Françoise D. Néel, Gérard Sabah:
Semantic weights derived from syntax-directed understanding in DTW-based spoken language processing. 913-916 - Hiroaki Kitano, Tetsuya Higuchi, Masaru Tomita:
Massively parallel spoken language processing using a parallel associative processor IXM2. 917-920 - Tsuyoshi Morimoto, Kiyohiro Shikano, Hitoshi Iida, Akira Kurematsu:
Integration of speech recognition and language processing in spoken language translation system (SL-TRANS). 921-924 - Toshiya Sakano, Tsuyoshi Morimoto:
Design principle of language model for speech recognition. 925-928 - Shoichi Matsunaga, Shigeki Sagayama:
Sentence speech recognition using semantic dependency analysis. 929-932
Phonetics and Phonology
- Leigh Lisker:
Distinctive, redundant, predictable, neotssary, sufficffint accounting for English /bdg/-/ptk/. 933-936 - Rob Kassel, Victor W. Zue:
An information theoretic approach to the study of phoneme collocational constraints. 937-940 - Bruce L. Derwing, Terrance M. Nearey:
Real-time effects of some intrasyllabic collocational constraints in English. 941-944 - Paul Dalsgaard, William J. Barry:
Acoustic-phonetic features in the framework of neural-network multi-lingual label alignment. 945-948 - James Hieronymus:
Preliminary study of vowel coarticulation in british English. 949-952 - Caroline B. Huang:
Effects of context, stress, and speech style on american vowels. 953-956 - M. Djoudi, H. Aouizerat, Jean Paul Haton:
Phonetic study and recognition of standard Arabic emphatic consonants. 957-960 - Daniel Recasens, Edda Farnetani:
Articulatory and acoustic properties of different allophones of /l/ in american English, catalan and Italian. 961-964 - Hiroshi Suzuki, Ghen Ohyama, Shigeru Kiritani:
In search of a method to improve the prosodic features of English spoken by Japanese. 965-968
Assessment / Human Factors, Database and Neural Networks
- Zinny S. Bond, Thomas J. Moore:
A note on loud and lombard speech. 969-972 - Ute Jekosch:
A weighted intelligibility measure for speech assessment. 973-976 - Shinji Hayashi:
Improvements in binaural articulation score by simulated localization using head-related transfer functions. 977-980 - Kim E. A. Silverman, Sara Basson, Suzi Levas:
Evaluating synthesiser performance: is segmental intelligibility enough? 981-984 - Fumio Maehara, Masamichi Nakagawa, Kunio Nobori, Toshiyuki Maeda, Tsutomu Mori, Makoto Fujimoto:
Media conversion into language and voice for intelligent communication. 985-988 - Rolf Carlson, Björn Granström, Lennart Nord:
Segmental intelligibility of synthetic and natural speech in real and nonsense words. 989-992 - Chorkin Chan, Ren-Hua Wang:
The HKU-USTC speech corpus. 993-996 - Torbjørn Svendsen, Knut Kvale:
Automatic alignment of phonemic labels with continuous speech. 997-1000 - Denis Tuffelli, Hai-Dong Wang:
TELS: a speech time-expansion labelling system. 1001-1004 - Kazuhiro Arai, Yoichi Yamashita, Tadahiro Kitahashi, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
A speech labeling system based on knowledge processing. 1005-1008 - Hans G. Tillmann, Maximilian Hadersbeck, Hans Georg Piroth, Barbara Eisen:
Development and experimental use of phonwork a new phonetic workbench. 1009-1012 - Hiroyuki Chimoto, Hideaki Shinchi, Hideki Hashimoto, Shinya Amano:
A speech recognition research environment based on large-scale word and concept dictionaries. 1013-1016 - Benjamin Chigier, Judith Spitz:
Are laboratory databases appropriate for training and testing telephone speech recognizers? 1017-1021 - Sven W. Danielsen:
Standardisation of speech input assessment within the SAM esprit project. 1021-1024 - Hiroshi Irii, Kenzo Itoh, Nobuhiko Kitawaki:
Multilingual speech data base for evaluating quality of digitized speech. 1025-1028 - Lizhong Wu, Frank Fallside:
The optimal gain sequence for fastest learning in connectionist vector quantiser design. 1029-1032 - Tony Robinson, John Holdsworth, Roy D. Patterson, Frank Fallside:
A comparison of preprocessors for the cambridge recurrent error propagation network speech recognition system. 1033-1036 - Robert B. Allen, Candace A. Kamm, S. B. James:
A recurrent neural network for word identification from phoneme sequences. 1037-1040 - Lieven Depuydt, Jean-Pierre Martens, Luc Van Immerseel, Nico Weymaere:
Improved broad phonetic classification and segmentation with a neural network and a new auditory model. 1041-1044 - Kazuaki Obara, Hideyuki Takagi:
Formant extraction model by neural networks and auditory model based on signal processing theory. 1045-1048 - Noboru Kanedera, Tetsuo Funada:
/b, d, g/ recognition with elliptic discrimination neural units. 1049-1052 - Helen M. Meng, Victor W. Zue:
A comparative study of acoustic representations of speech for vowel classification using multi-layer perceptrons. 1053-1056 - Yong Duk Cho, Ki Chul Kim, Hyunsoo Yoon, Seung Ryoul Maeng, Jung Wan Cho:
Extended elman's recurrent neural network for syllable recognition. 1057-1060 - Hong C. Leung, James R. Glass, Michael S. Phillips, Victor W. Zue:
Detection and classification of phonemes using context-independent error back-propagation. 1061-1064 - Shigeru Chiba, Kiyoshi Asai:
A new method of consonant detection and classification using neural networks. 1065-1068 - Shigeyoshi Kitazawa, Masahiro Serizawa:
An artificial neural network for the burst point detection. 1069-1072 - Claude Lefèbvre, Dariusz A. Zwierzynski:
The use of discriminant neural networks in the integration of acoustic cues for voicing into a continuous-word recognition system. 1073-1076 - Kouichi Yamaguchi, Kenji Sakamoto, Toshio Akabane, Yoshiji Fujimoto:
A neural network for speaker-independent isolated word recognition. 1077-1080
Speech I/O Assessment and Database I, II
- Shuichi Itahashi:
Recent speech database projects in Japan. 1081-1084 - Joon-Hyuk Choi, Kyung-Tae Kim:
Construction of a large Korean speech database and its management system in ETRI. 1085-1088 - Yoshinori Sagisaka, Kazuya Takeda, M. Abel, Shigeru Katagiri, T. Umeda, Hisao Kuwabara:
A large-scale Japanese speech database. 1089-1092 - Terumasa Ehara, Kentaro Ogura, Tsuyoshi Morimoto:
ATR dialogue database. 1093-1096 - Jean-Luc Gauvain, Lori Lamel, Maxine Eskénazi:
Design considerations and text selection for BREF, a large French read-speech corpus. 1097-1100 - Kazuyo Tanaka, Satoru Hayamizu, Kozo Ohta:
The ETL speech database for speech analysis and recognition research. 1101-1104 - Michal Soclof, Victor W. Zue:
Collection and analysis of spontaneous and read corpora for spoken language system development. 1105-1108 - Shozo Makino, Toshihiko Shirokaze, Ken'iti Kido:
A distributed speech database with an automatic acquisition system of speech information. 1109-1112 - J. Bruce Millar, Phillip Dermody, Jonathan Harrington, Julie Vonwiller:
A national database of spoken language: concept, design, and implementation. 1281-1284 - Giuseppe Castagneri, Kyriaki Vagges:
The Italian national database for speech recognition. 1285-1288 - Louis C. W. Pols:
How useful are speech databases for rule synthesis development and assessment? 1289-1292 - William J. Hardcastle, Alain Marchal:
Eur-accor: a multi-lingual articulatory and acoustic database. 1293-1296
Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments
- Biing-Hwang Juang:
Recent developments in speech recognition under adverse conditions. 1113-1116 - Brian A. Hanson, Ted H. Applebaum:
Features for noise-robust speaker-independent word recognition. 1117-1120 - Alejandro Acero, Richard M. Stern:
Acoustical pre-processing for robust spoken language systems. 1121-1124 - John H. L. Hansen, Oscar N. Bria:
Lombard effect compensation for robust automatic speech recognition in noise. 1125-1128 - Tadashi Kitamura, Etsuro Hayahara, Yasuhiko Simazciki:
Speaker-independent word recogniton in noisy environments using dynamic and averaged spectral features based on a two-dimensional mel-cepstrum. 1129-1132 - A. Noll:
Problems of speech recognition in mobile environments. 1133-1136 - Luciano Fissore, Pietro Laface, M. Codogno, G. Venuti:
HMM modeling for voice-activated mobile-radio system. 1137-1140 - Yoshio Nakadai, Noboru Sugamura:
A speech recognition method for noise environments using dual inputs. 1141-1144 - Shuji Morii, Toshiyuki Morii, Masakatsu Hoshimi, Shoji Hiraoka, Taisuke Watanabe, Katsuyuki Niyada:
Noise robustness in speaker independent speech recognition. 1145-1148 - Kaoru Gyoutoku, Hidefumi Kobatake:
Maximum likelihood estimation of speech waveform under nonstationary noise environments. 1149-1152
Foreign Language Teaching
- William J. Hardcastle:
Electropalatography in phonetic research and in speech training. 1153-1156 - Michael Rost:
Teaching spoken language: a genre-based approach. 1157-1160 - Kazue Yoshida:
Interaction between native and nonnative speakers in team teaching. 1161-1164 - Ekaterini Nikolarea:
Contrastive phonetics of English, French and modern Greek in language teaching and interpreting. 1165-1168 - Keiko Nagano, Kazunori Ozawa:
English speech training using voice conversion. 1169-1172 - Namie Saeki:
Contrastive analysis of american English and Japanese pronunciation. 1173-1176 - Massoud Rahimpour:
Oral communicative approaches in spoken language processing. 1177-1180 - Hisako Murakawa:
Teaching English pronunciation to Japanese university students: the voiceless fricative /s/ sound. 1181-1184 - Jared Bernstein, Michael Cohen, Hy Murveit, Dimitry Rtischev, Mitchel Weintraub:
Automatic evaluation and training in English pronunciation. 1185-1188
Continuous Speech Recognition and Speaker Recognition
- Yoshiharu Abe, Kunio Nakajima:
Vocabulary independent phrase recognition with a linear phonetic context model. 1189-1192 - Yasuo Ariki, Mervyn A. Jack:
Phoneme probability presentation of continuous speech. 1193-1196 - Haïyan Ye, Jean Caelen:
Duration constraints for the speech input interface in the MULTIWORKS project. 1197-1200 - Zhi-ping Hu, Satoshi Imai:
Chinese continuous speech recognition system using the state transition models both of phonemes and words. 1201-1204 - Jade Goldstein, Akio Amano, Hideki Murayama, Mariko Izawa, Akira Ichikawa:
A new training method for multi-phone speech units for use in a hidden Markov model speech recognition system. 1205-1208 - Yoshio Ueda, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Diction for phoneme/syllable/word-category and identification of language using HMM. 1209-1212 - Takashi Otsuki, Shozo Makino, Toshio Sone, Ken'iti Kido:
Performance evaluation in speech recognition system using transition probability between linguistic units. 1213-1216 - Isao Murase, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Sentence recognition method using word cooccurrence probability and its evaluation. 1217-1220 - Yanghai Lu, Beiqian Dai:
A knowledge-based understanding system for the Chinese spoken language. 1221-1224 - Akio Komatsu, Eiji Oohira, Akira Ichikawa:
Conversational speech understanding based on cooperative problem solving. 1225-1228 - Michio Okada:
A one-pass search algorithm for continuous speech recognition directed by context-free phrase structure grammar. 1229-1232 - Andrea Di Carlo, Rino Falcone:
A blackboard architecture for a word hypothesizer and a chart parser interaction in an ASR system. 1233-1236 - P. Mousel, Jean-Marie Pierrel, Azim Roussanaly:
Heuristic search problems in a natural language task oriented spoken man-machine dialogue system. 1237-1240 - Hiroaki Kitano:
The making of a speech-to-speech translation system: some findings from the dmdialog project. 1241-1244 - Kyung-ho Loken-Kim, Yasuhiro Nara, Shinta Kimura:
Using high level knowledge sources as a means of recovering DLL-formed Japanese sentences distorted by ambient noise. 1245-1248 - Anders Baekgaard, Paul Dalsgaard:
Tools for designing dialogues in speech understanding interfaces. 1249-1252 - Osamu Takizawa, Masuzo Yanagida:
A method for expressing associative relations using fuzzy concepts -aiming at advanced speech recognition-. 1253-1256 - Jean-Pierre Tubach, Raymond Descout, Pierre Isabelle:
Bilingual speech interface for a bidirectional machine translation system. 1257-1260 - Yves Laprie:
Optimum spectral peak track interpretation in terms of formants. 1261-1264 - Spriet Thierry:
A speech understanding system. 1265-1268 - Seiichiro Hangai, Kazuhiro Miyauchi:
Speaker based on multipulse excitation and UPC vocal-tract model. 1269-1272 - I-Chang Jou, Su-Ling Lee, Min-Tau Lin, Chih-Yuan Tseng, Shih-Shien You, Yuh-Juain Tsay:
A neural network based speaker verification system. 1273-1276 - Hujun Yin, Tong Zhou:
Speaker recognition using static and dynamic CEPSTRAL feature by a learning neural network. 1277-1280
Dialogue Modeling and Processing
- Naotoshi Osaka:
Conversational turn-taking model using PETRI net. 1297-1300 - Tetsuya Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Ohta, Yoichi Yamashita, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
Dialog management system mascots in speech understanding system. 1301-1304 - Sharon L. Oviatt, Philip R. Cohen, Ann Podlozny:
Spoken language in interpreted telephone dialogues. 1305-1308 - Tsuyoshi Morimoto, Toshiyuki Takezawa:
Linguistic knowledge for spoken dialogue processing. 1309-1312 - Harald Höge:
SPICOS II - a speech understanding dialogue system. 1313-1316 - Victor W. Zue, James R. Glass, Dave Goddeau, David Goodine, Hong C. Leung, Michael K. McCandless, Michael S. Phillips, Joseph Polifroni, Stephanie Seneff, Dave Whitney:
Recent progress on the MIT VOYAGER spoken language system. 1317-1320
Language Acquisition
- Florien J. Koopmans-van Beinum:
The source-filter model of speech production applied to early speech development. 1321-1324 - Ichiro Miura:
The acquisition of Japanese long consonants, syllabic nasals, and long vowels. 1325-1328 - Yoko Shimura, Satoshi Imaizumi, Kozue Saito, Tamiko Ichijama, Jan Gauffin, Pierre A. Hallé, Itsuro Yamanouchi:
Infants' vocalization observed in verbal communication: acoustic analysis. 1329-1332 - Yukie Masuko, Shigeru Kiritani:
Perception of mora sounds in Japanese by non-native speakers of Japanese. 1333-1336
Plenary Lectures
- Gunnar Fant:
The speech code. segmental and prosodic features. 1389-1398 - David B. Pisoni:
Effects of talker variability on speech perception: implications for current research and theory. 1399-1408 - Fumitada Itakura:
Early developments of LPC speech coding techniques. 1409-1410

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