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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 14
Volume 14, Number 1, January 2004
- Sandra Jiménez, Pedro Pascual
, Carlos Aguirre
, Luis Vázquez Martínez:
A Panoramic View of Some perturbed Nonlinear Wave Equations. 1-40 - Maoan Han, Yiping Lin, Pei Yu:
A Study on the Existence of Limit Cycles of a Planar System with Third-Degree Polynomials. 41-60 - Ronald N. Kostoff, Michael F. Shlesinger, Rene Tshiteya:
Nonlinear Dynamics Text Mining Using bibliometrics and Database Tomography. 61-92 - Paolo Arena, Salvatore Castorina
, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca
, Alessandro Rizzo
An Integrated Chua's Cell for the Implementation of a Chua's Array. 93-105 - Santiago Madruga
, C. Pérez-García:
Hexagonal Patterns in a Model for Rotating convection. 107-117 - David J. Wagg
, Steven R. Bishop:
Dynamics of a Two Degree of Freedom Vibro-Impact System with Multiple Motion Limiting Constraints. 119-140 - A. Krawiecki, S. Matyjaskiewicz, Janusz A. Holyst
, Krzysztof Kacperski
Fractal Spectroscopy by Noise-Free Stochastic Multiresonance at Higher Harmonics. 141-159 - Robert L. Devaney, Kresimir Josic, Yakov Shapiro:
Singular Perturbations of Quadratic Maps. 161-169 - René Yamapi, Jean Bio Chabi Orou, Paul Woafo
Synchronization of the Regular and Chaotic States of Electromechanical Devices with and without Delay. 171-181 - Wai Man Tam, Francis Chung-Ming Lau
, Chi Kong Tse:
An Approach to Calculate the Bit Error Rates of Multiple Access Chaotic-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems Employing Multi-User Detectors. 183-206 - Constantinos I. Siettos
, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Dimitrios Maroudas:
Coarse bifurcation Diagrams via Microscopic Simulators: a State-Feedback Control-Based Approach. 207-220 - Kathamuthu Thamilmaran
, M. Lakshmanan
, A. Venkatesan
Hyperchaos in a Modified Canonical Chua's Circuit. 221-243 - Recai Kiliç, Mustafa Alçi
, Enis Günay:
A Sc-cnn-Based Chaotic Masking System with Feedback. 245-256 - S. Morfu, Patrick Marquié, Jean-Marie Bilbault:
Pinning of a kink in a Nonlinear Diffusive Medium with a Geometrical bifurcation: Theory and Experiments. 257-262 - Shigeru Kubota, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Computational Model of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: a Unified Explanation of the Treatments. 263-277 - Yongai Zheng, Guanrong Chen
Single State-Feedback Chaotification of Discrete Dynamical Systems. 279-284 - Hong Sze Kwok, Wallace Kit-Sang Tang
, Kim-Fung Man
Online Secure Chatting System Using Discrete Chaotic Map. 285-292 - Svetoslav G. Nikolov, Valko Petrov:
New Results about Route to Chaos in Rossler System. 293-308 - Jonq Juang, Shih-Feng Shieh:
On the Spatial Entropy of Two-Dimensional Golden Mean. 309-319 - Xiaoling Wang, Chung-Chun Yang:
On Wandering and Baker Domains of Transcendental Entire Functions. 321-327 - Hongjiong Tian, Qian Guo
Dynamics of Linear Multistep Methods for Delay Differential Equations. 329-336 - Qinsheng Bi:
Dynamics and Modulated Chaos for Two Coupled oscillators. 337-346 - Mao-Yin Chen, Zheng-Zhi Han, Yun Shang:
General Synchronization of Genesio-tesi Systems. 347-354
Volume 14, Number 2, February 2004
- Erol Basar:
Macrodynamics of Electrical Activity in the Whole Brain. 363-381 - James Douglas Saddy
, Juan Uriagereka:
Measuring Language. 383-404 - Carsten Allefeld
, Jürgen Kurths:
Testing for Phase Synchronization. 405-416 - Carsten Allefeld
, Jürgen Kurths:
An Approach to Multivariate Phase Synchronization Analysis and its Application to Event-Related Potentials. 417-426 - Dávid Bálya, István Petrás, Tamás Roska, Ricardo Carmona
, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez:
Implementing the Multilayer Retinal Model on the Complex-Cell CNN-um Chip Prototype. 427-451 - Erol Basar, Murat Özgören
, Sirel Karakas, Canan Basar-Eroglu:
Super-Synergy in the Brain: the Grandmother Percept is Manifested by Multiple oscillations. 453-491 - Ralf Engbert
, Reinhold Kliegl
, André Longtin:
Complexity of Eye Movements in Reading. 493-503 - Ute Feldmann, Joydeep Bhattacharya:
Predictability Improvement as an Asymmetrical Measure of Interdependence in bivariate Time Series. 505-514 - Walter J. Freeman:
How and Why Brains Create Meaning from Sensory Information. 515-530 - Stefan Frisch, Peter beim Graben, Matthias Schlesewsky:
Parallelizing Grammatical Functions: P600 and P345 Reflect Different Cost of Reanalysis. 531-549 - Viktor Gál, József Hámori, Tamás Roska, Dávid Bálya, Zsolt Borostyánköi, Mátyás Brendel, Károly Lotz, Laszlo Négyessy
, László Orzó, István Petrás, Csaba Rekeczky, József Takács, Péter L. Venetianer, Zoltán Vidnyánszky, Ákos Zarándy:
Receptive Field Atlas and Related CNN Models. 551-584 - R. Fdez Galán, Raphael Ritz
, Andreas V. M. Herz, Paul Szyszka
Uncovering Short-Time Correlations between Multichannel Recordings of Brain Activity: a Phase-Space Approach. 585-597 - Peter beim Graben, Bryan Jurish, James Douglas Saddy
, Stefan Frisch:
Language Processing by Dynamical Systems. 599-621 - Christoph S. Herrmann
, Andreas Klaus
Autapse Turns Neuron into oscillator. 623-633 - Martin T. Huber, Hans A. Braun, Jürgen-Christian Krieg:
Recurrent Affective Disorders: Nonlinear and Stochastic Models of Disease Dynamics. 635-652 - Axel Hutt
An Analytical Framework for Modeling Evoked and Event-Related Potentials. 653-666 - Ines Jentzsch
Independent Component Analysis Separates Sequence-Sensitive ERP Components. 667-678 - Viktor K. Jirsa
Information Processing in Brain and Behavior Displayed in Large-Scale Scalp Topographies such as EEG and MEG. 679-692 - Karsten Keller
, Katharina Wittfeld:
Distances of Time Series Components by Means of Symbolic Dynamics. 693-703 - Wolfgang Klimesch, Manuel Schabus
, Michael Doppelmayr
, Walter Gruber, Paul Sauseng:
Evoked oscillations and Early Components of Event-Related Potentials: an Analysis. 705-718 - Jens Kohlmorgen, Benjamin Blankertz:
Bayesian Classification of Single-Trial Event-Related Potentials in EEG. 719-726 - Jürgen Kornmeier
, Michael Bach
, Harald Atmanspacher:
Correlates of Perceptive Instabilities in Event-Related Potentials. 727-736 - Carlos Lourenço
Attention-Locked Computation with Chaotic Neural Nets. 737-760 - Norbert Marwan
, Anja Meinke:
Extended Recurrence Plot Analysis and its Application to ERP Data. 761-771 - Klaus-Robert Müller
, Ricardo Vigário
, Frank C. Meinecke, Andreas Ziehe:
Blind Source Separation Techniques for Decomposing Event-Related Brain Signals. 773-791 - Bärbel Schack:
How to Construct a Microstate-Based Alphabet for Evaluating Information Processing in Time. 793-814 - Ralf Steuer, Werner Ebeling, Thomas Bengner
, C. Dehnicke, H. Hättig, H.-J. Meencke:
Entropy and Complexity Analysis of Intracranially recorded EEG. 815-823 - Ramesh Srinivasan:
Internal and External Neural Synchronization during Conscious Perception. 825-842 - Frank S. Werblin, Botond M. Roska:
Parallel Visual Processing: a Tutorial of Retinal Function. 843-852 - James Joseph Wright, Christopher J. Rennie, G. J. Lees, Peter A. Robinson
, Paul David Bourke
, C. L. Chapman, E. Gordon, D. L. Rowe:
Simulated Electrocortical Activity at Microscopic, Mesoscopic and Global Scales. 853-872
Volume 14, Number 3, March 2004
- Oscar De Feo:
Qualitative Resonance of SHIL'nikov-like Strange attractors, Part I: Experimental Evidence. 873-891 - Oscar De Feo:
Qualitative Resonance of SHIL'nikov-like Strange attractors, Part II: Mathematical Analysis. 893-912 - Tanya Kostova, Renuka Ravindran, Maria E. Schonbek:
Fitzhugh-nagumo Revisited: Types of bifurcations, Periodical Forcing and Stability Regions by a Lyapunov Functional. 913-925 - Mário S. T. de Freitas, Ricardo Luiz Viana
, Celso Grebogi:
Multistability, Basin Boundary Structure, and Chaotic Behavior in a Suspension Bridge Model. 927-950 - Federico I. Robbio, Diego M. Alonso
, Jorge L. Moiola
On Semi-Analytical Procedure for Detecting Limit Cycle bifurcations. 951-970 - Wenbo Liu
, Guanrong Chen
Dynamical Analysis of a Chaotic System with Two Double-scroll Chaotic attractors. 971-998 - Pedro G. Lind
, Sven Titz, Till Kuhlbrodt
, João A. M. Corte-Real
, Jürgen Kurths, Jason Alfredo Carlson Gallas
, Ulrike Feudel:
Coupled Bistable Maps: a Tool to Study convection Parameterization in Ocean Models. 999-1015 - Toby Elmhirst:
Sn-Equivariant Symmetry-Breaking bifurcations. 1017-1036 - Stephen A. Billings, Kian L. Lee:
A Smoothing Algorithm for Nonlinear Time Series. 1037-1051 - Qian Shu Li, Rui Zhu:
Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Chua System. 1053-1057 - Carlos Aguilar Ibáñez, Miguel Santiago Suárez-Castañón, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez:
Control of the Chua's System Based on a Differential Flatness Approach. 1059-1069 - Recai Kiliç:
Chaos Synchronization in SC-CNN-Based Circuit and an Interesting Investigation: Can a SC-CNN-Based Circuit Behave Synchronously with the Original Chua's Circuit? 1071-1083 - Luigi Fortuna, Domenico Porto:
Quantum-CNN to Generate Nanoscale Chaotic oscillators. 1085-1089 - Yu-Ping Tian, Xinghuo Yu
, Leon O. Chua:
Time-Delayed impulsive Control of Chaotic Hybrid Systems. 1091-1104 - K. Yoshimura:
Secure Communications Using Cascaded Chaotic Optical Rings. 1105-1113 - Hongjun Cao, Xuebin Chi, Guanrong Chen
Suppressing or Inducing Chaos by Weak Resonant excitations in an Externally-Forced Froude Pendulum. 1115-1120 - Ricardo López-Ruiz, S. Boccaletti:
Symmetry Induced heteroclinic Cycles in a Co2 Laser. 1121-1127 - Tomomichi Nakamura, Devin Kilminster, Kevin Judd, Alistair I. Mees:
A Comparative Study of Model Selection Methods for Nonlinear Time Series. 1129-1146 - Ljupco Kocarev, Zarko Tasev:
Chaos and Control of Transient Chaos in Turbo-Decoding Algorithms. 1147-1153 - John F. Lindner, Scott B. Hughes, David J. Miller, Bradley C. Thomas, Kurt Wiesenfeld:
The flux creep Automaton. 1155-1175
Volume 14, Number 4, April 2004
- Rechel M. Hilliam, Anthony J. Lawrance:
The Dynamics and Statistics of bivariate Chaotic Maps in Communications Modeling. 1177-1194 - Valentin S. Afraimovich, Mikhail I. Rabinovich
, Pablo Varona
Heteroclinic Contours in Neural Ensembles and the Winnerless Competition Principle. 1195-1208 - Bertram E. Shi
Oriented Spatial Pattern Formation in a Four Layer CMOS Cellular Neural Network. 1209-1221 - Michael E. Henderson
, Sébastien Neukirch:
Classification of the Spatial Equilibria of the Clamped elastica: Numerical Continuation of the Solution Set. 1223-1239 - A. Yu. Kuznetsova, Alexander P. Kuznetsov
, C. Knudsen, Erik Mosekilde
Catastrophe Theoretic Classification of Nonlinear oscillators. 1241-1266 - Stephen P. Banks, David Diaz:
Almost Radially-Invariant Systems Containing Arbitrary Knots and Links. 1267-1276 - Jan Andres, Jirí Fiser
Metric and Topological Multivalued Fractals. 1277-1289 - M. Seredynska, Andrzej Hanyga
A Nonlinear Differential equation of fractional Order with Chaotic Properties. 1291-1304 - Tetsushi Ueta
, Hisayo Miyazaki, Takuji Kousaka, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Bifurcation and Chaos in Coupled BVP oscillators. 1305-1324 - Lucia Russo
, Silvestro Crescitelli, Erasmo Mancusi
, Pier Luca Maffettone
Nonlinear Analysis of a Network of Three Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors with Periodic Feed Switching: Symmetry and Symmetry-Breaking. 1325-1341 - Zhao Lu, Leang-San Shieh, Jagdish Chandra:
Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems: a Sliding Mode Design via Chaotic Optimization. 1343-1355 - Gilles Millerioux, Jamal Daafouz:
Unknown Input Observers for Message-Embedded Chaos Synchronization of Discrete-Time Systems. 1357-1368 - Recai Kiliç:
Experimental Study of Cfoa-Based inductorless Chua's Circuit. 1369-1374 - Syamal Kumar Dana, Satyabrata Chakraborty:
Generation of homoclinic oscillation in the Phase Synchronization Regime in Coupled Chua's oscillators. 1375-1383 - S. Morfu, Jean-Christophe Comte:
A Nonlinear oscillators Network devoted to Image Processing. 1385-1394 - Wenbo Liu
, Guanrong Chen
Can a Three-Dimensional Smooth Autonomous Quadratic Chaotic System Generate a Single Four-scroll Attractor? 1395-1403 - Hong Sze Kwok, Wallace Kit-Sang Tang
Chaotification of Discrete-Time Systems Using Neurons. 1405-1411 - Jousuke Kuroiwa, Naoki Masutani, Shigetoshi Nara, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Sensitive Response of a Chaotic Wandering State to Memory Fragment Inputs in a Chaotic Neural Network Model. 1413-1421 - Andrew Y. T. Leung, Jinchen Ji
, Guanrong Chen
Resonance Control for a Forced Single-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear System. 1423-1429 - Junguo Lu, Yugeng Xi, Xiaofan Wang:
Global Synchronization of a Class of Chaotic Systems with a Scalar Transmitted Signal. 1431-1437 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
Adaptive Control of Uncertain Lorenz System Using Decoupled Backstepping. 1439-1445 - G. Hussian Erjaee, M. H. Atabakzade, L. M. Saha:
Interesting Synchronization-like Behavior. 1447-1453 - Andrew Y. T. Leung, Zengrong Liu:
Suppressing Chaos for Some Nonlinear oscillators. 1455-1465 - Yousef Al-Assaf, Wajdi Ahmad:
Parameter Identification of Chaotic Systems Using Wavelets and Neural Networks. 1467-1476 - Xiaoli Hu, Jibin Li:
Periodic Solutions for a Fourth-Order equation and Applications in a Model of Structural mechanics. 1477-1488 - Michal Misiurewicz:
Entropy of Maps with Horizontal Gaps. 1489-1492 - Bingo Wing-Kuen Ling, Charlotte Yuk-Fan Ho, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam:
Detection of Chaos in Some Local Regions of Phase Portraits Using Shannon Entropies. 1493-1499 - Jun Hu:
Continuous Extensions are not HÖlder. 1501-1505
Volume 14, Number 5, May 2004
- Jinhu Lu
, Guanrong Chen
, Daizhan Cheng:
A New Chaotic System and Beyond: the Generalized Lorenz-like System. 1507-1537 - Paul E. Phillipson, Peter Schuster:
An Analytic Picture of Neuron oscillations. 1539-1548 - Frank Hoppensteadt:
Modeling the Cumulative Distribution Function of Spikes in Neural Networks. 1549-1558 - Katsumi Tateno
, Hideyuki Tomonari, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka:
Phase Dependent Transition between multistable States in a Neural Network with Reciprocal Inhibition. 1559-1575 - P. S. Bindu
, M. Lakshmanan
, M. Senthilvelan
On the Integrability, BÄcklund Transformation and Symmetry Aspects of a Generalized Fisher Type Nonlinear Reaction-diffusion equation. 1577-1600 - Laura Gardini, Ilaria Foroni
, Christian Mira:
On a Particular Foliation Associated with a Polynomial Family of Noninvertible Maps of the Plane. 1601-1624 - María Belén D'Amico, Jorge L. Moiola
, Eduardo E. Paolini
Study of degenerate bifurcations in Maps: a Feedback Systems Approach. 1625-1641 - Anna Vasylenko, Yuri L. Maistrenko, Orla Feely
, Ulrike Feudel:
Mode-Locking in Quasiperiodically Forced Systems with Very Small Driving Frequency. 1643-1654 - Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, Arje Nachman:
Enhancement of Detectability of Noisy Signals by Stochastic Resonance in Arrays. 1655-1670 - Mao-Yin Chen, Zheng-Zhi Han, Yun Shang, Guang-Deng Zong
Controlling Uncertain van der Pol oscillator via Robust Nonlinear Feedback Control. 1671-1681 - Pei Yu, Guanrong Chen
Hopf bifurcation Control Using Nonlinear Feedback with Polynomial Functions. 1683-1704 - Yu Huang:
Boundary Feedback Anticontrol of Spatiotemporal Chaos for 1D Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems. 1705-1723 - Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Star Cellular Neural Networks for Associative and Dynamic Memories. 1725-1772 - Donato Cafagna
, Giuseppe Grassi:
A New Phenomenon in nonautonomous Chua's Circuits: Generation of Chaotic Beats. 1773-1788 - Fernando Fernández-Sánchez
, Emilio Freire
, Alejandro J. Rodríguez-Luis
Bi-spiraling homoclinic Curves around a T-Point in Chua's equation. 1789-1793 - Tianshou Zhou, Guanrong Chen
A Simple Smooth Chaotic System with a 3-Layer Attractor. 1795-1799 - M. Wendeker, Grzegorz Litak
, Jacek Czarnigowski
, K. Szabelski:
Nonperiodic oscillations of Pressure in a SPARK Ignition Combustion Engine. 1801-1806 - Mauro Di Marco
, Mauro Forti
, Paolo Nistri, Alberto Tesi
On the Effect of Neuron Activation Gain on Robustness of Complete Stability. 1807-1811 - Li Li, Huaguang Gu
, Minghao Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Wei Ren:
A Series of bifurcation Scenarios in the Firing Pattern Transitions in an Experimental Neural pacemaker. 1813-1817 - Stéphane Binczak, Jean-Marie Bilbault:
Experimental Propagation Failure in a Nonlinear Electrical Lattice. 1819-1830 - Faridon Amdjadi:
Multiple Hopf bifurcation and Chaotic Reversing Waves in Problems with O(2) Symmetry. 1831-1838 - Hongjiong Tian:
Numerical and Analytic dissipativity of the theta-Method for Delay Differential Equations with a Bounded Variable Lag. 1839-1845 - Xiao-Song Yang, Qingdu Li
Existence of Horseshoe in a Foodweb Model. 1847-1852 - Tonghua Zhang
, Wencheng Chen, Hong Zang:
The Abelian integrals of a One-Parameter Hamiltonian System under cubic Perturbations. 1853-1862 - Liang Chen
, Xiao Fan Wang, Zheng Zhi Han:
Controlling bifurcation and Chaos in Internet Congestion Control Model. 1863-1876 - J. Y. Chen, K. W. Wong, J. W. Shuai:
Phase Synchronization between Two Different oscillators with Unidirectional Signal Coupling. 1877-1884 - En-Guo Gu, Jiong Ruan, Wei Lin:
Algorithm for Estimation of the Stable Basin in Controlling Chaotic Discrete Dynamics. 1885-1899
Volume 14, Number 6, June 2004
- Henning U. Voss, Jens Timmer, Jürgen Kurths:
Nonlinear Dynamical System Identification from Uncertain and Indirect Measurements. 1905-1933 - Holger Kantz
, Mario Ragwitz
Phase Space Reconstruction and Nonlinear Predictions for Stationary and nonstationary Markovian Processes. 1935-1945 - Alexander Hornstein, Ulrich Parlitz:
Bias Reduction for Time Series Models Based on Support Vector Regression. 1947-1956 - Hauke Busch
, Marc-Thorsten Hütt:
Scale-Dependence of Spatiotemporal Filters Inspired by Cellular Automata. 1957-1973 - Rastko Zivanovic:
On the Use of Partially Linear Model in Identification of Arcing-Fault Location on Overhead High-voltage Transmission Lines. 1975-1985 - Andreas Kaiser, Thomas Schreiber:
Nonparametric Detection of Dependences in Stochastic Point Processes. 1987-1993 - Roland Chrobok, Andreas Pottmeier, Sigurdur F. Hafstein
, Michael Schreckenberg:
Traffic Forecast in Large Scale Freeway Networks. 1995-2004 - Malte Siefert, Joachim Peinke
Reconstruction of the Deterministic Dynamics of Stochastic Systems. 2005-2010 - Simon Mandelj, Igor Grabec
, Edvard Govekar:
Nonparametric Statistical Modeling of Spatiotemporal Dynamics Based on recorded Data. 2011-2025 - Markus Abel:
Nonparametric Modeling and Spatiotemporal Dynamical Systems. 2027-2039 - Rafael M. Gutiérrez:
Optimal Nonlinear Models from Empirical Time Series: an Application to Climate. 2041-2052 - T. G. Müller, Jens Timmer:
Parameter Identification Techniques for Partial Differential Equations. 2053-2060 - José M. Casado
, J. P. Baltanás:
Reliability of Spike Timing in a Neuron Model. 2061-2068 - Jens Timmer, T. G. Müller, I. Swameye, O. Sandra, Ursula Klingmüller
Modeling the Nonlinear Dynamics of Cellular Signal Transduction. 2069-2079 - Douglas Maraun
, Werner Horbelt, Henning W. Rust
, Jens Timmer, H. P. Happersberger, F. Drepper:
Identification of Rate Constants and nonobservable Absorption Spectra in Nonlinear Biochemical Reaction Dynamics. 2081-2092 - A. Sitz, Udo Schwarz, Jürgen Kurths:
The Unscented Kalman Filter, a Powerful Tool for Data Analysis. 2093-2105 - Marco Thiel, M. Carmen Romano, Udo Schwarz, Jürgen Kurths, Jens Timmer:
Surrogate-Based Hypothesis Test without Surrogates. 2107-2114 - A. G. Rossberg:
On the Limits of Spectral Methods for Frequency Estimation. 2115-2123 - Niels Wessel
, Jörg Aßmus, Udo Schwarz, Jürgen Kurths, Frank Weidermann, Jan Konvicka, Steffen Nestmann, Raimund Neugebauer:
Modeling thermal Displacements in Modular Tool Systems. 2125-2132 - Ioan Grosu:
Estimation of Model Parameters from Time Series by Opcl Auto-Synchronization. 2133-2141
Volume 14, Number 7, July 2004
- Andrey Shilnikov
, Leonid Pavlovich Shilnikov, Dmitry Turaev
On Some Mathematical Topics in Classical Synchronization.: a Tutorial. 2143-2160 - Goong Chen, Tingwen Huang
, Yu Huang:
Chaotic Behavior of Interval Maps and Total Variations of iterates. 2161-2186 - Ben de Lacy Costello
, Norman Ratcliffe, Andrew Adamatzky, Alexey L. Zanin, Andreas W. Liehr
, Hans-Georg Purwins:
The Formation of Voronoi Diagrams in Chemical and Physical Systems: Experimental Findings and Theoretical Models. 2187-2210 - Lequan Min, Guanrong Chen
Local Activity of the van der Pol CNN. 2211-2222 - Hsin-Mei Chang, Jong Juang:
Piecewise Two-Dimensional Maps and Applications to Cellular Neural Networks. 2223-2228 - Guanrong Chen
, Jin Zhou, Zengrong Liu:
Global Synchronization of Coupled Delayed Neural Networks and Applications to Chaotic CNN Models. 2229-2240 - Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta
, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara:
A Design Method of bursting Using Two-Parameter bifurcation Diagrams in Fitzhugh-nagumo Model. 2241-2252 - Yuri A. Kuznetsov
, Hil G. E. Meijer, Lennaert van Veen:
The fold-flip bifurcation. 2253-2282 - Guilin Wen, Daolin Xu:
Designing Hopf bifurcations into Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems via Feedback Control. 2283-2293 - Hsun-Pang Wang, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai, Yong-Il Yi, Leang-San Shieh:
Lifted Digital Redesign of Prediction-Based Digital Controller for Hybrid Chaotic System. 2295-2320 - Marius-F. Danca
Chaotifying Discontinuous Dynamical Systems via Time-Delay Feedback Algorithm. 2321-2339 - László E. Kollár, Gábor Stépán
, Janos Turi:
Dynamics of Piecewise Linear Discontinuous Maps. 2341-2351 - Miguel Mendes, Matthew Nicol:
Periodicity and Recurrence in Piecewise Rotations of Euclidean Spaces. 2353-2361 - Debin Huang:
Breather Competition and Pulse orbits in the damped Driven Sine-gordon equation. 2363-2373 - F. A. Borotto
, A. C.-L. Chian, Erico Luiz Rempel:
Alfvén interior Crisis. 2375-2380 - S. A. Bible, James M. McDonough:
Basins of Attraction of the Two-Dimensional "poor Man's Navier-stokes equation". 2381-2386 - Hendrik Mathes, P. J. Plath:
Application of Monodispersive Foams as a Spatially Structured Two-Phase Medium for Chemical Gas/Liquid-reactions. 2387-2392 - Qian Shu Li, Rui Zhu:
Mesoscopic Description of Chemical Supercritical Hopf bifurcation. 2393-2397 - Stamatios C. Nicolis
Fluctuation-Induced Symmetry Breaking in a Bistable System: a Generic Mechanism of Selection between Competing Options. 2399-2405 - Jousuke Kuroiwa, Takafumi Miki:
Logistic Mapping with a Time-Dependent System-Parameter and its Attractor Basins with Self-Similar Structure. 2407-2416 - Ilias S. Kotsireas, Kostas Karamanos:
Exact Computation of the bifurcation Point B4 of the logistic Map and the Bailey-broadhurst Conjectures. 2417-2423 - Bingo Wing-Kuen Ling, Wai-Fung Hung, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam:
Chaotic Behaviors of a Digital Filter with Two's Complement Arithmetic and Arbitrary Initial Conditions and Order. 2425-2430 - Gabriel Pérez:
Robust Chaos in Polynomial unimodal Maps. 2431-2437 - M. I. Feigin, M. A. Kagan:
Emergencies as a Manifestation of the Effect of bifurcation Memory in Controlled Unstable Systems. 2439-2447 - Tonghua Zhang, Wencheng Chen, Maoan Han, Hong Zang:
The Abelian integrals of a One-Parameter Hamiltonian System under Polynomial Perturbations. 2449-2456 - Alexander Loskutov, Sergei Rybalko
, Ekaterina Zhuchkova:
Model of Cardiac Tissue as a conductive System with Interacting pacemakers and Refractory Time. 2457-2466 - Moez Feki
Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Parametric Uncertainties Using Sliding Observers. 2467-2475 - Samuel Bowong, F. M. Moukam Kakmeni
, Rodoumta Koina:
A New Synchronization Principle for a Class of Lur'e Systems with Applications in Secure Communication. 2477-2491 - Silvano Cincotti
, Andrea Teglio:
A Receiver Design Approach to Generalized Synchronization on a Linear Manifold. 2493-2502 - Jianxin Zhang, Xiaodong Chen, Anthony C. Davies:
Loop Gain and its Relation to Nonlinear Behavior and Chaos in a Transformer-Coupled oscillator. 2503-2512 - Yasuteru Hosokawa, Yoshifumi Nishio
Simple Chaotic Circuit Using CMOS Ring oscillators. 2513-2524
Volume 14, Number 8, August 2004
- Igor N. Gashenenko
, Peter H. Richter:
Enveloping Surfaces and Admissible Velocities of Heavy Rigid Bodies. 2525-2553 - Richard J. Wiederien, Firdaus E. Udwadia:
Global Patterns from Local Interactions: a Dynamical Systems Approach. 2555-2578 - Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Structurally Stable Two-Cell Cellular Neural Networks. 2579-2653 - Larry Turyn:
Cellular Neural Networks: Asymmetric Space-Dependent Templates, Mosaic Patterns, and Spatial Chaos. 2655-2665 - Shyan-Shiou Chen, Chih-Wen Shih:
Dynamics for Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks. 2667-2687 - Miroslava Dubcová, Daniel Turzík, Alois Klíc:
Stability of Steady-State Solutions in Multidimensional Coupled Map Lattices. 2689-2699 - Joydeep Bhattacharya, Katsumi Watanabe
, Shinsuke Shimojo:
Nonlinear Dynamics of Evoked neuromagnetic Responses Signifies Potential Defensive Mechanisms against Photosensitivity. 2701-2720 - Juan Gonzalo Barajas-Ramírez
, Guanrong Chen
, Leang-San Shieh:
Fuzzy Chaos Synchronization via sampled Driving Signals. 2721-2733 - Matjaz Perc
, Marko Marhl:
Synchronization of Regular and Chaotic oscillations: the Role of Local Divergence and the Slow Passage Effect - a Case Study on calcium oscillations. 2735-2751 - Huailei Wang, Haiyan Hu
, Zaihua Wang
Global Dynamics of a Duffing oscillator with Delayed Displacement Feedback. 2753-2775 - Jian Xu
, Pei Yu:
Delay-Induced bifurcations in a nonautonomous System with Delayed Velocity Feedbacks. 2777-2798 - Shangjiang Guo
, Lihong Huang, Lin Wang
Linear Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a Two-Neuron Network with Three Delays. 2799-2810 - Svetoslav G. Nikolov:
First Lyapunov Value and bifurcation Behavior of Specific Class of Three-Dimensional Systems. 2811-2823 - Zhiqiang Wu, Pei Yu, Keqi Wang:
Bifurcation Analysis on a Self-excited hysteretic System. 2825-2842 - Jaume Llibre, Antonio E. Teruel
Existence of PoincarÉ Maps in Piecewise Linear Differential Systems in Rn. 2843-2851 - Dongyun Du, Yun Tang:
Bifurcation Analysis of Differential-Difference-Algebraic Equations. 2853-2865 - Ken Kiers, Tim Klein, Jeff Kolb, Steve Price, Julien Clinton Sprott:
Chaos in a Nonlinear Analog Computer. 2867-2873 - Raymond Hide, Patrick E. McSharry
, Christopher C. Finlay
, Guy D. Peskett:
Quenching Lorenzian Chaos. 2875-2884 - Irene M. Moroz:
The Malkus-robbins dynamo with a Nonlinear Series Motor. 2885-2892 - Jing Hui, Lansun Chen:
Dynamic Complexities in Ratio-Dependent Predator-prey Ecosystem Models with Birth Pulse and Pesticide Pulse. 2893-2903 - Yuhai Wu, Maoan Han, Xianfeng Chen:
On the Study of Limit Cycles of the Generalized Rayleigh-lienard oscillator. 2905-2914 - Jianhong Wu, Ruyuan Zhang, Xingfu Zou:
Multiple Periodic Patterns via Discrete Neural Nets with Delayed Feedback Loops. 2915-2923 - Xiaolin Li, Jinde Cao:
Global Exponential Robust Stability of Delayed Neural Networks. 2925-2931 - Shek-Wai Ng, Yim-Shu Lee, S. S. Qiu:
A Novel Switched Circuit for Chaotic Communication. 2933-2941 - Ömer Morgül:
A Model-Based Scheme for Anticontrol of Some Discrete-Time Chaotic Systems. 2943-2954 - Andrew Y. T. Leung, Zengrong Liu:
Some New Methods to Suppress Chaos for a Kind of Nonlinear oscillator. 2955-2961 - K. Li, Yeng Chai Soh, Zheng Guo Li:
Synchronization of Lorenz Systems via impulsive Control and Sporadic Coupling. 2963-2969 - Simon C. Wong, C. K. Tse, K. C. Tam:
Intermittent Chaotic Operation in Switching Power converters. 2971-2978 - Fanji Gu, Enhua Shen, Xin Meng, Yang Cao, Zhijie Cai:
Higher Order Complexity of Time Series. 2979-2990 - Peter C. Chu, Leonid M. Ivanov, Tatyana M. Margolina:
Rotation Method for Reconstructing Process and Field from Imperfect Data. 2991-2997
Volume 14, Number 9, September 2004
- Christopher T. H. Baker, Judith M. Ford, Neville J. Ford
Bifurcations in Approximate Solutions of Stochastic Delay Differential Equations. 2999-3021 - Thomas Schimming, Federico Bizzarri
, Marco Storace, Martin Hasler:
Classification of Chaotic Sequences with Open-Loop Estimator - Optimal Design for Noisy Environments. 3023-3043 - Donato Cafagna
, Giuseppe Grassi:
Chaotic Beats in a Modified Chua's Circuit: Dynamic Behavior and Circuit Design. 3045-3064 - Zhisheng Duan, Jin-Zhi Wang, Lin Huang:
Multi-Input and Multi-Output Nonlinear Systems: Interconnected Chua's Circuits. 3065-3081 - Devi Putra, Henk Nijmeijer:
Limit cycling in an Observer-Based Controlled System with Friction: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation. 3083-3093 - Eugenio Gutiérrez, David K. Arrowsmith:
Control of a Double Impacting Mechanical oscillator Using Displacement Feedback. 3095-3113 - Krzysztof Czolczynski
, Tomasz Kapitaniak
On the Existence of a Stable Periodic Solution of an Impacting oscillator with Two Fenders. 3115-3134 - Yoshisuke Ueda, Makoto Hirano, Hirofumi Ohta, Ralph H. Abraham:
Attractor and Basin Portraits of a Double Swing Power System. 3135-3152 - Ing-Guey Jiang, Li-Chin Yeh:
Dynamical Effects from Asteroid Belts for Planetary Systems. 3153-3166 - Tianshou Zhou, Yun Tang, Guanrong Chen
Chen's Attractor Exists. 3167-3177 - Song-Sun Lin, Wen-Wei Lin, Ting-Hui Yang
Bifurcations and Chaos in Two-Cell Cellular Neural Networks with Periodic Inputs. 3179-3204 - David J. Deshazer, Romulus Breban
, Edward Ott
, Rajarshi Roy
Phase Synchronization in a Modulated Chaotic Laser Array. 3205-3216 - Ramón Alonso-Sanz:
One-Dimensional R=2 Cellular Automata with Memory. 3217-3248 - Kwok Wai Chung
, B. N. Wang:
Automatic Generation of Aesthetic Patterns on Aperiodic Tilings by Means of Dynamical Systems. 3249-3267 - Qian Shu Li, Aizhong Lei:
Intrinsic Fluctuation of Chua System. 3269-3275 - Recai Kiliç, Mustafa Alçi
, Enis Günay:
Two impulsive Synchronization Studies Using SC-CNN-Based Circuit and Chua's Circuit. 3277-3293 - Jitao Sun, Yinping Zhang:
Impulsive Control of n-scroll Grid attractors. 3295-3301 - Munther A. Hassouneh, Eyad H. Abed:
Border Collision bifurcation Control of Cardiac Alternans. 3303-3315 - Huaizhou Zhang, Guanrong Chen
Single-Input Multi-Output State-Feedback Chaotification of General Discrete Systems. 3317-3323 - Guanghui Xiang, Maoan Han:
Global bifurcation of Limit Cycles in a Family of multiparameter System. 3325-3335 - Jianping Peng, Duo Wang:
A Sufficient Condition for the uniqueness of Normal Forms and Unique Normal Forms of Generalized Hopf Singularities. 3337-3345 - Hiroshi Yokoi, Andy Adamatzky, Ben de Lacy Costello
, Chris Melhuish:
Excitable Chemical Medium Controller for a Robotic Hand: Closed-Loop Experiments. 3347-3354 - Cecilia Cabeza, Carlos Negreira, Vincent Gibiat:
Coexistence of Localized Structures and Patterns in Faraday Instability for High dissipative fluids. 3355-3361 - Rita Cassia-Moura
, Fagen Xie, Hilda A. Cerdeira
Effect of Heterogeneity on Spiral Wave Dynamics in Simulated Cardiac Tissue. 3363-3375 - Xiaofeng Liao, Kwok-Wo Wong, Shizhong Yang:
Stability Analysis for Delayed Cellular Neural Networks Based on Linear Matrix inequality Approach. 3377-3384
Volume 14, Number 10, October 2004
- Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Thorsten Hüls, Yongkui Zou:
Numerical Analysis of degenerate Connecting orbits for Maps. 3385-3407 - Marius-F. Danca
, Guanrong Chen
Bifurcation and Chaos in a Complex Model of dissipative Medium. 3409-3447 - Motohisa Osaka, Mari A. Watanabe:
A Modified Chua Circuit Simulates 1/F-like Fluctuation of Heartbeat Intervals. 3449-3457 - Gareth E. Roberts
, Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski:
Newton's versus Halley's Method: a Dynamical Systems Approach. 3459-3475 - Lijuan Chen, Jibin Li:
Chaotic Behavior and Subharmonic bifurcations for a Rotating Pendulum equation. 3477-3488 - Guilin Wen, Daolin Xu:
Implicit Criteria of Eigenvalue Assignment and Transversality for bifurcation Control in Four-Dimensional Maps. 3489-3503 - Huaguang Zhang, Zhiliang Wang, Derong Liu
Chaotifying Fuzzy Hyperbolic Model Using Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control Approach. 3505-3517 - Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, Arje Nachman, Liqiang Zhu:
Suppression of Jamming in Excitable Systems by Aperiodic Stochastic Resonance. 3519-3539 - Zhengrong Liu, Qixiu Li, Qingmei Lin:
New Bounded Traveling Waves of Camassa-holm equation. 3541-3556 - Erik M. Boczko, Todd R. Young:
Basins of Attraction for Cascading Maps. 3557-3566 - Levente Török, Tamás Roska:
Stability of Multi-Layer Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Networks. 3567-3586 - Shing-Lin Chang, Huei-Shuang Chen, Cheng-Sheng Chien:
Multigrid-Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Reaction-diffusion Systems. 3587-3605 - Shunji Kawamoto, Takeshi Horiuchi:
Algorithm for Exact Long Time Chaotic Series and its Application to Cryptosystems. 3607-3611 - Yaobin Mao, Guanrong Chen
, Shiguo Lian:
A Novel Fast Image Encryption Scheme Based on 3D Chaotic Baker Maps. 3613-3624 - Daolin Xu, Chin Yi Chee:
Chaotic Encryption with Transient Dynamics Induced by Pseudo-Random Switching Keys. 3625-3631 - Wai Man Tam, Francis Chung-Ming Lau
, Chi Kong Tse:
Performance Analysis of Multiple Access Chaotic-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems Using Parallel Interference Cancellation Receivers. 3633-3646 - Federico I. Robbio, Diego M. Alonso
, Jorge L. Moiola
Detection of Limit Cycle bifurcations Using Harmonic Balance Methods. 3647-3654 - Takuji Kousaka, Yosihito Yasuhara, Tetsushi Ueta
, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Experimental Realization of Controlling Chaos in the Periodically Switched Nonlinear Circuit. 3655-3660 - Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Gilberto Espinosa-Paredes
Exploiting the Attractor Structure for Chaos Feedback Control: the Duffing oscillator. 3661-3670 - G. P. Bystrai, S. I. Ivanova, S. I. Studenok:
Deterministic Chaos in an Interphase Layer of a Liquid-vapor System. 3671-3678 - Kazimierz Darowicki
, W. Felisiak:
Application of Cohen's Class Time-Frequency Distributions in the Belousov-zhabotinsky Reaction Analysis. 3679-3688
Volume 14, Number 11, November 2004
- Leon O. Chua, Valery I. Sbitnev
, Sook Yoon:
A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science Part III: Predicting the Unpredictable. 3689-3820 - Gamal M. Mahmoud
, Tassos Bountis:
The Dynamics of Systems of Complex Nonlinear oscillators: a Review. 3821-3846 - Eugene M. Izhikevich, Frank C. Hoppensteadt:
Classification of bursting Mappings. 3847-3854 - Vivien Kirk, Edgar Knobloch:
A Remark on heteroclinic bifurcations Near Steady State/Pitchfork bifurcations. 3855-3869 - Emilio Freire
, Enrique Ponce
, Francisco G. F. Rodrigo, Francisco Torres
A Piecewise Linear Electronic Circuit with a Multiplicity of bifurcations. 3871-3881 - David M. Winterbottom:
sqrt(5):2 Mode Interactions on a Square Lattice. 3883-3897 - B. Peña, C. Pérez-García, Michael Bestehorn:
Modulated standing Waves Resulting from a Hopf-wave Interaction in a Chemical Model. 3899-3907 - Yongli Song
, Junjie Wei, Maoan Han:
Local and Global Hopf bifurcation in a Delayed Hematopoiesis Model. 3909-3919 - Ping Bi, Maoan Han:
Existence and bifurcation of Periodic Solutions of Three-Dimensional Delay Differential Equations. 3921-3929 - Krzysztof Czolczynski
, Tomasz Kapitaniak
On the Existence of a Stable Periodic Solution of Two Impacting oscillators with Damping. 3931-3947 - Roy Tenny, Lev S. Tsimring:
Steps towards Cryptanalysis of Chaotic Active/Passive Decomposition Encryption Schemes Using Average Dynamics Estimation. 3949-3968 - Elmetwally M. Elabbasy, H. N. Agiza, M. M. el-Dessoky:
Synchronization of Modified Chen System. 3969-3979 - Mikhail Yu. Ryagin, Lev B. Ryashko
The Analysis of the Stochastically Forced Periodic attractors for Chua's Circuit. 3981-3987 - Gutti Jogesh Babu, Abraham Boyarsky, Yogendra P. Chaubey, Pawel Góra:
A New Statistical Method for Filtering and Entropy Estimation of a Chaotic Map from Noisy Data. 3989-3994 - Weiguang Yao, Pei Yu, Christopher Essex:
Communication between Synchronized Random Number Generators. 3995-4008 - Erico Luiz Rempel, A. C.-L. Chian:
AlfvÉn Chaotic saddles. 4009-4017 - Abdelkrim Boukabou
, Noura Mansouri
Controlling Chaos in Higher-Order Dynamical Systems. 4019-4025 - V. M. Somsikov:
Equilibration of a Hard-Disks System. 4027-4033
Volume 14, Number 12, December 2004
- Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Multipurpose Hysteresis CNN. 4035-4073 - M. Piacquadio Losada:
The Geometry of Farey Staircases. 4075-4096 - Orazio Descalzi
, Yumino Hayase, Helmut R. Brand:
Oscillating Localized Structures in Reaction-diffusion Systems. 4097-4104 - Rodica Borcia
, Domnic Merkt, Michael Bestehorn
A Phase-Field Description of Surface-tension-Driven Instability. 4105-4116 - Oded Gottlieb
, Alexander Oron
Stability and bifurcations of Parametrically excited Thin Liquid films. 4117-4141 - Zhuoqin Yang, Qishao Lu, Huaguang Gu
, Wei Ren:
Gwn-Induced bursting, Spiking, and Random subthreshold Impulsing oscillation before Hopf bifurcations in the Chay Model. 4143-4159 - Tiansi Zhang, Deming Zhu:
Codimension 3 homoclinic bifurcation of Orbit flip with Resonant eigenvalues Corresponding to the Tangent Directions. 4161-4175 - Figen Çilingir:
Finiteness of the Area of Basins of Attraction of Relaxed Newton Method for Certain Holomorphic Functions. 4177-4190 - Jan Awrejcewicz
, Grzegorz Kudra
, Claude-Henri Lamarque
Investigation of Triple Pendulum with Impacts Using Fundamental Solution Matrices. 4191-4213 - Efthimios Kotsialos, Manos Roumeliotis, Miltiades Adamopoulos:
A Maximally Chaotic 3D Autonomous System. 4215-4232 - Takami Matsuo
, Haruo Suemitsu, Kazushi Nakano:
Zeros and Relative Degree Assignments of Adaptive Chaotic Communication Systems. 4233-4247 - Moez Feki
Model-Independent Adaptive Control of Chua's System with cubic Nonlinearity. 4249-4263 - Radoslav Radev:
Local Relay Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Chaotic Behaviors. 4265-4273 - Xiang Zhang:
Exponential Factors and Darboux Integrability for the RÖssler System. 4275-4283 - Maoan Han, Tonghua Zhang
, Hong Zang:
On the Number and Distribution of Limit Cycles in a cubic System. 4285-4292 - Alicia Serfaty de Markus, Facultad de Ciencias:
Evaluation of the Computational Errors by Means of bifurcation Events. 4293-4300 - G. Hossian Erjaee, Fozi M. Dannan:
Stability Analysis of Periodic Solutions to the Nonstandard Discretized Model of the Lotka-volterra Predator-prey System. 4301-4308 - Zhihua Liu, Rong Yuan:
The Effect of Diffusion for a Predator-prey System with Nonmonotonic Functional Response. 4309-4316 - Yi Wang, Fang-Yue Chen:
The Entropy of Stationary Solutions' Map of Cellular Neural Networks. 4317-4323

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