Auf in die Zukunft
International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research 2022
In the face of continuously changing contextual conditions and ubiquitous disruptive crisis events, the concept of resilience refers to some of the most urgent, challenging, and interesting issues of nowadays society. Economic value networks, technical infrastructures, health systems, and social textures alike need to unfold capacities to withstand, adapt, recover or even refine and transform themselves to stay ahead of changes.
The D2R2’22 workshop, which is organized by the CoyPu project (, will provide an open forum to exchange current issues, ideas, and trends in the area of Data-driven Resilience Research among scientists, software engineers, resilience practitioners, and domain experts. Ongoing technological developments, current research approaches as well as use case scenarios, and field reports will be presented and discussed with a broad and multi-disciplinary specialist audience. We invite contributions of novel results and ongoing work as well as position papers focusing on various aspects of Data-driven Resilience Research from a scientific or practical perspective.
- Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research 2022 (Publikation)
- International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research 2022 (Sitzungssaal) (Video)
Sitzungssaal09.00 - 09.15: Begrüßung
Dr. Sebastian Tramp, CTO, eccenca GmbHOpening and Organization
09.15 - 10.30: Session I
Chair: Dr. Sebastian Tramp, CTO, eccenca GmbH-
„The Ethical Risks of Analyzing Crisis Events on Social Media with Machine Learning“
– Angelie Kraft, Ph.D. Student, University of Hamburg
„Overview of Data-Driven Hazard-Detection Technology Research at WSU’s Disaster Resilience Analytics Center for Enhancing Community Resilience“
– Prof. Dr. Atri Dutta, Associate Professor of Space Dynamics at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Wichita State University
„The Coypu Platform Data Integration Workflow“
– Dr. Natanael Arndt, Senior Linked Data Expert, eccenca GmbH
„Semantification of Geospatial Information for Enriched Knowledge Representation in Context of Crisis Informatics“
– Simon Bin, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.; Norman Radtke, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
10.30 - 11.00: Kaffee Pause
11.00 - 12.00: Session II
Chair: Dr. Sabine Gründer-Fahrer, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.- „Assessing Anonymized System Logs Usefulness for Behavioral Analysis in RNN Models“ – Tom Richard Vargis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, Technische Universität Dresden; Siavash Ghiasvand, Technische Universität Dresden
„Der Krisenbegriff und dessen Implikation für Entwicklung von intelligenten Werkzeugen zur Krisenprävention und zum Krisenmanagement“
– Tobias Gebel, Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter in der Abteilung Forschungsinfrastruktur, DIW Berlin; Selina Mudrack, Selbstregulierung Informationswirtschaft e.V. (SRIW)
„A lightweight citizens information portal for extreme weather events“
– Dr. Richard Figura, CEO, CISS TDI GmbH; Dr. Alexander Willner, CEO, CISS TDI GmbH
„FAIR – A project to make weather information more usable“
– Dr. Richard Figura, CEO, CISS TDI GmbH; Dr. Alexander Willner, CEO, CISS TDI GmbH
12.00 - 13.00: Mittagessen
13.00 - 14.30: Session III
Chair: Dr. Antonin Delpeuch, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.- „Früherkennung möglicher Versorgungsstörungen durch die Analyse tiefer Lieferketten (Deep Supply Chains)“ – Dr. Eva Hoerster, Senior Datenforscherin, DATEV eG
„Resilienzfaktoren von Wertschöpfungsketten in der Agrar- und Ernährungsbranche am Beispiel der Pflanzenölproduktion“
– Johann Lömpcke, IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH, IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH
„Multispectral Deep Learning Models for Wildfire Detection“
– Smitha Haridasan, PhD student at School of Computing at Wichita State University, Wichita State University
„Multimodal Combination of Text and Image Tweets for Disaster Response Assessment“
– Saideshwar Kota, Wichita State University
14.30 - 15.00: Kaffee Pause
15.00 - 15.45: Session IV
Chair: Roy Meissner, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.-
„Semantic-Aware Metadata and Resilience of Socio-Cultural Ecosystems“
– Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Gräbe, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
„Challenges for Achieving Supply Chain Resilience and Transparency within CoyPu“
– Philipp Ulrich, Infineon Technologies AG; Agnes Masip Gomez, Infineon Technologies AG
„Challenges in the Creation and Uptake of Ontologies“
– Dr.-Ing. Felix Engel, Projektleiter und Koordinator des Terminologiedienstes, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
15.45 - 16.00: Abschluss
Dr. Sabine Gründer-Fahrer, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.16.30 - 17.30: ScaDs.AI Living Lab Tour
Demosession mit Plakaten und Demonstratoren im ScaDS.AI Living Lab Topic: Security/Privacy
Call for Participation
Download Call
- submission:
6 May 202220 May (Abstract), 27 May (Paper) 2022 - notification:
6 June 202220 June 2022
- Information Visualization, Dashboard Technologies
- Data Modeling, Vocabulary Engineering
- Data Pipeline Architectures
- Agile Data Integration
- Continuous Integration
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Analysis
- Trend Mining and Analytics
- Temporal and Geographic Data Management
- Data Aggregation
- User Interaction
- Supply Chain Data Management
- Versioning and Co-Evolution of Linked Data
- Provenance Tracking and Exploitation
- Corporate Memory and Big Data/Linked Data Integration
- Organizational Data Applications
- (Open) Data Services
- Maximum 10 pages (full papers) or 5 pages (short papers, discussion papers, extended abstracts).
- PDF or HTML, Papers must be formatted according to the LNCS format specifications (Word and LaTeX) for HTML please see the ESWC guidelines.
- Reviews will be carried out in a single-blind mode.
- Accepted contributions will be published in the Open Access CEUR proceedings.
- At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the workshop to present their work.
Organizing Commitee
- Dr. Natanael Arndt, Senior Linked Data Expert, eccenca GmbH
- Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, Professor für Data Science and Digital Libraries an der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover und Direktor der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hannover
- Simon Bin, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Lorenz Bühmann, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Dr. Antonin Delpeuch, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Dr.-Ing. Felix Engel, Projektleiter und Koordinator des Terminologiedienstes, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- Johannes Frey, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Dr. Sabine Gründer-Fahrer, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Dr. Eva Hoerster, Senior Datenforscherin, DATEV eG
- Magnus Knuth, eccenca GmbH
- Dr. Michael Martin, Leiter Kompetenzzentrum, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.
- Edgard Marx, HTWK Leipzig/eccenca GmbH
- Dr. Sebastian Tramp, CTO, eccenca GmbH
- Prof. Dr. Ricardo Usbeck, University of Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Maria-Esther Vidal, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)