Welcome to the NTSB Accident Docket Search

NTSB accident dockets contain factual reports and the evidence investigators consider to develop a probable cause. This search tool works with all modern browsers.

Search Accident Dockets

To find an accident docket, you can search by the:

  • NTSB Accident ID number for the investigation (examples: DCA20FM005, CEN18FA310, HWY19MH010, HMD20LR004, GAA17CA436, etc.)
  • OR
  • State and City where the accident happened
  • Accident Date
  • Transportation Mode (aviation, railroad, highway, hazmat, pipeline, marine, or leave the Mode field blank to search all modes simultaneously)

Search results are sorted by accident date, state and then city.

Clicking on the Accident ID Number in the search results will take you to the docket for the investigation.


If you cannot locate the docket you’re searching for, please click here: Feedback