A downloadable game for Windows

This is my entry for Vim Jam 4 whose focus is Checkpoints and theme is Cross Paths.


You play as Gardor, guard robot armed with gun and axe. Your task is to prevent black invaders from passing through the check point you are guarding.

 The invaders will either hide inside black boxes or directly walk/fly through the border. Destroy these black invaders on the spot!

Control scheme:

- Numpad keys = Move around and aim weapon

- X = Shoots(Gun)/Slash (Axe)

- Z = Jumps

- C = Swaps weapon

- Enter = Confirm/Pause the game.

- F8 = Take a screenshot.


- Can move and shoot in 8 directions.

- 2 weapons : Gun and Axe.

- Multiple levels and branching levels

 Enjoy the game!


Barshen Border (post jam version) 13 MB
Barshen Border (jam version) 10 MB

Development log


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A nice game concept, I must say. Pretty amazing you came up with completely configurable controls as this is a jam game after all. 

Now I may need to try this a few more times to get more the hang of thigs. I guess only the black boxes are the ones to shoot and the others I must let go? This also to understand the concept of "miss" well, a that seems to be the critical stat for success or failure, after all. 

Since I'm back on Windows now I guess your games (I see you are still using OpenBOR) now don't offer too much trouble anymore to start up.

By the way, it's been a long time since we spoke and since I am no longer active on Game Jolt I was wondering to see some of my old friends from there here. How've you been?

Thanks for playing :D

And I've been well despite having financial issues.

As for Gamejolt, it has changed alot in the last couple years. It's been more like social media than game website like this.

That is precisely one of the reasons why I left the place and was already considering that while I was still serving the place as a moderator. That and also the focus on the semi-professional commercial titles and less and less to the true indie game development the site started out as. 

It pleases me that itch did not make the same mistake so far. 

And yeah, I am familiar with financial issues, trying to deal with those myself. 
Well to update on myself, I'm still developing RPG games, released Star Story II recently and I am now working on Luna's Father which is part of the Phantasar series, and its story line takes place only a few years after the events of The Secrets of Dyrt, and I am still writing novels in the Dutch language about to release my latest book soon. A few weeks ago my upper teeth have been removed surgically and I have to wear dentures now, and that brings us up-to-date, I think.

Seeing one person I know from the good old times is definitely a pleasure. And I hope I have the time to play some other games you created.