This event is endorsed
and organized by

7th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime

October 6–8, 2015 | Seoul, South Korea


Proceedings published:



Thank you everyone who participated in making ICDF2C 2015 a great success! We had a great time, and learned a lot. See you next year! For conference photos, please see our facebook page:

Thank you for participation at ICDF2C2015 letter

7th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime

In partnership with


2015/10/07 - Congratulations to Vikas Gupta and Frank Breitinger for winning the best paper award for "How Cuckoo Filter Can Improve Existing Approximate Matching Techniques"

2015/10/07we are happy to announce that the FINAL proceedings have been published:

2015/09/25 - Final Program Schedule is now ready! Checkout our exicting list of talks and tutorials here: ICDF2C Final Program

2015/09/20 - Keynotes have been confirmed. Come see Max Goncharov from Trend Micro, Inc. talk about new research on cyber underground services and Dr. Dave Dampier from Mississippi State University talk about collaboration between academia and law enforcement to fight cybercrime. Register now!

Registration is now open!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a manuscript for ICDF2C 2015. There were many very good submissions. Due to time constraints, we ultimately had an acceptance rate of 35%. If your manuscript was accepted, please see the camera ready submission instructions. If your submission was accepted as a poster, please see the poster abstract submission instructions. For everyone else, conference registration will be open on June 5th, 2015. We hope to see you in Seoul, South Korea!


SCOPE: The Internet has made it easier to perpetrate crimes by providing criminals an avenue for launching attacks with relative anonymity. The increased complexity of the communication and networking infrastructure is making investigation of cybercrimes difficult. Clues of illegal activities are often buried in large volumes of data that needs to be sifted through in order to detect crimes and collect evidence.

The field of digital forensics and cybercrime investigation has become very important for law enforcement, national security, and information assurance. This is a multidisciplinary area that encompasses law, computer science, finance, telecommunications, data analytics, and policing. This conference brings together practitioners and researchers from diverse fields providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among attendees.

Special Themes

This year, we have two themes that we intend to embrace. Authors are encouraged to submit papers relating to these themes:

  • Usage, implications and investigation of the “Dark Web”
  • Case studies and investigation techniques relating to cryptocurrencies

Keynote 2015


2014 - New Haven, CT. USA

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Henry Lee, University of New Haven
  • Douglas White, NIST

2013 - Moscow, Russia

Keynote Speaker:

  • Mr. Kunwon YANG, Interpol

2012 – Lafayette, IN

Keynote Speakers:

  • Eugene Spafford, CERIAS, Purdue University
  • Patrick K. Harrington, Tippecanoe County Prosecutor, US Special Assistant District Attorney

Tutorials by:

  • Robert Attoe, AccessData

2011 – Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Keynote Speakers:

  • Jaime Ansieta, INTERPOL
  • Marcus Rogers, CERIAS, Purdue University

Tutorials by:

  • Cindy Murphy, Madison Police Department
  • Karen Reilly, Cernam Pty Ltd
  • Veselko Hagen, Austria Federal Police

2010 – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Keynote Speakers:

  • Paul B. Kurtz, Cyber Security Industry Alliance
  • Marcus Rogers, CERIAS, Purdue University

Tutorials by:

  • Nasir Memon, New York University
  • Bhadran V K, Centre for Cyber Forensics, India

2009 – Albany, NY

Keynote Speakers:

  • Miklos Vasarhelyi, Rutgers University
  • Nitesh Dhanjani, Ernst & Young

Tutorials by:

  • NYS Digital & Multimedia Evidence Technical Working Group