All posts by Thomas Adcock

Posted On Oktober 1, 2024By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Oktober 2024

Thomas Adcock: American Carnage

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana It is the fateful afternoon of September 15, a Sunday. I am sitting in a hotel lobby in this storied city, where the Mississippi River flows gently into the Gulf of Mexico; the “Big Easy,” it’s called. I am enjoying a café au lait as I read an interesting article about a poet from Boston named Amy Silberman who died here back in 1994 when bullets rained down from the sky… … until I am interrupted by an alarm on my smartphone telling me of semi-disturbing news:Read More

Posted On September 1, 2024By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag September 2024

Thomas Adcock: Perp Walk

New York City America’s predominant criminal and aspiring autocrat is fast losing his grip, mentally and politically. The incipient collapse of Donald J. Trump and his second attempt to win reëlection brings joy, or at least relief, to a land sick and tired of his fascist following and flatulent presence. The Mar-a-Lago man grows and lazier and crazier by the day as he indulges his obsessions—misogyny and mendacity, persecution and retribution. His only solace is the golf course. It is there, in manicured fairways he navigates aboard a motorized cartRead More
The First Time I Met Thomaschen I met Thomas Wörtche in 1990 at Semana Negra (Black Week), the yearly gathering of international crime novelists, editors, and publishers in Gijón, Spain. The gathering still goes strong, thanks to the fraternal spirit of its founding organizer, the legendary author-journalist-political activist Paco Ignacio Taibo II of Mexico City. New to the scene of crime literature, I quicky accepted Señor Taibo’s invitation to Gijón, seeing it as a golden opportunity to meet colleagues beyond the clubby boundaries of my own New York City. WhatRead More
New York Two men with no desire to shake hands entered a broadcast studio in Atlanta one night in late June as player-combatants in a political drama routinely misnomered as debate. In reality, what the viewing audience beheld that night was a television art form as preposterous as professional wrestling. This time, sadly preposterous. As commentator Audie Cornish of CNN Television dubbed the event, “The Infirm versus the Unstable.” At screen right that night stood Joseph Robinette Biden, the Infirm: a slim and balding family man six feet in heightRead More
NEW YORK CITY The victory of May 30 was sweet, and we deserve to savor it. With the whole world watching, a jury of twelve everyday New Yorkers delivered a unanimous verdict in the criminal trial of a former president—a trial of historic measure that awakens my country from eight years of despairing fear; a trial that sets us free from cynicism, for however brief a time; a trial whose outcome allows us, once again, to know pride in being American. Late in the afternoon of May 30, Donald JohnRead More
NEW YORK CITY Each morning from now to June, a fat yellow-haired man awakes in an ornate bedchamber, one of many rooms in his triple-deck Manhattan penthouse atop a Fifth Avenue skyscraper. He is alone in bed, or perhaps accompanied by someone other than his Slovenian-born wife, ensconced in the couple’s sprawling Florida estate and golf resort, known as Mar-a-Lago. Lumbering through the immense bedchamber—like all other rooms in the penthouse, fashioned in the flamboyant style of the French monarch Louis XIV (1638-1715)—the fat man enters a spacious powder room.Read More
WASHINGTON On the evening of March 7, an old man derided as “Sleepy Joe” by the world’s most famous criminal defendant made his way toward a mahogany dais in a marbled chamber of the United States Congress. Tucked beneath his arm were pages of a speech he would deliver over the next hour and six minutes, via live coast-to-coast television broadcast. Virtually no one in the media commentariat believed he was up to it. But clearly, the old guy was determined to confound all doubters and detractors who purvey theRead More
New York A well-meaning lie told every day in this abominable Age of Trump is the old whopper, “No one is above the law.” Here in the United States—home to Wall Street swindlers, bible-thumping perverts, and crypto-currency hustlers—such perjury comforts the masses. But for those who recognize fables, the whopper du jure distracts from what we yearn to hear: the sound of an iron door clanging shut behind the Mar-a-Lago crime boss after he’s been frog-marched down the concrete corridor of a penitentiary and shoved into a windowless cell furnishedRead More

Posted On Februar 1, 2024By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Februar 2024

Thomas Adcock: Sein Kampf

New York Late January saw the opening acts in a calliope of crime and calumny that will entertain, irk and frighten the world as the United States lurches into the final months of this year’s presidential election campaign season. A pair of preliminary contests has now determined the people’s choice—people of the Republican Party that is—to oppose President Joe Biden on Election Day come November 5.   The man of the hour: • A bloviating, orange-complexioned, professed billionaire with poufy yellow hair, freshly ordered by a federal court to payRead More

Posted On Dezember 31, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Highlights, Highlights 2023

Thomas Adcock: Slaves of 2024

Slaves of 2024  Where are our protectors…? Of ‘shelf companies’ and ‘pig butchering’ by Thomas AdcockCopyright © 2024 – Thomas Adcock NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – U.S.A. The girl’s dark eyes read disappointment as she looks across a table at men sent by the United Nations to question her. Her eyes hint at the emergence of a young woman, beautiful in all the ways young women are beautiful. She keeps her own counsel until the moment is right to say what needs saying. Her name is Gita. (Her name was Gita.)Read More

Posted On Dezember 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Dezember 2023

Thomas Adcock: Jackboot Dreams

Jackboot Dreams Plotting a Dark American FutureFinding a way out of no wayby Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana—U.S.A.  Somewhere beyond this jazzy gumbo of a multi-cultural southern city—most likely in the northern mountain state of Idaho—lives a strange and über-wealthy man who advertises himself as “fated to become a warlord” in the cause of Donald J. Trump and his criminal cult of tattooed street brawlers, mouth-breathing yahoos and perfidious plutocrats who together have subsumed half the governing duopoly of America, i.e. the reprehensible RepublicanRead More

Posted On November 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag November 2023

Thomas Adcock: Escape from Madness

Escape from Madness Spouting Curses, Waving Signs ‘Something in me died’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America October 7 leaves us with yet another milepost along the highway of human depravity. Yet another foul deposit for the cesspool of tribalism; yet more billions enroute to the munitions industry coffers; yet more crime without consequence; yet more thunderous certitude sung by the usual chorus of fools and fomenters with opposing claims to The Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but The Truth. YetRead More

Posted On Oktober 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Oktober 2023

Thomas Adcock: Farewell to Democracy?

Farewell to Democracy? The Lady Will Remain Standing ‘I would have opened fire’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock      NEW YORK CITY, near America Consider these few hours in the repugnant life of a certain bailed-out criminal suspect, adjudicated sex abuser, world-class liar, and renown deadbeat who commands one-half of an American political duopoly that has devolved into a fascist confederation of the rich, the rascals, the racists, and the rubes: It was a Monday afternoon in late September when the suspect, odds-on favorite to captureRead More

Posted On September 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag September 2023

Thomas Adcock: Summer Hellfire

Summer Hellfire & The Zombie Trump ‘I feel kind of sick’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock MARTHA’S VINEYARD, Massachusetts—U.S.A. Overwhelming the abominations of Donald J. Trump and his cult of conspiracist fools and fascists who would trash common decency and smash the soul of American democracy is a profoundly greater horror: climate change that is burning our planet, a reality that Mr. Trump dismisses as a “hoax” invented by China.    Since global weather statistics were established in 1850, no summer has been more hellish thanRead More

Posted On Juli 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Juli 2023

Thomas Adcock: Traitor

Traitor ‘I’m the only one who can save this nation’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America The latest (but not the last) criminal indictment filed against one of the world’s foremost mobsters opens with these simple yet momentous words: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. DONALD J. TRUMP Under the nearly fifty-page indictment, Mr. Trump is accused of traitorous conduct as delineated under the U.S. Espionage Act. The federal government has charged the man who ran the federal government from 2017-21 withRead More

Posted On Juni 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Juni 2023

Thomas Adcock: Time Heals All Wounds?

Time Heals All Wounds? Pride of Texas: God, Guns & Greg ‘America is a gun’ by Thomas Adcock copyright © 2023 — Thomas Adcock TORONTO, Ontario – Canada We always remember the first time. When it happened; where it happened; how it felt bearing witness to mass murder, from however afar. And now, each news report of a fresh massacre south of here—down in the United States of America—our dreams are creeped with flashbacks of that very first time.  Again and again and again over the years the madness strikes;Read More
Dragnet ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America On the Tuesday afternoon of April 4, a penultimate chapter in the squalid biography of a Florida flimflammer and credibly accused rapist was written in a courtroom of New York City, birthplace of the man known in proceedings against him as Criminal Defendant #4913961R.  What happened that fine spring day was a promise of social redress quite beyond one man’s well deserved comeuppance. There is now a palpable feelingRead More
by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 – Thomas Adcock I. EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — U.S.A. On a sunny Wednesday morning in early March, I arrived here to examine the scene of the crime, as it were—an explosive disaster that spread toxic filth all over this small Ohio town on the cold black night of February 3. The disaster could have and should have been entirely resistible. Like disasters elsewhere in the country, news of this one in East Palestine blared for a little while in national headlines. Then like nearlyRead More

Posted On März 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag März 2023

Thomas Adcock: Yankee Doodle Nazis

Yankee Doodle Nazis Cheeseburger King of Mar-a-Lago ‘I shot and killed people because they were black’ by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2023 • Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America Not for a lack of trying, but last month’s “Day of Hate”—a much ballyhooed racist  jamboree that American anti-Semites expected would attract coast-to-coast throngs of like-minded christo-nationalists, anti-science morons, kluxers, ammosexuals and QAnon conspiracists—was a capital-B bust.   Even droolers still enthralled with the Cheeseburger King of Mar-a-Lago kept clear of the national town square—a disappointment for Fox TV “News”Read More

Posted On Februar 1, 2023By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Februar 2023

Thomas Adcock: Tinpot Trump

I. NEW YORK CITY, near America Proving yet again that America is the world’s most exotic country, now comes the pudgy fabulist and fraudster George Santos as leading man in a  Republican Party cast of kooks and clowns sworn into office last month as members of the United States Congress.  Measured by the volume of headlines he’s inspired, Mr. Santos is flashiest of the flock. He has a penchant for auburn wigs, ruby red lipstick, and feathered gowns accented in rhinestone. Never mind the style being officially frowned upon byRead More

Posted On Dezember 31, 2022By Thomas AdcockIn Highlights, Highlights 2022

Thomas Adcock: Split Screen

Split Screen ‘Fat Don’ Trumped on TV by Thomas AdcockCopyright © 2022 – Thomas Adcock  NEW YORK CITY, near America During the week before Christmas 2022, American television viewers witnessed capital-I irony in the appearance of two vastly different men. Both were television entertainers not long ago; each was elected the improbable president of his respective country. One man’s post-TV performance in Washington bombed, the other triumphed in his new rôle in Kyiv. Today, they are central characters in a true-life global drama posing the existential question: Can democracy surviveRead More

Posted On Dezember 1, 2022By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Dezember 2022

Thomas Adcock: Crime Time

By Thomas AdcockCopyright © 2022 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America In mid-November, one of the world’s most frequently alleged criminals announced his intention to once more seek the Republican Party nomination for president of the United States. The campaign slogan this time: “Make America Glorious Again.” This big news of little surprise came as part of a nearly ninety-minute litany of Donald J. Trump’s usual resentments, delivered from behind a gold-plated dais before a captive audience in a banquet room at Mar-a-Lago, the golf resort in FloridaRead More

Posted On November 1, 2022By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag November 2022

Thomas Adcock: Dazed Man Walking

By Thomas AdcockCopyright © 2022 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America On the Friday afternoon of October 21, three bombs were dropped on Mar-a-Lago, the Florida golf resort where Donald J. Trump sleeps with a stash of highly classified government documents, if not his wife. Loyalists of the élite criminal caste, were rattled, fearing an unprecedented loss of their untouchable status. Their king was himself dazed, though still walking, if not talking—for once. Then things quickly went south in Trumpworld. Eight days later, again on a Friday inRead More

Posted On Oktober 3, 2022By Thomas AdcockIn Crimemag, CrimeMag Oktober 2022

Thomas Adcock: Death of The Donald

Death of The Donald Wither Orange Jesus? The buoyancy of hope vs. the fatigue of despair By Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2022 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America Six days after his furious speech before a rally of his flag-waving flock—the afterglow to a courtroom triumph that would shortly boomerang—the plodding big-bellied man with an obvious diabetic condition and a sanctimonious worldview sat down for what was, to him, a routine midnight supper: two roast chickens soaked in gravy accompanied by sweet potatoes and rice, carrot and turnipRead More
by Thomas Adcock Copyright © 2022 – Thomas Adcock NEW YORK CITY, near America The verdict is in, so to speak. Heavyweights of the American juridical universe are confident that Donald Trump will be held formally accountable in multiple courts for the disgrace, dishonor, and delinquency of his twice-impeached, one-term presidency. Mr. Trump’s comeuppance could arrive as early as this month of September. But swift justice is only a first phase in the moral, legal, and political reckoning to follow. We shall be put to The Test, with its profoundRead More
NEW YORK CITY, near America Justice looms for Donald J. Trump, so it seems. Soon enough, down will go the twice-impeached ex-president living large and cheesy at his Florida golf resort after fleeing New York because his home town can no longer stand him.  Can it be? Really? Justice at last for the exiled Tangerine Idi Amin. We Americans quietly breathe a collective sigh of relief. But why do we hesitate to cheer aloud? Could it be that a proposition we’ve heard since schooldays—no one is above the law—is a hollow promise?   Come what may in the glorious course of just deserts in store for Mr. Trump, a dangerous stormRead More