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Laboratory on Algebraic Transformation Groups

Varieties covered by affine spaces, uniformly rational varieties and their cones

I. Arzhantsev, Kaliman S., M. Zaidenberg.

Advances in Mathematics. 2024. Vol. 437.

Radiant toric varieties and unipotent group actions

Arzhantsev I., Perepechko A., Shakhmatov K.

Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. 2024. Vol. 192.

On orbits of automorphism groups on horospherical varieties

Borovik V., Gayfullin S., Shafarevich A.

Mathematische Nachrichten. 2024. Vol. 297. No. 9. P. 3174-3183.

Gorenstein Algebras and Uniqueness of Additive Actions

Beldiev I.

Results in Mathematics. 2023. Vol. 78. No. 5.

Modified Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants

Gayfullin S., Shafarevich A.

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2024. Vol. 228. No. 6.

Automorphism groups of affine varieties consisting of algebraic elements

Perepechko A., Regeta A.

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2024. Vol. 152. No. 6. P. 2377-2383.

The theory of algebraic transformation groups, i.e. actions of algebraic groups on algebraic varieties, is one of the classical areas of algebra and algebraic geometry. It has many interconnections with combinatorics, differential geometry, algebraic group theory, Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representation theory.

One of the main objects of our study is affine algebraic varieties. On the one hand, affine geometry studies local properties of arbitrary algebraic varieties, on the other hand, it gives a geometric interpretation of natural questions in commutative and differential algebra. The combination of algebraic, geometric, representation-theoretical and combinatorial methods allows us to use a wide range of tools in modern mathematics and obtain original results.

The laboratory organizes regularly conferences, schools and seminars in affine algebraic geometry and transformation groups. Within the laboratory, students have an opportunity to work on modern research projects, to publish their results in leading mathematical journals and to take part in international collaborations.

Research area:

  • Automorphism groups of algebraic varieties
  • Varieties with torus actions and graded algebras
  • Additive actions on complete varieties
  • Locally nilpotent derivations
  • Cox rings and their applications
Laboratory staff at Summer school "Visions of algebraic groups", Euler Institute, Saint Petersburg, August 2019