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A member registered Aug 31, 2023

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I ADORE THESE TYPES OF HORROR GAMES! one question why was Tim dancing like Bruce Forsyth? great style and if I had the option I would have kicked the rat into another dimension! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 


AMAZING! Just glad the ghost didn't SMELL my dirty knickers! they were kicking up a right PONG! absolutely love little games like this hope you have a laugh! ENJOY LOVE YOU BYE! 

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All I'll say is, lots of poo... all over my chair... ENJOY THE VIDEO, LAUGH LOTS AND LOVE YOU BYE!

AMAZING! Thank You so much for the Steam Key to the full game! I highly recommend anyone reading this to play the full version, great twists and turns with multiple endings very well done for your first game! only thing the girl looks like she's holding in a massive SH*T!  hope you enjoy the video and get a few laughs LOVE YOU BYE! 


LOVED THIS! But why did the bloke in the shop look like he was shaken up in a test tube? ANYWAY! hope you enjoy the video and it give you a few laughs, let me know what you thought LOVE YOU BYE! 

LOVED IT! I was tempted to carry a lung round with me for protection HAHAH! one of the jumpscares made me fart, unfortunately you cant hear it! just wanted to let you know enjoy the video HOPE YOU LAUGH LOTS LOVE YOU BYE! 


LOVED IT! the pizza genuinely looked unreal and so did the blokes leg bending up and touching his ear! yeh chiropractor time! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 


glad you enjoyed brother!!! hahahah! 

AMAZING! I love these classic style horrors, enjoy the story about my mum spitting her fingernails in a guys popcorn at the cinema! FILTHY BI*CH! anyway enjoy the video love you BYE!

AMAZING! I swear you see the aliens penis in the doorway its HUGE! loved this game! Hope it made you laugh ENJOY LOVE YOU BYE! 

Just Straight panic from the start! loved it! alot of nervous farting throughout playing this well done! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

WOW! this game made my nipples hard! alot scarier than i expected! the few jumpscares in this nearly put me in another dimension. never felt so vulnerable! Enjoy the video hope you laugh loads LOVE YOU BYE! 


LOVED IT! excuse my dressing gown in the video haha! never panicked so much in my life! and I have to say id love to have a sh*t on the toilet in this game looks fun I could swing me feet! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 


BLOWN AWAY! How the hell did it guess my name I have no idea! SH*T MYSELF lots of poo everywhere! the fact your 14 and made this is incredible you have a lot of talent keep it up!  ENJOY THE VIDEO hope you have lots of laughs! LOVE YOU BYE! 

AMAZING! this is the first video on my channel where I'm literally CRYING with laughter! and awesome Jumpscare! BTW i love your slippery little snake! (not a euphemism) hope you enjoy the video and laugh along with me LOVE YOU BYE!!!

Loved it! must admit I would have grabbed the knife and got rid of a couple of his toes BUT! for your first game very impressive! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 


OKAY I did my best priest impression in this video please let me know how I did in the church! (dyslexia punched me in the mouth) HAHAH ANYWAY! absolutely loved this game! the jumpscare nearly made me throw up but yeh loved it! ENJOY THE VIDEO HOPE YOU LAUGH! 


Glad you enjoyed it!

Never thought id throw a head down stairs and laugh at it! ALSO on the phone I swear it says let me hump good king wenceslas left leg! I dunno but I loved this game! proper good old horror! if you laugh at any point let me know! :) ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE!

Not the first time someone's tried looking at me T*TS! and my little button mushroom!!! HAHA LOVED IT! such a strange game but perfect, enjoy the video HOPE YOU LAUGH LOVE YOU BYE! 


Thanks for watching! cant wait to see what else you create! 

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AMAZING! I Absolutely SH*T myself, if anyone is thinking about doing a video on this DO IT! you wont be disappointed I've never seen a horror game like this before so unique! so excuse me while I change my underwear! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 


MY ARMS NEARLY FELL OFF! that jumpscare put me in another dimension! GREAT GAME cant wait to see part 2! never wanted to punch a ghost in the shin so hard in me life tho! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

Honestly would have kicked the wife in the shins for that! ANYWAY! loved it I cant wait to see the full version very story heavy which I loved good job! I got to go now as I need to wipe my ARSE due to the jumpscare ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

Genuinely had a turd poking out in the cellar! WHAT A GAME! absolutely loved it and got caught out alot. Hope you have a laugh watching the video! ENJOY LOVE YOU BYE! 


Never been so close to ACTUALLY sh*tting myself! ALOT of bum clenching... for me this has to be one of the best short horrors of 2024! BLOWN AWAY! I nearly stopped playing that's how much it affected me you'll see in the video! Hope You have a laugh or two enjoy the video LOVE YOU BYE! 

I Would've P*SSED all over Mary for locking me up in that cell! and maybe a turd for her to clean up for good measure! hahahah ANYWAY! you never fail when it comes to creating a deep story driven horror game I absolutely loved it! DOWNLOAD this game if you haven't yet you wont be disappointed! ENJOY THE VIDEO HOPE YOU LAUGH LOVE YOU BYE! 

how do I download this looks great!

AMAZING! 16 with that much sniff in the toilet sounds like my kind of train journey! HAHAHA jokes jokes... anyway absolutely loved it please download this game and see for yourself the creativity that this game possesses! ENJOY THE VIDEO HOPE YOU LAUGH LOVE YOU BYE! 


OKAY! I didn't give you permission to use my naked nan in this game! it really does look alot like her its scary!! HAHAH! Anyway... blown away absolutely love everything you create! and the jumpscares where do I start, needed a bath after since my thong was filled with SH*T! Incredible game loved it! Hope the video makes you laugh! ENJOY LOVE YOU BYE!!! 


I can tell if a jumpscares good because I end up stubbing my toes! this game did that to me so THANKS! hahaha! and sorry for calling the ring girl a SL*T, she scared me and my tongue hit the words out of my mouth! this game was amazing truly truly scary and being drunk doesn't help with the fear. well done I LOVED IT ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

WHAT A GAME! Wasn't expecting the KKK to make an appearance but don't worry I dealt with them! HAHAHAHA, nothing better getting drunk and playing horror games! honestly for you first game I'm blown away! absolutely loved it DO MORE OF THIS TYPE! and yes I proper SH*T myself you're a genius stay to the end to see my review and try not to laugh! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

HEY! one of these jumpscares nearly put me in hospital! I've never screamed that loud in one of my videos and it made me push out a fart! anyway... the game was awesome! the jump scares really did catch me off guard and the story is so in depth I love it! WARNING enjoy the video the jumpscare is in my intro MUHAHAHAHA! love you BYE! 

If you find feet sexy watch this video! hahaha mine make an appearance due to one of your jumpscares and me nearly breaking them through fear! if you enjoy watching someone get drunk and scared enjoy the video its a great laugh! this game was amazing everything about it was so unique  I cant wait to see what else you create! ENJOY THE VIDEO HOPE YOU LAUGH! 

Ive never screamed so high pitched in my life! amazing game and i dribble on myself in the video see if you can spot it! HAHAH ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

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ignore my dressing gown and hair i just got out the bath! this game is unreal one of the best ive played! loved it i sh*t myself and needed another bath!!! but the story was perfect ENJOY THE VIDEO HOPE YOU LAUGH! LOVE YOU BYE!!! 

Having a sh*t is a hobby of mine! so this game is really up my street! the jumpscare in the basement nearly hospitalised me but other than that such a funny good game! enjoy the video love you bye!!! 

LOVED IT! The toilet had me confused abit, as my turd would never get down the hole BUT! great game the jumpscares put me in another dimension! ENJOY THE VIDEO LOVE YOU BYE! 

Absolutely LOVED IT! I did think the baby in the bathroom looked like a nutsack... HERES THE VIDEO ENJOY!!! :)