Chad / Africa


journalists killed (motive confirmed)


journalists imprisoned (annual census)


journalists missing
Chad electoral workers

Chad media regulator restricts online broadcasts under threat of shutdown

Dakar, October 16, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Chadian authorities to reverse a directive announcedon October 9 by Abderamane Barka, president of the High Authority for Media and Audiovisual (HAMA) regulator, to suspend or revoke the licenses of outlets that share online content outside of narrowly defined circumstances. “Chad’s media regulator should immediately…

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Chad’s Le Visionnaire newspaper and leadership suspended over fraud report

Dakar, October 8, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Chadian authorities to permit the privately owned Le Visionnaire newspaper to resume operations after it was suspended from publishing for three months over a report into government mismanagement. Two senior staff were also banned from practicing journalism because they did not have press identity cards….

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Chadian news website Alwihda Info suspended over coverage of president

Dakar, August 25, 2023 – The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called for authorities in Chad to immediately reverse the suspension of the privately owned ​​news website Alwihda Info and stop censoring news outlets for their work. “Chadian authorities should reverse their decision to suspend Alwihda Info at once and ensure media outlets do…

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Radio Cefod journalist Orédjé Narcisse shot dead in Chad

Dakar, October 20, 2022 – In response to news reports that journalist Orédjé Narcisse was shot and killed on Thursday in Chad’s capital N’Djamena as he was on his way to work, the Committee to Protect Journalists issued the following statement: “Chadian authorities must conduct a swift and transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the…

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Chadian police beat journalist Aristide Djimaldé while covering protest

Dakar, September 14, 2022—Chadian authorities should thoroughly investigate the attack on Aristide Djimaldé by police, hold the responsible officers accountable, and ensure the safety of journalists covering protests in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Wednesday. On September 3, police beat with whips Djimaldé, a reporter with the privately owned news website Alwihda…

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Chad gendarmerie

Chadian military police detain journalists Janvier Mouatangar and Anner Sabartang in separate incidents

In separate incidents on August 8 and August 10, 2022, the Chadian gendarmerie, a military police force, arrested and detained journalists Janvier Mouatangar and Anner Sabartang in the southwestern part of the country. On August 8, the commander of the gendarmerie in the city of Doba detained Mouatangar, a correspondent for the radio station La Voix…

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Chadian journalist Olivier Memnguidé held for five days, accused of rebellion

Dakar, May 12, 2022 — Authorities in Chad should cease their harassment of reporter Olivier Memnguidé and ensure journalists can cover events of public interest, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On April 20, the Chadian gendarmerie, a military police force, arrested Memnguidé, a correspondent for the privately owned radio station Oxygène, as he…

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Chadian journalist Evariste Djailoramdji killed while covering community violence

New York, February 18, 2022 — Chadian authorities should thoroughly and transparently investigate the killing of journalist Evariste Djailoramdji and hold those responsible to account, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Friday. On February 9, unidentified people in the southern village of Sandana shot and killed Djailoramdji, a reporter working for the local broadcaster Lotiko…

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Chadian police raid Radio FM Liberté broadcaster, arrest dozens

New York, December 23, 2020 — Chadian authorities should refrain from conducting police raids on news outlets and should thoroughly investigate allegations that journalist Blaise Noubarassem was assaulted by police and intimidated by a government official, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. On November 27, in Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, police raided the office of…

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CPJ, 80 media and rights groups urge African heads of state to release jailed journalists

CPJ and 80 media, press freedom, and human rights organizations write to African heads of state to call on their respective governments to release all jailed journalists amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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