Find Your 'Aha' With Ardoq!

Get inspired by real-life eureka moments from across industries and the globe. Find the insights that you need to succeed with your digital transformation initiatives and make impactful change a reality.


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Unpacking 'Aha Moments' from Customers Worldwide

Digital transformation, managing change, and shaping an ever-evolving IT estate isn't easy. There are plenty of 'uh-ohs' during these initiatives, from frustrating cross-team communication challenges to tackling 'islands' of data.


Less 'Arghhhh!'...More 'Ahaaaa'

“Aha moments do come, a lot of the time with our team it’s when they first get to that spider diagram. From there it’s like ‘Oh I totally get the power of visualizations and the ability to articulate these complex relationships now’. That’s my favorite part when we’re talking through it, because people really get it. It’s how we can talk through complex topologies, and processes in a way that visually resonates with individuals.”

Mike Lawrence, Protiviti.


Replacing 'Uh-Oh's' with 'Aha's'

“We anticipated all of our users coming into the Ardoq UI and therefore having to understand in great detail the metamodel. Our ‘aha moment’, was when we realized that it wasn’t the best way to get content into Ardoq. The best way was to enable users and contributors to update and populate the metamodel via Surveys and Broadcasts.”

Alex Waugh, Ordnance Survey.


Forget the 'Blah-Blah', Create the 'Aha'

“The use of Surveys and Broadcasts has been a game-changer. Which we discovered via another department that was using it. One of the challenges of capturing information about your estate is the number of people who have that knowledge, and you can become a bit of a bottleneck. So, this enables us to maintain that data much more easily. We can get regular updates from people who know their systems. It has been a key enabler for us.”

Gary O'Reilly, His Majesty's Passport Office.