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This is a sandbox page containing most if not all the graphics that I have, at some point, contributed to wikipedia and the world in general. Some you may find in use on their respective pages, others will only appear here.

RAF Badge


RAF Officer Ranks

NATO Code OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF-D Student Officer
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Marshal of the Royal Air Force Air Chief Marshal Air Marshal Air Vice-Marshal Air Commodore Captain Group Captain Wing Commander Squadron Leader Flight Lieutenant Flying Officer Pilot Officer Acting Pilot Officer Officer Cadet or Student Officer

RAF Other Ranks

NATO Code OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
United Kingdom Royal Air Force
(United Kingdom)
No Equivalent

No Insignia
Master Aircrew Warrant Officer Chief Technician Corporal LanceCorporal
RAF Regiment Only
Leading Aircraftman/Woman Aircraftman/Woman
Abbreviation MAcr WO FS CT or Chf Tech Sgt Cpl LCpl SAC(T) SAC LAC AC

Kimbolton School Crest


A quick SVG Image I did of a relatively easy design compared to some of the others. I tried to keep it as faithful to the one in common usage as I could so that the most people could take advantage of it.]

Oxford Colleges

Oxford Coat of Arms
Arms of the university in the classic circlet
St Catherine's Society, the coat of arms used prior to its establishment as a full college

Name Coat Of Arms With Motto Motto Blazon
All Souls College Or, a chevron between three cinquefoils gules.
Balliol College Azure a lion rampant argent, crowned or, per pale gules, an orle argent.
Brasenose College Tierced in pale, Argent, a chevron sable between three roses gules seeded or, barbed vert; or, an escutcheon gules, two lions of England in pale or, on a chief azure Our Lady crowned seated on a tombstone issuant from the chief, in her dexter arm the Infant Jesus, in her sinister arm a sceptre, all or, ensigned with a mitre proper; quarterly, first and fourth argent, a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable, second and third argent, a chevron between three crosses crosslet sable.
Christ Church Sable, on a cross engrailed argent, a lion passant gules, between four leopards' faces azure, on a chief or, a rose gules barbed and seeded proper, between two Cornish choughs sable, beaked and membered gules.
Corpus Christi College Tierced per pale. Azure, a pelican with wings endorsed vulning herself or; Argent, thereon an escutcheon charged with gules, two keys addorsed in bend, the uppermost or, the other argent, a sword interposed between them in bend sinister of the third, pommel and hilt gold; the escutcheon ensigned with a mitre of the last; Sable, a chevron of between three owls argent, on a chief of the second as many roses gules, seeded of the second, barbed vert
Exeter College Floreat Exon Argent, two bends nebuly within a bordure sable charged with eight pairs of keys, addorsed and interlaced in the rings, the wards upwards, or;
Green Templeton College Or between two flaunches vert on each a nautilus shell the aperture outwards or a rod of Aesculapius sable the serpent azure.
Harris Manchester College Gules two torches inflamed in saltire proper, on a chief argent, between two roses of a field barbed and seeded an open book also proper.
Hertford College Sicut Cervus Anhelat Ad Fontes Aquarum Gules, a Hart's head caboshed argent, attired, and between the attires a cross patty fitchy at the foot, or.
Jesus College Vert, three stags trippant argent attired or.
Keble College Argent, a chevron engrailed gules, on a chief azure, three mullets pierced or.
Kellogg College Per pale indented argent and azure on the argent a chevron enhanced gules in base a book azure leaved argent on the azure an ear of wheat palewise or the whole within a bordure gules.
Lady Margaret Hall Souvent me Souviens Or, on a chevron between in chief two talbots passant and in base a bell azure a portcullis of the field.
Linacre College Sable an open Book proper edged Or bound Gules the dexter page charged with the Greek Letter Alpha the sinister page charged with the Greek Letter Omega both Sable the whole between three Escallops Argent.
Lincoln College Tierced per pale, Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three lozenges gules, on the second bar of an argent a mullet pierced sable; Argent, thereon an escutcheon of Gules two lions passant guardant or, on a chief azure the Blessed Virgin Mary ducally crowned seated on a throne issuant from the chief, on her dexter arm the infant Jesus and holding in her sinister hand a sceptre, all gold: the escutcheon ensigned with a mitre azure garnished and stringed or; Vert, three stags statant two and one or
Magdalen College Floreat Magdalena Lozengy ermine and sable, on a chief of the second three lilies argent slipped and seeded or.
Mansfield College Deus locutus est nobis in filio Gules an open book proper inscribed DEUS LOCUTUS EST NOBIS IN FILIO in letters sable bound argent edged and clasped or between three cross crosslets or.
Merton College Qui Timet Deum Faciet Bona Or, three chevronels party per pale, the first and third azure and gules, the second gules and azure.
New College Manners Makyth Man Argent, two chevronels sable between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper.
Nuffield College Ermine on a fesse or between in chief two roses gules barbed and seeded proper and in base a balance of the second three pears sable, and for crest on a wreath or and gules a demi bull gules armed and unguled or resting the sinister hoof on a winged wheel or.
Oriel College Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or within a bordure engrailed argent.
Pembroke College Per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant, two and one, argent, on a chief per pale argent and or, in the first a rose gules, seeded or, barbed vert in the second a thistle of Scotland proper.
The Queen's College Argent, three eagles displayed gules, beaked and legged or, on the breast of the first, a mullet of six points of the last.
St Anne's College Gules, on a chevron between in chief two lions heads erased argent, and in base a sword of the second pummelled and kilt or and enfiled with a wreath of laurel, three ravens, all proper.
St Antony's College Or on a chevron between three tau crosses gules as many pierced mullets of the field.
St Catherine's College Nova Et Vetera Sable a saltire ermine between four catherine wheels or.
St Cross College Ad Quattuor Cardines Mundi Argent a cross potent purpure a quarter counterchanged.
St Edmund Hall Or, a cross fleury gules between four Cornish choughs perched proper.
St Hilda's College Azure, on a fess or three estoiles gules in chief two unicorns' heads couped, in base a coiled serpent argent.
St Hugh's College Azure, a saltire ermine, between four fleurs-de-lys or.
St John's College Gules, on a bordure sable, eight estoiles or, on a canton ermine, a lion rampant of the second, in chief an annulet of the third.
St Peter's College Per pale vert and argent, to the dexter two keys in saltire or surmounted by a triple towered castle argent masoned sable and on the sinister a cross gules surmounted by a mitre or between four martlets sable, the whole within a bordure or.
Somerville College Donec Rursus Impleat Orbem Argent, three mullets in chevron reversed gules, between six crosses crosslet fitched sable.
Trinity College Per pale or an azure, on a chevron between three griffins' heads erased four fleurs-de-lys, all counter-changed.
University College Azure, a cross patonce between four martlets or.
Wadham College Gules, a chevron between 3 roses argent barbed vert, impaling Gules, a bend or between 2 escallops argent.
Wolfson College Humani nil alienum Per pale gules and or on a chevron between three roses and two pears all countercharged the roses barbed and seeded proper, and for crest On a wreath of the colours in front of a representation of an arch in Iffley Church two rods of aesculapius in saltire proper surmounted by a torch or inflamed proper.
Worcester College Argent, two chevronels between six martlets, three, two and one gules.

Oxford PPHs

Name Coat Of Arms With Motto Motto Blazon
St Bennet's Hall Per fesse dancetté or and azure, a chief per pale gules and of the second, charged on the dexter with two keys in saltire or and argent, and on the sinister with a cross flory betwen five martlets of the first.
Blackfriars gyronny of sable and argent, a cross flory counterchanged
Campion Hall Argent on a cross sable a plate charged with a wolf's head erased of the second between in pale two billets of the weld that in chief charged with a cinquefoil and that in base with a saltire gules and in fesse as many plates each charged with a campion flower leaved and slipped proper on a chief also of the second two branches of palm in saltire enfiled with a celestial crown or.
Regent's Park College Argent on a cross gules an open bible proper irradiated or the pages inscribed with the words DOMINUS JESUS in letters sable on a chief wavy azure fish or.
St Stephen's House Gules a celestial crown between three bezants two and one or, on a chief sable an apostolic eagle between two crosses crosslet or.
Wycliffe Hall