<nowiki>UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; نړيوال همغږی وخت +04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; ইউটিসি+০৪:০০; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; यूटीसी+०४:००; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; ت ع م+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; یوتیسی ۴:۰۰+; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; यूटीसी+४; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4։00; UTC+04.00; UTC+4; ڭرينيتش +4; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4:00; متناسق عالمی وقت+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+4; یوتیسی ۴:۰۰+; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; UTC+04:00; UTC+4; fuso orario in anticipo sull'UTC di 4 ore; একটি সময় অঞ্চল, যা ইউটিসি সময় থেকে ০৪ ঘণ্টা এগিয়ে; fuseau horaire; ajavöönd; часовой пояс; fusu urariu avanti quattr'uri rispettu a l'ura UTC; panangilasin para iti timbengan ti oras manipud ti UTC iti +4; 協定世界時を4時間進ませた標準時; tidszon; Zonenzeit; identifier for a time offset from UTC of +4; huso horario positivo; fûzo òrâio; дыр зона; fuso horario positivo; نطاق زمني; časový posun vůči světovému času; часова зона; Persian Gulf Standard Time; Mauritius Time; Seychelles Time; Samara Time; ইউটিসি+৪; Самара дыр; UTC+4; Сейшел дыр; UTC+4; ura di Dubai; ura di Samara; ura stàndard di Samara; SAMT; ura di l'Azzirbaiggiàn; UTC+4:00; UTC+4:00; UTC+04:00; UTC+04; 東四區; 東4區; UTC+4; UTC+4:00; UTC+4; UTC+4.00; Persian Gulf Standard Time; Mauritius Time; Seychelles Time; UTC+4; Samara Time; United Arab Emirates Standard Time; UAE Standard Time; UTC+4; UTC+4; Persian Gulf Standard Time; PGST</nowiki>
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