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Create the page "Arnara" on this wiki!
- Arnara <nowiki>Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Арнара; Արնարա; 阿尔纳拉; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara; Arnara;...4 members (0 subcategories, 4 files) - 07:48, 13 September 2018
- Subject: View of Arnara(FR) Author: Luc106 Date:June 15th, 2021 I release all rights in the public domain. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby...(4,622 × 2,787 (2.82 MB)) - 13:37, 15 September 2023
- DescriptionArnara in 2020.01.jpg English: Municipality of Arnara Date 7 June 2020, 07:04:29 Source Own work Author CAPTAIN RAJU...(4,032 × 3,024 (1.55 MB)) - 13:37, 15 September 2023
- DescriptionArnara in 2020.02.jpg English: Municipality of Arnara Date 7 June 2020, 07:04:30 Source Own work Author CAPTAIN RAJU...(4,032 × 3,024 (1.5 MB)) - 13:37, 15 September 2023
- DescriptionMap of comune of Arnara (province of Frosinone, region Lazio, Italy).svg English: Map of the municipality (comune) of Arnara (province of Frosinone...(6,262 × 5,295 (162 KB)) - 01:00, 14 September 2020
- File:Notice Sur Le Genre Soulamea (IA biostor-155470).pdf (matches file content)autre espèce [S. fraxinifQlia)^ fleur offre le type ternaire la du S. arnara, mais les feuilles pinnées donnent à cette plante un aspect très différent...(4,060 × 6,618 (1.43 MB)) - 18:02, 5 November 2022
- File:Synthèses de pharmacie et de chimie (IA BIUSante pharma 119790x1853x13).pdf (matches file content)Amandes douces {Amygdalus communis). . . 250 -amères {Amygdalus communis v. arnara), . 80 Sucre blanc (Saccharum album).1500 Eau de rivière (Aqua fluviatilis)...(518 × 743 (242 KB)) - 20:17, 7 September 2022
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA mobot31753002754601).pdf (matches file content)brasil ' WaMpalmetv; Geo/o, ^-Mtcd. >.- \ "~üc^.: JSuferpe ecftlf, Coc arnara. ,~Afi'ka.rv ., «/« dt/rrrn bptryoph CocüS ffex V— ^ . -A>rt~ro '' rry'...(16,583 × 11,745 (658.38 MB)) - 21:24, 6 December 2023
- File:Nota dei deputati dell'ex costituente romana.pdf (matches file content)Luigi Salvatori Luigi Senigallia Senigallia Via S. Claudio N. 82 . Arnara ' Frosinone Via delle Botteghe Oscure Perugia Perugia Campo : di Fiori...(1,412 × 1,781 (925 KB)) - 08:36, 19 September 2022
- File:Offer No. 34 - June 1st, 1929 price list - Herbst Brothers, seedsmen and plant brokers. (IA CAT31330191).pdf (matches file content).85 1.25 2.75 .60 CANDYTUFT (Iberis) annual, mixed . affinis, white . arnara, common white . coronaria, empress strain . coronaria, giant hyacinth fl...(835 × 1,360 (502 KB)) - 00:28, 18 August 2024
- File:Field Flowers (1896).djvu (matches file content)mine. i> w in s K, ! hive [.good lid.' £>#• m -y Barb arnara. Blithe was the youth that summer day. As he smote at the ribs of earth...(2,585 × 3,963 (1.8 MB)) - 02:25, 16 July 2024
- File:EUD 2000-530.pdf (matches file content)Zeri Frosinone The following municipalities: Acuto Anagni Aquino Arce Arnara Ausonia Broccostella Cassino Castelliri Castelnuovo Parano Castrocielo Ceccano...(1,241 × 1,754 (197 KB)) - 16:11, 31 October 2020
- File:Géographie de l'Ethiopie- ce que j'ai entendu, faisant suite à ce que j'ai vu (IA geographiedelet00abba).pdf (matches file content)parce de i / n'y a aucun signe dans l'écriture indigène consonne doit Arnara. Dans leur idiome, dire «il est et addi avec un un de province. L'écriture...(766 × 1,310 (25.23 MB)) - 02:20, 20 October 2022
- File:Vasile Aaron - Leonat, bețivul și Dorofata, muierea sa.pdf (matches file content)Muerea 0 netrebnice cuvinte ! , Zeü tu 11-al esit din minte Beutura cea arnara , Te sase din minte afarä .,, A 1 I 1 '26. Dumneclea 'ti-a datu copii...(562 × 906 (3.71 MB)) - 03:40, 10 January 2021
- File:Ghimpele 1874-05-12, nr. 19.pdf (matches file content)S'ascunde de ninsóre frigulü aqf inghiétä A Campului viéta De par'ca 't iérnä-arnarä In locA de prima-véra !.. Oh ! spune-mi matusica, De-ce MIX este frica ...(1,722 × 2,631 (4.71 MB)) - 09:38, 9 May 2023
- File:Vasile Aaron - Vorbire în versuri de glume între Leonat, bețivul om din Longobarda și între Dorofata, femeia sa.pdf (matches file content)Muerea 0 netrebnice cuvinte ! , Zeü tu 11-al esit din minte Beutura cea arnara , Te sase din minte afarä .,, A 1 I 1 '26. Dumneclea 'ti-a datu copii...(562 × 906 (5.09 MB)) - 03:41, 10 January 2021
- File:Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine - présentée et soutenue le 20 avril 1838, (IA b28746363).pdf (matches file content)inflam- les fumeterre patience (rumexpatientia ), l’une fournie par arnara), de la famille alors comme dans les la les parties, privée de son...(1,164 × 1,752 (1.64 MB)) - 14:20, 6 March 2021
- File:An inquiry into the use of the omentum. (IA inquiryintouseof01rush).pdf (matches file content)hepatic bile, it being sweet. Haller says, “dulcior hepatica cystica arnara. “ Sever 4 experiments of Dr. Fordyee prove 7th. chyle to be formed...(654 × 1,114 (1.35 MB)) - 06:10, 9 August 2023
- File:Sermam em a canonizaçam de S. Luis Bertram da Orden dos pregadores ... em o outauario que celebrou o Real Convento de S. Domingos de Lisboa no anno de 1671 (IA A11303604).pdf (matches file content)peccata multa, cpiomafl dilexit m dtnm Tomara faber quanto a Magdal^ nx arnara, parque o muito, nao me diz o qua*1' to ScC[:infl;o diíTera,q uanto»a quantidade...(547 × 770 (1.99 MB)) - 23:39, 12 March 2022
- File:Descriptive catalogue of essentials oils and organic chemical preparations (IA b2810433x).pdf (matches file content)Bitter-Mandel-Oel.) Obtained from Bitter Almond, the seed of Pninus Amygdalus arnara De Candolle (Nat. Ord. Rosaceoe), by maceration with water, and subsequent...(1,052 × 1,600 (6.37 MB)) - 03:40, 5 December 2022