Enrico Fermi
English: Enrico Fermi (1901 – 1954)
Italiano: fisico italiano, premio Nobel 1938
English: Italian physicist, 1938 Nobel Prize
ភាសាខ្មែរ: រូបវិទូជនជាតិអ៊ីតាលី ពាន់រង្វាន់ណូបែលឆ្នាំ១៩៣៨
Reactor team from University of Chicago (1st from left in front row)
Enrico Fermi in 1940's
With physicists Ernest O. Lawrence (left) and Isidor Rabi (right)
(L to R) J. Robert Oppenheimer, E. Fermi, and Ernest O. Lawrence
Los Alamos ID badge
Photograph of a wartime colloquium at Los Alamos. In the front row (L-R) is Norris Bradbury, John Manley, Enrico Fermi and J.M.B. Kellogg. Behind Manley is Robert Oppenheimer, and to his left is Richard Feynman.
Sixth Solvay Conference on Physics, Brussels, 1930.
Seventh Solvay Conference, 1933
Reactor patent image
Reactor patent image
A street sign in Rome in honour of the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi.