Chestnut (coat)
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Chestnut breeds
[edit]Chestnut horses
[edit]Standard coat produced by the "e" gene without influence of any other color modifier. Sometimes called "red" by geneticists. In the western United States, classic "red" chestnut horses are sometimes called "sorrel," notably within the American Quarter Horse breed.
Chestnut horse with Birdcatcher spots
TPR italiano
Chestnut Heads
[edit]Dunkelfuchs bis Kohlfuchs, Dark chestnut also known as "liver" Chestnut
With dark tail
Dark chestnut heads
[edit]English: Chestnut horses with lighter colored manes and tails are thought to be affected by one or more flaxen genes. However, the action of this gene or genes has not yet been determined. When the effect is lacking, a chestnut horse will have a mane and tail the same color as its body.
Deutsch: Ursprünglich wurden alle braunen Pferde mit hellerer Mähne und Schweif als Lichtfüchse bezeichnet. Es gibt jedoch zwei völlig verschiedene Gene, die dieses Aussehen hervorrufen.
Deutsch: Das Flaxengen hellt die braune Mähne von Füchsen zu weiß oder blond auf. Auf die schwarze Mähne von Braunen hat es keinen Einfluss. Das Gen wird rezessiv vererbt. Wenn man also einen Haflinger mit einem Fuchs ohne dieses Gen verpaart, bekommen die Nachkommen eine braune Mähne.
Chestnut with flaxen breeds
Category:Haflinger (without exeption chestnut with flaxen)
Category:Italian working horse (most are dark chestnut with flaxen)
Category:Jutlandic horse (all are chestnut with flaxen)
Chestnut with flaxen - whole horse
Very light chestnut, seemingly a dark golden palomino - haflinger
Deutsch: Man kann nur am linken vorderen Bein erkennen, daß es sich um einen Fuchs mit Flaxen und Pangare handelt, da die weißen Abzeichen verhindern daß die Beine dunkler Braun werden können als der KörperEnglish: This horse appears to be a liver chestnut with the flaxen gene expressed as the points are lighter colored
Chestnut with flaxen head
[edit]Partly flaxen chestnuts
Mane lighter than tail
Mane lighter than tail
Both mane and tail partially lighter
Flaxen tail, non-flaxen mane
Flaxen variants of diluted and spotted horses
Deutsch: Fuchsfalbe mit FlaxenEnglish: red dun (chestnut-based dun coloration) with flaxen
English: Chestnut sabino roan with flaxenDeutsch: Durch das Sabinogen hervorgerufene Stichelhaarigkeit bei einem Fuchs mit flaxen
English: Chestnut splashed white with flaxenDeutsch: Splashed white scheckung bei einem Fuchs mit flaxen
Colors and patterns on chestnut base color
Minimally marked tobiano
English: Red roan i.e. chestnut/sorrel based roan i.e. strawberry roan horses.
Deutsch: Fuchs mit eingestreuten weißen Haaren
Roan, base color chestnut with flaxen
English: The lokation of the dark body spots is typical for Tobiano, but the extensive head white is due to another gene likely splashed white
English: Same horse as above
English: A chestnut varnish roan sabino tobiano (presumably)
English: Same horse as above
English: Same horse as above
English: Chestnut with flaxen and charasteristics of three patterns: spotted blanket, tobiano and sabino.
English: Chestnut tobiano with sabino. Stripe/blaze and chin white, see also roaned spot borders and typical sabino stockings in hinds
Red duns have a light tan hair coat an reddish mane
English: This horse appears chestnut, but the dorsal stripe is more vivid than usual for a simple (and common) contershading stripe, so, particularly when combined with the apparent name of the horse, might be indicative that the horse is a very dark red dun.Deutsch: Dieses Pferd wirkt wie ein Fuchs, der Aalstrich, der sich bis in den Schweif fortsetzt, zeigt jedoch daß es ein sehr dunkler Falbe ist.
English: Red DunDeutsch: Fuchsfalbe
English: Red DunDeutsch: Fuchsfalbe
English: Red DunDeutsch: Fuchsfalbe
English: Foal is identified in caption as cremello, but dark skin and eyes indicate only single cream dilution, hence this foal is actually a Palomino, possibly with the addition of a champagne factorDeutsch: Fohlen mit dem Cream-Gen werden hell geboren
Buckskin mare with Palomino Foal
Same twins almost a year old
Change in skin shade
At the age of one day
One week
Two weeks
Five weeks
Three months
Almost four months
Five months
Almost a year
Adult Horses
Mare: Palomino, Foal: chestnut
Palomino Quarter Horse Stallion
Patterns on palomino base color
Spottet palomino
Tobiano palomino
Tobiano palomino
Palomino frame overo
Palomino blanket appaloosa pattern
Palomino roan or palomino dun
Palomino splashed white
Cremello (Fuchs mit doppeltem Cremegen)
Cremello details