Category:Thomas Schelling

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Deutsch: Thomas Crombie Schelling (* 14. April 1921 in Oakland, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Ökonom und emeritierter Professor für auswärtige Politik, nationale Sicherheit, nukleare Strategie und Rüstungskontrolle an der Schule für Öffentliche Politik der University of Maryland, College Park.
English: Thomas Crombie Schelling (born 14 April 1921) is an American economist and professor of foreign affairs, national security, nuclear strategy, and arms control at the School of Public Policy at University of Maryland, College Park.
<nowiki>Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Томас Шелинг; Thomas Schelling; تھامس شیلنگ; Thomas Schelling; 托馬斯·克羅姆比·謝林; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林; Томас Шеллінг; Thomas Schelling; 托馬斯·克羅姆比·謝林; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Shelling Tomas; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Томас Шелинг; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; টমাস শেলিং; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林; تھامس شلنگ; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; თომას შელინგი; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林; Thomas Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Tomas Şellinq; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 托馬斯·克羅姆比·謝林; Томас Шэлінг; Thomas Schelling; توماس شيلينغ; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Թոմաս Շելլինգ; Томас Шеллинг; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Томас Шелинг; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; توماس شلینگ; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; თომას შელინგი; トーマス・シェリング; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; توماس شيلينج; Thomas Schelling; תומאס שלינג; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; थॉमस सेलिंग; Thomas Schelling; ਥਾਮਸ ਸੇਲਿੰਗ; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Τόμας Σέλινγκ; Thomas Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Tomas Šeling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; 토머스 셸링; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Томас Шелинг; economista estadounidense; amerikai közgazdász; American economist (1921-2016); US-amerikanischer Ökonom und Nobelpreisträger; ekonomist amerikan; اقتصاددان امریکایی; американски икономист; United States of America karimba ŋun nyɛ doo; Amerikalı ekonomist (1921 – 2016); アメリカの経済学者、政治学者; amerikansk nationalekonom och professor; כלכלן אמריקאי; अमेरिकी अर्थशास्त्री; economiste american; americký ekonom, profesor a Nobelové ceny za ekonomii; باحت; economista statunitense; মার্কিন অর্থনীতিবিদ; économiste américain; Ameerika Ühendriikide majandusteadlane; economista estadunidense (1921–2016); konömavan Lamerikänik; ekonomista amerykański, noblista; americký ekonóm; Amerikaans econoom; eacnamaí Meiriceánach; 英国经济学家(1921·–2016); economista estadounidense; economista estatunidenc; American economist (1921-2016); عالم اقتصاد أمريكي; economist american; usona ekonomikisto; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Шеллинг Томас; Шеллинг, Томас; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; 托马斯·C·谢林; 托马斯·谢林; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; トーマス・クロンビー・シェリング; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas C Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; תומס שלינג; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C Schelling; Thomas Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Shelling; Thomas C.Shelling; Thomas C. Shelling; Thomas C Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas C. Schelling; Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling; T. C.(Thomas C.) Schelling; Thomas Crombie Schelling</nowiki>
Thomas Schelling 
American economist (1921-2016)
Muat naik media
Nama dalam bahasa asli
  • Thomas Crombie Schelling
Tarikh lahir14 April 1921
Tarikh kematian13 Disember 2016
Negara kewarganegaraan
Dididik di
Penasihat kedoktoran
Anak didik kedoktoran
  • Eli Noam
  • Martin C. McGuire (1964)
  • Richard Zeckhauser (1969)
  • Michael Spence
  • Tyler Cowen
  • Gustav Ranis
Anggota bagi
Jawatan yang dipegang
Bidang kerja
Anugerah yang diterima
Kawalan kewibawaan
Wikidata Q206460
ID ISNI: 0000000110698201
ID VIAF: 71397440
ID GND: 124591590
ID kewibawaan Perpustakaan Kongres: n50016055
ID BnF: 119239412
ID idRef: 027125831
ID kewibawaan Perpustakaan Diet Kebangsaan: 01122491
ID Perpustakaan Australia: 35769189
ID NKCR AUT: vse2005315919
ID SELIBR: 264232
ID Tesaurus Nama Pengarang Kebangsaan: 068469497
ID NORAF: 90192083
ID NUKAT: n96103595
ID NLP: a0000002799418
pengecam Perpustakaan Kebangsaan Korea: KAC199624309
Libris-URI: 64jlph9q02w9xwq
ID PLWABN: 9810653491705606
ID Perpustakaan Negara Israel: 987007302969605171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA00785774
ID Open Library: OL4362223A
Mathematics Genealogy Project ID: 201551
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