Category:Thing (assembly)

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English: A thing ( Old Norse, Old English and Icelandic: þing; Dutch ding; other modern Scandinavian languages: ting) was the governing assembly in Germanic and introduced into some Celtic societies, made up of the free people of the community and presided by lawspeakers, meeting in a place called a thingstead. Today, the term lives on in the official names of national legislatures and political and judicial institutions in the Nordic countries, in the Manx form tyn, as a term for the three legislative bodies on the Isle of Man, and in the English term husting.
<nowiki>Thing; ting; Thing; thing; thing; Thing; thing; 庭; Ting; ディング; Ting; Тінґ; "Ting"; Ting; Ting; thing; thing; Thing; Ting; Thing; Þing; ding; Ting; ting; thing; ding; ธิง; ting; ting; Ting; Тинг; ding; 팅그; Ting; Tring; ثينج; Тынг; Thing; assemblea di governo delle società germaniche; type d'assemblée gouvernementale dans les anciennes sociétés germaniques d'Europe du Nord; ประเภทของสภาปกครอง; forsamling; rechtspraak; древнескандинавское и германское народное собрание; germanische Volksversammlung; esihistoriallinen germaaninen käräjä; type of governing assembly; sorçh dy whaiyl ny çhionnal reiree; ติง; ティング; シング (民会); thing; þing; þing</nowiki>
germanische Volksversammlung
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  • formelle Versammlung
Wikidata Q387834
GND-Kennung: 4374260-9
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Medien in der Kategorie „Thing (assembly)“

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