<nowiki>Proyecto MEarth; MEarth; Projet MEarth; MEarth計劃; MEarth计划; Projekt MEarth; Проект MEarth; MEarth Project; MEarth計劃; Проект MEarth; Projeto MEarth; MEarth 프로젝트; MEarth Project; پروژه میرت; MEarth計劃; MEarth Project; Osservatorio robotico per ricerca esoplanetaria; robotic observatory to monitor the brightness of thousands of red dwarf stars with the goal of finding transiting planets.; observatorium in Arizona, Verenigde Staten van Amerika; The MEarth Project; MEarthプロジェクト; Mアース; MEarth</nowiki>
MEarth Project
robotic observatory to monitor the brightness of thousands of red dwarf stars with the goal of finding transiting planets.