Category:Conversion to Judaism

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Voce principale su Wikipedia: Conversion to Judaism.
<nowiki>Ghiur; Conversion au judaïsme; Гиюр; Gijur; konverto al Judismo; اعتناق اليهودية; גיור; قبول یہودیت; Konversion; Conversão ao judaísmo; conversion to Judaism; Գիյուր; Гиюр; 改信猶太教; spreobrnitev v judovstvo; ユダヤ教への改宗者; گرویدن به یهودیت; Ґіюр; Perpindahan ke agama Yudaisme; Konwersja na judaizm; גיור; قبول یہودیت; 信奉猶太教; 信奉犹太教; Yahudiliğe geçiş; Juutalaisuuteen kääntyminen; conversion to Judaism; conversion to Judaism; Μεταστροφή στον Ιουδαϊσμό; conversion to Judaism; verska spreobrnitev nejudov, s katero postanejo pripadniki judovske vere in judovske etnoreligiozne skupnosti; adoption des rites et des croyances juives; המרת דת ליהדות; religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community; обращение нееврея в иудаизм; religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community; formelle Handlung beim Übertritt zum Judentum; religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community; religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community; religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community; konverze k judaismu; Yahudi olmayanların Yahudi dinine ve Yahudi etno-dinî cemaatine üye olmak için din değiştirmesi; Conversione al Giudaismo; Gherim; Conversione all'Ebraismo; Convertir au judaïsme; Conversion au judaisme; גר צדק; גירות; גר; גרות; התגיירות; Přestup k judaismu; Přestup na židovství; Obrácení na judaismus; Konverze k židovství; Konverze k judaismu; Přestup k židovství; Přestup na judaismus; Гиур; Герим; Приемане на юдейството; Приемане на юдаизма; Yahudi olma; Museviliğe geçiş; Ger tsedek; Ger tzedek; Musevilik'te din değiştirme; Giyur; Giur; Giyoret; Yahudilik'te din değiştirme; Gerut; Yahudiliğe geçme; Museviliğe geçme; Yahudiliğe geçmek; Ştar Giur; Musevi olma; Ger; Jewish conversion; proselyte of the temple; Jewish conversion; proselyte of the temple; Jewish conversion; proselyte of the temple; Jewish conversion; proselyte of the temple; גר</nowiki>
religious conversion of non-Jews to become members of the Jewish religion and Jewish ethnoreligious community
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Wikidata Q2086136
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identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007537221005171
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Questa categoria contiene le 2 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 2.



File nella categoria "Conversion to Judaism"

Questa categoria contiene 22 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 22.