These works or works by this artist may not be in the public domain, because the artist is still living or has not been dead for at least 70 years. Please do not upload photographs or scans of works by this artist, unless they meet one of the following exceptions:
<nowiki>August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; August Ohm; pintor alemán; জার্মান চিত্রশিল্পী; peintre allemand; Saksamaa maalikunstnik; margolari alemaniarra; pintor alemán; pintor alemany; deutscher Maler und Zeichner; pintor alemão; German painter; نقاش آلمانی; tysk professor; pictor german; German painter; tysk professor; צייר גרמני; німецький художник; Duits kunstschilder; رسام ألماني; péintéir Gearmánach; piktor gjerman; pittore tedesco; pintor alemán; German painter; livour alaman; tysk maler</nowiki>