المغرب أو المملكة المغربية هي دولة في شمال غرب أفريقيا. تقع على ضفاف البحر الأبيض المتوسط والمحيط الأطلسي. لها حدود شرقا مع الجزائر، جنوبا مع موريتانيا، كما أن لها حدود مع إسبانيا و منطقة الصحراء الغربية المتنازع عليها.
Le Maroc est un pays au nord-ouest de l'Afrique appartenant au Maghreb. Il est bordé par l'océan Atlantique à l'Ouest, par le détroit de Gibraltar et la mer Méditerranée au Nord, par l'Algérie à l'Est et par la Mauritanie au Sud, au-delà du Sahara Occidental. Le Maroc a pour capitale Rabat. Le régime politique du Maroc est une monarchie constitutionnelle dont le souverain actuel est Mohammed VI. Le Maroc est membre de la Ligue arabe et de l'Organisation de la conférence islamique.
The Kingdom of Morocco is a country in North Africa. It has a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. It borders ► Algeria to the east, the Mediterranean Sea and a relatively thin water border ► Spain (► Andalusia) and ► Gibraltar to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to its west, where the ► Canary Islands and ► Madeira lie. There are also two Spanish exclaves bordering Morocco to the north. The border to the south is disputed. Morocco claims ownership of ► Western Sahara and has administered most of the territory since 1975. This claim also brings a border with ► Mauritania. This map shows the location of Morocco (incl. Western Sahara).
Le Sahara occidental, appelé Sahara marocain au Maroc, est un territoire de 266 000 km² du nord-ouest de l'Afrique, bordé par le Maroc au nord, l'Algérie au nord est, la Mauritanie à l'est et au sud, tandis que sa côte ouest donne sur l'océan Atlantique.
This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Morocco, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Morocco.
Location of Carthage and Carthaginian influence sphere before the Second Punic War (264 BC)
Territorial development of the Roman Empire 264 BC-192, including the conquest of present Morocco Développement territoriale de l'Empire romain 264 AC-192
This section holds copies of original general maps more than 70 years old.
Morocco in 1830
Other maps
Berber language map
Satellite maps
Satellite map
Satellite map
Notes and references
General remarks:
The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.