
Explore your passions and develop new skills by joining student clubs and organizations.

The UMLA 2025 deadline is October 6, 2024.

Ad Group
  • Affiliated with the American Advertising Federation.
  • Introduces students to the world of advertising through guest speakers and field trips to advertising agencies, the media, and suppliers in South Florida.
  • Members attend various functions held by the local professional club, the Advertising Federation of Greater Miami, and can volunteer their time at the January judging of the ADDY creative awards.
Dean’s Student Circle

The Dean’s Student Circle group functions as a liaison between students and the administration regarding the dissemination of information and events and serves as Peer Mentors to incoming freshmen and transfer students.

Delta Kappa Alpha
  • National, co-educational, professional cinema fraternity for cinematic arts students of character.
  • Open to all both undergraduate and graduate students of all majors.
  • Over 75 years of history and alumni, members are connected to the top cinema students from universities across the nation.
Media Management Association
  • MMA is open to all students and majors interested in media management careers. There are no dues.
  • MMA hosts monthly meetings with industry professionals to learn about the media industry and facilitate networking.
  • MMA holds a competition every spring to recognize outstanding undergraduate works in the area of media management.
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
  • A student-based UM chapter of the national organization based in Washington, D.C., which is dedicated tot the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanic students, professionals, and educators in the field of journalism.
  • NAHJ membership is open to any student at the UM who has an interest in journalism.
  • The chapter fosters engagement with the national organization and its training initiatives, scholarships, and career advancement services.
  • The chapter also hopes to develop a a program of meetings, seminars, guest speakers, and panels, along with regular attendance at the annual NAHJ convention.
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
  • Pre-professional organization with more than 9,600 members in 284 universities across the country.

  • Our chapter is sponsored by the Miami Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
  • Members are provided with exclusive internship and scholarship opportunities.
  • PRSSA’s annual conference allows students to meet other members from around the country, attend professional development seminars and network with professionals.
  • Open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors.
UM Debate Team
  • A co-curricular activity supported by the School of Communication.

  • Open to all undergraduate students.
  • Competes regionally and nationally in inter-collegiate tournaments with great success.