Cloud Firestore Android Codelab

1. Overview


In this codelab you will build a restaurant recommendation app on Android backed by Cloud Firestore. You will learn how to:

  • Read and write data to Firestore from an Android app
  • Listen to changes in Firestore data in realtime
  • Use Firebase Authentication and security rules to secure Firestore data
  • Write complex Firestore queries


Before starting this codelab make sure you have:

  • Android Studio Flamingo or newer
  • An Android emulator with API 19 or higher
  • Node.js version 16 or higher
  • Java version 17 or higher

2. Create a Firebase project

  1. Sign into the Firebase console with your Google account.
  2. In the Firebase console, click Add project.
  3. As shown in the screen capture below, enter a name for your Firebase project (for example, "Friendly Eats"), and click Continue.


  1. You may be asked to enable Google Analytics, for the purposes of this codelab your selection does not matter.
  2. After a minute or so, your Firebase project will be ready. Click Continue.

3. Set up the sample project

Download the code

Run the following command to clone the sample code for this codelab. This will create a folder called friendlyeats-android on your machine:

$ git clone

If you don't have git on your machine, you can also download the code directly from GitHub.

Add Firebase configuration

  1. In the Firebase console, select Project Overview in the left nav. Click the Android button to select the platform. When prompted for a package name use


  1. Click Register App and follow the instructions to download the google-services.json file, and move it into the app/ folder of the code you just downloaded. Then click Next.

Import the project

Open Android Studio. Click File > New > Import Project and select the friendlyeats-android folder.

4. Set up the Firebase Emulators

In this codelab you'll use the Firebase Emulator Suite to locally emulate Cloud Firestore and other Firebase services. This provides a safe, fast, and no-cost local development environment to build your app.

Install the Firebase CLI

First you will need to install the Firebase CLI. If you are using macOS or Linux, you can run the following cURL command:

curl -sL | bash

If you are using Windows, read the installation instructions to get a standalone binary or to install via npm.

Once you've installed the CLI, running firebase --version should report a version of 9.0.0 or higher:

$ firebase --version

Log In

Run firebase login to connect the CLI to your Google account. This will open a new browser window to complete the login process. Make sure to choose the same account you used when creating your Firebase project earlier.

From within the friendlyeats-android folder run firebase use --add to connect your local project to your Firebase project. Follow the prompts to select the project you created earlier and if asked to choose an alias enter default.

5. Run the app

Now it's time to run the Firebase Emulator Suite and the FriendlyEats Android app for the first time.

Run the emulators

In your terminal from within the friendlyeats-android directory run firebase emulators:start to start up the Firebase Emulators. You should see logs like this:

$ firebase emulators:start
i  emulators: Starting emulators: auth, firestore
i  firestore: Firestore Emulator logging to firestore-debug.log
i  ui: Emulator UI logging to ui-debug.log

│ ✔  All emulators ready! It is now safe to connect your app. │
│ i  View Emulator UI at                │

│ Emulator       │ Host:Port      │ View in Emulator UI             │
│ Authentication │ localhost:9099 │      │
│ Firestore      │ localhost:8080 │ │
  Emulator Hub running at localhost:4400
  Other reserved ports: 4500

Issues? Report them at and attach the *-debug.log files.

You now have a complete local development environment running on your machine! Make sure to leave this command running for the rest of the codelab, your Android app will need to connect to the emulators.

Connect app to the Emulators

Open the files util/FirestoreInitializer.kt and util/AuthInitializer.kt in Android Studio. These files contain the logic to connect the Firebase SDKs to the local emulators running on your machine, upon application startup.

On the create() method of the FirestoreInitializer class, examine this piece of code:

    // Use emulators only in debug builds
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

We are using BuildConfig to make sure we only connect to the emulators when our app is running in debug mode. When we compile the app in release mode this condition will be false.

We can see that it is using the useEmulator(host, port) method to connect the Firebase SDK to the local Firestore emulator. Throughout the app we will use FirebaseUtil.getFirestore() to access this instance of FirebaseFirestore so we are sure that we're always connecting to the Firestore emulator when running in debug mode.

Run the app

If you have added the google-services.json file properly, the project should now compile. In Android Studio click Build > Rebuild Project and ensure that there are no remaining errors.

In Android Studio Run the app on your Android emulator. At first you will be presented with a "Sign in" screen. You can use any email and password to sign into the app. This sign in process is connecting to the Firebase Authentication emulator, so no real credentials are being transmitted.

Now open the Emulators UI by navigating to in your web browser. Then click on the Authentication tab and you should see the account you just created:

Firebase Auth Emulator

Once you have completed the sign in process you should see the app home screen:


Soon we will add some data to populate the home screen.

6. Write data to Firestore

In this section we will write some data to Firestore so that we can populate the currently empty home screen.

The main model object in our app is a restaurant (see model/Restaurant.kt). Firestore data is split into documents, collections, and subcollections. We will store each restaurant as a document in a top-level collection called "restaurants". To learn more about the Firestore data model, read about documents and collections in the documentation.

For demonstration purposes, we will add functionality in the app to create ten random restaurants when we click the "Add Random Items" button in the overflow menu. Open the file MainFragment.kt and replace the content in the onAddItemsClicked() method with:

    private fun onAddItemsClicked() {
        val restaurantsRef = firestore.collection("restaurants")
        for (i in 0..9) {
            // Create random restaurant / ratings
            val randomRestaurant = RestaurantUtil.getRandom(requireContext())

            // Add restaurant

There are a few important things to note about the code above:

  • We started by getting a reference to the "restaurants" collection. Collections are created implicitly when documents are added, so there was no need to create the collection before writing data.
  • Documents can be created using Kotlin data classes, which we use to create each Restaurant doc.
  • The add() method adds a document to a collection with an auto-generated ID, so we did not need to specify a unique ID for each Restaurant.

Now run the app again and click the "Add Random Items" button in the overflow menu (at the top right corner) to invoke the code you just wrote:


Now open the Emulators UI by navigating to in your web browser. Then click on the Firestore tab and you should see the data you just added:

Firebase Auth Emulator

This data is 100% local to your machine. In fact, your real project doesn't even contain a Firestore database yet! This means it's safe to experiment with modifying and deleting this data without consequence.

Congratulations, you just wrote data to Firestore! In the next step we'll learn how to display this data in the app.

7. Display data from Firestore

In this step we will learn how to retrieve data from Firestore and display it in our app. The first step to reading data from Firestore is to create a Query. Open the file MainFragment.kt and add the following code to the beginning of the onViewCreated() method:

        // Firestore
        firestore = Firebase.firestore

        // Get the 50 highest rated restaurants
        query = firestore.collection("restaurants")
            .orderBy("avgRating", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)

Now we want to listen to the query, so that we get all matching documents and are notified of future updates in real time. Because our eventual goal is to bind this data to a RecyclerView, we need to create a RecyclerView.Adapter class to listen to the data.

Open the FirestoreAdapter class, which has been partially implemented already. First, let's make the adapter implement EventListener and define the onEvent function so that it can receive updates to a Firestore query:

abstract class FirestoreAdapter<VH : RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(private var query: Query?) :
        EventListener<QuerySnapshot> { // Add this implements
    // ...

    // Add this method
    override fun onEvent(documentSnapshots: QuerySnapshot?, e: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {
        // Handle errors
        if (e != null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "onEvent:error", e)

        // Dispatch the event
        if (documentSnapshots != null) {
            for (change in documentSnapshots.documentChanges) {
                // snapshot of the changed document
                when (change.type) {
                    DocumentChange.Type.ADDED -> {
                        // TODO: handle document added
                    DocumentChange.Type.MODIFIED -> {
                        // TODO: handle document changed
                    DocumentChange.Type.REMOVED -> {
                        // TODO: handle document removed

    // ...

On initial load the listener will receive one ADDED event for each new document. As the result set of the query changes over time the listener will receive more events containing the changes. Now let's finish implementing the listener. First add three new methods: onDocumentAdded, onDocumentModified, and onDocumentRemoved:

    private fun onDocumentAdded(change: DocumentChange) {
        snapshots.add(change.newIndex, change.document)

    private fun onDocumentModified(change: DocumentChange) {
        if (change.oldIndex == change.newIndex) {
            // Item changed but remained in same position
            snapshots[change.oldIndex] = change.document
        } else {
            // Item changed and changed position
            snapshots.add(change.newIndex, change.document)
            notifyItemMoved(change.oldIndex, change.newIndex)

    private fun onDocumentRemoved(change: DocumentChange) {

Then call these new methods from onEvent:

    override fun onEvent(documentSnapshots: QuerySnapshot?, e: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {

        // Handle errors
        if (e != null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "onEvent:error", e)

        // Dispatch the event
        if (documentSnapshots != null) {
            for (change in documentSnapshots.documentChanges) {
                // snapshot of the changed document
                when (change.type) {
                    DocumentChange.Type.ADDED -> {
                        onDocumentAdded(change) // Add this line
                    DocumentChange.Type.MODIFIED -> {
                        onDocumentModified(change) // Add this line
                    DocumentChange.Type.REMOVED -> {
                        onDocumentRemoved(change) // Add this line


Finally implement the startListening() method to attach the listener:

    fun startListening() {
        if (registration == null) {
            registration = query.addSnapshotListener(this)

Now the app is fully configured to read data from Firestore. Run the app again and you should see the restaurants you added in the previous step:


Now go back to the Emulator UI in your browser and edit one of the restaurant names. You should see it change in the app almost instantly!

8. Sort and filter data

The app currently displays the top-rated restaurants across the entire collection, but in a real restaurant app the user would want to sort and filter the data. For example the app should be able to show "Top seafood restaurants in Philadelphia" or "Least expensive pizza".

Clicking white bar at the top of the app brings up a filters dialog. In this section we'll use Firestore queries to make this dialog work:


Let's edit the onFilter() method of MainFragment.kt. This method accepts a Filters object which is a helper object we created to capture the output of the filters dialog. We will change this method to construct a query from the filters:

    override fun onFilter(filters: Filters) {
        // Construct query basic query
        var query: Query = firestore.collection("restaurants")

        // Category (equality filter)
        if (filters.hasCategory()) {
            query = query.whereEqualTo(Restaurant.FIELD_CATEGORY, filters.category)

        // City (equality filter)
        if (filters.hasCity()) {
            query = query.whereEqualTo(Restaurant.FIELD_CITY,

        // Price (equality filter)
        if (filters.hasPrice()) {
            query = query.whereEqualTo(Restaurant.FIELD_PRICE, filters.price)

        // Sort by (orderBy with direction)
        if (filters.hasSortBy()) {
            query = query.orderBy(filters.sortBy.toString(), filters.sortDirection)

        // Limit items
        query = query.limit(LIMIT.toLong())

        // Update the query

        // Set header
        binding.textCurrentSearch.text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(
        binding.textCurrentSortBy.text = filters.getOrderDescription(requireContext())

        // Save filters
        viewModel.filters = filters

In the snippet above we build a Query object by attaching where and orderBy clauses to match the given filters.

Run the app again and select the following filter to show the most popular low-price restaurants:


You should now see a filtered list of restaurants containing only low-price options:


If you've made it this far, you have now built a fully functioning restaurant recommendation viewing app on Firestore! You can now sort and filter restaurants in real time. In the next few sections we'll add reviews to the restaurants and add security rules to the app.

9. Organize data in subcollections

In this section we'll add ratings to the app so users can review their favorite (or least favorite) restaurants.

Collections and subcollections

So far we have stored all restaurant data in a top-level collection called "restaurants". When a user rates a restaurant we want to add a new Rating object to the restaurants. For this task we will use a subcollection. You can think of a subcollection as a collection that is attached to a document. So each restaurant document will have a ratings subcollection full of rating documents. Subcollections help organize data without bloating our documents or requiring complex queries.

To access a subcollection, call .collection() on the parent document:

val subRef = firestore.collection("restaurants")

You can access and query a subcollection just like with a top-level collection, there are no size limitations or performance changes. You can read more about the Firestore data model here.

Writing data in a transaction

Adding a Rating to the proper subcollection only requires calling .add(), but we also need to update the Restaurant object's average rating and number of ratings to reflect the new data. If we use separate operations to make these two changes there are a number of race conditions that could result in stale or incorrect data.

To ensure that ratings are added properly, we will use a transaction to add ratings to a restaurant. This transaction will perform a few actions:

  • Read the restaurant's current rating and calculate the new one
  • Add the rating to the subcollection
  • Update the restaurant's average rating and number of ratings

Open RestaurantDetailFragment.kt and implement the addRating function:

    private fun addRating(restaurantRef: DocumentReference, rating: Rating): Task<Void> {
        // Create reference for new rating, for use inside the transaction
        val ratingRef = restaurantRef.collection("ratings").document()

        // In a transaction, add the new rating and update the aggregate totals
        return firestore.runTransaction { transaction ->
            val restaurant = transaction.get(restaurantRef).toObject<Restaurant>()
                ?: throw Exception("Restaurant not found at ${restaurantRef.path}")

            // Compute new number of ratings
            val newNumRatings = restaurant.numRatings + 1

            // Compute new average rating
            val oldRatingTotal = restaurant.avgRating * restaurant.numRatings
            val newAvgRating = (oldRatingTotal + rating.rating) / newNumRatings

            // Set new restaurant info
            restaurant.numRatings = newNumRatings
            restaurant.avgRating = newAvgRating

            // Commit to Firestore
            transaction.set(restaurantRef, restaurant)
            transaction.set(ratingRef, rating)


The addRating() function returns a Task representing the entire transaction. In the onRating() function listeners are added to the task to respond to the result of the transaction.

Now Run the app again and click on one of the restaurants, which should bring up the restaurant detail screen. Click the + button to start adding a review. Add a review by picking a number of stars and entering some text.


Hitting Submit will kick off the transaction. When the transaction completes, you will see your review displayed below and an update to the restaurant's review count:


Congrats! You now have a social, local, mobile restaurant review app built on Cloud Firestore. I hear those are very popular these days.

10. Secure your data

So far we have not considered the security of this application. How do we know that users can only read and write the correct own data? Firestore databases are secured by a configuration file called Security Rules.

Open the firestore.rules file, you should see the following:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      // WARNING: These rules are insecure! We will replace them with
      // more secure rules later in the codelab
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

Let's change these rules to prevent unwanted data acesss or changes, open the firestore.rules file and replace the content with the following:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    // Determine if the value of the field "key" is the same
    // before and after the request.
    function isUnchanged(key) {
      return (key in
        && (key in
        && ([key] ==[key]);

    // Restaurants
    match /restaurants/{restaurantId} {
      // Any signed-in user can read
      allow read: if request.auth != null;

      // Any signed-in user can create
      // WARNING: this rule is for demo purposes only!
      allow create: if request.auth != null;

      // Updates are allowed if no fields are added and name is unchanged
      allow update: if request.auth != null
                    && ( ==
                    && isUnchanged("name");

      // Deletes are not allowed.
      // Note: this is the default, there is no need to explicitly state this.
      allow delete: if false;

      // Ratings
      match /ratings/{ratingId} {
        // Any signed-in user can read
        allow read: if request.auth != null;

        // Any signed-in user can create if their uid matches the document
        allow create: if request.auth != null
                      && == request.auth.uid;

        // Deletes and updates are not allowed (default)
        allow update, delete: if false;

These rules restrict access to ensure that clients only make safe changes. For example updates to a restaurant document can only change the ratings, not the name or any other immutable data. Ratings can only be created if the user ID matches the signed-in user, which prevents spoofing.

To read more about Security Rules, visit the documentation.

11. Conclusion

You have now created a fully-featured app on top of Firestore. You learned about the most important Firestore features including:

  • Documents and collections
  • Reading and writing data
  • Sorting and filtering with queries
  • Subcollections
  • Transactions

Learn More

To keep learning about Firestore, here are some good places to get started:

The restaurant app in this codelab was based on the "Friendly Eats" example application. You can browse the source code for that app here.

Optional: Deploy to production

So far this app has only used the Firebase Emulator Suite. If you want to learn how to deploy this app to a real Firebase project, continue on to the next step.

12. (Optional) Deploy your app

So far this app has been entirely local, all of the data is contained in the Firebase Emulator Suite. In this section you will learn how to configure your Firebase project so that this app will work in production.

Firebase Authentication

In the Firebase console go to the Authentication section and click Get started. Navigate to the Sign-in method tab and select the Email/Password option from Native providers.

Enable the Email/Password sign-in method and click Save.



Create database

Navigate to the Firestore Database section of the console and click Create Database:

  1. When prompted about Security Rules choose to start in Production Mode, we'll update those rules soon.
  2. Choose the database location that you'd like to use for your app. Note that selecting a database location is a permanent decision and to change it you will have to create a new project. For more information on choosing a project location, see the documentation.

Deploy Rules

To deploy the Security Rules you wrote earlier, run the following command in the codelab directory:

$ firebase deploy --only firestore:rules

This will deploy the contents of firestore.rules to your project, which you can confirm by navigating to the Rules tab in the console.

Deploy Indexes

The FriendlyEats app has complex sorting and filtering which requires a number of custom compound indexes. These can be created by hand in the Firebase console but it is simpler to write their definitions in the firestore.indexes.json file and deploy them using the Firebase CLI.

If you open the firestore.indexes.json file you will see that the required indexes have already been provided:

  "indexes": [
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "city", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "avgRating", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "category", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "avgRating", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "price", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "avgRating", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "city", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "numRatings", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "category", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "numRatings", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "price", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "numRatings", "mode": "DESCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "city", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "price", "mode": "ASCENDING" }
      "collectionId": "restaurants",
      "fields": [
        { "fieldPath": "category", "mode": "ASCENDING" },
        { "fieldPath": "price", "mode": "ASCENDING" }
  "fieldOverrides": []

To deploy these indexes run the following command:

$ firebase deploy --only firestore:indexes

Note that index creation is not instantaneous, you can monitor the progress in the Firebase console.

Configure the app

In the util/FirestoreInitializer.kt and util/AuthInitializer.kt files we configured the Firebase SDK to connect to the emulators when in debug mode:

    override fun create(context: Context): FirebaseFirestore {
        val firestore = Firebase.firestore
        // Use emulators only in debug builds
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        return firestore

If you would like to test your app with your real Firebase project you can either:

  1. Build the app in release mode and run it on a device.
  2. Temporarily replace BuildConfig.DEBUG with false and run the app again.

Note that you may need to Sign Out of the app and sign in again in order to properly connect to production.