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领英作为全球领先的职业社交平台,旗下的领英人才解决方案(LinkedIn Talent Solutions, LTS)为企业提供“大数据”“雇主品牌”“人才策略”等价值,致力于帮助中国企业更好地与人才相连接。 咨询更多产品和服务内容,欢迎直接与我们的人才解决方案顾问取得联系: 邮件:[email protected] 电话:400-062-5229

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    Great to see our partnership with Midea Group flourishing! From HQ visits to InDay events, we're proud to support their global talent acquisition and expansion efforts. #LinkedInChina #MideaGroup



    Exciting day at 美的集团 HQ with LinkedIn 领英中国's InDay event! Thrilled to host LinkedIn at our Midea headquarters today for their InDay event. The highlight? A professional photoshoot session - can't wait to update my profile with the new headshot! LinkedIn has consistently provided Midea with exceptional support. From our visit to LinkedIn's U.S. headquarters earlier this year to our recent exchange at their Beijing office, LinkedIn has proven to be Midea's most trusted platform for global recruitment. Their expertise and tools have been invaluable in our international talent acquisition efforts. As Midea continues to expand globally, LinkedIn's partnership becomes ever more crucial. Looking forward to strengthening our collaboration and taking Midea's global presence to new heights. Here's to more innovation, growth, and success on the world stage! #MideaGlobal #LinkedInPartnership #GlobalRecruitment #ProfessionalGrowth

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    📱 直播预约 | 10月21日 AI 人工智能藤校顶尖人才招聘专场重磅来袭! 📊 热门行业招聘趋势解读 🏆 重磅嘉宾招聘分享 💰 名企岗位专属直播带岗 🔍 领英导师秋招问题解答 ☁️ 沉浸式直播招募全球英才,赶快来扫码预约直播,体验全新玩法!👇 #领英全球秋季校招节 #直播带岗 #招聘趋势 #名企岗位 #雇主品牌 #海外校招 #智能制造 #AI #AI人工智能 https://lnkd.in/g-VCSCXX

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    🎉 【活动预告】 🎉 2024年10月19日,第四届粤港澳大湾区企业人力资源发展大会将在深港河套科创中心举行,以“数智化・国际化”为主题。湾区9+2城市人才协会联袂,500余位企业HR高管齐聚福田! 来自香港大学中国商业学院、抖音集团飞书People 、领英中国、深圳人才集团、TCL科技集团、猎聘、澳门科技大学商业学院的众多人力资源资深人士共同讨讨“数智化助力企业发展、企业如何更好的国际化”,仅限HR从业人员报名! https://lnkd.in/ga6k7Gbx

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    With the help of LinkedIn's new generative AI tools, recruiters' work is becoming more efficient and precise. User feedback indicates that features such as AI-Assisted Messages, AI-Assisted Search and Projects, and AI-Assisted Job Descriptions have significantly improved their recruitment efforts. More AI functionalities will be introduced in the future. 📩 Research data shows that, regarding candidates' response speed, the use of AI-assisted InMail has increased response rates by over 10%. ✍ In a survey of early adopters of AI-assisted search and project management tools, 66% of clients stated that these tools helped them save considerable time. 📣 Two-thirds (74%) of pilot clients reported that LinkedIn's AI-Assisted Messages tool significantly accelerated communication speed when establishing contact with candidates. 🔍 In the 2024 update of LinkedIn Recruiter, 80% of LinkedIn customers who enabled multiple AI features stated that AI technology-enabled more precise search results and even uncovered "high-potential talent" that might be missed during manual searches. 💰 LinkedIn's AI functionalities have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness across various industries, including technology, information and media, accommodation, food and beverage, healthcare, financial services, and more. 🌎 Leveraging its close partnership with Microsoft and a decade of experience in artificial intelligence, LinkedIn ensures that its AI tools are used safely, compliantly, and fairly by businesses, adhering to the principles of responsible AI. 👇 Click the link below to book a product demonstration and learn more about LinkedIn's AI-related reports. 📚📝     在领英的全新生成式 AI 工具帮助下,招聘者的工作正变得更加高效和精准。用户反馈像 AI 辅助消息(AI-Assisted Messages)、AI 辅助搜索与项目管理(AI-Assisted Search and Projects)、AI 辅助职位描述(AI-Assisted Job Descriptions)等功能,已经在为他们的招聘工作带来显著的提升。未来还会有更多 AI 功能陆续推出。 📩 调研数据显示,从求职者的响应速度来看:使用 AI 辅助的 InMail,响应速度增加了 10% 以上。 ✍ 在对早期试用 AI 辅助搜索和项目管理工具的客户的调查中,66% 的客户表示,这些工具帮助他们节省了大量时间。 📣三分之二的试点客户(74%)表示,领英的 AI 辅助消息工具显著加快了与候选人建立联系时的沟通速度。 🔍 在 2024 年领英 Recruiter 最新版本中,启用了多项 AI 功能的领英客户中,有 80% 表示通过 AI 技术,搜索结果能够更加精准化,甚至挖掘出那些手动搜索时可能错过的“高潜人才”。 💰 领英的 AI 功能在科技、信息和媒体、住宿、餐饮、医院、金融服务等多个行业领域展现了显著的效果。 🌎 依托与微软的紧密合作关系,领英在人工智能领域拥有十年的积累,在坚守负责任 AI 的原则下,确保企业使用领英的 AI 工具时能够做到安全、合规与公平。 👇 欢迎点击下方原文,预约产品演示,了解更多领英 AI 相关报告。📚📝 #生成式AI #AI #企业招聘 #候选人 #InMail #站内信InMail #领英Recruiter #高潜人才 #人才洞察 #产品演示 https://lnkd.in/g7q3rWKc

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    ⏰【直播预约】#2025领英全球秋季校招节 重磅推出#直播带岗,顶尖人才招聘会。 此次校招节携手多家头部企业,开启#智能制造 、#AI人工智能#通识综合 3大领域专场直播招聘。中国企业全球化#海外校招首选领英。 ------------------------------- 📣雇主品牌1000万+全球曝光 🗺全面触达 QS200 理工精英 💹精准连接哈麻耶斯普牛剑学子 🧸6大直播互动创新酷玩 ------------------------------- 📱点击下方链接,预约【第一场直播】#智能制造人才招聘 10月14日 10:00/10月16日 18:00  预约链接:https://i3z.cc/v-45GAE

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    🌍 Chinese enterprises are accelerating their internationalization while confronting drastic changes in the go-global business landscape, along with multiple challenges including go-global talent recruitment, cultural differences, technological innovation, and macroeconomic fluctuations.   At the " Outbound Enterprise Experience Sharing Session" held in Beijing, organized jointly by LinkedIn China, HRA, and the Tsinghua University SEM EMBA 2016 Beijing Alumni Association, notable guests such as Wei Wen, the Head of New Business at LinkedIn China Talent Solutions, 郭冰冰 (Cathy), HRD at Goldwind International, and Li Haisheng, Senior Consultant at Yongqiang International, delved into experiences and insights on go-global expansion strategies, talent management, and market insights. Key highlights included:   🌟 Opportunities and challenges driven by technological advancements and market liberalization in today's go global business environment. 💡  Key strategies for global enterprises to attract and retain top talent in cross-cultural environments. 🚀 An in-depth analysis of internationalization and how to craft effective HR strategies at various stages of growth. 🔍 Practical approaches to managing global market risks through localization and strategic partnerships.   🤝 As the world's largest professional networking platform, LinkedIn boasts over 1 billion members and 67 million company pages, leveraging data insights and precise marketing tactics to empower Chinese enterprises to expand go-global to upgrade their operations, talent acquisition, data utilization, and branding. 1.   Enhancing the go-global visibility of Chinese brands to create a competitive edge in candidate recruitment. 2.   Identifying "key players" in business to connect with go-global opportunities. 3.   LinkedIn LTI big data insights and reports for analyzing go-global business and talent trends.   🌍 中国企业加速国际化步伐,同时也面临着全球商业环境剧变,以及全球人才招募、文化差异、技术革新及宏观经济波动等多重挑战。   领英中国联合 HRA 和清华经管 EMBA2016 级北京校友会,在北京召开的“走进领英 | 出海企业经验分享会”中,领英新业务负责人文巍、金风科技国际业务 HRD 郭冰冰、永强国际资深顾问李海生等嘉宾深入探讨了出海战略、人才管理和市场洞察等方面的经验与见解,主要亮点包括:   🌟 在当今全球化的商业环境中,科技进步与市场开放带来的机遇和挑战。 💡 出海企业在跨文化背景下如何吸引并留住全球顶尖人才 🚀 企业的国际化战略模式分析,以及如何在不同发展阶段制定有效的人力资源策略 🔍 如何通过属地化策略与合作伙伴模式有效应对海外市场风险?   🤝 领英作为全球最大的职场社交平台,积累超 10 亿全球职场会员,超 6700 万企业雇主,以数据优势与精准营销策略,助力中国出海企业在业务、人才、数据、品牌等方面升级。 1. 提升中国品牌的全球知名度,为寻聘“候选人”创造竞争力 2. 寻找生意中的“关键人”,链接全球商机 3. 领英 LTI 大数据洞察与报告,分析全球业务与人才趋势   👇 欢迎点击原文,下载《领英全球化人才招聘解决方案》及领英洞察报告,了解如何通过领英人才解决方案,助力中国企业有效获取国际人才和全球商业机遇。 #GoGlobal #TalentManagement #LinkedInTalentSolutions #LinkedInLearningSolutions #出海 #人才洞察 #人才招聘 #LTI #新能源出海企业 #精准营销 https://lnkd.in/g65v74TU

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    📢 Last week, we unveil the annual list of LinkedIn Top MBA Programs, a global data-backed ranking of the 100 business schools. 💡 This list not only highlights the top MBA institutions globally and the value of an MBA for career development but also provides insights into the most sought-after industries and top employers for MBA graduates. 🎓 New LinkedIn data reveals that MBA graduates are 140% more likely to reach a VP-level position within 10 years of graduation compared to their peers with only a bachelor's degree. In 2023, nearly 9.3% of senior leaders globally had earned an MBA before starting their leadership roles—an increase of 25% since 2010. 🔎 Unlike traditional rankings that rely on GMAT scores or student surveys, LinkedIn's list focuses on real career outcomes to help professionals make informed decisions about which MBA program aligns with their goals. 🎉 One standout this year is 中欧国际工商学院, which, due to its overall strength, has emerged as the only business school from mainland China to make it to the global list. This achievement reflects the growing influence of Chinese business schools in the realm of global higher education. 🌏 Join LinkedIn and be a part of the rise of Chinese educational brands on the global stage! #LinkedInTopMBA #MBA #businessschool https://lnkd.in/gHKY6pQH

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    📢 On the occasion of World EV Day 2024, LinkedIn has released "2024 Insight into Talent Trends for Business Expansion in Popular Regions of Chinese Auto Enterprises Go Global", providing an in-depth analysis of Chinese automakers' talent strategies,spotlighting their global expansion efforts with a special focus on emerging markets such as Africa. Discover how these companies are driving success through innovative talent acquisition and strategic international growth.   💡 Chinese new energy vehicle (NEV) enterprises are creating unprecedented opportunities for Africa's "green transformation." 🔥 An increasing number of African nations are introducing policies to support domestic green transitions and actively building relevant infrastructure, paving the way for the development of NEVs. 🚀 In 2023, China's NEV exports to Africa surged by 291% year-on-year, offering crucial technical and product support for Africa's electrification transition. 🔍 Chinese auto enterprises' gradual expansion in Africa will not only bring more "green talents" proficient in both traditional automotive technology and the new energy sector into the African market but also significantly boost the cultivation of local service and support personnel. 📖 To foster a sustainable talent pipeline, Chinese auto enterprises actively engage in school-enterprise cooperation and vocational training programs to nurture local African automotive professionals. 💰 LinkedIn Empowers "Chinese Enterprises in Africa": LinkedIn's platform not only creates opportunities for Chinese companies to connect with local professionals, potential partners, and talents, but also provides exclusive data insights, aiding them in strategic decision-making with firsthand market insights and talent supply-demand trends. Chinese automakers can fully utilize LinkedIn to disseminate the latest product information and technological advancements, attracting attention and interest from the African market.     📢 在 2024 年世界电动汽车日(World EV Day)之际,领英发布《2024 中企汽车出海热门区域:业务拓展人才趋势洞察》,深入剖析了中国汽车企业在全球化进程中的人才布局与战略,特别是在非洲等新兴市场的开拓情况。   💡 中国新能源汽车企业,正在为非洲市场的“绿色转型”创造前所未有的机遇。 🔥 越来越多非洲国家纷纷出台支持国内绿色转型政策,并积极建设相关基础设施,为新能源汽车发展“铺路”。 🚀 2023 年中国新能源汽车对非洲出口同比增长 291%,为非洲电动化转型提供了重要的技术和产品支持。 🔍 中国汽车企业在非洲市场的逐步开拓,一方面将带动更多精通传统汽车技术又熟悉新能源领域的“绿色人才”走入非洲市场,与此同时也能极大地促进本地化服务和支持类人才的培养。全球职业社交平台领英提供的 LTI 独家数据显示: 01、中国车企在非洲的业务和人才布局,广泛覆盖至北非、西非、南非等多国家地区; 02、非洲地区,汽车制造业相关的专业人才,规模超 42 万; 03、2023 年,非洲拥有电动汽车(EV)专业技能的人才近 5 万人,环比上一年增长 81%。 📖 为了打造更长期的人才需求管道,中国汽车企业积极通过校企合作和职业培训等方式,培育非洲本地的汽车专业人才。 💰 领英助力“中企在非洲”:领英平台不仅能为中国企业创造更多与本地专业人士、潜在合作伙伴和潜在人才连接的机会,还能为中国企业提供独家数据洞察,帮助他们在制定战略时拥有一手的市场洞察和人才供需趋势洞察。中国汽车企业还可以充分利用领英平台,发布最新的产品信息和技术动态,吸引非洲市场的关注和兴趣。   🌎 想要深入了解中企如何在非洲、欧洲、东南亚、中东等市场的业务拓展趋势,和本地化人才洞察,欢迎点击下载完整报告。👇 #ChineseAutomotiveGlobalExpansion #GlobalExpansion #ChineseAutomotiveIndustry #OverseasTalent #LTI #Africa #LocalDealers #LocalizationStrategies #TalentRecruitment #AutomotiveIndustry #CarBrands #ElectricVehicels https://lnkd.in/g8CB3-ZG

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    Recently, LinkedIn has unveiled its brand-new report titled "2024 Insight into Talent Trends for Business Expansion in Popular Regions of Chinese Auto Enterprises Go Global"! 🔑 The report uncovers the core drivers of Chinese auto enterprises' internationalization: cutting-edge technological exploration, innovation in production factors, go-global industrial synergy, integration of international labor, innovation in smart tools, and the development of new materials and data resources. 🌎 In the go-global market, five types of key talents - seasoned delivery professionals, localized sales experts, channel management specialists, multinational team leaders, and multinational technical sales support personnel - are emerging as significant forces driving the global expansion of Chinese auto enterprises with their expertise and cross-functional capabilities. 🌟 Highlights of talent demands in popular go-global regions: · Europe: Focus on dealer and To B talents, emphasizing after-sales service and compliance skill development · Southeast Asia: Digital marketing professionals, local business executives, and financial talents play pivotal roles in expansion · Middle East & Africa: Surging demand for technical and after-sales talents, fostering multi-tiered, cross-cultural teams 📥 In terms of talent development, comprehensive training covers product knowledge, sales skills, digital marketing, and cross-cultural competencies. 🚀 For more detailed information, please follow LinkedIn's official account and download the full report. 👇     近日领英全新发布《2024 中企汽车出海热门区域:业务拓展人才趋势洞察》报告!   🔑 报告揭示,中国汽车企业国际化核心驱动力:前沿科技探索、生产要素创新、产业全球协同、国际化劳动力整合、智能化工具革新,以及新材料与数据资源的开发。   🌎 在全球市场中,资深交付能力者、本地化销售专家、渠道管理专家、跨国团队管理者、跨国技术销售支持人员这五类关键人才,正凭借其专业知识和跨界能力,成为推动中国车企全球布局的重要力量。   🌟 出海热门区域的人才需求亮点:  · 欧洲:以经销商与 To B 人才为核心,着重售后服务与合规技能培养  · 东南亚:数字营销人才、本地业务高管、金融人才在拓展中扮演关键角色  · 中东与非洲:对技术与售后人才的需求高涨,打造多层次、跨文化团队   📥 人才培养方面: 涉及产品知识、销售技能、数字化营销及跨文化能力的全方位发展   🚀 想了解更多详细内容,欢迎关注领英官方账号,下载完整版报告。👇 #ChineseAutomotiveGlobalExpansion #GlobalExpansion #ChineseAutomotiveIndustry #OverseasTalent #LTI #Europe #SoutheastAsia #MiddleEast #Africa #LocalDealers #LocalizationStrategies #TalentRecruitment #AutomotiveIndustry #CarBrands #ElectricVehicels 🚀 想要深入了解中企如何在欧洲市场、东南亚、中东及非洲等市场的业务拓展趋势,和本地化人才洞察,了解更多热门区域的人才洞察,欢迎点击阅读文章: - 欧洲:https://lnkd.in/g33vAD6F - 东南亚:https://lnkd.in/gtziBe7y - 中东与非洲:https://lnkd.in/gErRiYAk 👇 或直接下载报告:https://lnkd.in/gk4C2nNi

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    As a trusted partner for Chinese enterprises expanding go global, LinkedIn is leveraging various formats during this year's Autumn Recruitment Festival on August 9 and 12 to bridge the gap between talents and enterprises, facilitating the go-global recruitment of top talents for more Chinese companies.   🌎 LinkedIn Back [in] Public Welfare Lecture Series,Connecting with Top Global  Talents: LinkedIn hosts public welfare activities targeted at elite students, aiming to build a communication bridge between enterprises and students. As recruiters, HR representatives from top companies in new energy, tech, smart manufacturing, and more, such as CATL, Midea Group, OPPO, Alibaba Cloud, Xiaohongshu, Huayou Cobalt, DiDi, DP Technology, PhotoGrid, Haier, Xiaomi, Foshan Xianhu Laboratory, Trip.com Group, and CXMT, also participated in the event.   💎 The two public lectures in Beijing and Shanghai drew nearly 200 students from QS Top 50 Universities, specializing in fields like mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and materials science, as well as exceptional international students studying in China.   👨🎓 High Demand for STEM Talents, International Students Prioritize Personal Development in Job Seeking: The willingness of international students to return to China for career development has notably increased. When seeking employment, they attach greater importance to personal growth and career development opportunities, preferring to join fast-growing emerging industries.   📍For enterprises expanding go global, the primary challenge lies in swiftly reaching and attracting go-global talents, especially STEM master's and doctoral degree holders as well as interdisciplinary talents with an international perspective.   📱 Live Streaming for Job Opportunities: Precisely Connecting Industry Talents: In October, LinkedIn is launching a new approach to job hunting—Live Streaming for Job Opportunities. By leveraging online live broadcasts, this format transcends spatial and temporal barriers, connecting enterprises with talents in the most Z-generation-friendly social manner.     作为中国企业出海的得力伙伴,领英在今年8 月 9 日及 12 日的秋招节中,通过多种形式打通人才与企业间壁垒,帮助更多中国企业全球引才。   🌎 领英回[in]公益讲堂,荟集全球顶尖人才:领英面向顶尖学子开展公益活动,旨在搭建企业与学生之间的沟通桥梁。作为招聘方,来自宁德时代、美的、OPPO、阿里云、小红书、华友钴业、滴滴、深势科技、PhotoGrid、海尔、小米、佛山仙湖实验室、携程、长鑫存储等一流新能源、互联网、智能制造等行业的人力资源代表也出席了招聘活动。 💎 在北京和上海的两场公益讲堂中,共有来自全球 QS 前 50 名大学的近 200 名数学、计算机、化学、材料学等理工科专业的顶尖学子,以及在中国学习的优秀外国学生参加。 👨🎓 理工类人才需求旺盛,留学生求职注重个人发展:留学生回国发展的意愿显著增加,在求职时更注重个人成长和职业发展机会,倾向于加入快速发展的新兴行业。 📍出海企业面临的主要挑战是难以快速触达和吸引海外人才,更加青睐理工类硕博人才和具备国际视野的复合型人才。 📱 直播带岗,精准链接行业英才:领英将于 10 月开展求职新玩法-直播带岗,通过线上直播的方式,跨越时空障碍,以最符合 Z 世代社交习惯的方式,链接企业与人才。   🔥 领英 2025 全球秋招节正在火热进行中,除上述活动外,还有多场活动即将启动,阅读原文即刻报名参与,解锁 2024 全球校招解决方案,了解更多顶尖人才招聘详情!👇 #领英回in公益讲堂 #留学生 #PhDTalent #EmployerBrand #LinkedInCampusRecruitment #LinkedInTalentSolutions #GoGlobal #GenZ #STEMCareers #GlobalTalent https://lnkd.in/gKjQQh8i

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