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GSTC(全球永續旅遊委員會)是獨立非政府組織(NGO),成員多元,包含各國政府機構、指標性旅遊公司、飯店、旅行社、NGO等等,致力實踐永續旅遊準則,為國際上被廣受認可的永續旅遊驗證之一。 💡 了解更多GSTC驗證,跟必維攜手打造永續的台灣 https://lnkd.in/geA_WaWa


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Sustainable tourism represents a fundamental shift in how we explore the world. It involves minimizing economic, social, and environmental impacts while fostering local opportunities and protecting our natural heritage. Bureau Veritas is aligned with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) standards, taking a leading role in promoting sustainable tourism practices. Our extensive network of experienced auditors enables us to support the tourism industry in achieving its sustainability goals and contributing to positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes. Bureau Veritas Middle East #ShapingaWorldofTrust #SustainableTourism
