Welcome to the product roadmap
This roadmap shows the direction we want to go, and previews some features we’re working on to improve your experience. Many are prioritized directly from customer ideas.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) cloud
Require users to submit two or more forms of identity verification before accessing your CircleCI organization.
SSH user key mgmt cloud
Improve SSH user key management for GitLab.
Single Sign On for GitHub OAuth and Bitbucket Cloud orgs cloud
Use an identity provider like Okta, Ping Identity, or Entra ID to authenticate users to your CircleCI organization.
General Orchestration for Runner cloud
Orchestration agent running in Kubernetes that increases the performance and scale of runners.
Usage spend calculator cloud
Will help customers estimate a dollar amount range for expected costs using business growth percentages, org-size increases, and historical billing data. This tool will allow customers to plan for future growth and see how it affects costs.
First-class install experience for customers with private data centers server
Runner will be the preferred choice for executing jobs. VM-service and Nomad clients will become optional elements of the installation process, making it easier for customers to follow only the steps needed.
User Management 2.0 cloud
Manage CircleCI org membership, user roles, and group permissions independently of the user's profile in GitHub or Bitbucket.
Trigger a pipeline when another one finishes cloud
Orchestrate work across multiple pipelines.
Trigger pipelines from additional git events cloud
Configure your pipeline to run when a pull request is opened, when a pull request comment is added with a specific string, and more.
Caching improvements cloud
Introduce improved visibility and granular controls for cache creation, retention, and restoration.
Runner On-Prem Storage Option cloud
Customer have the option to specify their own storage for workspaces, caches, and build artifacts. By supporting customer storage, data remains behind the customers firewall and closer to runner execution environment. Lowering costs and improving performance.
Smart cost forecasting cloud
A predictability analysis in our system leveraging AI to predict growth patterns based on historical system usage.
Smart releases cloud
Leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically roll back and fix failed releases to provide advanced confidence on application behavior and business impact for every release regardless of the level of manual monitoring.
Scoped API token cloud
Limit access to API tokens.
Job-based API keys cloud
Each CircleCI job will generate an API key that is valid for the lifecycle of a job. Allows customers to access CircleCI APIs within the context of a job.
Error summarization cloud
Upon encountering a failed step, users can solicit guidance at the press of a button. This leveraging the power of Generative AI to take the burden of investingating error message for failed builds.
Single sign on cloud
Delegate user authentication to your identity provider of choice, eg: Okta, Ping Identity, or Entra ID. Available for Scale plan customers with CircleCI cloud organizations connected to GitHub App, Gitlab, or Bitbucket Data Center.
Reliability investments cloud
Multiple teams are working to drive reliability improvements across our system and platform, to ensure a seamless customer experience.
Release Markers cloud
Will automatically detect release activity in pipelines and generate release markers in the Releases UI. This allows users to see all their releases in one place, rather than searching through their pipelines. Users will also be able to configure their own release markers and display planned releases in the Releases UI, without requiring the installation of the Release Agent.
M2 Pro Resource Class cloud
Run jobs on the most performant mac resources available. Available on Performance and Scale plans starting October 1, 2024.
User groups cloud
Introduce user group management within CircleCI.
Runner Spot Instance Support cloud
Runner customers can easily recover from lost instances by running fault tolerant workloads.
Release orchestration support cloud
Provides first-class experience for release orchestration strategies, including monitoring, progressive deployments, automatic rollbacks, continuous validation, and integration with popular Kubernetes controllers.
One-click pipeline optimizations cloud
Pull requests with config.yml suggestions to save time & money. Leveraging the potential of AI to automate smart recommendations.
Simplify project creation for GitHub App cloud
To streamline project creation for new GitHub App projects, our Continuous Intelligence platform will auto-generate a custom configuration file based on the programming languages and frameworks detected in the repository thanks to the power of Artificial Intelligence.
OpenID Connect Custom AUD claims cloud
Users can specify custom audience claims to support granular controls with third parties like Sigstor.
OIDC Support for Server 4.4+ server
OpenID Connect tokens are available to customers on Server 4.4+.
Webhooks to start pipelines cloud
Ability to kick off pipelines via webhooks, making it easier to validate change outside your version control system.
VSCode triggers for remote pipelines cloud
Execute a pipeline for non-commited changes from your IDE.