Newsletter 6

Newsletter 6

Welcome to this special newsletter looking back at World Building Congress 2022 in Melbourne. We were so impressed by the RMIT team throughout the build-up, and this continued once we arrived. Such great organisation throughout, we cannot be more grateful to Ron Wakefield, Erin Mellencamp and their colleagues for this success.

I also want to thank and commend the Scientific Committee, most of whom were CIB Co-ordinators, for their work on this Committee, in managing the approval of papers in their streams, and chairing and managing the sessions. We name-check them all in this separate post.

A special thanks to all the attendees. I hope it was a good experience for online attendees, I am only aware of one or two glitches with the tech which seemed to work really well in the sessions I was in. Personally I was always keen to emphasize our online audience and to engage you as much as I could, and if you couldn’t be with us live I trust you could access the recordings in a timely manner after each session. Most of all, I am pleased that so many people who were present in person reported to us or Board members and others that it was such a good experience for you. You joined us in making a commitment to go ahead with a physical event, a brave decision some felt, and surely we were fully rewarded by the richness of discussions throughout the week, formal and informal. Incidentally, you can view all the pictures taken at WBC2022 here.

We still have some matters to resolve from WBC2022, which are likely to take us into August, we apologise for anyone affected, for example 1-2 of the final award winners, but many of the RMIT and CIB teams took well-earned breaks immediately after the Congress and we need their help with these final matters.

Included in these is the small matter of the publication of the formal indexed WBC2022 Proceedings though the IOP. Michael Behm will need to liaise urgently with all of the authors who did not submit their paper in the required format. Please help us help you, otherwise we risk as many as one-third of papers missing out, which would be highly regrettable after its importance was stressed to us by so many. Finally, before long our minds will turn to WBC2025. New CIB President Mark Hastak has taken up the mantle and has announced that Purdue University will host us in Indianapolis and on their campus in the week of May 19-22 2025. His team has a very hard act to follow – thank you RMIT and Melbourne!