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Our team works with public and private sector project sponsors to invest in and develop new infrastructure. We act as a partner to implement new financing and investment strategies to get more projects built sooner.

Our advisory work can involve reviewing government capital plans and turning public infrastructure policies or strategies into defined projects. We help projects move through concept to early-stage feasibility work, commercial structuring, financial analysis and more.

Collaboration in the early stages of a project is important. Public sponsors can advance a proposal to the stage where it is ready for more detailed analysis and potential consideration for investment by the CIB and private and institutional investors. Our team can informally act in an advisory capacity, enter into a formal advisory engagement or memorandum of understanding.

Our advisory expertise raises awareness and shifts perspectives about the potential for private and institutional investment. We are supporting the evolution of development models in Canada.

Advisory Process

Extensive outreach to provincial, territorial, municipal and Indigenous leaders, and federal government officials, is a central part of our Advisory services for public sector project sponsors. We are flexible in our approach and customize our Advisory expertise to each project and public sector sponsor’s priorities. Our process includes three stages:

Reception of idea or proposal following outreach initiative, or inbound proposal from public sponsor or private sector.

Conduct early screening and engage with sponsor to determine if a potential investment is within our mandate, or can be developed to meet our criteria.

Enter advisory engagement or memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the sponsor.

To inquire about our Advisory service or obtain additional information please email to [email protected].