Pierre-Jean Alet

Pierre-Jean Alet

Clean electricity x AI | Research & innovation | Executive MBA

Neuenburg, Schweiz
1446 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


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  • CSEM


    11 Jahre 3 Monate

    • CSEM Grafik

      Group leader - Digital energy solutions


      –Heute 3 Jahre 9 Monate

      Neuchâtel, Switzerland

    • CSEM Grafik

      Senior Expert


      3 Jahre 8 Monate

      Neuchâtel, Switzerland

      • Managing the “Energy systems” research activity. Defining objectives and steering developments under three strategic lines: digital insights, data-driven control and battery management
      • Coaching the team (12+ researchers) and stimulating innovation through e.g., design and prototyping sprints
      • Managing intellectual property of the photovoltaics division: promoting patenting activity, supporting researchers in formulating innovation and performing prior art searches, managing a…

      • Managing the “Energy systems” research activity. Defining objectives and steering developments under three strategic lines: digital insights, data-driven control and battery management
      • Coaching the team (12+ researchers) and stimulating innovation through e.g., design and prototyping sprints
      • Managing intellectual property of the photovoltaics division: promoting patenting activity, supporting researchers in formulating innovation and performing prior art searches, managing a portfolio of 20+ patent families
      • Leading the Swiss demonstrator of DC microgrid based on photovoltaics and battery storage with the DCSMART European collaboration. Co-inventor of a multi-objective control system for microgrids
      • Supervising a PhD candidate on the modelling of PV+storage power plants
      • Initiating, managing and technically contributing to projects on creating value from PV production data for forecasting and maintenance. Set up a proof of concept based on six years of data from 90’000+ inverters

    • CSEM Grafik

      Project Manager


      2 Jahre 7 Monate

      Neuchâtel, Switzerland

      • Built and coordinated a team of three experienced researchers, master students and engineering graduates
      • Set up a power conversion laboratory to characterise micro-inverters and DC/DC converters, and to develop power management systems
      • Acquired and managed projects for a total income of more than 3 M€
      • Quality manager for the photovoltaics division; set up the quality management system and obtained the first certification under ISO 9001

    • CSEM Grafik

      Senior R&D engineer


      1 Jahr 3 Monate

      Neuchâtel, Switzerland

      • Created and developed an R&D activity on PV integration in the power system
      • Set up a battery research centre in collaboration with the Bern University of Applied Sciences
      • Designed and operated instrumented test sites for the evaluation of innovative PV technologies

  • Sharp Laboratories of Europe

    Sharp Laboratories of Europe

    4 Jahre 7 Monate

    • Sharp Laboratories of Europe Grafik

      Senior researcher

      Sharp Laboratories of Europe

      2 Jahre 9 Monate

      Oxford, United Kingdom

      • Investigated drivers and opportunities in energy management, smart grid and electricity markets, leading to the creation of an Energy systems R&D team in Europe and to new business development in the UK and Japan
      • Coordinated the experimental evaluation of new passivation and metallisation technologies for crystalline silicon solar cells
      • Initiated a device modelling project on silicon heterojunctions to complement experimental activities in Japan (latest cell efficiency:…

      • Investigated drivers and opportunities in energy management, smart grid and electricity markets, leading to the creation of an Energy systems R&D team in Europe and to new business development in the UK and Japan
      • Coordinated the experimental evaluation of new passivation and metallisation technologies for crystalline silicon solar cells
      • Initiated a device modelling project on silicon heterojunctions to complement experimental activities in Japan (latest cell efficiency: 25.1%)
      • Developed global technology investigation and strategy activities in co-operation with planning, sales, engineering and manufacturing units
      • Obtained repeated funding of the activity from Sharp’s solar business unit

    • Sharp Laboratories of Europe Grafik

      Research scientist

      Sharp Laboratories of Europe

      1 Jahr 10 Monate

      Oxford, United Kingdom

      Within the Solar Technology group, in charge of technology scouting. Provided technical expertise and investigated technology and market developments to support internal research. Initiated research projects. Facilitated contact between Sharp and relevant organisations in Europe. Provided analyses and updates to business groups in Japan, production groups in the UK, and corporate R&D.

  • CEA


    8 Monaten

    • CEA Grafik

      PhD Candidate


      3 Jahre 1 Monat

      Paris Area, France

      • Conducted pioneering, exploratory experimental research on hybrid solar cells based on organic semiconductors and nano-structured silicon
      • Set up experimental tools and processes to grow and characterise materials and processes in a joint project between CEA Saclay, LPICM (École Polytechnique/CNRS) and CEA LITEN (INES)
      • Developed processes for the growth of various nano-structured silicon thin films by thermal and plasma-enhanced CVD
      • Supervised a first-year master student for a…

      • Conducted pioneering, exploratory experimental research on hybrid solar cells based on organic semiconductors and nano-structured silicon
      • Set up experimental tools and processes to grow and characterise materials and processes in a joint project between CEA Saclay, LPICM (École Polytechnique/CNRS) and CEA LITEN (INES)
      • Developed processes for the growth of various nano-structured silicon thin films by thermal and plasma-enhanced CVD
      • Supervised a first-year master student for a six-month internship. Taught a practical course on thin film photovoltaics at master level.
      • Published nine papers in international, peer-reviewed journals, presented four communications at international conferences
      • Obtained one patent (lead inventor) for a one-step process to generate metal catalyst droplets on TCO and grow silicon nanowires by PECVD

    • CEA Grafik

      Research intern


      6 Monaten

      Paris Area, France

      Worked in the Laboratory of Thermal Studies on Reactors as part of an international project involving three other partners. Developed an analysis method for thermohydraulics experiments designed to determine heat transfer coefficients in the core of nuclear reactors as functions of the position and working conditions. Specified, coded (in C and Python) and documented a piece of software to implement the method for use by all partners in the project.


  • Universität Zürich | University of Zurich Grafik

    University of Zurich

    Executive MBA Business Administration and Management, General


    The Executive MBA programmes of the University of Zurich offer senior leaders a general management training in 15 months. The Executive MBA in General Management with a focus on Digital Transformation consists of 6-day modules every 4 weeks in Zurich, learning expeditions in the USA and Finland, and an ambitious thesis project.

  • École Polytechnique Grafik

    École Polytechnique

    PhD Physics

    Advisor: Dr. Pere Roca i Cabarrocas. Additional courses on business management and organization. Attended European summer schools on nanoscience and nanotechnology (Grenoble, France, 2006) and low temperature plasma physics (Bad Honnef, Germany, 2007).

  • Université Paris-Sud Grafik

    Paris-Sud University (Paris XI)

    Master Physics

  • ENSTA Paris Grafik

    ENSTA Paris

    Master Engineering

    Curriculum includes computer science, electronics, physics, mechanics, applied mathematics and economics; final year major: nuclear engineering.

  • Lycée Fabert, Metz

    CPGE Science

    “Classes préparatoires”, a two-year intensive course in physics, mathematics and computer science to enter top French engineering schools through competitive exams.

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Leader of the Grid Integration working group

    ETIP PV - The European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics

    –Heute 10 Jahre 8 Monate

    Member of the steering committee of ETIP-PV (originally European PV Technology Platform) and its executive committee.
    Leading activities related to grid integration of PV by a working group of experts from the Platform:
    - Quantification, challenges and opportunities of PV integration
    - Roadmapping on PV forecasting and observability
    - Co-organisation of ETIP-PV's annual conference in May 2016: Repowering Europe, Photovoltaics centre-stage in the power system


  • Forecasting and Observability: Critical Technologies for System Operations with High PV Penetration

    Proceedings of the 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

    Forecasting and monitoring technologies for photovoltaics are required on different spatial and temporal scales by multiple actors, from the owners of PV systems to transmission system operators. In this paper the Grid integration working group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform – Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) reviews the different use cases for these technologies, their current status, and the need for future developments. Power system operations require a real-time view of PV…

    Forecasting and monitoring technologies for photovoltaics are required on different spatial and temporal scales by multiple actors, from the owners of PV systems to transmission system operators. In this paper the Grid integration working group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform – Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) reviews the different use cases for these technologies, their current status, and the need for future developments. Power system operations require a real-time view of PV production for managing power reserves and for feeding shortterm forecasts. They also require forecasts on all timescales from the short (for dispatching purposes), where statistical models work best, to the very long (for infrastructure planning), where physics-based models are more accurate. Power system regulations are driving the development of these techniques. This application also provides a good basis for a cost/benefit analysis since the forecasting error can be linked to the prices charged for energy imbalance.

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  • Quantification, challenges and outlook of PV integration in the power system: a review by the European PV Technology Platform

    Proceedings of the 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

    Integration in the power system is becoming a limiting factor to the further development of photovoltaics. Proper quantification is needed to evaluate both issues and solutions; the share of annual electricity demand is widely used but we found that some of the metrics which are related to power rather than energy better reflect the impact on networks. Barriers to wider deployment of PV into power grids can be split between local technical issues (voltage levels, harmonics distortion, reverse…

    Integration in the power system is becoming a limiting factor to the further development of photovoltaics. Proper quantification is needed to evaluate both issues and solutions; the share of annual electricity demand is widely used but we found that some of the metrics which are related to power rather than energy better reflect the impact on networks. Barriers to wider deployment of PV into power grids can be split between local technical issues (voltage levels, harmonics distortion, reverse power flows and transformer loading) and system-wide issues (intermittency, reduction of system resilience). Many of the technical solutions to these issues rely on the inverters as actuators (e.g., for control of active and reactive power) or as interfaces (e.g., for local storage). This role requires further technical standardisation and needs to be taken into account in the planning of power networks. Forecasting, storage, and combination with other renewable sources are interdependent solutions to solve the intermittency issue. Finally, we found that PV is also an opportunity to reduce some investment required to upgrade existing power networks. Through integration with micro-grids and hybrid generators, it can form the basis of novel power systems.

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  • A Strategic Research Agenda for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Technology

    Publications Office of the European Union

    The EU PV TP Strategic Research Agenda presents the view of a group of 29 PV experts (from industry and academia) of the research that should be started now in order to reach a defined set of cost targets by certain dates (2020 and 2030). Recommendations for research topics, often including a quantitative performance target relevant to that topic, are categorised according to the time by when it is likely that the results of the research or demonstration work are widely taken up by industry…

    The EU PV TP Strategic Research Agenda presents the view of a group of 29 PV experts (from industry and academia) of the research that should be started now in order to reach a defined set of cost targets by certain dates (2020 and 2030). Recommendations for research topics, often including a quantitative performance target relevant to that topic, are categorised according to the time by when it is likely that the results of the research or demonstration work are widely taken up by industry.
    The SRA is addressed to the managers and strategists behind public research programmes at EU, national and sub-national level, and to CTOs in industry.

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  • All-in-situ fabrication and characterization of silicon nanowires on TCO/glass substrates for photovoltaic application

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

    Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) provide new opportunities for developing a new generation of thin film Si solar cells with enhanced light trapping and increased overall performance. Here, we report on the fabrication of SiNW-based thin film solar cells directly on top of low cost TCO/glass substrates in an all-in-situ process. The SiNWs are obtained on ITO (or SnO2) substrates via vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism, with the nano-scaled In (or Sn) catalyst droplets prepared by using H2 plasma…

    Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) provide new opportunities for developing a new generation of thin film Si solar cells with enhanced light trapping and increased overall performance. Here, we report on the fabrication of SiNW-based thin film solar cells directly on top of low cost TCO/glass substrates in an all-in-situ process. The SiNWs are obtained on ITO (or SnO2) substrates via vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism, with the nano-scaled In (or Sn) catalyst droplets prepared by using H2 plasma superficial reduction of ITO (or SnO2) in a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD). We demonstrate that the morphology and compositional properties of the SiNWs, as well as the catalyst remnant in the SiNWs, can be effectively controlled by tuning the growth temperature and plasma conditions. The enhanced light trapping and absorption effects have been achieved by growing SiNWs directly on top of the TCO substrates, with the absorption edge downshifting steadily to ∼1.1 eV, indicating that the crystalline core of the SiNWs also participates in the light absorption. According to a real time monitoring using an in-situ MM-16 ellipsometer, the enhanced light trapping/absorbing effects can be attributed to the growth of long, sharp and straight SiNW. Prototype SiNWs-based thin film solar cells are successfully demonstrated.

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  • Low-temperature growth of nano-structured silicon thin films on ITO initiated by metal catalysts

    Thin Solid Films

    Nano-structured silicon thin films have been grown on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) at temperatures lower than 200 °C. Nanometer-scaled aggregates of metal (copper or gold) obtained from evaporated layers were necessary to initiate the nano-structuring growth. Different deposition conditions have been investigated. The highest aspect ratio was obtained with copper and high-pressure plasmas with SiH4 diluted in H2. The metals help dissociating…

    Nano-structured silicon thin films have been grown on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) at temperatures lower than 200 °C. Nanometer-scaled aggregates of metal (copper or gold) obtained from evaporated layers were necessary to initiate the nano-structuring growth. Different deposition conditions have been investigated. The highest aspect ratio was obtained with copper and high-pressure plasmas with SiH4 diluted in H2. The metals help dissociating silane so the deposition starts faster on the aggregates than around them, which leads to nano-structuration. It is likely that the metal remains confined at the interface between ITO and silicon and do not diffuse in the silicon layer.

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  • Plasma-enhanced low temperature growth of silicon nanowires and hierarchical structures by using tin and indium catalysts


    Plasma-enhanced low temperature growth (<300 °C) of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and hierarchical structures via a vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism are investigated. The SiNWs were grown using tin and indium as catalysts prepared by in situ H2 plasma reduction of SnO2 and ITO substrates, respectively. Effective growth of SiNWs at temperatures as low as 240 °C have been achieved, while tin is found to be more ideal than indium in achieving a better size and density control of the SiNWs…

    Plasma-enhanced low temperature growth (<300 °C) of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and hierarchical structures via a vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism are investigated. The SiNWs were grown using tin and indium as catalysts prepared by in situ H2 plasma reduction of SnO2 and ITO substrates, respectively. Effective growth of SiNWs at temperatures as low as 240 °C have been achieved, while tin is found to be more ideal than indium in achieving a better size and density control of the SiNWs. Ultra-thin (4–8 nm) silica nanowires, sprouting from the dendritic nucleation patterns on the catalyst's surface, were also observed to form during the cooling process. A kinetic growth model has been proposed to account for their formation mechanism. This hierarchical structure combines the advantages of the size and position controllability from the catalyst-on-top VLS–SiNWs and the ultra-thin size from the catalyst-on-bottom VLS–ScNWs.

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  • Gallium assisted plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of silicon nanowires


    Silicon nanowires have been grown with gallium as catalyst by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The morphology and crystalline structure has been studied by electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy as a function of growth temperature and catalyst thickness. We observe that the crystalline quality of the wires increases with the temperature at which they have been synthesized. The crystalline growth direction has been found to vary between \langle 111\rangle and \langle 112\rangle…

    Silicon nanowires have been grown with gallium as catalyst by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The morphology and crystalline structure has been studied by electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy as a function of growth temperature and catalyst thickness. We observe that the crystalline quality of the wires increases with the temperature at which they have been synthesized. The crystalline growth direction has been found to vary between \langle 111\rangle and \langle 112\rangle , depending on both the growth temperature and catalyst thickness. Gallium has been found at the end of the nanowires, as expected from the vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism. These results represent good progress towards finding alternative catalysts to gold for the synthesis of nanowires.

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  • An In-Plane Solid-Liquid-Solid Growth Mode for Self-Avoiding Lateral Silicon Nanowires

    Physical Review Letters

    We report an in-plane solid-liquid-solid (IPSLS) mode for obtaining self-avoiding lateral silicon nanowires (SiNW) in a reacting-gas-free annealing process, where the growth of SiNWs is guided by liquid indium drops that transform the surrounding a-Si∶H matrix into crystalline SiNWs. The SiNWs can be ∼mm long, with the smallest diameter down to ∼22  nm. A high growth rate of >102  nm/s and rich evolution dynamics are revealed in a real-time in situ scanning electron microscopy observation. A…

    We report an in-plane solid-liquid-solid (IPSLS) mode for obtaining self-avoiding lateral silicon nanowires (SiNW) in a reacting-gas-free annealing process, where the growth of SiNWs is guided by liquid indium drops that transform the surrounding a-Si∶H matrix into crystalline SiNWs. The SiNWs can be ∼mm long, with the smallest diameter down to ∼22  nm. A high growth rate of >102  nm/s and rich evolution dynamics are revealed in a real-time in situ scanning electron microscopy observation. A qualitative growth model is proposed to account for the major features of this IPSLS SiNW growth mode.

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  • Synthesis, morphology and compositional evolution of silicon nanowires directly grown on SnO2 substrates


    We here propose an all-in situ method for growing vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) silicon nanowires (SiNWs) directly on SnO2 substrates in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system. The tin catalysts are formed by a well-controlled H2 plasma treatment of the SnO2 layer. The lowest temperature for the tin-catalyzed VLS SiNWs growth in a silane plasma is ~250 °C. The effects of substrate temperature and H2 dilution of silane on the morphology and compositional evolution of the SiNWs were…

    We here propose an all-in situ method for growing vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) silicon nanowires (SiNWs) directly on SnO2 substrates in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system. The tin catalysts are formed by a well-controlled H2 plasma treatment of the SnO2 layer. The lowest temperature for the tin-catalyzed VLS SiNWs growth in a silane plasma is ~250 °C. The effects of substrate temperature and H2 dilution of silane on the morphology and compositional evolution of the SiNWs were systematically investigated. The catalyst content in the SiNWs can be effectively controlled by the deposition temperature. Moreover, enhanced absorption (down to ~1.1 eV) is achieved due to the strong light trapping and anti-reflection effects in the straight and long tapered SiNWs.

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  • In-situ generation of indium catalyst to grow crystalline silicon nanowires at low temperature on ITO

    Journal of Materials Chemistry

    In situ generation of indium catalyst droplets and subsequent growth of crystalline silicon nanowires on ITO by plasma-enhanced CVD are reported, and the wurtzite (Si–IV) phase is clearly evidenced in some wires.

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  • Transition from thin gold layers to nano-islands on TCO for catalyzing the growth of one-dimensional nanostructures

    Physica Status Solidi (a)

    The formation of gold islands on a transparent conductive oxide by annealing a thin evaporated layer is studied by SEM. The droplets of metal formed this way may catalyze the growth of nanowires or nanotubes to be used in opto-electronic devices. The effect of the initial thickness (between 1 nm and 4 nm) and the annealing temperature (between 70 °C and 650 °C) is investigated. A qualitative description of the evolution is given and quantitative data are obtained by automated image analysis…

    The formation of gold islands on a transparent conductive oxide by annealing a thin evaporated layer is studied by SEM. The droplets of metal formed this way may catalyze the growth of nanowires or nanotubes to be used in opto-electronic devices. The effect of the initial thickness (between 1 nm and 4 nm) and the annealing temperature (between 70 °C and 650 °C) is investigated. A qualitative description of the evolution is given and quantitative data are obtained by automated image analysis. Number density, area and effective diameter of the aggregates depend heavily on the initial thickness but very slightly on the annealing temperature. Three phenomena are considered to explain the evolution: interfacial stress due to mismatch in the linear expansion coefficient, Ostwald ripening and kinetic aggregation. By comparing the experimental size distributions to the theoretical ones, the relevance of the last two is discussed. As an application, the gold catalyzed CVD growth of silicon nanowires on zinc oxide is demonstrated.

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  • Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Thin-Film Silicon and P3HT

    European Physical Journal B - Applied Physics

    Hybrid concepts based on a nanoscale combination of organic and inorganic semiconductors are a promising way to enhance the cost efficiency of solar cells through a better use of the solar spectrum, a higher aspect ratio of the interface, and the good processability of polymers. A new type of solar cells has been investigated. It is based on a heterojunction between regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) as an organic electron donor and silicon as an inorganic electron acceptor. In a first step…

    Hybrid concepts based on a nanoscale combination of organic and inorganic semiconductors are a promising way to enhance the cost efficiency of solar cells through a better use of the solar spectrum, a higher aspect ratio of the interface, and the good processability of polymers. A new type of solar cells has been investigated. It is based on a heterojunction between regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) as an organic electron donor and silicon as an inorganic electron acceptor. In a first step towards nano-structured devices, cells made of flat thin films of these materials have been studied as a model case of the heterojunction. The materials were characterized through ellipsometry and absorption spectroscopy. The devices were studied by means of their spectral response and their I-V characteristics. By combining these results, the contribution of each layer and the mechanisms of photocurrent generation are explained. The best cells to-date show a power conversion efficiency of 1.6% under AM 1.5 illumination, with a V oc of 0.704 V and a J sc of 4.22 mA/cm2.

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  • Procédé de production de nanostructures sur un substrat d'oxyde métallique, procédé de dépôt de couches minces sur un tel substrat, et un dispositif formé de couches minces

    Ausgestellt am FR 2928939

    A method for producing nanostructures (1) on a metal oxide substrate (2) includes the following steps: a) forming metal aggregates (3) on the metal oxide substrate (2); and b) vapor phase growing nanostructures (1) on the metal oxide substrate (2) covered with metal aggregates, the substrate being heated in the presence of one or more precursor gases, and the vapor phase growth of nanostructures (1) being catalyzed by the metal aggregates (3). The metal aggregate formation stage a) includes an…

    A method for producing nanostructures (1) on a metal oxide substrate (2) includes the following steps: a) forming metal aggregates (3) on the metal oxide substrate (2); and b) vapor phase growing nanostructures (1) on the metal oxide substrate (2) covered with metal aggregates, the substrate being heated in the presence of one or more precursor gases, and the vapor phase growth of nanostructures (1) being catalyzed by the metal aggregates (3). The metal aggregate formation stage a) includes an operation for reducing the surface of the metal oxide substrate by reductive plasma treatment, causing droplets of metal aggregates (3) to form on the substrate (2), the metal aggregate formation stage a) and the nanostructure growth stage b) being carried out in series in a single shared plasma reactor chamber (4), the nanostructure growth being directly carried out on the droplets of metal aggregates (3).

    Andere Erfinder:innen
    • Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
    Patent anzeigen
  • Non-Tracked Low Concentration Solar Concentrator, Solar Concentrator Array and Waveguide Concentrator

    Angemeldet am EU 2348342

    A low concentration solar apparatus for collecting solar radiation and concentrating it to a receiving device (16) such as a photovoltaic cell or thermovoltaic cell, comprising a non-tracked waveguide concentrator (14) with integral light turning element (12). It is thus possible to provide a solar apparatus for generating power in a very cost effective manner compared to conventional solar apparatus such as photovoltaic modules.

    Andere Erfinder:innen
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  • Information design (Central Saint Martins)


  • Innover grâce aux brevets (Innovating with patents)



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    Senior member

  • IEEE Power & Energy Society


  • IEEE Electron Devices Society


  • IEEE


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